Upgrade to c++11 from c++ [closed] - c++

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking for resources on quickly getting a grasp of c++11 features. Searching on Google I did find a number of resources. However, I failed to find a resource which would help a programmer with prior C++ knowledge.
I don't want to start reading hundreds of pages on C++11 features that I already know from C++. The best thing I found was the Wikipedia article on C++11, but still it doesn't have many examples. There are also some good articles explaining a certain feature of C++ (e.g. lambdas). But I couldn't find something that had them all in one place.
Does anyone know any books, links, etc...?

You may start reading here: Elements of Modern C++ Style -- this article from Herb Sutter can be considered as targeted for C++ programmers who start using C++11.
Everything about C++11 at one page is here: C++11 FAQ by Bjarne Stroustrup

I think Bjarne Stroustrup's C++11 FAQ is exactly what you're looking for:

Visit http://isocpp.org/get-started. It has most of the details anyone could give you here.
Of course, Prof. Stroustrup's homepage (http://www.stroustrup.com/C++11FAQ.html) is also one of the best places to find what you are looking for.


Differences between certain standards of C and C++ [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Where can i see all differences between C++11 and C99?
I think that C++98 and C++03 based on C89 / C90. Is there any differences between them? And what about C++11 and C99? Some features from C99 were added to C++11, but others not (like compound literals, VLAs, etc). Can i see complete list of this changes or not?
The C++ standard has Appendix C, which lists differences between C and C++. It was updated for C++11, which does, indeed, incorporate much of C99 by reference. The appendix isn't complete; it hits the major differences.
I think that this interview will be useful for your purpose:
The C Family of Languages: Interview with Dennis Ritchie, Bjarne Stroustrup, and James Gosling
The statement I think that C++98 and C++03 based on C89 / C90. is wrong. Stroustrup created C++ in mid 80's. Since then these 2 lines diverged. They were influencing one another. But not more than that. 2 different teams were developing these 2 standards. There were no obligations between them.

Examples of Design Patterns used in FOSS [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I've read a lot of good things written about design patterns but am yet to actually look at things in detail. To me, design patterns is just a fancy name for data structures and algorithms. Before I invest any time in more reading, I'd like to see some good examples of design patterns working in real life.
What good examples of design patterns can I find in well-known open source projects?
C++ preferred.
Update: I see the close votes and downvotes. These were expected. If there is an alternative post with answers to my question, please lead me to it. At least leave a reason as to why this post doesn't belong here.
It appears you did not invest enough time into design patterns to truly grasp what they are. I encourage you to read more, because design patterns are not a fancy name for data structures and algorithms; there is barely any link between algorithms and design patterns. Design patterns are "recipes" that help you organize classes and their relationships in a way that makes them easier to reuse.
As for examples, no need to look very far: the STL collection iterators are implementations of the iterator pattern.

Need a recommendation for a C++ GUI library [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I want to make remote administration tool. I want to take the first step by implementing the GUI or part of it (since it will be fun while being my first real experience with C++).
I need the following features in the GUI library:-
1) Modern easy-to-work-with paradigm
2) Modern kool features.
3) OS-independent. i.e. works on Mac OSx, Linux Ubuntu, and Win 7. And if could be, Android also.
Sounds to me you're looking for Qt.
Use Qt ... it offers pretty much everything you need.
Although there are already similar answers, it cannot be said often enough: Qt definitely offers everything you're looking for. I highly recommend it!
Have you looked at http://www.wxwidgets.org/ ? I've never used it in C++, but I have used the python bindings for it and found it pretty easy and very powerful. Believe they have a nice demo/sample code application for most of the features in the library too.

Encryption algorithm [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Do you know a good encryption algorithm that isn't too difficult to implement in c++ (but neither too easy)?
Look at this wonderful comics on AES. It explains the cryptographic background of the algorithm and you can practice by writing a high-performance implementation of one in different languages.
I think RSA is good as well as pretty much straightforward to implement. You might want to look into it. Another one I would be suggesting which is also straightforward is DES.
Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA)
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
If you're just looking for something to code up for the learning experience, I've always liked the Advanced Encryption Standard. The actual standard document at NIST provides all the detail you need to write and test your code.
I like RC5 for its simplicity. Much easier to implement than e.g. AES, and while not quite as strong, it is still a good cypher.

Templates - Exercises [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
As I mentioned in my yesterday's post, I'm trying to teach myself templates from the book: Templates: The Complete Guide. And although I'm finding this book very nicely presented and material there is explained really well there are no exercises attached after each chapter to test your knowledge, like it is in The C++ Language by B.S for example and had done all exercises from "The C++" I really feel benefit from doing them. So what I'm asking today is: Does anyone know where can I get exercises with templates.
C++ Template Metaprogramming; Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and beyond - this book really rocks.
Thinking in C++ by Bruce Eckel