AWS DynamoDB Query Call (with no results) Cost - amazon-web-services

I'm currently working out if I will use DynamoDB for some of a Project. I want to know if I execute a query against the Database for a specific Key and it isn't found (eg: see if this UserID is present and get contents if it is) is this Query that returns no results considered a Read and Chargeable?
I expect I will do a certain amount of queries that won't return results (polling for information) and need to factor this in.
Below is from the AWS website:
"Note that the required number of units of Read Capacity is determined by the number of items being read per second, not the number of API calls. For example, if you need to read 500 items per second from your table, and if your items are 1KB or less, then you need 500 units of Read Capacity. It doesn’t matter if you do 500 individual GetItem calls or 50 BatchGetItem calls that each return 10 items."

You can simply check it by calling DynamoDB and looking at ConsumedCapacityUnits in the result.
For example, if you are calling a simple getItem call for an item that exists, you get something like:
Result: {Item: {fans={SS: [Billy Bob, James], }, name={S: Airplane, }, year={N: 1980, }, rating={S: *****, }},
ConsumedCapacityUnits: 0.5, }
However, when you are calling it on an item that doesn't exist, you get:
Result: {ConsumedCapacityUnits: 0.5, }
Therefore, it appears that you are consuming your capacity even if the item is not in the table, as the lookup is running nevertheless

According to this link, there's a difference between Scan and Query operations. A query with no result will not result in any cost.

To provide a more specific answer, the query operation does get billed even if you don't get any results back (the accepted answer covers the getItem operation).
According to the current documentation, all items returned are treated as a single read operation, where DynamoDB computes the total size of all items and then rounds up to the next 4 KB boundary. Therefore, your 0 KB result would be rounded up to 4 KB and be billed as 0.5 or 1 read capacity unit, depending on your billing plan.
Below is a screenshot from my test database.


DynamoDB: When does 1MB limit for queries apply

In the docs for DynamoDB it says:
In a Query operation, DynamoDB retrieves the items in sorted order, and then processes the items using KeyConditionExpression and any FilterExpression that might be present.
A single Query operation can retrieve a maximum of 1 MB of data. This limit applies before any FilterExpression is applied to the results.
Does this mean, that KeyConditionExpression is applied before this 1MB limit?
Indeed, your interpretation is correct. With KeyConditionExpression, DynamoDB can efficiently fetch only the data matching its criteria, and you only pay for this matching data and the 1MB read size applies to the matching data. But with FilterExpression the story is different: DynamoDB has no efficient way of filtering out the non-matching items before actually fetching all of it then filtering out the items you don't want. So you pay for reading the entire unfiltered data (before FilterExpression), and the 1MB maximum also corresponds to the unfiltered data.
If you're still unconvinced that this is the way it should be, here's another issue to consider: Imagine that you have 1 gigabyte of data in your database to be Scan'ed (or in a single key to be Query'ed), and after filtering, the result will be just 1 kilobyte. Were you to make this query and expect to get the 1 kilobyte back, Dynamo would need to read and process the entire 1 gigabyte of data before returning. This could take a very long time, and you would have no idea how much, and will likely timeout while waiting for the result. So instead, Dynamo makes sure to return to you after every 1MB of data it reads from disk (and for which you pay ;-)). Control will return to you 1000 (=1 gigabyte / 1 MB) times during the long query, and you won't have a chance to timeout. Whether a 1MB limit actually makes sense here or it should have been more, I don't know, and maybe we should have had a different limit for the response size and the read amount - but definitely some sort of limit was needed on the read amount, even if it doesn't translate to large responses.
By the way, the Scan documentation includes a slightly differently-worded version of the explanation of the 1MB limit, maybe you will find it clearer than the version in the Query documentation:
A single Scan operation will read up to the maximum number of items set (if using the Limit parameter) or a maximum of 1 MB of data and then apply any filtering to the results using FilterExpression.

DynamoDB: Making range query v/s query each item separately

Lets say, I have several items in the dynamodb with the same partition-key and different sort-keys.
Is there any difference between consumed read capacity units if I query the records using a sort-key constraint in a single go v/s query each item individually? Assume that the number of sort-keys to be fetched at-a-time are around 50. The official-documentation says that
One read capacity unit represents one strongly consistent read per
second, or two eventually consistent reads per second, for an item up
to 4 KB in size.
From this definition, it doesn't seem that there should be a difference since this definition is independent of how we query the database.
Apart from additional network delay, does the second approach have any other downside?
Please note that the costing is based on Read Capacity Units (RCU) and Write Capacity Units (WCU).
RCU formula:-
RCU = read capacity unit per item × number of reads per second
Before going into the below calculation, calculate the item size. You can get the item size from AWS console.
Go to the dynamodb table on AWS console --> Overview tab --> See at the bottom.
Lets talk about RCU. In the above case,
Scenario 1 - Getting all the data in one go using hash key only:-
In this scenario, the number of items read will be high (i.e. 50 items data). Calculate the size and check how many RCU required.
Scenario 2 - Getting the data multiple times using hash key and sort key:-
In this scenario, the API will be called multiple times. So, the number of reads per second will go up. Calculate the number of reads required and check how many RCU required.
Compare the RCU calculated in scenario 1 and 2. Choose the option which has less RCU in order to save cost.

Limiting and Ordering the Scan Result AWS

I am using AWS mobilehub and I create a dynamoDb table(userId, username, usertoplevel, usertopscore).
My Partition key is a string (userId) and I have created one Global Search Index (GSI) in which i make usertoplevel is Partition key and usertopscore as Sort Key. I can successfully query for all items by the following code
final DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression = new DynamoDBScanExpression();
List<UserstopcoreDO> results;
DynamoDBMapper mapper = AWSMobileClient.defaultMobileClient().getDynamoDBMapper();
results = mapper.scan(UserstopcoreDO.class, scanExpression);
for (UserstopcoreDO usertopScore : results) {
Logger.d("SizeOfUserScore : " + usertopScore.getUsertopscore());
Now I have 1500+ records in the table and I want to limit the result to fetch only the top 10 users. I will be thankful if someone help.
In order to achieve this you need to move away from Scan and use Query operation.
The query operation provides you an option to specify if the index should be read forwards or in reverse.
In order to get the top 10 results, you need to limit the results returned to 10. This can be done by setting a limit on your query operation.
Therefore to summarize:
Start using a query operation instead of scan.
Set the scanIndexForward to false to start reading results in descending order.
Set a limit on your query operation to return top 10 results.
This page describes all the things I mentioned in this answer:
The limit can be set in the scan expression. Please read the definition of the LIMIT carefully. It is the limit for the maximum number of items to evaluate. However, you don't need worry if there is no filter expression used in scan.
In case, if you use filter expression, you may need to do recursive scan until LastEvaluatedKey is null.
DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression = new DynamoDBScanExpression().withLimit(10);
The maximum number of items to evaluate (not necessarily the number of
matching items). If DynamoDB processes the number of items up to the
limit while processing the results, it stops the operation and returns
the matching values up to that point, and a key in LastEvaluatedKey to
apply in a subsequent operation, so that you can pick up where you
left off. Also, if the processed data set size exceeds 1 MB before
DynamoDB reaches this limit, it stops the operation and returns the
matching values up to the limit, and a key in LastEvaluatedKey to
apply in a subsequent operation to continue the operation.

What's the difference between BatchGetItem and Query in DynamoDB?

I've been going through AWS DynamoDB docs and, for the life of me, cannot figure out what's the core difference between batchGetItem() and Query(). Both retrieve items based on primary keys from tables and indexes. The only difference is in the size of the items retrieved but that doesn't seem like a ground breaking difference. Both also support conditional updates.
In what cases should I use batchGetItem over Query and vice-versa?
There’s an important distinction that is missing from the other answers:
Query requires a partition key
BatchGetItems requires a primary key
Query is only useful if the items you want to get happen to share a partition (hash) key, and you must provide this value. Furthermore, you have to provide the exact value; you can’t do any partial matching against the partition key. From there you can specify an additional (and potentially partial/conditional) value for the sort key to reduce the amount of data read, and further reduce the output with a FilterExpression. This is great, but it has the big limitation that you can’t get data that lives outside a single partition.
BatchGetItems is the flip side of this. You can get data across many partitions (and even across multiple tables), but you have to know the full and exact primary key: that is, both the partition (hash) key and any sort (range). It’s literally like calling GetItem multiple times in a single operation. You don’t have the partial-searching and filtering options of Query, but you’re not limited to a single partition either.
As per the official documentation:
For BatchGetItem, each item in the batch is read separately, so DynamoDB first rounds up the size of each item to the next 4 KB and then calculates the total size. The result is not necessarily the same as the total size of all the items. For example, if BatchGetItem reads a 1.5 KB item and a 6.5 KB item, DynamoDB will calculate the size as 12 KB (4 KB + 8 KB), not 8 KB (1.5 KB + 6.5 KB).
For Query, all items returned are treated as a single read operation. As a result, DynamoDB computes the total size of all items and then rounds up to the next 4 KB boundary. For example, suppose your query returns 10 items whose combined size is 40.8 KB. DynamoDB rounds the item size for the operation to 44 KB. If a query returns 1500 items of 64 bytes each, the cumulative size is 96 KB.
You should use BatchGetItem if you need to retrieve many items with little HTTP overhead when compared to GetItem.
A BatchGetItem costs the same as calling GetItem for each individual item. However, it can be faster since you are making fewer network requests.
In a nutshell:
BatchGetItem works on tables and uses the hash key to identify the items you want to retrieve. You can get up to 16MB or 100 items in a response
Query works on tables, local secondary indexes and global secondary indexes. You can get at most 1MB of data in a response. The biggest difference is that query support filter expressions, which means that you can request data and DDB will filter it server side for you.
You can probably achieve the same thing if you want using any of these if you really want to, but rule of the thumb is you do a BatchGet when you need to bulk dump stuff from DDB and you query when you need to narrow down what you want to retrieve (and you want dynamo to do the heavy lifting filtering the data for you).
DynamoDB stores values in two kinds of keys: a single key, called a partition key, like "jupiter"; or a compound partition and range key, like "jupiter"/"planetInfo", "jupiter"/"moon001" and "jupiter"/"moon002".
A BatchGet helps you fetch the values for a large number of keys at the same time. This assumes that you know the full key(s) for each item you want to fetch. So you can do a BatchGet("jupiter", "satrun", "neptune") if you have only partition keys, or BatchGet(["jupiter","planetInfo"], ["satrun","planetInfo"], ["neptune", "planetInfo"]) if you're using partition + range keys. Each item is charged independently and the cost is same as individual gets, it's just that the results are batched and the call saves time (not money).
A Query on the other hand, works only inside a partition + range key combo and helps you find items and keys that you don't necessarily know. If you wanted to count Jupiter's moons, you'd do a Query(select(COUNT), partitionKey: "jupiter", rangeKeyCondition: "startsWith:'moon'"). Or if you wanted the fetch moons no. 7 to 15 you'd do Query(select(ALL), partitionKey: "jupiter", rangeKeyCondition: "BETWEEN:'moon007'-'moon015'"). Here you're charged based on the size of the data items read by the query, irrespective of how many there are.
Adding an important difference. Query supports Consistent Reads, while BatchGetITem does not.
BatchGetITem Can use Consistent Reads through TableKeysAndAttributes
Thanks #colmlg for the information.

Dynamo DB provisionedthroughput for paginated query

I have a small doubt regarding the READ capacity unit consumption when i query a dynamo db table with a LIMIT set on it.
Say my query expression could return 100 matching items if i iterate it with LastEvaluatedKey but if the limit is set to 20 and i dont iterate all pages( i want top 20 only) then how much read capacity unit will be consumed ? Is it going to be for 100 items or only for the retrieved 20 items?I have read the documentation but could not find anything clearly mentioning the paginated cases.
Here, throughput is the data sent over the network.
When you specify some limit (20 in your case) then only that number of rows are transfered at that time. And in case of no limit, maximum of 1 MB of data will be send.
Number of read capacity unit consumed on some query depends upon the size of your result.
In case of read operations - 4KB = 1 unit
and for write operations - 2KB = 1 unit.
For example if you query returned 15KB of data then your read units consumed will be - 15/4 = 4 read units.
The Limit parameter will tell DynamoDB how many items to examine. The Read Capacity Units consumed by that query will depend on the size of the items in your table. You will consume the RCU necessary for DynamoDB to look at the first 20 items.
If you are using a filter, you may not receive all 20 of those items. If you have a filter and you need 20 results, you will need to count the number of results and paginate until you have received 20 results. DynamoDB cannot do that counting for you.
Reference: DynamoDB Documentation for Limit