top view drawings in illustrator - drawing

I would like to create a city of top view. For example, something similiar as these images:,1329086967,2/stock-photo-city-top-view-95061103.jpg
I work in adobe Illustrator. Please, how can I do a building of top view? Can I make a building in the perspective view and then rotate to the top view? Or how? Please, if you know about a good tutorial where it is describes, could you send me the link? Thanks.

For the first image, I would go to 3d programs like 3ds Max / sketchup for that effect.
For the second image,
You could use:
- draw some squares
- go to "effect" at the top menu, "3D" - "extrude and bevel"
Hope that helps

Please check that only first image opens.
Its way too easy to do like this. Just hit "M" in illustrator and start making squares and rectangles.


How to move list item given source index and destination index with animation in flutter

I am building a leaderboard screen in the flutter application, whenever the user comes to the leaderboard screen, I want to show the animation of his old position to a new position in the leaderboard, so I need an animation of this row to go up or down based on his standings, please someone help me which widget to use to get this functionality working. Thanks
AnimatedList is the widget you are looking for. It automatically generates entrance and exit animation when items are added/deleted. Combined that with SizeTransition, and you will get a nice "growing/shrinking" effect.
There are some really good examples (and even a video tutorial) on the official docs as well.
You can also look at this answer for a more complex example of using 2 of them.

How can I animate a Marker when I put it on the map?

I would like to add a small animation to my markers when I put them on the map.
Just in the moment when I call:
Marker marker = mMap.addMarker(...);
Something like a small bounce or similar during half second or so.
I don't find the way to get the Marker's view.
If I find the way to get the view, I guess it is easy to apply an animation using View.setAnimation() and res/animator/marker_animation.xml
Any help or suggestions?
There is this good video that shows markers animations:
You can't animate the "Marker View" itself because it not accessible

Add text to a picture using photoshop

I want to know if exist templates to add text on photoshop like in the following pictures:
Could you suggest some pages where I can study and try those effects ?
Step1: Find the fonts. Search on font sites for similiar fonts or try to cut out the font and upload it to or
Step2: just play around with blending options and stuff.
from what I can see it's these settings you want too look at:
"Notche Latina": Gradient overlay, white stroke and black dropshadow.
"photo recoblablabla": inner shadow and might be in overlay-mode or something
"Festival de la bira": once again, white stroke
First make a layer adjust the objcet on layer as per your requirement.
Add some effects from filter gallery if you required (or layer style).
Click on the text toolbar type your text (required text).Then to apply effects
right click on text layer and click on rasterize you can add effects from the filter gallery to the text.(or Layer style eg-inner shadows,bevel and emboss).

How to flip an image in Qt?

I found that video on Youtube. It shows how to flip something called QML Flipable. I'm completely unfamiliar with QML so I have the following questions:
1) Is it possible to flip an ordinary QLabel like this? If yes how do I do that?
2) If it's not possible then how do I add that Flipable entity to my QMainWindow?
Thanks, everyone
You could use the QGraphicsPixmap with your image , set the rotation center with setTransformOriginPoint and animate the transformation matrix with QProertyAnimation
There's no convenient way to do this. Desktop OS's don't provide this functionality.
One option is to use QGraphicsView. You can add widgets to a QGraphicsScene using QGraphicsScene::addWidget(), for example, and then transform the view the way you want.
Quick google search points me to a blog article where author of the video (Kunal Parmar) describing how this particular effect was done.

what's the best way to display images in qt? also I would like to zoom in to particular areas as well

I've been using label to display images. I'd like to be able to click and create a bounding box then be able to drag the cursor to move around in the image. What would I need to do this? Thanks.
I'm not 100% sure I understand what you are trying to do, but I think the QGraphicsScene is what you are looking for. You can (among many other things):
Render images (QGraphicsPixmapItem, for example)
Change the zoom level when rendering the scene on a QGraphicsView.
Select things using a "rubber band"
Move items around with the mouse (see QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable)
You may need to get familiar with Qt's graphics view framework.