its possible to display different categories from another site? - joomla2.5

Im working a newspaper, and I was wondering if its possible to display different categories from another Website, and display in my website. This site created by Joomla 2.5, I Hope someone understands this :)

Since your site is the Joomla one, you could either write a custom extension or more simply use the Jumi extension so you can write PHP code directly in the article or page on which you need to grab the content from the other site.
Then depending on what you know about the other site, there are different approaches. If it offers an API or RSS feed, you can use that to pull the content you need (and use PHP string functions for instance to modify it as you need). If the other site doesn't have an obvious way of offering content through a web service, try PHP curl, and again you can modify the content before displaying it. Check out this page too: How to parse actual HTML from page using CURL?
As Arunu said an iFrame could also work if you don't need to modify the other site's content.

What u wish to do can be accomplished using RSS feed or an i-frame.But from ur question
it's not clear which site is using joomla.


How to turn a Django webpage into a PDF

I would like to add a feature to my Django website where the user can click on a link saying "Save as PDF". I would like this link to 1) produce a slightly different version of the page the user is currently on and 2) generate a PDF file in a separate window that the user can then save to wherever he or she wants.
All of the PDF functions I came across related to Django assumed that you already had a PDF that you wanted to render. In this case though, I want to create a PDF based on the content of the current page. Any idea how to do this? Thank you.
You can try this tool WeasyPrint. You can use it with Django
Any webpage is just a HTML basically so any html to pdf library would work. But this one is specifically built for django. Hope this helps.
Documentation for django-wkhtmltopdf

Possible to use page on external site as content for MailChimp?

We've got a WordPress site and I've built a page that pulls from different sections of our site which I'd like to use as the content for a bi-weekly MailChimp newsletter. Is there anyway to automate pulling in a div on our site into the body of a MailChimp template?
All the tools I've found pull in the page as "an article" and just put an image and headline into the message body, rather than the full page verbatim.
Not adverse to doing some coding, but not sure how to start.
Thanks for any suggestions.
I can think of two different routes you might be able to try. The first is to generate an RSS feed for the content you're talking about and then use an RSS Campaign to send the email. Depending on how you have this data stored on your site, WordPress might already be generating an RSS feed for you for that content.
The second option involves more coding. If you create a template with an editable section you can then pass in the content of that section via the API. This is probably harder, since the campaign content APIs are pretty convoluted in v2.0. v3.0 should make that easier, but it's still in beta.

How Google crawls Angular-based apps with HTML5 urls

I'm building a web application with the following url structure:
/ is the landing page, not angular based
/choose uses Angular, it basically contains search
/fund/<code> also with Angular, contains specific data for a certain fund
There's no problem indexing /, it's just a plain and simple html, already SEO optimized. But I need both /choose and /fund/... being crawled by Google, that's the problem.
My app uses the HTML5 mode, and we never point to the app urls using hashbangs like!/choose, always
Also, according to Google's docs on that matter, I put <meta name="fragment" content="!"> on the head of every Angular page we have. But using "fetch as google" to inspect my site, I can't realise how Google's asking the pages for my server. I'm using Django on the backend and I built a middleware to catch _escaped_fragment_ and act on it, but Google's never sending it.
So, simply put, my questions are:
Why isn't Google fetching my urls using _escaped_fragment_?
How Google will fetch the pages?
According to the google specs, You should use
But As mentioned here, you don't seem to need hashfragment and the equal sign part since your url is already mapped on your Django server side. So, get rid of it and give it a try.
Your final url should look like this:
Hope it helps!

Reload googlemaps after user clicks a link in Django

I am doing a project in Django and i want to have some google maps displayed in my site. So, i installed django-easy-maps and successfully used it in a sample template. So, i am ready with my maps.
The interface i want to implement is this
I want to display the maps where the Hellow World! container is and with different links on the sidebar i want to refresh the map being displayed on user click without reloading the page.
I did some researching and it seems Ajax is the solution...
Can anybody tell me how i might achieve this (with or without Ajax ) ?
Sorry for sounding like a noob but i am fairly new to this.
The basic steps are:
Create a view for the Google Maps section to the right. This view does not return a full HTML page but only the HTML for that section (which contains your Google Maps map).
When the user clicks on a link on the left, use JavaScript to perform an ajax call to request that page. In short this means: attach an event handler to the onclick event of those links and in code you can perform an ajax call .Many people use a JavaScript library for this purpose, such as jQuery (which has $.ajax()).
You can then use JavaScript to put the received HTML inside the container on the right (using $.html()).

coldfusion - file content editing

I've got fw1 using the content of the default.cfm page as the editable content region. While this works fine for static content, I'd like to add the ability to edit the content over with fckeditor or some other in-browser WYSIWYG tool.
Is there any tool you could recommend that would make this easy? I don't want to convert to a CMS like mura, just want to login and the ability to edit the contents of about 5 files, with the possibility of creating a timestamped backup of the file.
We have the concept of a dynamic text area on some pages on applications that don't require a full on cms.
This is with ColdBox, but you should be able to implement something similar in fw1.
We have a helper component with a method that allows us to "render dynamic text" with a specific code eg. "helppagetext" in a zone in the page. We then have a very simple CRUD application using CKEditor that saves text blocks against those codes. The CRUD application is protected by a pre-existing login system.
It is pretty simple to implement something like this, especially if you already have a security and login system in place.
Hope that helps.
ColdFusion 8 and above has a built in WSYIWYG editor. It is a part of <cftextarea