Infragistics UltraDockManager: Resetting Panes back to original locations/dock states - infragistics

We have a requirement to allow the user to customize (position/resize) their panes as they see fit. We also have a requirement that the user be able to reset the panes back to original (First Run) state. I don't see anything in the ultradockmanager that allows you to reset to original state. Any advice?
(Using NetAdvantage 12.2 Win CLR4x)

I don't know for sure if this could help you, but I put here as an answer.
Let me know if this doesn't resolve your problem.
The UltraDockManager has two methods called LoadFromXml and SaveAsXml that save and load the Layout of the control.
You could use SaveAsXml at startup of your form saving somewhere the initial layout, and, when required, call the LoadFromXml to reset the layout at the initial state.
So, for example, to save your layout
string userDataFolder=Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData);
string fileToSave=Path.Combine(userDataFolder, "MyAppDataFolder", "currentLayout.xml");
And for resetting the layout
string userDataFolder=Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData);
string fileToLoad=Path.Combine(userDataFolder, "MyAppDataFolder", "currentLayout.xml");
Of course I suppose you have a folder (MyAppDataFolder) for your application inside the ApplicationData folder where you store application-specific data for the current user.


Finding a wxMenu's Selected Radio Item

Let's say that I have a group of radio items in a wxMenu. I know that exactly one of these will be checked at any given time.
Does the wxMenu or some other construct hold onto the index of the checked item, or do I need to call the isChecked on each radio item till I find the checked element to find it's index?
I've asked this question about how to do that, but I'd much prefer wxWidgets saved me from doing that everywhere.
No, saving the index of the last selected item (as shown in ravenspoint's answer) or using wxMenuBarBase::IsChecked() until you find the selected radio button is the only way to do it.
For wxWidgets to provide access to the currently selected button it would need not only to store it (which means not forgetting to update not only when the selected changes, but also when items are inserted into/deleted from the menu, so it's already not completely trivial), but to somehow provide access to the radio items group you're interested in, which would require being able to identify it and currently there is no way to do it and adding it isn't going to be particularly simple.
What could be done easily, however, is writing a reusable function int GetIndexOfSelectedRadioItem(int firstItem) that would start at the given item and call IsChecked() on subsequent items until it returns true and return the offset of the item. You should be able to do it in your own code, but if you'd like to include such function in wxWidgets itself (as a static wxMenuBar method, probably), please don't hesitate to send patches/pull requests doing it!
It is easy enough to roll your own.
Bind an event handler to wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED for every button. In the handler, extract the ID of the selected radio button and store it somewhere.
Like this:
ResolMenu = new wxMenu();
ResolMenu->AppendRadioItem(idRcvLoRez,"Low Resolution");
ResolMenu->AppendRadioItem(idRcvMeRez,"Medium Resolution");
ResolMenu->AppendRadioItem(idRcvHiRez,"High Resolution");
ResolMenu->Check( idRcvLoRez, true );
void onRcvRez( wxCommandEvent& event )
myRezID = event.GetId();

Reordering MFC control IDs automatically

I've got a pretty old MFC application that's been touched by many people over the years (most of them probably not even CS guys) and it follows, what I like to call the "anarchy design pattern."
Anyway, one of the dialogs has a series of 56 vertical sliders and check boxes. However, there are additional sliders and checkboxes on the dialog as shown below.
Now, the problem is that the additional sliders and checkboxes take on IDs that are in sequence with the slider/checkbox series of the dialog. My task is to add more sliders and checkboxes to the series (in the blank space in the Slider Control group box) Unfortunately, since IDC_SLIDER57 through IDC_SLIDER61 are already in the dialog (same goes for the checkboxes), existing code, such as the snippet below will break:
pVSlider = (CSliderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SLIDER1+i);
Is there a better way to modify the resource file without doing it manually? I've seen a third party tool called ResOrg that looks like it'll help do what I want, but the software is a bit pricey, especially since I'll only use it once. I guess I can give the demo a try, but the limitations might restrict me.
FYI, I'm using Visual C++ 6.0 (yes...I know, don't laugh, it's being forced upon me).
Instead of writing:
pVSlider = (CSliderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SLIDER1+i);
you could write:
pVSlider = (CSliderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(GetSliderID(i));
where GetSlider is a function that returns the id of slider number i.
GetSlider function
int GetSliderID(int nslider)
static int sliderids[] = {IDC_SLIDER1, IDC_SLIDER2, IDC_SLIDER3, .... IDC_SLIDERn};
ASSERT(nslider < _countof(sliderids));
return sliderids[nslider];
With this method the IDC_SLIDERn symbols dont need to have sequential values.

What signal should I capture to grab the text of Gtk::Entry before it is changed?

I am writing an application using gtkmm 3 (running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) and working right now with the Gtk::Entry control.
I cannot find the correct signal to capture so that I can grab the Gtk::Entry buffer text before it is changed, and persist it to maintain a record of changes. I know that in some other tool-kits, there is a hook provided that facilitates such. (I believe using a "shadow buffer".)
What signal do I have to grab to do this? What is the slot's signature for this signal? Is this functionality supported at all?
Since you are changing the behaviour, it's better to inherit from Gtk::Entry:
class ValidatedEntry : public Gtk::Entry {
Glib::ustring last_valid;
virtual void on_changed()
Glib::ustring text = get_text();
if (... validation here ...)
set_text(last_valid); // WARNING: will call this on_changed() again
last_valid = text;
Gtk::Entry::on_changed(); // propagate down
This goes against usability, that's why it's not a built-in behaviour. Users won't like the text reverting back just because they miss-typed something; they might hit backspace before they realize the entry threw the wrong character away.
You should at least wait until the user presses the Enter key (i.e. signal_activate or override on_activate()), or do something less drastic, like showing a warning icon.
You could give a try to GObject's "notify" signal. It is used in conjunction with the property to spy. Connecting to "notify::text" will call your callback for each modification of the "text" property, but the first change may be the setter that will set the initial value, that you could then store. Worth a try.
Otherwise, you could try to store it on the first triggering of the "insert-text" or "delete-text" signals. Please give use some feedback if that seems to work.
I also agree with DanielKO: on an usability point of view, modifying user input is just annoying and bad practice. Better to tell her which field is wrong, put the focus there, and/or have a button to reset to defaults, but not enforce any change on user input.

BB Cascades, Passing data from C to Page1.qml and also to Page2.qml

I know this could be a really small thing i am missing here, but I have spent some good amout our hours trying to figure this out. I am from an Objective-C background and what I am trying to do is this:
I have a main.qml which is a navigationPane and it has 2 other external pages added to it as attached object. The two pages have grid list views. Now, There is a MyApp.cpp file that loads a Json file and populates the result in the main.qml file. I only display the relevalt items on this page at first. When the user taps on any item, I want to take them to page2.qml which has a grid list view as I mentioned above and populate it with dataModel passed from main.qml (which has all the data from MyApp.cpp). This has give me no joy at all! I need help. What can I do to make this work? Please I need help on this one...
I'm not sure if this is best practice or not, but the easiest method I found was to use the Qt global object.
Basically assign either your data or an object to the Qt object and then you can access it from any other page.
In main.qml in onCreationCompleted or whatever function you receive your data in:
function getData(data) {
Qt.myVariable = data;
Then in your other page(s) you can access it. E.g. in Page2.qml:
Page {
onCreationComplete: {
myLabel.text = Qt.myVariable;
As I mentioned, this works for objects as well, so you can assign a navigation pane, a sheet, a page, etc. So things like "Qt.myNavPane.push(page)" becomes possible.
I encountered issues where I needed to use Qt for various purposes. Signals and slots are better practice I think, but are not always practical.

Qt User customizable hotkeys

I'm trying to design a Qt GUI application with user customize-able hotkeys. The main issue I'm running into is how to synchronize the hotkeys across the application since a particular hotkey (for example, copy) may be used by multiple widgets/components.
My current strategy is to use a reference class which holds a list of QKeySequence objects for each different hotkey. Each widget would have to have a way to reference this master list and have custom implementations of low-level the keyPressEvent which would compare inputted keys vs. the hotkeys. I don't particularly like this strategy, though, as it requires significant re-implimentation in each widget and feels like I'm trying to re-invent the wheel.
I also tried using QAction objects which can hold QKeySequence shortcuts internally, then use these to trigger higher-level events which I can handle using slots & signals. However, the main issue I have here is how to manage which slots signals get routed to.
For example, say I have 2 open widgets which can both receive a copy action signal. I can connect a slot for both of these to the same signal and take advantage of the single update point for shortcuts, but then things get messy since only the active widget should act on the copy signal, not both widgets. I can re-implement the focusOutEvent and focusInEvent handlers to connect/disconnect slots manually, but this also seems to run into the same issue above where I'm trying to re-invent the wheel and doing more work than is necessary.
Is there an easier way around this problem?
I don't think there is a particularly easy/non-tedious solution to this problem, but when I needed to add user-customizable hotkeys to my application, here is how I did it:
1) Start with your application that has hard-coded key shortcuts, e.g. code like this:
QMenu * editMenu = new QMenu;
QAction * copyItem = menu->addAction(tr("Copy"), this, SLOT(CopyData()));
2) Create a GetKeySequence() function that looks something like this:
static QHash<QString, QKeySequence> _usersKeyPreferences;
static bool _usersKeyPreferencesLoaded = false;
QKeySequence GetKeySequence(const QString & keySequence, const QString & contextStr)
if (_usersKeyPreferencesLoaded == false)
// Oops, time to load in the user's saved custom-key settings from a file somewhere
_usersKeyPreferences = LoadUsersKeyPreferencesFromFile();
_usersKeyPreferencesLoaded = true; // so we'll only try to load the file once
if (_usersKeyPreferences.contains(contextStr))
return _usersKeyPreferences[contextStr];
// No user preference specified? Okay, fall back to using the
// hard-coded default key sequence instead.
return QKeySequence(qApp->translate(contextStr, keySequence));
3) Now the tedious part: grovel over all of your code, and anywhere you've specified a key-sequence explicitly (like in the third line of the code shown for step 1), wrap it with a call to GetKeySequence(), like this:
copyItem->setShortcut(GetKeySequence(tr("Ctrl+C"), tr("Edit_Menu|Copy")));
4) At this point, your program's key-sequences will be customizable; just make sure that the key-settings-file is present on disk before GUI-creation code runs. Here's an excerpt from my program's key-mappings file (which I store as a simple ASCII text file):
Edit_Menu|Copy = Ctrl+C
Edit_Menu|Cut = Ctrl+X
Edit_Menu|Paste = Ctrl+V
[... and so on for all other menu items, etc...]
... of course one downside to this approach is that once the GUI is created, the key-bindings can't be modified "on the fly" (at least, not without a lot of additional coding). My program gets around this simply by closing and then re-creating all windows after the user clicks "Save and Apply" in the Edit Key Bindings dialog.
5) An optional further step (which is some extra work up front but saves time in the long run) is to write a program (or script) that greps all the .cpp files in your program's codebase looking for calls GetKeySequence() in the code. When it finds a GetKeySequence() call, it parses out the two arguments to the call and prints them as a line in a key-bindings file with the default settings. This is useful because you can make this script part of your autobuild, and thereafter you'll never have to remember to manually update the default key-settings-file whenever you add a new menu item (or other key-sequence specifier) to your program.
This worked well for me, anyway. The advantage is that you don't have to refactor your existing program at all; you can just go through it inserting GetKeySequence() as necessary while leaving the larger logic/structure of the program intact.