MAMP - WSO2 DSS - Error establishing data source connection: Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to the server - wso2

I'm running MAMP and WSO2 Carbon data service at the same time. What I'm trying to do is adding a new data source by connecting to mysql server. I have added the com.mysql.jdbc.Driver to lib folder.
Full error which I'm getting when trying to test the connection
Error establishing data source connection: Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.

In my case simply putting useSSL=false on end of connection string did the magic

This seems to be a problem with mysql server configuration. Please have a look at following threads.
Solving a "communications link failure" with JDBC and MySQL
Why I get this error 'Communications link failure The last packet sent...' when connecting to MySQL with Java (Netbeans)?
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException:Communications link failure

I tried this and it's working by my side:


AzerothCore Unable to connect to server, probably WorldSocket Malformed request sent by client

I am using AzerothCore locally and when I try to log in - I am stuck at "Authenticating".
Previously on login attempt - a error occured, WorldSocket Malformed request sent by client, But after opening the ports for both inbound and outbound connections - it dissapeared.
Therefore, no error message, just stuck at "Authenticating".
Client version: 3.3.5 (13240) (Release)
Jan 24 2010
The realmList is changed to But I am not sure if it is correct, since once I had issues accessing localhost on another application and had to use the router's IP (
WorldSocket Malformed request sent by client
WorldSocket::ReadHeaderHandler(): client sent malformed packet (size: 1234, cmd: 3333333)
means some machine anywhere on the planet sent a random portscan to your IP.
Not related to your actual problem.
You should try and set the realmlist to the LAN IP of the machine running the server and do the same in the realmlist table.
Also make sure all ports are properly forwarded to your server. (8085 und 3724 by default).
If both, client and server are running on the same machine, you can use Not otherwise.
On the client, use set realmlist
Without the port

Google big query data server connection with cognos Analytics 1116

I am trying to create google big query data server connection with cognos analytics on cognos portal but i am getting below error . I have followed all steps . Placed json in the driver folder inside cognos install directory along with all the simba jdbc driver but not sure where i am missing .I have installed simba odbc drivers as well , system dsn is also showing simba driver but still getting connection refused. My cognos setup is installed on windows server 2019 data center which is Virtual Machine hosted on GCP and port 80,443 traffic is also enabled.
XQE-DS-0006 Unable to logon to the data source.
[Simba]JDBC Connection Refused: [Simba]JDBC Required Connection Key(s): OAuthServiceAcctEmail; [Simba]JDBC Optional Connection Key(s): AdditionalProjects, AllowLargeResults, DefaultDataset, EnableHighThroughPutAPI, FetchThreadsPerResultSet, ForceHTAPI, HighThroughPutMinTableSize, IgnoreTransactions, KMSKeyName, Language, LargeResultDataset, LargeResultsDatasetExpirationTime, LargeResultTable, MaxResults, OAuthAccessToken, OAuthClientId, OAuthClientSecret, OAuthRefreshToken, ProxyHost, RequestGoogleDriveScope, StringColumnLength, Timeout, TimestampFallback, useQueryCache
Please see the following document which goes through the connection step by step.
Google big query data server connection with cognos Analytics 1116
Its most likely the JSON file is not in the JDBC connection URL.

Cosmos SDK remote connection refused

I am new to Cosmos SDK and I just forked the official Cosmos SDK nameservice tutorial. It works well on my local machine so I just deployed it to cloud server and I want to access it thru nscli from my local machine.
First I configured nscli to set the node to remote server address on my local machine
nscli config node tcp://{{my remote server ip here}}:26657
Then I tried to run the following query
nscli query account $(nscli keys show jack -a)
Finally I got some error like ERROR: ABCIQuery: Post failed: Post "{{my remote server ip}}:26657": dial tcp : connect: connection refused
I am curios since I don't think there is any network related problem in my case. Did I mis-configured something?
Thank you very much!
My config file is configured to listen on, which should be set to instead. So the connection succeeded if I start the daemon node like tendermint node --rpc.laddr=tcp://

Firebird remote connection failure

I have a C++ application that used to read the data from the Firebird SQL server.
when I changed port from 3050 to 3053 it shows error like
DB Error : 0 : Unable to complete network request to host "".
Failed to establish a connection.
unknown Win32 error 10060
Invalid connection string attribute
conf file is changed like
# Type: string, integer
RemoteServiceName = gds_db
RemoteServicePort = 3053
Fb connection string is
Driver=Firebird/InterBase(r) driver;DBNAME=;PORT=3053;UID=SYSDBA;PWD=********
Is there any modification is required to solve this? Application can read the data if the port is 3050.
The problem is with your connection string:
You need to
Remove PORT=3053 from the connection string (this causes the "Invalid connection string attribute" message)
Modify DBNAME= to DBNAME= (to specify the right port)
You might also want to comment out (or remove) the line RemoteServiceName = gds_db, because you are now instructing Firebird to listen on gds_db (== port 3050), and not on port 3053. I believe it usually listens on the last one configured in the config file, but I'm not sure that is always the case.
Is your firewall configuration correct for port 3053? Another service may runs on this special port.
You could do the following steps.
Try to run the application on the database server, please change the IP to or localhost.
If step (1) works: check out the firewall
If step (1) doesn't work: maybe try another port, check whether Firebird is running

Error connecting to Icecast

I have setup Icecast server on Ubuntu 14.04. I am using ezstream source client to send to the Icecast server. Everything seems to work for a while. After I load many streams, Icecast seems to hang and does not accept the new request.
Log for Icecast:
[2014-08-20 05:07:24] EROR connection/_handle_connection Wrong request type from client
[2014-08-20 05:07:24] INFO source/source_main listener count on /streaming/76cafede98c3aa484821fe707f3a919f now 0
Occasionally, log reports this error as well:
WARN source/get_next_buffer Disconnecting source due to socket timeout
It seems that you are overloading your network?
WARN source/get_next_buffer Disconnecting source due to socket timeout
The above error usually happens when the source client fails to send data fast enough to the Icecast server.