C++ Error "expected initialiser before '[macroname]'" - c++

I'm trying to make a program run with the eclipse IDE but I get the above mentioned error.
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" {
tCRU_BUF_CHAIN_HEADER *CRU_BUF_Allocate_MsgBufChain ARG_LIST((UINT4 u4Size,UINT4 u4ValidOffsetValue));
[some more macros where this error comes]
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
is one of the errors, there comes the error:
"expected initialiser before 'ARG_LIST'"
To be accurate, there are 18 macros of the same type that give this error, in the moment i delete the "ARG_LIST" the error goes away, but because this isn't code that I created I don't want to delete this part.
I tried to find a solution in the net but couldn't find something and now I'm hoping someone here can help me.
If you need some more information I try to answer it as fast as possible.

I think you can safely delete the ARG_LIST part. Macros like ARG_LIST were used in old (1970s) versions of C++ where functions/methods didn't specify the parameters they took. For example, you declared a function like this:
tCRU_BUF_CHAIN_HEADER *CRU_BUF_Allocate_MsgBufChain();
And you could call it with any number of arguments.
Then, when full function signatures were added to the language, programmers defined macros to take advantage of type checking in compilers that supported it, but still make the code compatible with compilers that didn't support it:
#define ARG_LIST(list) list
#define ARG_LIST(list) ()
Nowadays all compilers support full signatures, so there's no point to use such macros.


Arduino - How to write Macro that define used pins by name and number and throw compiler error if pin is used elsewhere

I have been playing with this for the last 2 hours now. It should be simple but it does not work. I am not really familiar with macros and I never used them really because of their known instability. But in this case... I don't see any other better way to not use any chip memory.
What I want is not to use memory on chip for this so I choose precompiler directives, especially macros. The macro just have to define stuff, not return anything. I want that macro to be equivalent to this code :
#define PIN3 = 13;
#define PINLED = 13;
And it should be called like that :
So that way I can reference PINLED in my code and get a compiler error if any other library or code I use happens to use PIN13 when I put the P(13,LED) in the top of all the files that uses this pin in my project. I want something that names all pins the same way.
I want the 2 constants/defines to be "defined" so PIN13 cause a compiler error, but PINLED might be named different in many projects
I have tried this :
#define P(no_,name_) \
if (true) { \
PIN##name_ = no_; \
PIN##no_ = no_; \
else true
This works but does only 1 define instead of 2 :
#define P(no_,name_) PIN##name_ = no_
This was suggested by many as the correct syntax. I also tried with the do... while(0) syntax and other tricks so I can use the macro as a function with a ; after it but is does not work and always throws some error.
I am using the Ino project to build because I cannot live with the arduino IDE which is pure crap compared to other IDEs.
Sorry, but your question is hardly understandable. You say you want to check whether a pin has already been used in another part of the project, and in the same time you're showing code for defining macros in macros.
But that's where it hurts, like #graben showed, it's simply not possible to achieve in C. First of all both of your syntaxes are wrong:
#define P(no_,name_) PIN##name_ = no_
you're not creating a macro name PINLED to which you assign 13, but you're assigning to the C variable PINLED the value 13. To make your PIN definition macro work, you'll need to use const int variables, which usually are easily optimized by the compiler.
Now, to get to the goal you say you want to achieve, I think it's very unlikely you can do it in macro processor code, at least in an elegant way...
And I don't think that's even necessary!
If you design well your libraries, you should not be using the pin number throughout your code and libraries, but design them so you define pins for each library at the library initialization stage. That's why usually Arduino libraries work in three steps:
allocate the memory (which is done by calling the constructor, which is often made in the included header file as a global object) ;
configure the instance (which is done with the .begin() method)
use the instance
so basically, if you have all your pins defined in the same file, you should not run into pin reuse elsewhere in your code.

increase c++ code verbosity with macros

I'd like to have the possibility to increase the verbosity for debug purposes of my program. Of course I can do that using a switch/flag during runtime. But that can be very inefficient, due to all the 'if' statements I should add to my code.
So, I'd like to add a flag to be used during compilation in order to include optional, usually slow debug operations in my code, without affecting the performance/size of my program when not needed. here's an example:
/* code */
#ifdef _DEBUG_
/* do debug operations here
so, compiling with -D_DEBUG_ should do the trick. without it, that part won't be included in my program.
Another option (at least for i/o operations) would be to define at least an i/o function, like
#ifdef _DEBUG_
#define LOG(x) std::clog << x << std::endl;
#define LOG(x)
However, I strongly suspect this probably isn't the cleanest way to do that. So, what would you do instead?
I prefer to use #ifdef with real functions so that the function has an empty body if _DEBUG_ is not defined:
void log(std::string x)
#ifdef _DEBUG_
std::cout << x << std::endl;
There are three big reasons for this preference:
When _DEBUG_ is not defined, the function definition is empty and any modern compiler will completely optimize out any call to that function (the definition should be visible inside that translation unit, of course).
The #ifdef guard only has to be applied to a small localized area of code, rather than every time you call log.
You do not need to use lots of macros, avoiding pollution of your code.
You can use macros to change implementation of the function (Like in sftrabbit's solution). That way, no empty places will be left in your code, and the compiler will optimize the "empty" calls away.
You can also use two distinct files for the debug and release implementation, and let your IDE/build script choose the appropriate one; this involves no #defines at all. Just remember the DRY rule and make the clean code reusable in debug scenario.
I would say that his actually is very dependent on the actual problem you are facing. Some problems will benefit more of the second solution, whilst the simple code might be better with simple defines.
Both snippets that you describe are correct ways of using conditional compilation to enable or disable the debugging through a compile-time switch. However, your assertion that checking the debug flags at runtime "can be very inefficient, due to all the 'if' statements I should add to my code" is mostly incorrect: in most practical cases a runtime check does not influence the speed of your program in a detectable way, so if keeping the runtime flag offers you potential advantages (e.g. turning the debugging on to diagnose a problem in production without recompiling) you should go for a run-time flag instead.
For the additional checks, I would rely on the assert (see the assert.h) which does exactly what you need: check when you compile in debug, no check when compiled for the release.
For the verbosity, a more C++ version of what you propose would use a simple Logger class with a boolean as template parameter. But the macro is fine as well if kept within the Logger class.
For commercial software, having SOME debug output that is available at runtime on customer sites is usually a valuable thing to have. I'm not saying everything has to be compiled into the final binary, but it's not at all unusual that customers do things to your code that you don't expect [or that causes the code to behave in ways that you don't expect]. Being able to tell the customer "Well, if you run myprog -v 2 -l logfile.txt and do you usual thing, then email me logfile.txt" is a very, very useful thing to have.
As long as the "if-statement to decide if we log or not" is not in the deepest, darkest jungle in peru, eh, I mean in the deepest nesting levels of your tight, performance critical loop, then it's rarely a problem to leave it in.
So, I personally tend to go for the "always there, not always enabled" approach. THat's not to say that I don't find myself adding some extra logging in the middle of my tight loops sometimes - only to remove it later on when the bug is fixed.
You can avoid the function-like macro when doing conditional compilation. Just define a regular or template function to do the logging and call it inside the:
#ifdef _DEBUG_
/* ... */
part of the code.
At least in the *Nix universe, the default define for this kind of thing is NDEBUG (read no-debug). If it is defined, your code should skip the debug code. I.e. you would do something like this:
#ifdef NDEBUG
inline void log(...) {}
inline void log(...) { .... }
An example piece of code I use in my projects. This way, you can use variable argument list and if DEBUG flag is not set, related code is cleared out:
#ifdef DEBUG
#define PR_DEBUG(fmt, ...) \
PR_DEBUG(fmt, ...) printf("[DBG] %s: " fmt, __func__, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define PR_DEBUG(fmt, ...)
#define DEBUG
ret = do_smth();
PR_DEBUG("some kind of code returned %d", ret);
[DBG] some_func: some kind of code returned 0
of course, printf() may be replaced by any output function you use. Furthermore, it can be easily modified so additional information, as for example time stamp, is automatically appended.
For me it depends from application to application.
I've had applications where I wanted to always log (for example, we had an application where in case of errors, clients would take all the logs of the application and send them to us for diagnostics). In such a case, the logging API should probably be based on functions (i.e. not macros) and always defined.
In cases when logging is not always necessary or you need to be able to completely disable it for performance/other reasons, you can define logging macros.
In that case I prefer a single-line macro like this:
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define LOGSTREAM /##/
#define LOGSTREAM std::clog
// or
// #define LOGSTREAM std::ofstream("output.log", std::ios::out|std::ios::app)
client code:
LOG << "Initializing chipmunk feeding module ...\n";
LOG << "Shutting down chipmunk feeding module ...\n";
It's just like any other feature.
My assumptions:
No global variables
System designed to interfaces
For whatever you want verbose output, create two implementations, one quiet, one verbose.
At application initialisation, choose the implementation you want.
It could be a logger, or a widget, or a memory manager, for example.
Obviously you don't want to duplicate code, so extract the minimum variation you want. If you know what the strategy pattern is, or the decorator pattern, these are the right direction. Follow the open closed principle.

Why use #define instead of a variable

What is the point of #define in C++? I've only seen examples where it's used in place of a "magic number" but I don't see the point in just giving that value to a variable instead.
The #define is part of the preprocessor language for C and C++. When they're used in code, the compiler just replaces the #define statement with what ever you want. For example, if you're sick of writing for (int i=0; i<=10; i++) all the time, you can do the following:
#define fori10 for (int i=0; i<=10; i++)
// some code...
fori10 {
// do stuff to i
If you want something more generic, you can create preprocessor macros:
#define fori(x) for (int i=0; i<=x; i++)
// the x will be replaced by what ever is put into the parenthesis, such as
// 20 here
fori(20) {
// do more stuff to i
It's also very useful for conditional compilation (the other major use for #define) if you only want certain code used in some particular build:
// compile the following if debugging is turned on and defined
#ifdef DEBUG
// some code
Most compilers will allow you to define a macro from the command line (e.g. g++ -DDEBUG something.cpp), but you can also just put a define in your code like so:
#define DEBUG
Some resources:
Wikipedia article
C++ specific site
Documentation on GCC's preprocessor
Microsoft reference
C specific site (I don't think it's different from the C++ version though)
Mostly stylistic these days. When C was young, there was no such thing as a const variable. So if you used a variable instead of a #define, you had no guarantee that somebody somewhere wouldn't change the value of it, causing havoc throughout your program.
In the old days, FORTRAN passed even constants to subroutines by reference, and it was possible (and headache inducing) to change the value of a constant like '2' to be something different. One time, this happened in a program I was working on, and the only hint we had that something was wrong was we'd get an ABEND (abnormal end) when the program hit the STOP 999 that was supposed to end it normally.
I got in trouble at work one time. I was accused of using "magic numbers" in array declarations.
Like this:
int Marylyn[256], Ann[1024];
The company policy was to avoid these magic numbers because, it was explained to me, that these numbers were not portable; that they impeded easy maintenance. I argued that when I am reading the code, I want to know exactly how big the array is. I lost the argument and so, on a Friday afternoon I replaced the offending "magic numbers" with #defines, like this:
#define TWO_FIFTY_SIX 256
#define TEN_TWENTY_FOUR 1024
On the following Monday afternoon I was called in and accused of having passive defiant tendencies.
#define can accomplish some jobs that normal C++ cannot, like guarding headers and other tasks. However, it definitely should not be used as a magic number- a static const should be used instead.
C didn't use to have consts, so #defines were the only way of providing constant values. Both C and C++ do have them now, so there is no point in using them, except when they are going to be tested with #ifdef/ifndef.
Most common use (other than to declare constants) is an include guard.
Define is evaluated before compilation by the pre-processor, while variables are referenced at run-time. This means you control how your application is built (not how it runs)
Here are a couple examples that use define which cannot be replaced by a variable:
#define min(i, j) (((i) < (j)) ? (i) : (j))
note this is evaluated by the pre-processor, not during runtime
The #define allows you to establish a value in a header that would otherwise compile to size-greater-than-zero. Your headers should not compile to size-greater-than-zero.
// File: MyFile.h
// This header will compile to size-zero.
#define TAX_RATE 0.625
// NO: static const double TAX_RATE = 0.625;
// NO: extern const double TAX_RATE; // WHAT IS THE VALUE?
EDIT: As Neil points out in the comment to this post, the explicit definition-with-value in the header would work for C++, but not C.

Using C++ Macros To Check For Variable Existence

I am creating a logging facility for my library, and have made some nice macros such as:
#define DEBUG myDebuggingClass(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
#define WARING myWarningClass(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
where myDebuggingClass and myWarningClass both have an overloaded << operator, and do some helpful things with log messages.
Now, I have some base class that users will be overloading called "Widget", and I would like to change these definitions to something more like:
#define DEBUG myDebuggingClass(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, this)
#define WARNING myWarningClass(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, this)
so that when users call 'DEBUG << "Some Message"; ' I can check to see if the "this" argument dynamic_casts to a Widget, and if so I can do some useful things with that information, and if not then I can just ignore it. The only problem is that I would like users to be able to also issue DEBUG and WARNING messages from non-member functions, such as main(). However, given this simple macro, users will just get a compilation error because "this" will not be defined outside of class member functions.
The easiest solution is to just define separate WIDGET_DEBUG, WIDGET_WARNING, PLAIN_DEBUG, and PLAIN_WARNING macros and to document the differences to the users, but it would be really cool if there were a way to get around this. Has anyone seen any tricks for doing this sort of thing?
Declare a global Widget* const widget_this = NULL; and a protected member variable widget_this in the Widget class, initialized to this, and do
#define DEBUG myDebuggingClass(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, widget_this)
Macros are basically a straight text substitution done by the preprocessor. There's no way for a macro to know the context from which it's being called to do the sort of detection you're interested in.
The best solution is probably separate macros as you suspect.
I don't think you can do this with a macro. You can probably manage to do it with SFINAE, but code that uses SFINAE (at least directly) is1 hard to write, harder to debug, and virtually impossible for anybody but an expert to read or understand. If you really want to do this, I'd try to see if you can get Boost enable_if (or a relative thereof) to handle at least part of the dirty work.
1 ...at least in every case I've ever seen, and I have a hard time imagining it being otherwise either.
Inspired by solipist, but slightly simpler in the implementation:
class Widget {
::myDebuggingClass myDebuggingClass(char const* file, char const* function, int line) {
return ::myDebuggingClass(file, function, line, this);
// ...
This eliminates the need for a shadowed variable; it relies on simple class name lookup rules.
The only way I can think of to possibly get this to work is to define a global variable:
Widget * this = NULL;
If that even compiles (I have my doubts, but don't have a compiler to test it), member functions will use the nearest scoped variable (the real his pointer), and everything else will get a null. Everyone's happy (so to speak...)
you could use weak reference to detect variable or function whether exist.
detect int a exist:
int a attribute((weak));
if (a)
not exist

Is there a C pre-processor which eliminates #ifdef blocks based on values defined/undefined?

Original Question
What I'd like is not a standard C pre-processor, but a variation on it which would accept from somewhere - probably the command line via -DNAME1 and -UNAME2 options - a specification of which macros are defined, and would then eliminate dead code.
It may be easier to understand what I'm after with some examples:
#ifdef NAME1
#define ALBUQUERQUE "ambidextrous"
#define PHANTASMAGORIA "ghostly"
If the command were run with '-DNAME1', the output would be:
#define ALBUQUERQUE "ambidextrous"
If the command were run with '-UNAME1', the output would be:
#define PHANTASMAGORIA "ghostly"
If the command were run with neither option, the output would be the same as the input.
This is a simple case - I'd be hoping that the code could handle more complex cases too.
To illustrate with a real-world but still simple example:
#ifdef USE_VOID
#ifdef PLATFORM1
#define VOID void
#undef VOID
typedef void VOID;
#endif /* PLATFORM1 */
typedef void * VOIDPTR;
typedef mint VOID;
typedef char * VOIDPTR;
#endif /* USE_VOID */
I'd like to run the command with -DUSE_VOID -UPLATFORM1 and get the output:
#undef VOID
typedef void VOID;
typedef void * VOIDPTR;
Another example:
#if (defined NT) || (defined OLDUNIX)
#define DOUBLEPAD 8
#define DOUBLEPAD 0
#endif /* NT */
#endif /* !DOUBLEPAD */
Ideally, I'd like to run with -UOLDUNIX and get the output:
#if (defined NT)
#define DOUBLEPAD 8
#define DOUBLEPAD 0
#endif /* NT */
#endif /* !DOUBLEPAD */
This may be pushing my luck!
Motivation: large, ancient code base with lots of conditional code. Many of the conditions no longer apply - the OLDUNIX platform, for example, is no longer made and no longer supported, so there is no need to have references to it in the code. Other conditions are always true. For example, features are added with conditional compilation so that a single version of the code can be used for both older versions of the software where the feature is not available and newer versions where it is available (more or less). Eventually, the old versions without the feature are no longer supported - everything uses the feature - so the condition on whether the feature is present or not should be removed, and the 'when feature is absent' code should be removed too. I'd like to have a tool to do the job automatically because it will be faster and more reliable than doing it manually (which is rather critical when the code base includes 21,500 source files).
(A really clever version of the tool might read #include'd files to determine whether the control macros - those specified by -D or -U on the command line - are defined in those files. I'm not sure whether that's truly helpful except as a backup diagnostic. Whatever else it does, though, the pseudo-pre-processor must not expand macros or include files verbatim. The output must be source similar to, but usually simpler than, the input code.)
Status Report (one year later)
After a year of use, I am very happy with 'sunifdef' recommended by the selected answer. It hasn't made a mistake yet, and I don't expect it to. The only quibble I have with it is stylistic. Given an input such as:
#if (defined(A) && defined(B)) || defined(C) || (defined(D) && defined(E))
and run with '-UC' (C is never defined), the output is:
#if defined(A) && defined(B) || defined(D) && defined(E)
This is technically correct because '&&' binds tighter than '||', but it is an open invitation to confusion. I would much prefer it to include parentheses around the sets of '&&' conditions, as in the original:
#if (defined(A) && defined(B)) || (defined(D) && defined(E))
However, given the obscurity of some of the code I have to work with, for that to be the biggest nit-pick is a strong compliment; it is valuable tool to me.
The New Kid on the Block
Having checked the URL for inclusion in the information above, I see that (as predicted) there is an new program called Coan that is the successor to 'sunifdef'. It is available on SourceForge and has been since January 2010. I'll be checking it out...further reports later this year, or maybe next year, or sometime, or never.
I know absolutely nothing about C, but it sounds like you are looking for something like unifdef. Note that it hasn't been updated since 2000, but there is a successor called "Son of unifdef" (sunifdef).
Also you can try this tool http://coan2.sourceforge.net/
something like this will remove ifdef blocks:
coan source -UYOUR_FLAG --filter c,h --recurse YourSourceTree
I used unifdef years ago for just the sort of problem you describe, and it worked fine. Even if it hasn't been updated since 2000, the syntax of preprocessor ifdefs hasn't changed materially since then, so I expect it will still do what you want. I suppose there might be some compile problems, although the packages appear recent.
I've never used sunifdef, so I can't comment on it directly.
Around 2004 I wrote a tool that did exactly what you are looking for. I never got around to distributing the tool, but the code can be found here:
http://casey.dnsalias.org/exifdef-0.2.zip (that's a dsl link)
It's about 1.7k lines and implements enough of the C grammar to parse preprocessor statements, comments, and strings using bison and flex.
If you need something similar to a preprocessor, the flexible solution is Wave (from boost). It's a library designed to build C-preprocessor-like tools (including such things as C++03 and C++0x preprocessors). As it's a library, you can hook into its input and output code.