Having a C++ program build a Visual C++ project, without using system? - c++

Basically, I have a program that generates a couple of .cpp files, which are included in a Visual Studio project. What I want is to have my program then tell Visual Studio to build that project, now that the .cpp files have been generated.
I can use system() to call MSBuild or devenv to do it. Those are both misbehaving at the moment but I can make them work. But ultimately, what I really want is to interface with Visual Studio/MSBuild directly in my C++ code, so I could do things like have it return the path to the output to me directly, or what have you.
Is there any way to do that? Every time I do a search on "building a Visual Studio project within C++" or similar, of course, I just get basic tutorials on setting up a project and building it through the IDE (or, at best, through the command line).

Use CreateProcess and use redirection of the stdout to pipe the output to a file. You can then programmatically read and evaluate this file.
MS example: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/190351
Maybe this helps: How do I redirect output to a file with CreateProcess?

you can run the generator from studio as a pre-build-event. that is the way MS think we should do it. additionally within a solution you can chain projects via dependency. again the MS style. alternativly you can do a real make system like CMake.

You can launch any command line from within .NET by using System.Diagnostics.Process.


new to eclipse and c++: how does a c++ project get deployed?

i am using c++ in eclipse, a project which contains many header files , cpp files...etc when finally done, how does it actually get implemented in the real world once it is done? Does an .exe file get created ? Or how can users install the program on their computers?
Can you share your experience with me ?
Also can you tell me what IDE you use for C++ development ?
I tried to look through some documentation but could not find anything.
When you compile the code, it will output an executable file (.exe) that can then be run from a command line, double-clicked, or put into an installer. The executable files name will be .exe and placed in the output directory as specified in your project settings.
As mentioned, this can be bundled in an installer but that is very likely overkill and way beyond what you want. So long as you have used standard C/C++ libraries that come installed on a user's system, they can just invoke the program from a command line or simply double-click the executable. If your program doesn't have any interface and simply prints messages, then they person will want to run it from the command line. Finally, if you have used other libraries that you need to include with your program, then an installer may be what you need in order to make sure the end user has everything they need to run your program.
As far as IDE's go, I've used both Eclipse and Visual Studio. Visual Studio is better tailored to C/C++ development (this is assuming you are programming on a Windows machine) but has the downside of costing money if you don't get it through your employer or school. If you can get access to it through either of those channels, I would choose it over Eclipse. Eclipse will do what you want and is free, but Visual Studio might be a bit better. Also, if you are going to spend money anyway, I suggest looking a SlickEdit. I use this at work and really like it for C/C++ development.

C++ parsing a text file that is located online

Information about what I want to do:
-read in a few integer variables from a text file that will be located on a dropbox public folder.
-the variables will be used to trigger some if statements thus controlling my application remotely if I need to have it do something ( I would just save the variable I need to that text file and my program with would read from it every 5 seconds would see it and perform the required actions).
-this is a console application which is being built and compiled in visual studio 2010 on windows 7. The software will also be running on a win7 computer.
I need help with:
I already have read on using a library called libcurl. The problem is that I do not know how to link this library with my project in vs2010. Detailed instructions on how to do this on vs 2010 would be very helpful.
if you can think of a better and easier way to accomplish what I need done, offer some advice and direction
It sounds like you're a novice, is that correct? If not then apologies for stating the obvious.
To use your compiled DLL in your application you need to 'add a reference' to it. You can do this by adding what is called a binary reference, where you simply tell visual studio where to find the dll. Or you can add a project reference if the project which is producing the dll is within the same solution. The best approach is to use something called nuget. It's a visual studio extension which automates the adding of binary references available from a public repository.
I have just done a search for libcurl on nuget.org and drew a blank. As I am unfamiliar with this library you may have better luck finding a nuget package as you will be a le to search using better terms that I did (curl and libcurl)
Whatever approach you take, just right-click on the project in which you want to use libcurl within the solution explorer and you should find an add reference option in the menu.

Fastest way to write & compile a C/C++ program in Windows

I'm usually using Visual Studio, but several things bother me when I just quickly want to test some code:
it has a rather long startup time
it always needs a project to execute/debug files
program output gets printed to the console, but the window simply closes when I don't insert a getchar() or a breakpoint in the program and thus I'm not seeing it.
I'm looking for a program which is suitable for a really, really quick programming in Windows. Such as, copying some code from an SO question, running it and seeing its output.
I don't think that console programs or g++ under CygWin are a good solution, because there it takes ages to cd into the right dir to save the file, I'm not used to editors such as Vim, and typing in the compiler commandline myself has always annoyed me etc.
So I guess what I'm looking for is a very lightweight free C/C++ IDE which is preconfigured to work with a free compiler (bonus points if it is even shipped with it.)
What can you recommend which adresses at least two items from the list above?
Is there maybe even a program which can execute/interpret C or C++ in an interactive commandline (like Python)?
I'm looking for a program which is suitable for a really, really quick
programming in Windows. Such as, copying some code from an SO question
and executing it and seeing it's output.
For quick-and-dirty experimental coding, I really like codepad.org. Not having to create a file is especially nice as it saves me from coming up with a suitable name and disk location. Be aware that it uses g++ 4.1.2 behind the scenes so some of the latest C++11 features aren't supported.
"really, really quick (and dirty, throw away?) programming "?
Compiler : VC++ command line - you already have it.
Editor: Notepad or somesuch
Compilation process: A .BAT file you write once
and supply a parameter with the name of the single source file.
Location: Set up some desktop shortcuts to a known directory for your
test code.
Use TCC : Tiny C Compiler
start a command prompt
cd wherever
notepad main.c
write code in notepad. save
back in the command prompt type tcc -run main.c
notice errors, go back to 4
Note that with -run parameter you're invoking tcc like an interpreter
Which compiler you use doesn’t really matter. I prefer G++ but cl.exe (from Visual Studio) works equally well.
In order to use the compiler quickly from the command line, either
include it into your PATH variable by setting it in the system settings, or
create a simple .cmd script which launches a console with the right paths included.
Visual Studio incidentally comes bundled with such a .cmd script which is linked in the Start Menu entry of Visual Studio. Personally, though, I prefer adjusting the PATH variable.
Then you can simply invoke the compiler from any directory in the command line. If you are too lazy to write the whole command line, create a script to do it for you. Or use Cygwin and (C)Make.
Two additional remarks:
Starting the project using the build configuration (Cntr+F5 (?)) leaves the console open after the program has run, without you having to include getch() calls or similar.
I highly recommend you learn an editor such as Emacs or Vim, unless you plan never to use any other platform than Windows, and even then. These editors are just tremendously powerful, and in some ways light-years beyond what the Visual Studio code editor offers.
But if you really don’t have the time, use a decent text editor such as Notepad++ instead.
Open Watcom is easy to install and use, it's fast and it's the closest compiler to MSVC++, although it's noticeably behind in features (especially in C++).
I don't use its IDE at all as I got used to doing most of the stuff in the console, but it's there and the debugger is there too.
Compiling one-filers is easy.
Compiling C code:
wcl386.exe /we /wx /q sourcefile.c
Compiling C++ code:
wcl386.exe /xs /we /wx /q sourcefile.cpp
On my machine, I have a "empty" project called "Test". When I want to test some random code on the internet, I simply put it into main.cpp in that project, and compile.
If you think MSVC takes too long to load, it should be possible to write a batch script that attempts to compile the project and puts the build log in a file. Then you can simply alter the existing main.cpp with notepad, double click the batch file, then pop open the build log or run the executable.
[Edit] I made a batch file to compile the entire solution. Turns out that requires loading visual studio. However, the batch file can compile/run a single cpp file easy enough.
My favorite IDE: http://www.codeblocks.org/
Here is a direct link to the download that includes the MinGW compiler: http://download2.berlios.de/codeblocks/codeblocks-10.05mingw-setup.exe
You're not gonna find any (good) C/C++ interpreters.
Once I used PSPad setting its "compiler" option for C++ files to a reasonable default (cl.exe in the correct directory, speed optimization, all warnings). Then it's just Ctrl+F9.
All of the above compiler recommendations are good. For an editor, I really like Notepad2
I know you didn't ask...
First off, your expectations are not reasonable. no program can guess what you want, over a range of input from the simplest to the most complex. If cd'ing into cygwin is too hard, and starting up visual studio is too time-consuming, you're pretty much toast. Sorry.
That said, you can edit code with notepad (which you can invoke from the command line as notepad foo.cpp). Notepad uses your mouse and the arrow keys on your pc so it's pretty intuitive.
you can use visual studio tools from the command line, without having to fiddle with project files.
Visual studio comes with a tool called nmake, the most basic usage of which is similar to linux make. If you have very simple input, nmake's default rules may be good enough to produce an executable. If not, you may be able to construct a makefile that will take any single simple file, say foo.cpp, and compile and link it to an executable called foo.exe. You'll still have to learn to use nmake, which some people think is easy, and others think is fiendishly difficult. Try nmake foo.cpp and see if the result is what you want.

C++ shift from Unix to Visual Studio in Windows

I am a professional working for a software firm.In my past company basically i was working on C & C++ on unix.Now i suddenly shifted to C++ on Windows and i feel like i am in a completely different world.Basically i am working on a very big application which was totally written in C++.To keep it simple ,i dont have the source code .I have the exe of the application and several other dependent files.it is a GUI application(several windows,reports,graphs and huge mathematical calculations are done by this application).Now i finally have the source code of the application which includes some headers,some vcproj files,some dsw files and several other which i dont even understand why the hell are they present.
Now as i C++ programmer my responsibility is to make all the BUGS that the clients identify replicate and fix them.
If its a bug on unix i can simply use the binary and source code and run gdb/dbx and find out the issue in some or other way like adding adding some printf statements.
But given the files i mentioned above.how could istart debugging an application in VC++ in VISUAL STUDIO.
Is it very difficult for a C++ programmer to shift from Unix to Windows.
Is ther any good resource which i could refer for this kind of change where i could grasp things quickly?
given the exe and the source code of the application how can i start debugging a program by running the application in VS C++-(BTW i am using VS 2005)
The main difference is that on Unix, you'll have Makefiles, which you won't find on Windows. Visual Studio organizes your code in projects and solutions, and those project files contain all the information VS needs to compile&link your projects.
If you have a *.sln file, just double click it to open it in VS. Then build the source (usually by pressing F6) and run in debug mode (usually F5).
More details:
A project is a collection of source files that result in 'something', usually a LIB, a DLL or an EXE.
A solution is a collection of projects. Useful when e.g. one project creates a LIB that is used by another project. When you set dependencies between projects, VS will build the projects in the right order.
Extensions used:
*.vcproj : Project file for C/C++ sources
*.vcproj..user : contains which windows are open in the GUI.
Can safely be deleted.
*.sln : Solution file
*.ncb : Intellisense database for a solution. Can safely be deleted.
*.suo : contains which windows are open in the GUI. Can safely be deleted.
*.dsw : Visual Studio 6.0 related file - not used in VS2005. (Replaced by *.sln IIRC)
./Debug/* : folder with all
intermediate files for a Debug build
(can be changed)
./Release/* : folder with all
intermediate files for a Release
build (can be changed)
That's all I can think of at the moment.
If you only have a .DSW file and not a .SLN file, then it means that the project was probably last worked on with VC6 and not one of the later Visual Studio versions.
That's a shame, because there have been lots of changes to the C++ compiler since VC6, and you're probably going to find the project doesn't compile with VS2005 without needing some minor changes to source code.
Do you have a .SLN file - if so, what's the version number at the top of the file (it's a text file)? If you don't have a .SLN file, can you get hold of VC6?
I would always try to get stuff going on an unfamiliar platform with the best matching tools, before I tried to bring it forward to later versions.
I understand your pain; I took the same path a few months ago.
You probably figured it out, but Visual Studio is not the exact alternative of gcc/g++. It embeds a text editor, a debugger, and so on.
Usually, you have two compilation "modes", debug and release. (you can add your own)
When in debug mode, all optimization are disabled and you can execute your program in the debugger, use step by step, add breakpoints, ...
Just start it using the F5 key.
More notes on the additional files:
In the Visual Studio world, .vcproj files represents "projects": a bunch of file that belongs to the same project (source files, headers, resources, ...).
A .dsw (old name for current .sln files I believe) is a "solution" file: a group of one or several projects which can have internal dependencies. Example: you can have in the same solution, a library and a software that depends on it. So that when you compile the whole solution, things are built in the correct order.
First thing you should try is to attach to the process while it's running (Ctr-Alt-P and select the process) if you have the .pdb (debug information) files you should be able to debug the process without re-building it.
If that fails try to un-check the "Require source files to exactly match the original version" option in Tools -> Options -> Debugging.
If that too fails you'll have to build the application again (by opening the .sln file and performing a build) so that the binary matches your source files.
Good luck.
Compile the code with debug info and press f5 (Start Debugging). I don't see where is the problem. On linux is sort of the same.
VS2005 can convert the dsw file for you to a sln file, but you need all of the original VC6 files in order for the conversion to be successful. For debugging please check out following msdn link, I hope this will help you.
Please select hyperlink "Debugging Native Code" for C++ specific.

Running small C++ programs in Visual Studio without creating projects

Is there any way to build/run small C++ programs, in Visual Studio without creating projects?
For example, if I have a file hello.cpp, can I compile it to hello.exe without a project?
GMan's idea of having a 'sandbox' project is a good one, as it allows for easily trying out multi-file tests. I call mine "cppTest".
However, if you just want to be able to compile whatever C or C++ file you happen to have open, just create a simple "External Tool". Actually, it's not as simple as it probably should be.
First, create a batch file that will set up the compiler environment and run the compiler. Something like the following:
#rem - runcl.cmd
#rem a batch file to drive simple VC9 compiles
#echo off
set LIBRARIES=kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib shlwapi.lib oleaut32.lib
set WIN32_WINNT=0x0500
call "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"
echo Visual C/C++ 2008 (VC 9.0) Compile...
set CC="%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\cl.exe" /Zi /EHsc -D_WIN32_WINNT=%WIN32_WINNT% %1 /link /incremental:no %LIBRARIES%
echo %CC%
In the "Tools/External Tools..." dialog, add a new item and fill in the following fields:
Title: &Compile File
Command: c:\path\to\runcl.cmd
Arguments: $(ItemPath)
Initial Directory: $(ItemDir)
check the "Use Output Window" box
Now you can use the "Compile File" item in the Tools menu to compile whatever is the currently open file. You can even double click on the errors in the output window to take you to the lines with errors.
There are some limitations with this some of which you can fix by fancying up the batch file or maybe with a Visual Studio macro (I'm not very familiar with VS macros).
if you haven't saved the file, the compile will run against the most recent save. There's no option in the External Tools configuration to force a save.
if you run the command and there's not a C or C++ file active, the batch file will fall over
there are probably quite a few other areas where the batch file will get confused
The nice thing about a batch file like this is that you can also use it to help integrate the compiler into various editors that let you call external tools, like UltraEdit, Zeus Editor, EditPad Pro, PSPad, Programmer's Notepad, etc. etc.
If you like, I've posted a batch file that I use to integrate several compilers into editors like the above. This batch file handles several compilers including various MSVC compilers from version 6 through version 9, Digital Mars, MinGW and Comeau compilers (the compiler to use is selected by an additional parameter). The batch file is pretty convoluted (unfortunately, that's the nature of Windows batch files that have any kind of complexity). But I find it makes running these things from various editors pretty simple. I can quickly hit a few keys that I've assigned to the compilers to compile a single file against 5 different compilers so I can test for compatibility easily.
I make no promises about it other than I find it useful for my own purposes - if you do too, great. Otherwise, don't use it...
Within the actual IDE, I don't think it's possible to run a small program, you have to use the command line like Matt suggested.
The solution I have for this problem, is that I have one project on my computers called "sandbox", which just has a main.cpp, and it's where I can mess around.
It let's me try things out here and there, but I never have to keep starting a new project.
One way to do this is to build a generic project such as sandbox, test, or even Hello World and then add and remove source files to change what you want to do. You can even remove the old source file and then add new to start over fresh. This is quick and easy while making it possible to return programs that are built.
If you have a hello.cpp file and would like it to compile into a hello.exe file without creating a project in code::blocks or visual studio you could look into: https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse373/99au/unix/g++.html
A guide on how to install g++ via MinGW on windows: http://www.codebind.com/cprogramming/install-mingw-windows-10-gcc/
Then you would be able to compile a single hello.cpp file by opening your command prompt, navigating to your file (the hello.cpp file) wherever you have placed it and run the command g++ -o hello hello.cpp which should result in a file with the name "hello.exe" in the same location as your hello.cpp.
Note that this is not part of visual studio but is an easy way to just compile a single .cpp file if you would like to keep it simple.