Removing the floating part from Ids list - coldfusion

I have list in format
"4186.0,7573.0,4300.0,9479.0,9488.0,10642.0,7987.0,9480.0 "
Is there any function in coldfusion available, which removes all ".0" from numbers in one go?
Thank you.

You could use map() from the UnderscoreCF library to gracefully solve this problem (in CF 10 or Railo 4).
_ = new Underscore();
listOfNums = "4186.0,7573.0,4300.0,9479.0,9488.0,10642.0,7987.0,9480.0 ";
arrayOfNums =, function(num){
return round(num);
result = arrayToList(arrayOfNums);
map() produces a new array of values by mapping each value in the collection through a transformation function. This allows you to have more control over the results.
Note: I wrote UnderscoreCF.

There isn't a simple function to do this, but there are a number of things you can do.
You can loop through the list and numberFormat() each item, placing it back in the list or creating a new list. This is inefficient, both in processing and in programming.
Because your list is just a string, you can replace the decimal part of your numbers with a simple string replace: replace("123.0,456.0", ".0", "", "ALL"). If your list ever grows different decimal digits other than ".0", you can upgrade that replace function to a regular expression to catch patterns of numbers.

I usually use INT to drop the decimal of a number like barnyr suggested but if you wanted to treat it as a single string and not a list you could use reReplace (to elaborate on Nathan Strutz's idea) and do something like:
<cfset listOfNums = "4186.0,7573.540,4300.434,9479.,9488.0,10642.0,7987.0,9480.0">
<cfset listOfNums = reReplace(listOfNums, "\.[0-9]*", "", "all")>
Result is: 4186,7573,4300,9479,9488,10642,7987,9480
it also removes the decimal point even if no numbers follow.

It sounds like the Int() (equivalent of the floor() function in most other languages) function may be what you want:
You'll still need to iterate over the list, applying the Int() function though.


How to create new column that parses correct values from a row to a list

I am struggling on creating a formula with Power Bi that would split a single rows value into a list of values that i want.
So I have a column that is called ID and it has values such as:
"ID001122, ID223344" or "IRRELEVANT TEXT ID112233, MORE IRRELEVANT;ID223344 TEXT"
What is important is to save the ID and 6 numbers after it. The first example would turn into a list like this: {"ID001122","ID223344"}. The second example would look exactly the same but it would just parse all the irrelevant text from between.
I was looking for some type of an loop formula where you could use the text find function to find ID starting point and use middle function to extract 8 characters from the start but I had no progress in finding such. I tried making lists from comma separator but I noticed that not all rows had commas to separate IDs.
The end results would be that the original value is on one column next to the list of parsed values which then could be expanded to new rows.
ID Parsed ID
"Random ID123456, Text;ID23456" List {"ID123456","ID23456"}
Any of you have former experience?
Hey I found the answer by myself using a good article similar to my problem.
Here is my solution without any further text parsing which i can do later on.
each let
PosList = Text.PositionOf([ID],"ID",Occurrence.All),
List = List.Transform(PosList, (x) => Text.Middle([ID],x,8))
in List
For example this would result "(ID343137,ID352973) ID358388" into {ID343137,ID352973,ID358388}
Ended up being easier than I thought. Suppose the solution relied again on the lists!

Compare a portion of String value present in 2 Lists

Below code extract a particular value from List srchlist and check for a particular value in List rplzlist. The contents of list srchlist and rplzlist looks like below.
srchlist = ["DD='A'\n", "SOUT='*'\n", 'PGM=FTP\n', 'PGM=EMAIL']
rplzlist = ['A=ZZ.VVMSSB\n', 'SOUT=*\n', 'SALEDB=TEST12']
I am extracting the characters after the '='(equal) sign and within the single quotes using a combination of strip and translate function.
Of the elements in the srchlist only the 'SOUT' matches with the rplzlist.
Do let me know why the below code does not work, also suggest me a better approach to compare a part of string present in the list.
for ele in srchlist:
sYmls = ele.split('=')
vAlue = sYmls[1].translate(None,'\'')
for elem in rplzlist:
rPls = elem.split('=')
if vAlue in rPls:
Here is the more pythonic approach for what you wanted to do:
>>> list(set([(i.split('='))[1].translate(None,'\'') for i in srchlist]) & set([j.split('=')[1] for j in rplzlist]))
I used set() and then get the whole output as list, you may use .join().
Inside set(), list comprehension is given which is faster than the normal for loops.
Another Solution Using join(), and replace() in place of translate():
>>> "".join(set([(i.split('='))[1].replace('\'','') for i in srchlist]) & set([j.split('=')[1] for j in rplzlist]))

Applying regexp and finding the highest number in a list

I have got a list of different names. I have a script that prints out the names from the list.
req.add_header('AUTHORIZATION', 'Token token=hash')
response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
json_content = json.loads(response)
for name in json_content:
print name['name']
I need to find the max number that comes with the name Thomas. Is there a simple way to to apply regexp for all the elements that contain "Thomas" and then apply max(list) to them? The only way that I have came up with is to go through each element in the list, match regexp for Thomas, then strip the letters and put the remaining numbers to a new list, but this seems pretty bulky.
You don't need regular expressions, and you don't need sorting. As you said, max() is fine. To be safe in case the list contains names like "Thomasson123", you can use:
names = ((x['name'][:6], x['name'][6:]) for x in json_content)
max(int(b) for a, b in names if a == 'Thomas' and b.isdigit())
The first assignment creates a generator expression, so there will be only one pass over the sequence to find the maximum.
You don't need to go for regex. Just store the results in a list and then apply sorted function on that.
>>> l = ['Thomas001',
>>> [i for i in sorted(l) if i.startswith('Thomas')][-1]

How to handle probability notation in python?

I'm newbie for python 2.7. I would like to create some function that knows which are variables in the given probability notation.
For example: Given a probability P(A,B,C|D,E,F) as string input. The function should return a list of events ['A','B','C'] and a list of sample spaces ['D','E','F']. If it is impossible to return two lists in the same time. Returning a list of two lists would be fine.
In summary:
Expected output: [['A','B','C'],['D','E','F']]
Thank you in advance
A simple brute-force implementation. As #fjarri pointed out if you want to do anything more complex you might need a parser (like PyParser) or at least some regular expressions.
def somefunction(str):
str = str.strip()[str.index("(")+1:-1]
left, right = str.split("|")
return [left.split(","), right.split(",")]

Identifying nearly identical messages in list

It looks like a simple task, but how would you solve it? I don't get any solution right now.
ls_message-text = 'Pernr. 12345678 (Pete Peterson) is valid (06/2015).
append ls_message to lt_message.
ls_message-text = 'Pernr. 12345678 (Pete Peterson) is valid (07/2015).
append ls_message to lt_message.
This is the code I got, the thing is, this is the message I am showing in my application. The customer says that the 2 messages are the same. The second should be deleted.
How would you compare it to delete the line? The table might contain more then 2 lines and also with another text like "is not valid".
I can't extend the structure to have more fields for comparison, I can only use the string comparison on this one field. Are there string comparisons possible with a regex or something?
Maybe you could solve your requirement using the Levenshtein distance . ABAP has a built-in function "distance" that gives you the number of operations to convert one string into another. Ex:
DATA msg1 type string.
DATA msg2 type string.
msg1 = 'Levehnstein Distance 7/2015'.
msg2 = 'Levehnstein Distance 6/2015'.
data l_distance type i.
l_distance = distance( val1 = msg1 val2 = msg2 ).
if l_distance lt 2 .
"It's almost the same text
In this case l_distance will be 1, because only one operation is necessary (replacing).
Hope this helps,
Assuming you want to retain only one message for each unique Pernr. in lt_message, you can use regex to filter for the Pernr. and use that as "key". Now you can delete all but the first message of lt_message that matches this key.
Expand your regex if you want to keep only certain messages, e.g. only the "is valid" ones.
have you tried looking to program DEMO_REGEX_TOY.
Gives an idea on how to work with Regular expresion, that probably will save the problem