Clojure transients - assoc! causing exception - list

Here is the function I'm trying to run...
(defn mongean [cards times]
(let [_cards (transient cards)]
(loop [i 0 c (get cards i) _count (count cards) _current (/ _count 2)]
(assoc! _cards _current c)
(if ((rem i 2) = 0)
(def _newcur (- _current (inc i)))
(def _newcur (+ _current (inc i))))
(if (<= i _count)
(recur (inc i) (get cards i) _count _newcur )))
(persistent! _cards)))
It's resulting in this Exception...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet$TransientHashSet cannot be cast to clojure.lang.ITransientAssociative
Being new to clojure, I'd also appreciate any constructive criticism of my approach above. The goal is to take a List, and return a re-ordered list.

I assume that you are trying to implement the Mongean shuffle. Your approach is very imperative and you should try to use a more functional approach.
This would be a possible implementation, were we calculate the final order of the cards (as per Wikipedia formula) and then we use the built-in replace function to do the mapping:
(defn mongean [cards]
(let [num-cards (count cards)
final-order (concat (reverse (range 1 num-cards 2)) (range 0 num-cards 2))]
(replace cards final-order)))
user> (mongean [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8])
(8 6 4 2 1 3 5 7)

How do you call that function? It looks like you're passing a set, so that its transient version will also be a set and hence can't be used with any of the assoc functions, as they work on associative data structures and vectors:
user=> (assoc #{} :a 1)
ClassCastException clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Associative clojure.lang.RT.assoc (
user=> (assoc! (transient #{}) :a 1)
ClassCastException clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet$TransientHashSet cannot be cast to clojure.lang.ITransientAssociative clojure.core/assoc! (core.clj:2959)
; the following works as it uses maps and vectors
user=> (assoc {} :a 1)
{:a 1}
user=> (assoc! (transient {}) :a 1)
#<TransientArrayMap clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap$TransientArrayMap#65cd1dff>
user=> (assoc [] 0 :a)
Now, let's try to discuss the code itself. It's a bit hard to follow your code and try to understand what the goal really is without some more hints on what you want to achieve, but as general comments:
you have a times input parameter you don't use at all
you are supposed to use the result of a transient mutation, not assume that the transient will mutate in place
avoid transients if you can, they're only meant as a performance optimization
the binding _current (/ _count 2) is probably not what you want, as (/ 5 2) really returns 5/2 and it seems that you want to use it as a position in the result
constants like _count don't need to be part of the loop binding, you can use the outer let so that you don't have to pass them at each and every iteration
use let instead of def for naming things inside a function
(if ((rem 1 2) = 0)) is definitely not what you want
Now, leaving aside the shuffling algorithm, if you need to rearrange a sequence you might just produce a sequence of new positions, map them with the original cards to produce pairs of [position card] and finally reduce them by placing the card at the new position, using the original sequence as the seed:
(defn generate [coll] ; counts down from (count coll) to 0, change to
; implement your shuffling algorithm
(range (dec (count coll)) -1 -1))
(defn mongean [cards times]
(let [positions (generate cards) ; get the new positions
assemble (fn [dest [pos card]] ; assoc the card at the wanted position
(assoc dest pos card))]
(reduce assemble cards (map vector positions cards))))
If you simply want to shuffle:
(defn mongean [cards times] (shuffle cards))


Accumulate values to a list

I'd like to create a list depending on the results of some functions. In Java (my background), I'd do something like:
List<String> messages = ...
if(condition 1)
messages.add(message 1);
if(condition 2)
messages.add(message 2);
if(condition N)
messages.add(message N);
In clojure, I think I'll need to create a list using let like the following (just dummy example):
(let [result
(if (= 1 1) "message1" "message2")
(if (= 1 0) "message3" "message4"))]
I've also checked cond but I need to be appending the elements to the list considering all the validations (and cond breaks after one condition is satisfied).
Which way should I follow to achieve this?
If you want them to be conditionally added like in the Java example, you could use cond->, which does not short circuit:
(let [messages []]
(cond-> messages ; Conditionally thread through conj
(= 1 1) (conj "Message1")
(= 0 1) (conj "Message2")
(= 0 0) (conj "Message3")))
=> ["Message1" "Message3"]
If you want to conditionally add one or the other like your second example suggests however, you could just use plain conj with some if expressions:
(let [messages []]
(conj messages
(if (= 1 1) "Message1" "Message2")
(if (= 0 1) "Message3" "Message4")))
=> ["Message1" "Message4"]
And I'll note that your original attempt almost worked. Instead of vec, you could have used vector, or just a vector literal:
(let [messages [(if (= 1 1) "Message1" "Message2")
(if (= 1 0) "Message3" "Message4")]]
=> ["Message1" "Message4"]
Although, this is would only be beneficial if you didn't already have a messages populated that you wanted to add to. If that was the case, you'd have to use concat or into:
(let [old-messages ["old stuff"]
messages [(if (= 1 1) "Message1" "Message2")
(if (= 1 0) "Message3" "Message4")]]
(into old-messages messages))
=> ["old stuff" "Message1" "Message4"]
Take a look at cond->.
For example, your Java example could be written like:
(cond-> (some-fn-returning-messages)
(= 1 1) (conj "message1")
(= 1 2) (conj "message2")
(= 1 n) (conj "messagen"))
I see several answers pointing to the cond-> macro which appears to match your request most closely in that it is nearest to the style outlined in your question.
Depending on the number of conditions you have, your question seems like a good candiate for simply using filter.
(def nums (range 10))
(filter #(or (even? %) (= 7 %)) nums)
If you have a bunch of conditions (functions), and "or-ing" them together would be unwieldy, you can use some-fn.
Numbers from 0-19 that are either even, divisible by 7, greater than 17, or exactly equal to 1. Stupid example I know, just wanted to show a simple use-case.
(filter (some-fn
#(zero? (mod % 7))
#(> % 17)
#(= 1 %))
(range 20))
Looks like everyone had the same idea! I did mine with keywords:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core demo.core tupelo.test))
(defn accum
(cond-> [] ; append to the vector in order 1,2,3
(contains? conds :cond-1) (conj :msg-1)
(contains? conds :cond-2) (conj :msg-2)
(contains? conds :cond-3) (conj :msg-3)))
(is= [:msg-1] (accum #{:cond-1}))
(is= [:msg-1 :msg-3] (accum #{:cond-1 :cond-3}))
(is= [:msg-1 :msg-2] (accum #{:cond-2 :cond-1}))
(is= [:msg-2 :msg-3] (accum #{:cond-2 :cond-3}))
(is= [:msg-1 :msg-2 :msg-3] (accum #{:cond-3 :cond-2 :cond-1 })) ; note sets are unsorted
If you want more power, you can use cond-it-> from the Tupelo library. It threads the target value through both the condition and the action forms, and uses the special symbol it to show where the threaded value is to be placed. This modified example shows a 4th condition where, "msg-3 is jealous of msg-1" and always boots it out of the result:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core demo.core tupelo.test))
(defn accum
(cond-it-> #{} ; accumulate result in a set
(contains? conds :cond-1) (conj it :msg-1)
(contains? conds :cond-2) (conj it :msg-2)
(contains? conds :cond-3) (conj it :msg-3)
(contains? it :msg-3) (disj it :msg-1) ; :msg-3 doesn't like :msg-1
; remember that sets are unsorted
(is= #{:msg-1} (accum #{:cond-1}))
(is= #{:msg-3} (accum #{:cond-1 :cond-3}))
(is= #{:msg-1 :msg-2} (accum #{:cond-2 :cond-1}))
(is= #{:msg-2 :msg-3} (accum #{:cond-2 :cond-3}))
(is= #{:msg-2 :msg-3} (accum #{:cond-3 :cond-2 :cond-1 }))
Not necessarily relevant to your use case, and certainly not a mainstream solution, but once in a while I like cl-format's conditional expressions:
(require '[clojure.pprint :refer [cl-format]])
(require '[ :as g])
(cl-format nil
"~:[He~;She~] ~:[did~;did not~] ~:[thought about it~;care~]"
(g/boolean) (g/boolean) (g/boolean))
A typical case would be validating a piece of data to produce an error list.
I would construct a table that maps condition to message:
(def error->message-table
{condition1 message1
condition2 message2
Note that the conditions are functions. Since we can never properly recognise functions by value, you could make this table a sequence of pairs.
However you implement the table, all we have to do is collect the messages for the predicates that apply:
(defn messages [stuff]
(->> error->message-table
(filter (fn [pair] ((first pair) stuff)))
(map second)))
Without a coherent example, it's difficult to be more explicit.
First-class functions and the packaged control structures within filter and map give us the means to express the algorithm briefly and clearly, isolating the content into a data structure.

How to replace the last element in a vector in Clojure

As a newbie to Clojure I often have difficulties to express the simplest things. For example, for replacing the last element in a vector, which would be
in python, I end up with the following variants in Clojure:
(assoc v (dec (count v)) new_value)
which is pretty long and inexpressive to say the least, or
(conj (vec (butlast v)) new_value)
which even worse, as it has O(n) running time.
That leaves me feeling silly, like a caveman trying to repair a Swiss watch with a club.
What is the right Clojure way to replace the last element in a vector?
To support my O(n)-claim for butlast-version (Clojure 1.8):
(def v (vec (range 1e6)))
user=> (time (first (conj (vec (butlast v)) 55)))
"Elapsed time: 232.686159 msecs"
(def v (vec (range 1e7)))
user=> (time (first (conj (vec (butlast v)) 55)))
"Elapsed time: 2423.828127 msecs"
So basically for 10 time the number of elements it is 10 times slower.
I'd use
(defn set-top [coll x]
(conj (pop coll) x))
For example,
(set-top [1 2 3] :a)
=> [1 2 :a]
But it also works on the front of lists:
(set-top '(1 2 3) :a)
=> (:a 2 3)
The Clojure stack functions - peek, pop, and conj - work on the natural open end of a sequential collection.
But there is no one right way.
How do the various solutions react to an empty vector?
Your Python v[-1]=new_value throws an exception, as does your (assoc v (dec (count v)) new_value) and my (defn set-top [coll x] (conj (pop coll) x)).
Your (conj (vec (butlast v)) new_value) returns [new_value]. The butlast has no effect.
If you insist on being "pure", your 2nd or 3rd solutions will work. I prefer to be simpler & more explicit using the helper functions from the Tupelo library:
(s/defn replace-at :- ts/List
"Replaces an element in a collection at the specified index."
[coll :- ts/List
index :- s/Int
elem :- s/Any]
(is (= [9 1 2] (replace-at (range 3) 0 9)))
(is (= [0 9 2] (replace-at (range 3) 1 9)))
(is (= [0 1 9] (replace-at (range 3) 2 9)))
As with drop-at, replace-at will throw an exception for invalid values of index.
Similar helper functions exist for
Note that all of the above work equally well for either a Clojure list (eager or lazy) or a Clojure vector. The conj solution will fail unless you are careful to always coerce the input to a vector first as in your example.

How to make reduce more readable in Clojure?

A reduce call has its f argument first. Visually speaking, this is often the biggest part of the form.
(fn [[longest current] x]
(let [tail (last current)
next-seq (if (or (not tail) (> x tail))
(conj current x)
new-longest (if (> (count next-seq) (count longest))
[new-longest next-seq]))
The problem is, the val argument (in this case [[][]]) and col argument come afterward, below, and it's a long way for your eyes to travel to match those with the parameters of f.
It would look more readable to me if it were in this order instead:
(reduceb val col
(fn [x y]
Should I implement this macro, or am I approaching this entirely wrong in the first place?
You certainly shouldn't write that macro, since it is easily written as a function instead. I'm not super keen on writing it as a function, either, though; if you really want to pair the reduce with its last two args, you could write:
(-> (fn [x y]
(reduce init coll))
Personally when I need a large function like this, I find that a comma actually serves as a good visual anchor, and makes it easier to tell that two forms are on that last line:
(reduce (fn [x y]
init, coll)
Better still is usually to not write such a large reduce in the first place. Here you're combining at least two steps into one rather large and difficult step, by trying to find all at once the longest decreasing subsequence. Instead, try splitting the collection up into decreasing subsequences, and then take the largest one.
(defn decreasing-subsequences [xs]
(cond (empty? xs) []
(not (next xs)) (list xs)
:else (let [[x & [y :as more]] xs
remainder (decreasing-subsequences more)]
(if (> y x)
(cons [x] remainder)
(cons (cons x (first remainder)) (rest remainder)))))))
Then you can replace your reduce with:
(apply max-key count (decreasing-subsequences xs))
Now, the lazy function is not particularly shorter than your reduce, but it is doing one single thing, which means it can be understood more easily; also, it has a name (giving you a hint as to what it's supposed to do), and it can be reused in contexts where you're looking for some other property based on decreasing subsequences, not just the longest. You can even reuse it more often than that, if you replace the > in (> y x) with a function parameter, allowing you to split up into subsequences based on any predicate. Plus, as mentioned it is lazy, so you can use it in situations where a reduce of any sort would be impossible.
Speaking of ease of understanding, as you can see I misunderstood what your function is supposed to do when reading it. I'll leave as an exercise for you the task of converting this to strictly-increasing subsequences, where it looked to me like you were computing decreasing subsequences.
You don't have to use reduce or recursion to get the descending (or ascending) sequences. Here we are returning all the descending sequences in order from longest to shortest:
(def in [3 2 1 0 -1 2 7 6 7 6 5 4 3 2])
(defn descending-sequences [xs]
(->> xs
(partition 2 1)
(map (juxt (fn [[x y]] (> x y)) identity))
(partition-by first)
(filter ffirst)
(map #(let [xs' (mapcat second %)]
(take-nth 2 (cons (first xs') xs'))))
(sort-by (comp - count))))
(descending-sequences in)
;;=> ((7 6 5 4 3 2) (3 2 1 0 -1) (7 6))
(partition 2 1) gives every possible comparison and partition-by allows you to mark out the runs of continuous decreases. At this point you can already see the answer and the rest of the code is removing the baggage that is no longer needed.
If you want the ascending sequences instead then you only need to change the < to a >:
;;=> ((-1 2 7) (6 7))
If, as in the question, you only want the longest sequence then put a first as the last function call in the thread last macro. Alternatively replace the sort-by with:
(apply max-key count)
For maximum readability you can name the operations:
(defn greatest-continuous [op xs]
(let [op-pair? (fn [[x y]] (op x y))
take-every-second #(take-nth 2 (cons (first %) %))
make-canonical #(take-every-second (apply concat %))]
(->> xs
(partition 2 1)
(partition-by op-pair?)
(filter (comp op-pair? first))
(map make-canonical)
(apply max-key count))))
I feel your pain...they can be hard to read.
I see 2 possible improvements. The simplest is to write a wrapper similar to the Plumatic Plumbing defnk style:
(fnk-reduce { :fn (fn [state val] ... <new state value>)
:init []
:coll some-collection } )
so the function call has a single map arg, where each of the 3 pieces is labelled & can come in any order in the map literal.
Another possibility is to just extract the reducing fn and give it a name. This can be either internal or external to the code expression containing the reduce:
(let [glommer (fn [state value] (into state value)) ]
(reduce glommer #{} some-coll))
or possibly
(defn glommer [state value] (into state value))
(reduce glommer #{} some-coll))
As always, anything that increases clarity is preferred. If you haven't noticed already, I'm a big fan of Martin Fowler's idea of Introduce Explaining Variable refactoring. :)
I will apologize in advance for posting a longer solution to something where you wanted more brevity/clarity.
We are in the new age of clojure transducers and it appears a bit that your solution was passing the "longest" and "current" forward for record-keeping. Rather than passing that state forward, a stateful transducer would do the trick.
(def longest-decreasing
(fn [rf]
(let [longest (volatile! [])
current (volatile! [])
tail (volatile! nil)]
([] (rf))
([result] (transduce identity rf result))
([result x] (do (if (or (nil? #tail) (< x #tail))
(if (> (count (vswap! current conj (vreset! tail x)))
(count #longest))
(vreset! longest #current))
(vreset! current [(vreset! tail x)]))
Before you dismiss this approach, realize that it just gives you the right answer and you can do some different things with it:
(def coll [2 1 10 9 8 40])
(transduce longest-decreasing conj coll) ;; => [10 9 8]
(transduce longest-decreasing + coll) ;; => 27
(reductions (longest-decreasing conj) [] coll) ;; => ([] [2] [2 1] [2 1] [2 1] [10 9 8] [10 9 8])
Again, I know that this may appear longer but the potential to compose this with other transducers might be worth the effort (not sure if my airity 1 breaks that??)
I believe that iterate can be a more readable substitute for reduce. For example here is the iteratee function that iterate will use to solve this problem:
(defn step-state-hof [op]
(fn [{:keys [unprocessed current answer]}]
(let [[x y & more] unprocessed]
(let [next-current (if (op x y)
(conj current y)
next-answer (if (> (count next-current) (count answer))
{:unprocessed (cons y more)
:current next-current
:answer next-answer}))))
current is built up until it becomes longer than answer, in which case a new answer is created. Whenever the condition op is not satisfied we start again building up a new current.
iterate itself returns an infinite sequence, so needs to be stopped when the iteratee has been called the right number of times:
(def in [3 2 1 0 -1 2 7 6 7 6 5 4 3 2])
(->> (iterate (step-state-hof >) {:unprocessed (rest in)
:current (vec (take 1 in))})
(drop (- (count in) 2))
;;=> [7 6 5 4 3 2]
Often you would use a drop-while or take-while to short circuit just when the answer has been obtained. We could so that here however there is no short circuiting required as we know in advance that the inner function of step-state-hof needs to be called (- (count in) 1) times. That is one less than the count because it is processing two elements at a time. Note that first is forcing the final call.
I wanted this order for the form:
val, col
I was able to figure out that this technically satisfies my requirements:
> (apply reduce
[0 [1 2 3 4]]
(fn [acc x]
(+ acc x)))))
But it's not the easiest thing to read.
This looks much simpler:
> (defn reduce< [val col f]
(reduce f val col))
> (reduce< 0 [1 2 3 4]
(fn [acc x]
(+ acc x)))
(< is shorthand for "parameters are rotated left"). Using reduce<, I can see what's being passed to f by the time my eyes get to the f argument, so I can just focus on reading the f implementation (which may get pretty long). Additionally, if f does get long, I no longer have to visually check the indentation of the val and col arguments to determine that they belong to the reduce symbol way farther up. I personally think this is more readable than binding f to a symbol before calling reduce, especially since fn can still accept a name for clarity.
This is a general solution, but the other answers here provide many good alternative ways to solve the specific problem I gave as an example.

Clojure: Find even numbers in a vector

I am coming from a Java background trying to learn Clojure. As the best way of learning is by actually writing some code, I took a very simple example of finding even numbers in a vector. Below is the piece of code I wrote:
(defn even-vector-2 [input]
(def output [])
(loop [x input]
(if (not= (count x) 0)
(if (= (mod (first x) 2) 0)
(def output (conj output (first x)))))
(recur (rest x)))))
This code works, but it is lame that I had to use a global symbol to make it work. The reason I had to use the global symbol is because I wanted to change the state of the symbol every time I find an even number in the vector. let doesn't allow me to change the value of the symbol. Is there a way this can be achieved without using global symbols / atoms.
The idiomatic solution is straightfoward:
(filter even? [1 2 3])
; -> (2)
For your educational purposes an implementation with loop/recur
(defn filter-even [v]
(loop [r []
[x & xs :as v] v]
(if (seq v) ;; if current v is not empty
(if (even? x)
(recur (conj r x) xs) ;; bind r to r with x, bind v to rest
(recur r xs)) ;; leave r as is
r))) ;; terminate by not calling recur, return r
The main problem with your code is you're polluting the namespace by using def. You should never really use def inside a function. If you absolutely need mutability, use an atom or similar object.
Now, for your question. If you want to do this the "hard way", just make output a part of the loop:
(defn even-vector-3 [input]
(loop [[n & rest-input] input ; Deconstruct the head from the tail
output []] ; Output is just looped with the input
(if n ; n will be nil if the list is empty
(recur rest-input
(if (= (mod n 2) 0)
(conj output n)
output)) ; Adding nothing since the number is odd
Rarely is explicit looping necessary though. This is a typical case for a fold: you want to accumulate a list that's a variable-length version of another list. This is a quick version:
(defn even-vector-4 [input]
(reduce ; Reducing the input into another list
(fn [acc n]
(if (= (rem n 2) 0)
(conj acc n)
[] ; This is the initial accumulator.
Really though, you're just filtering a list. Just use the core's filter:
(filter #(= (rem % 2) 0) [1 2 3 4])
Note, filter is lazy.
#(filterv even? %)
if you want to return a vector or
#(filter even? %)
if you want a lazy sequence.
If you want to combine this with more transformations, you might want to go for a transducer:
(filter even?)
If you wanted to write it using loop/recur, I'd do it like this:
(defn keep-even
"Accepts a vector of numbers, returning a vector of the even ones."
(loop [result []
unused input]
(if (empty? unused)
(let [curr-value (first unused)
next-result (if (is-even? curr-value)
(conj result curr-value)
next-unused (rest unused) ]
(recur next-result next-unused)))))
This gets the same result as the built-in filter function.
Take a look at filter, even? and vec
check out
(defn even-vector-2 [input](vec(filter even? input)))
If you want a lazy solution, filter is your friend.
Here is a non-lazy simple solution (loop/recur can be avoided if you apply always the same function without precise work) :
(defn keep-even-numbers
(fn [agg nb]
(if (zero? (rem nb 2)) (conj agg nb) agg))
[] coll))
If you like mutability for "fun", here is a solution with temporary mutable collection :
(defn mkeep-even-numbers
(fn [agg nb]
(if (zero? (rem nb 2)) (conj! agg nb) agg))
(transient []) coll)))
...which is slightly faster !
mod would be better than rem if you extend the odd/even definition to negative integers
You can also replace [] by the collection you want, here a vector !
In Clojure, you generally don't need to write a low-level loop with loop/recur. Here is a quick demo.
(ns tst.clj.core
[tupelo.core :as t] ))
(defn is-even?
"Returns true if x is even, otherwise false."
(zero? (mod x 2)))
; quick sanity checks
(spyx (is-even? 2))
(spyx (is-even? 3))
(defn keep-even
"Accepts a vector of numbers, returning a vector of the even ones."
(into [] ; forces result into vector, eagerly
(filter is-even? input)))
; demonstrate on [0 1 2...9]
(spyx (keep-even (range 10)))
with result:
(is-even? 2) => true
(is-even? 3) => false
(keep-even (range 10)) => [0 2 4 6 8]
Your project.clj needs the following for spyx to work:
:dependencies [
[tupelo "0.9.11"]

Building a lazy, impure id generator

I'd like to know how to create an infinite, impure sequence of unique values in Clojure.
(def generator ...) ; def, not defn
(take 4 generator) ; => (1 2 3 4)
(take 4 generator) ; => (5 6 7 8). note the generator's impurity.
I think that such a design could be more convenient than e.g. wrapping a single integer value into a reference type and increment it from its consumers, as:
The proposed approach reduces the implementation details to a single point of change: the generator. Otherwise all the consumers would have to care about both the reference type (atom), and the concrete function that provides the next value (inc)
Sequences can take advantage many clojure.core functions. 'Manually' building a list of ids out of an atom would be a bit bulky: (take 4 (repeatedly #(swap! _ inc)))
I couldn't come up with a working implementation. Is it possible at all?
You can wrap a lazy sequence around an impure class (like a java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong) to create an id sequence:
(def id-counter (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong.))
(defn id-gen []
(.getAndIncrement id-counter)
This works, but only if you don't save the head of the sequence. If you create a var that captures the head:
(def id-seq (id-gen))
Then call it repeatedly, it will return ids from the beginning of the sequence, because you've held onto the head of the sequence:
(take 3 id-seq)
;; => (0 1 2)
(take 3 id-seq)
;; => (0 1 2)
(take 3 id-seq)
;; => (0 1 2)
If you re-create the sequence though, you'll get fresh values because of the impurity:
(take 3 (id-gen))
;; (3 4 5)
(take 3 (id-gen))
;; (6 7 8)
(take 3 (id-gen))
;; (9 10 11)
I only recommend doing the following for educational purposes (not production code), but you can create your own instance of ISeq which implements the impurity more directly:
(def custom-seq
(reify clojure.lang.ISeq
(first [this] (.getAndIncrement id-counter))
(next [this] (.getAndIncrement id-counter))
(cons [this thing]
(cons thing this))
(more [this] (cons
(.getAndIncrement id-counter)
(count [this] (throw (RuntimeException. "count: not supported")))
(empty [this] (throw (RuntimeException. "empty: not supported")))
(equiv [this obj] (throw (RuntimeException. "equiv: not supported")))
(seq [this] this)))
(take 3 custom-seq)
;; (12 13 14)
(take 3 custom-seq)
;; (15 16 17)
I had a fun time discovering something during answering your question. The first thing that occured to me was that perhaps, for whatever ultimate goal you need these IDs for, the gensym function might be helpful.
Then, I thought "well hey, that seems to increment some impure counter to generate new IDs" and "well hey, what's in the source code for that?" Which led me to this:
(. clojure.lang.RT (nextID))
Which seems to do what you need. Cool! If you want to use it the way you suggest, then I would probably make it a function:
(defn generate-id []
(. clojure.lang.RT (nextID)))
Then you can do:
user> (repeatedly 5 generate-id)
=> (372 373 374 375 376)
I haven't yet tested whether this will produce always unique values "globally"--I'm not sure about terminology, but I'm talking about when you might be using this generate-id function from within different threads, but want to still be sure that it's producing unique values.
this is another solution, maybe:
user=> (defn positive-numbers
([] (positive-numbers 1))
([n] (cons n (lazy-seq (positive-numbers (inc n))))))
user=> (take 4 (positive-numbers))
(1 2 3 4)
user=> (take 4 (positive-numbers 5))
(5 6 7 8)
A way that would be more idiomatic, thread-safe, and invites no weirdness over head references would be to use a closure over one of clojures built in mutable references. Here is a quick sample I worked up since I was having the same issue. It simply closes over a ref.
(def id-generator (let [counter (ref 0)]
(fn [] (dosync (let [cur-val #counter]
(do (alter counter + 1)
Every time you call (id-generator) you will get the next number in the sequence.
Here's another quick way:
user> (defn make-generator [& [ii init]]
(let [a (atom (or ii 0 ))
f #(swap! a inc)]
#(repeatedly f)))
user> (def g (make-generator))
user> (take 3 (g))
(1 2 3)
user> (take 3 (g))
(4 5 6)
user> (take 3 (g))
(7 8 9)
This is hack but it works and it is extremely simple
; there be dragons !
(defn id-gen [n] (repeatedly n (fn [] (hash #()))))
(id-gen 3) ; (2133991908 877609209 1060288067 442239263 274390974)
Basically clojure creates an 'anonymous' function but since clojure itselfs needs a name for that, it uses uniques impure ids to avoid collitions. If you hash a unique name then you should get a unique number.
Hope it helps
Creating identifiers from an arbitrary collection of seed identifiers:
(defonce ^:private counter (volatile! 0))
(defn- next-int []
(vswap! counter inc))
(defn- char-range
[a b]
(mapv char
(range (int a) (int b))))
(defn- unique-id-gen
"Generates a sequence of unique identifiers seeded with ids sequence"
;; Laziness ftw:
(apply concat
(iterate (fn [xs]
(for [x xs
y ids]
(str x y)))
(map str ids))))
(def inf-ids-seq (unique-id-gen (concat (char-range \a \z)
(char-range \A \Z)
(char-range \0 \9)
[\_ \-])))
(defn- new-class
"Returns an unused new classname"
(nth inf-ids-seq (next-int)))
(repeatedly 10 new-class)
(take 16 (unique-id-gen [\a 8 \c]))
;; => ("a" "8" "c" "aa" "a8" "ac" "8a" "88" "8c" "ca" "c8" "cc" "aaa" "aa8" "aac" "a8a")