I was wondering if anyone could give me a clue as to what these error messages mean when I try to compile my code.
Here is the error I get:
in function 'int main()':
not match for 'operator<<'in 'std::operator<<[with_Traits = std::char_traits(((std::basic_ostr...
and it repeats for a while.
I want to post my full code just so you have a idea of what my assignment is, it not that long! =)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
class Odometer
void reset();
void totalfuel();
void input_miles(int getmiles);
void Odometer::set_fuel_efficiency(double fuel_efficiency);
int gallonsUsed;
int milesDriven;
double fuel_efficiency;
int getmiles;
milesDriven = 0;
fuel_efficiency = 0;
void Odometer::reset()
milesDriven = 0;
void Odometer::totalfuel()
fuel_efficiency = (milesDriven/gallonsUsed);
void Odometer::input_miles(int miles_driven)
milesDriven = milesDriven + miles_driven;
void Odometer::set_fuel_efficiency(double Fuel_efficiency)
fuel_efficiency = Fuel_efficiency;
double Odometer::getgallons()
return milesDriven/fuel_efficiency;
// ======================
// main function
// ======================
int main()
// Two test trips
Odometer trip1, trip2;
cout << "For your fuel-efficient small car:" << endl;
cout << "After 100 miles, " << trip1.totalfuel() << " gallons used." << endl;
cout << "After another 50 miles, " << trip1.totalfuel() << " gallons used." << endl;
cout << "For your gas guzzler:" << endl;
cout << "After 100 miles, " << trip2.totalfuel() << " gallons used." << endl;
cout << "After another 50 miles, " << trip2.totalfuel() << " gallons used." << endl;
return 0;
What would you expect cout << void to print?
totalfuel() returns void, and you're passing it as a parameter to cout::operator <<. Did you mean to return something from the method?
double Odometer::totalfuel()
fuel_efficiency = (milesDriven/gallonsUsed);
return fuel_efficiency;
totalFuel() returns void. I think you meant to invoke the getgallons() method instead.
I am asked to do this code and i need to use array or something similar to print out different classes. The only way i know is individually doing every single class is there a faster way of doing this. Following is the way i am using at the moment.
Ground_Transport Gobj;
Air_Transport Aobj;
Sea_Transport Sobj;
Car Cobj;
Train Tobj;
Bus Bobj;
cout << Gobj.getName() << endl;
cout << Bobj.getName() << endl;
cout << Aobj.getName() << endl;
cout << Cobj.getName() << endl;
cout << Tobj.getName() << endl;
Transport_KL_Penang Kobj;
cout << Kobj.getName() << endl;
This is the header file Transport_KL_Penang
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Transport_KL_Penang
Transport_KL_Penang() {}
virtual string getName() {
return Name;
int Time_in_hours1 ;
int Time_in_hours2 ;
int Cost_in_RM1 ;
int Cost_in_RM2 ;
void estimate_time() ;
void estimate_cost() ;
static string Name;
void Transport_KL_Penang::estimate_time()
cout << "It takes " << Time_in_hours1 << "-" << Time_in_hours2 <<
" hours if you use " << Name << endl;
void Transport_KL_Penang::estimate_cost()
cout << "It will cost around " << Cost_in_RM1 << "-" << Cost_in_RM2 <<
"RM if you use " << Name << endl;
If you don't need a specific object name, you can write something as a code below, creating a multiples generics objects:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <time.h>
class Myclass {
int randTime;
float cost;
void estimate_time(){
randTime = rand()%100;
void estimate_cost(){
cost = randTime * 0.2;
float getEstimateCost(){
return cost;
int main(){
int numberOfObjects = 7;
Myclass obj[numberOfObjects];
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++){
// printing
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++){
std::cout << obj[i].getEstimateCost() << std::endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
void armySkirmish();
void battleOutcome();
string commander = "";
int numberOfHumans = 0;
int numberOfZombies = 0;
class ArmyValues
double attackPower;
double defensePower;
double healthPoints;
void setAttackPower(double a)
attackPower = a;
void setDefensePower(double d)
defensePower = d;
void setHealthPoints(double h)
healthPoints = h * (defensePower * .1);
class Zombies: public ArmyValues
class Humans: public ArmyValues
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
cout << "Input Commander's Name: " << endl;
cin >> commander;
cout << "Enter Number of Human Warriors: " << endl;
cin >> numberOfHumans;
cout << "Enter Number of Zombie Warriors: " << endl;
cin >> numberOfZombies;
return 0;
void armySkirmish()
cout << "\nThe Humans tense as the sound of the undead shuffle towards them." << endl;
cout << commander << " shuffles forward with a determined look." << endl;
cout << "The undead form up into ranks and growl a war chant!" << endl;
cout << commander <<" shouts, CHARGE!!!" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Warriors from both sides blitz across the field!" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "*The Carnage has begun!*" << endl;
cout << "*Steal, Sparks, and Flesh flies" << endl;
void battleOutcome()
int zombieLives = numberOfZombies;
int humanLives = numberOfHumans;
int randomNumber = 0;
int humanDeath = 0;
int zombieDeath = 0;
double newHumanLife = 0;
double newZombieLife = 0;
Zombies zombieBattleData;
Humans humanBattleData;
while(zombieLives && humanLives > 0)
randomNumber = 1+(rand()%10);
if(randomNumber < 6)
newHumanLife = humanBattleData.healthPoints - zombieBattleData.attackPower;
if(newHumanLife <= 0)
newZombieLife = zombieBattleData.healthPoints - humanBattleData.attackPower;
if(newZombieLife <= 0)
if(zombieLives <= 0)
cout << "Humans have emerged victorious!" << endl;
cout << "Human Deaths: " << humanDeath << "Zombie Deaths: " << zombieDeath << endl;
}else if(humanLives <= 0)
cout << "Zombies have emerges victorious!" << endl;
cout << "Human Deaths: " << humanDeath << "Zombie Deaths: " << zombieDeath << endl;
I know the code wont run properly as of now. What I was doing was a test run to make sure I was receiving no errors. The two errors I'm getting are:
armySimulatorMain.cpp:25:10: error: 'double ArmyValues::healthPoints' is protected
armySimulatorMain.cpp:115:67: error: within this context.
newHumanLife = humanBattleData.healthPoints - zombieBattleData.attackPower;
This is the case for Attack Power and Health Power however, Defense power is clearing the errors. i don't understand why they are getting flagged. I'm changing the variable through the public function so shouldn't this be allowed?
Also, I'm calling three variables outside of all functions because they are being used by multiple functions. How can I plug those variables somewhere I don't like that they are floating freely above everything?
Thanks guys I can't believe I forgot about getters... Anyway the code runs now much appreciated I'll make sure to remember this time xD
It's not complaining about the line where you set the values; as you say, that uses a public function. But here, you try to read the protected member variables:
newHumanLife = humanBattleData.healthPoints - zombieBattleData.attackPower;
You only try to read two variables, and those are the ones it complains about.
You'll need a public getter function to read the values.
You need to do something like:
double gethealthPoints()
return healthPoints;
because attackPower, defensePower, healthPoints are all protected, so if you want to access to any of them you need a getter, otherwise you will always receive an protect error
I am getting an error saying the operand "<<" (right before times3(x) in the main function ) does not match the operand types being outputted in that line. What am I doing wrong? I searched for errors similar to it and found that its an inclusion error but i thought having would fix it. Also, countdown(seconds) in the main function is not being recognized and giving me an error. Why is that? The problems keep occurring when working with void.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;
bool die(const string & msg);
double triple(double x);
double times9(double x);
void triple(double & result, double x);
void times3(double & x);
void countdown(unsigned seconds);
bool restore();
int main(){
double x;
cout << "x: " << endl;
cin >> x;
cout << "The triple of " << x << " is " << triple(x) << endl;
cout << "9 times of " << x << " is " << times9(x) << endl;
cout << "3 times of " << x << " is " << times3(x) << endl;
unsigned seconds;
cout << "seconds: " << endl;
cin >> seconds;
cout << countdown(seconds) << endl;
bool die(const string & msg){
cout << "Fatal error: " << msg << endl;
double triple(double x){
return 3 * x;
double times9(double x){
return 3 * triple(x);
void triple(double & result, double x){
x = 3 * x;
void times3(double & x){
x = triple(x);
void countdown(unsigned & seconds){
unsigned count = seconds;
cin >> seconds || die("input failure");
for (unsigned i = seconds; i <= size; i--){
cout << i << endl;
cout << "Blast off! " << endl;
bool resotre(){
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
return cin.good();
As mentioned in earlier answer, you need to change the return type of your function from void to the data type of variable your trying to print.
Another issue in your code is with function void countdown(unsigned & seconds)
Declaration and definition of the functions are different.
You have declared it as void countdown(unsigned seconds); but at the time of defining it you are using void countdown(unsigned & seconds). In declaration you are declaring it to take arguments by value but in definition you are making it to take arguments by reference.
Also in the for loop of the function countdown you have written
for (unsigned i = seconds; i <= 0; i--), this won't print any output, since your condition is i<=0, i think you tried to type i >= 0. :)
times3 returns void. Try:
cout << "3 times of " << x << " is " << x << endl;
Or have times3() return double instead of passing by reference.
double times3(double x);
I am trying to use a pointer in my function and then call the function from my main body. When I try to call it I get these 2 errors'; "undefined reference to string output which is caused by the line where I call my stringOutput(); function and the other error is "Id returned 1 exit status." I'm not sure why these errors are occurring.
void stringOutput(int dayNumber, double *ptrTemperatures);
int main()
int dayNumber;
double fahrenheit = 0;
double cTemperature = 0;
const double MAXIMUM_TEMPERATURE = 60;// constants for mix/max
const double MINIMUM_TEMPERATURE = -90 ;
const int MAXIMUM_DAYS = 365;
const int MINIMUM_DAYS = 1;
double *ptrTemperatures = NULL;
cout << "How many days would you like to enter? ";
dayNumber = myValidation::GetValidInteger(MINIMUM_DAYS, MAXIMUM_DAYS);
ptrTemperatures = new double[dayNumber];
catch(exception e)
cout << "Failed to allocate memory: " << e.what() << endl;
cout << "\n\nTEMPERATURE REPORTER\n____________________________\n Please Enter the temperature for each day.";
for(int dayCount = 0; dayCount < dayNumber; dayCount++){
cout << "Celsius Temperature for Day " << (dayCount + 1) << ": ";
ptrTemperatures[dayCount] = myValidation::GetValidDouble(MINIMUM_TEMPERATURE, MAXIMUM_TEMPERATURE);
delete[] ptrTemperatures;
return 0;
}//end main
void stringOutput(int dayNumber, double *ptrTemperatures)
cout << "DAILY TEMPERATURE REPORT\n__________________________________-\n\n";
for(int dayCounter = 0; dayCounter < dayNumber; dayCounter++)
cout << "Day " << dayCounter << (dayCounter+1) << setw(10) << celsiusToFahrenheit(ptrTemperatures[dayCounter]) << (char(248)) << "F"
<< setw(10) << ptrTemperatures[dayCounter] << (char(248)) << "C" << endl;
At a guess, your code looks roughly like this:
void stringOutput();
int main()
void stringOutput(int dayNumber, double *ptrTemperatures)
Your main function uses the stringOutput function you declared above, but that function is never defined anywhere, hence the error.
Below main, you declare and define a separate overload of stringOutput, which has two parameters instead of none.
If you want to use the function you have below main, you need to declare it before main:
void stringOutput(int dayNumber, double *ptrTemperatures);
int main()
You also need to give it the arguments it needs, instead of giving it nothing:
int main()
stringOutput(dayNumber, ptrTemperatures);
I am working a a text adventure and have come across an error when I try to call a method from another method. The method returns the private int player_health and private int player_attack this work when I call it in main but when I call it in my combat_handler class it just give me a random number. I call it the exact same way in both class. Here is my code
#include <iostream>
#include "player_handler.h"
#include "enemy_handler.h"
#include "combat_handler.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
player_handler phobj;
enemy_handler ehobj;
combat_handler cbobj;
return 0;
player_handler header
class player_handler
int get_player_health();
int get_player_attack();
void get_player_stats();
void add_player_health(int x);
void remove_player_health(int x);
void add_player_attack(int y);
void set_player_stats(int x, int y);
int test_player_systems();
int player_health;
int player_attack;
#include "player_handler.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//cout << "working"<< endl;
//Getting the players stats
int player_handler::get_player_health()
return player_health;
int player_handler::get_player_attack()
return player_attack;
void player_handler::get_player_stats()
cout << "the players health is " << get_player_health()<<endl;
cout << "The players attack is " << get_player_attack() <<endl;
//setting the player stats
void player_handler::set_player_stats(int x, int y)
player_handler::player_health = x;
player_attack = y;
//cout << "player health is " << player_health << endl;
//cout << "player attack is " << player_attack << endl;
//Player health control
void player_handler::add_player_health(int x)
//cout << "The old player health was " << player_health << endl;
player_health = player_health + x;
//cout << "Your health is now " << player_health << endl;
void player_handler::remove_player_health(int x)
//cout << "you lost " << x << " health" << endl;
player_health = player_health - x;
//cout << "Your new health is " << player_health << endl;
//player attack control
void player_handler::add_player_attack(int y)
//cout << "Your attack has been upgraded by " << y << " points" << endl;
player_attack = player_attack+y;
//cout << "You attack is now " << player_attack <<endl;
//test all player systems
int player_handler::test_player_systems()
cout <<"The player health is " << get_player_health()<<endl;
cout <<"the player attack is " << get_player_attack() << endl;
return 0;
Now keep in mind that all this works it returns the right value for player_health and player_attack. now here is my problem it just gives me a random number
combat_handler header
class combat_handler
int player_turn();
int enemy_turn();
int player_input;
int player_dmg_given;
int enemy_dmg_given;
#include "combat_handler.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "player_handler.h"
using namespace std;
cout << "combat handler on-line\n";
int combat_handler::player_turn()
player_handler phobj;
cout << "Would you like to (1)check stats (2) Enter the room?\n";
cin >> player_input;
case 1:
cout << "one"<<endl;
cout << "entering the room.\n";
return 0;
The error happens when I call get_player_stats from the phobj in the combat handler class.
player_handler phobj;
This would call default constructor for player_handler( from your code it seems you are doing nothing in default constructor). And then you are calling get_player_stats() without setting the values. So, it would surely give you random values.
Earlier in main,
phobj.test_player_systems(); <<<< This is setting values.
phobj.get_player_stats(); <<<< Then you are querying on values already set.