Illegal Seek in pthread_cancel - c++

I have a program that is trying to use create and cancel through an implemented pool.
The creation is as follows:
int threadsNum=10;
while (created<threadsNum){
pthread_t newThread;
pthread_struct *st; //Open the thread that handle the deleting of the sessions timeout.
st = (pthread_struct*)malloc(sizeof(pthread_struct));
st->id = created;
st->t = newThread;
pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex_threadsPool );
readingThreadsPool[created] = st;
pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex_threadsPool );
if((threadRes1 = pthread_create( &newThread, NULL, pcapReadingThread, (void*)created)))
syslog(LOG_CRIT, "Creating Pcap-Reading Thread %d failed.",created);
printf( "Creating Pcap-Reading Thread %d failed.\n",created);
syslog(LOG_INFO, "Created Pcap-Reading Thread %d Successfully.",created);
Later I try to cancel them and restart them :
pthread_t t;
pthread_struct* tstr;
int i;
pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex_threadsPool );
//first go on array and kill all threads
for(i = 0; i<threadsNum ; i++ ){
tstr = readingThreadsPool[i];
if (tstr!=NULL){
t = tstr->t;
if (pthread_cancel(t)!=0){
perror("ERROR : Could not kill thread");
printf("Killed Thread %d \n",i);
So far so good, but the only problem is that the output is
Error : Could not kill thread : Illegal Seek
Killed Thread 1
Killed Thread 2
Killed Thread 3
Killed Thread 4
Killed Thread 5
Killed Thread 6
Killed Thread 7
Killed Thread 8
Killed Thread 9
Why doesn't it kill the thread in the 0 index as well?
And I couldn't find anything about Illegal Seek..
Thanks for your help people

The problem is that newThread is being used before it is initialized:
pthread_t newThread;
pthread_struct *st;
st = (pthread_struct*)malloc(sizeof(pthread_struct));
st->id = created;
st->t = newThread;
but newThread does not receive a value until after the successful invocation of pthread_create(). It appears that newThread variable is retaining its previous value on subsequent iterations of the loop, which results in the correct cancelling of all threads except for last thread started as its id is never inserted into the readingThreadsPool array.
You need to populate the st->t member after the call to pthread_create().
As the code currently stands, it is possible for an entry to be inserted into the readingThreadsPool array even though it is not actually a thread yet. Put the insertion logic after the call to pthread_create():
if((threadRes1 =
pthread_create(&(st->t), NULL, pcapReadingThread, (void*)created)))
syslog(LOG_CRIT, "Creating Pcap-Reading Thread %d failed.",created);
printf( "Creating Pcap-Reading Thread %d failed.\n",created);
pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex_threadsPool );
readingThreadsPool[created] = st;
pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex_threadsPool );
or if the pcapReadingThread() function accesses readingThreadsPool and expects an entry for itself (which I think might be the case due to created being passed) then enclose the pthread_create() inside the lock of mutex_threadsPool.


pthread_attr_setstacksize and pthread_exit

I have a question about C concurrency programming in Embedded System with about 64Mb Ram.
Especially, I want to reduce the default memory used by a Thread, so I have defined:
pthread_attr_t attr_test;
size_t stacksize = 0x186A0; // 100Kbyte
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr_test, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr_test, stacksize);
So, When the Thread starts, it uses only 100Kbyte of virtual Memory.
BUT when the Thread ends and calls pthread_exit, the virtual Memory used by the process, increases rapidly!....
Why? What can I do?
Thread ->
void *thread_test(void *arg1) {
int *param;
param = (int*)arg1;
printf("Thread %d start\n", *param);
pthread_cond_wait(&condition[*param], &mutex[*param]);
printf("Thread %d stop\n",*param);
Main ->
int main(void) {
pthread_t IDthread[MAX_THREADS];
int param[MAX_THREADS];
int pointer;
int i, keyb;
void *stkaddr;
size_t stacksize;
puts("!!! THREAD TEST !!!");
printf("Process ID %d\n\n", getpid());
for(i=0; i<MAX_THREADS; i++)
pthread_cond_init(&condition[i], NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex[i], NULL);
IDthread[i] = 0;
param[i] = i;
stacksize = 0x186A0; // 100Kbyte
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr_test, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
/* setting the size of the stack also */
pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr_test, stacksize);
pointer = 0;
do {
keyb = getchar();
if (keyb == '1')
if (pointer < MAX_THREADS)
pthread_create(&IDthread[pointer], &attr_test, thread_test, &param[pointer]);
puts("MAX Threads Number");
if (keyb == '2')
if (pointer != 0)
puts("0 Thread is running");
} while (keyb != '0');
There is a known issue with the joinable or detached threads, quoting from the manual:
Only when a
terminated joinable thread has been joined are the last of its
resources released back to the system. When a detached thread
terminates, its resources are automatically released back to the
you can make the thread detachable with:
There are some problems with your test.
At first, pthread_attr_setstacksize has the following documentation:
The stack size attribute determines the minimum size (in bytes) that will be allocated for threads created using the thread attributes object attr.
So each thread could use more than what you have set. But more than that, threads may allocate memory from the OS to use as stack. And this also applies to the main thread.
Therefore I don't think there is a way to achieve what you want by looking at the result of top command, since this information is only visible from within the thread itself.
Also note that the virtual memory used by the process is not related to the amount of RAM used by the process.
Here is something you can try to check the total stack of a thread.

Executing multiple threads in a round robin fashion using pthread_cond_wait and pthread_cond_signal in c/c++

I have created 10 threads and want to execute in a round robin fashion for 3 times. Initially all
threads are waiting. Main threads sends signal to thread 0, on receiving signal thread 0 woke up and
then perform some task and then send signal to thread 1 and this repeats like thread1-> thread2->thread3
....->thread9. then thread 9-> thread 0.
I am trying to implement this
thread i, does some task, then send signal to thread (i+1) and then thread i goes for sleep. thread (i+1) will wake up after t sec (means thread i+1 wakeup time - thread i sleep time = t sec ), thread (i+1) will do some task, send signal to thread (i+2) and go for sleep and this will repeat for few(3) times.
Although I am able to send signal from thread 0-> thread 1 -> .... thread 9 (loop executed only once ), I am not able to send signal thread 9 -> thread 0 and that's why I am not able to repeat this loop for 3 times.
where I am making mistakes ?
Any help will be highly appreciated .
I am using g++ 4.6.3 under linux kernel 2.6.32.
Here is my expected output
Create 5 threads
Thread created=0
Thread created=1
Thread created=2
Thread created=3
Thread created=4
Thread 4 blocked
Thread 3 blocked
Thread 2 blocked
Thread 1 blocked
Thread 0 blocked
Wake up all waiting threads...
Thread 0 unblocked
Thread 1 unblocked
Thread 2 unblocked
Thread 3 unblocked
Thread 4 unblocked
Thread 4 blocked // repeataion of same sequence
Thread 3 blocked
Thread 2 blocked
Thread 1 blocked
Thread 0 blocked
Thread 0 unblocked
Thread 1 unblocked
Thread 2 unblocked
Thread 3 unblocked
Thread 4 unblocked
Wait for threads and cleanup
Main completed
Here is my actual output
Create 5 threads
Thread created=0
Thread created=1
Thread created=2
Thread created=3
Thread created=4
Thread 4 blocked
Thread 3 blocked
Thread 2 blocked
Thread 1 blocked
Thread 0 blocked
Wake up all waiting threads...
Thread 0 unblocked
Thread 1 unblocked
Thread 2 unblocked
Thread 3 unblocked
Thread 4 unblocked
Wait for threads and cleanup
Main completed
Here is my code
#include <pthread.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
/* For safe condition variable usage, must use a boolean predicate and */
/* a mutex with the condition. */
int conditionMet = 0;
pthread_cond_t cond[5];
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
#define NTHREADS 5
void *threadfunc(void *parm)
int i;
long my_id = (long)parm;
int rc;
// Initially all threads will wait
rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
printf("Thread %d blocked\n",my_id);
rc = pthread_cond_wait(&cond[my_id], &mutex);
printf("Thread %d unblocked\n", my_id);
rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
int count=0;
while(count++<3) // This line makes no sense, no repeatation as expected.
rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
while (!conditionMet) {
printf("Thread %d blocked\n",my_id);
rc = pthread_cond_wait(&cond[my_id], &mutex);
printf("Thread %d unblocked\n", my_id);
rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
// sending signal to next thread i+1
rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
rc = pthread_cond_signal(&cond[(my_id+1)%NTHREADS]);
rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int rc=0;
int i;
pthread_t threadid[NTHREADS];
printf("Enter Testcase - %s\n", argv[0]);
printf("Create %d threads\n", NTHREADS);
for(i=0; i<NTHREADS; ++i) {
rc = pthread_create(&threadid[i], NULL, threadfunc, (void *)i);
printf("Thread created=%d\n", i);
sleep(5); /* Sleep is not a very robust way to serialize threads */
rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
/* The condition has occured. Set the flag and wake up any waiting threads */
conditionMet = 1;
printf("Wake up all waiting threads...\n");
rc = pthread_cond_signal(&cond[0]);
rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
printf("Wait for threads and cleanup\n");
for (i=0; i<NTHREADS; ++i) {
rc = pthread_join(threadid[i], NULL);
printf("Main completed\n");
return 0;
After referring to pthread_wait I myself solved my problem.
All the threads runs in a round robin sequence for once, then the program terminate/complete execution as NO threads are WAITING for next turn, all finished .
So to run the same sequence multiple (3) times, wait variable needs to modified correctly so that each thread will wait for next turn until 3 execution.
Here is modified program :
void *threadfunc(void *parm)
int i;
long my_id = (long)parm;
int rc;
// Initially all threads will wait
rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
printf("Thread %d blocked\n",my_id);
rc = pthread_cond_wait(&cond[my_id], &mutex);
printf("Thread %d unblocked\n", my_id);
rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
int count=0;
rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
while ( conditionMet != my_id)
printf("Thread %d blocked\n",my_id);
rc = pthread_cond_wait(&cond[my_id], &mutex);
printf("Thread %d unblocked\n", my_id);
rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
conditionMet = (my_id+1)%NTHREADS ; // This is important to wait for next time
rc = pthread_cond_signal(&cond[(my_id+1)%NTHREADS]);
rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
return NULL;

Call a function concurrently on separate thread

I am working on a network programming and I have created a thread pool. It basically has a queue with mutex lock and condition variable and 5 child threads compete to get a work from the queue. It seems like working correctly with locking and unlocking with the condition variable.
But the problems is that if I call a function from the child thread then only one thread is allowed work on the function(fromByte). For example, if thread 1 called the function then the other thread won't be able to enter the function.
void WorkHandler::workLoop(){
printf("WorkHandler::workLoop, called\n");
Work *work = getWork();
char *pdata = work->getMsg();
* Get type only
unsigned char type = pdata[0];
printf("WorkHandler::workLoop, type %d\n", type);
Packet *packet = m_packetFactory->createInstance(static_cast<PACKET_TYPES>(type));
This is the work loop that the child threads are running and it calls the fromByte() after it gets the appropriate class instance from the factory. If I see the log statement then only one thread are allowed to work on the fromByte function and if the thread finished then other thread can work in the function. In other words, if a thread is currently in the function then other threads wait until the thread finish the work.
bool WorkHandler::initThreads(){
for(int i=0; i < m_maxThreads; i++){
pthread_t *thread(new pthread_t);
if(pthread_create(thread, NULL, runWorkThread, reinterpret_cast<void *>(this))!=0){
perror("WorkHandler::initThreads, pthread_create error \n");
return false;
return true;
This is how I spawn a thread and runWorkThread is a static method to call the workLoop function. How do I fix my code so that child threads can work on the function concurrently. Thanks in advance..
I am locking and unlocking like this
void WorkHandler::addWork(Work* w){
printf("WorkHandler::insertWork Thread, insertWork locking \n");
printf("WorkHandler::insertWork Locked, and inserting into queue \n");
Work* WorkHandler::getWork(){
printf("WorkHandler::getWork, locking (tid : %lu) \n", pthread_self());
printf("WorkHandler::getWork, locked (tid : %lu) \n", pthread_self());
while(m_workQueue.empty()){//Need 'while' instead of 'If'
printf("WorkHandler::getWork, waiting... (tid : %lu) \n", pthread_self());
printf("WorkHandler::getWork, waiting DONE (tid : %lu) \n", pthread_self());
Work *work = m_workQueue.front();
printf("WorkHandler::getWork, got a job (tid : %lu) \n", pthread_self());
return work;
Also, this class extends MutexdCondtion class I created
MutexCondition.cpp file
bool MutexCondition::init(){
printf("MutexCondition::init called\n");
pthread_mutex_init(&m_mut, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&m_con, NULL);
return true;
bool MutexCondition::destroy(){
return true;
bool MutexCondition::lock(){
return true;
bool MutexCondition::unLock(){
return true;
bool MutexCondition::wait(){
pthread_cond_wait(&m_con, &m_mut);
return true;
bool MutexCondition::signal(){
return true;
the problem is that if I call a
function from the child thread then
only one thread is allowed work
If you base this assumption on your printf, then you are wrong. It's possible that working thread finishes it's work before new item is placed in queue. This creates possibility, that same function will pick up two items in a row.
There is no way that for other threads to wait for working one, since there is nothing that blocks them after getWork() return.

Know if a pthread thread is Alive in a safe way

I made a multithread application that generates/destroy 100 threads continuously:
//Here is the thread class (one by every thread
struct s_control
data_in[D_BUFFER_SIZE];//data in to thread
data_out[D_BUFFER_SIZE];//data generated by the thread
//I use volatile in order to status data is avaiable in and out of the thread:
volatile __int16 status;//thread state 0=empty,1=full,2=filling (thread running)
//Here is the thread main function
static void* F_pull(void* vv)//=pull_one_curl()
s_control* cc = (s_control* ) vv;
//use of cc->data_in and filling of cc->data out
cc->status=1; //Here advises that thread is finished and data out is filled
return NULL;
void main()
control=new s_control[D_TAREAS];
pthread_t *tid=new pthread_t[D_TAREAS];
for (th=0;th<D_TAREAS;th++)
{ //Access to status of thread at the beginning
//(to avoid if it changes in the middle):
long status1=control[th].status
if (status1==0) //Thread finished and data_out of thread is empty
{ control[i2].status=2; //Filling in (thread initiated)status LLENANDO
error = pthread_create(&tid[th],NULL,F_pull,(void *) &control[th]);
else if (status1==1) //Thread finished and data_out of thread is full
//do things with control[th].data_out;
//and fill in control[th].data_in with data to pass to next thread
control[th].status=0; //Thread is finished and now its data_out is empty
Then as you can see, at the end of the thread, I used the variable volatile to advise that thread is about to exit:
begin of thread{ ....
cc->status=1; //Here advises that thread is finished and data out is filled
return NULL;
But after cc->status is set to 1 thread is not finished yet (it exist one more line)
So I do not like set status inside the thread.
I tried pthread_kill, but it didnĀ“t work, because it does not work until thread is alive, as can be seen at:
I am not sure if this answers your question, but you can use pthread_join() to wait for a thread to terminate. In conjunction with some (properly synchronized) status variables, you should be able to achieve what you need.

Pthreads problem and a few questions

#define NUM_THREADS 8
char *messages[NUM_THREADS];
struct thread_data
int thread_id;
int sum;
char *message;
struct thread_data thread_data_array[NUM_THREADS];
void *PrintHello(void *threadarg)
int taskid, sum;
char *hello_msg;
struct thread_data *my_data;
my_data = (struct thread_data *) threadarg;
taskid = my_data->thread_id;
sum = my_data->sum;
hello_msg = my_data->message;
printf("Thread %d: %s Sum=%d\n", taskid, hello_msg, sum);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS];
//int *taskids[NUM_THREADS];
int rc, t, sum;
messages[0] = "English: Hello World!";
messages[1] = "French: Bonjour, le monde!";
messages[2] = "Spanish: Hola al mundo";
messages[3] = "Klingon: Nuq neH!";
messages[4] = "German: Guten Tag, Welt!";
messages[5] = "Russian: Zdravstvytye, mir!";
messages[6] = "Japan: Sekai e konnichiwa!";
messages[7] = "Latin: Orbis, te saluto!";
for(t=0;t<NUM_THREADS;t++) {
sum = sum + t;
thread_data_array[t].thread_id = t;
thread_data_array[t].sum = sum;
thread_data_array[t].message = messages[t];
printf("Creating thread %d\n", t);
rc = pthread_create(&threads[t], NULL, PrintHello, (void *)&thread_data_array[t]);
if (rc) {
printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is %d\n", rc);
The above piece of code gives me a segmentation fault in linux using gcc
As a beginner I have a few questions in mind regarding threads
If 3 threads are created simultaneously and if they have to exit then the thread that is created first is exitted at the end?
Can the o/p differ every time of a thread creation and termination program and if so why??(I have noticed they do so");
If 3 threads are created simultaneously and if they have to exit then the thread that is created first is exited at the end?
Answer: there is no guarantee that the first thread should exit first. Once they are created, they are treated as separate entities by the OS and it's up to the OS to decide which will exit first.
Can the o/p differ every time of a thread creation and termination program and if so why? (I have noticed they do so);
Answer: yes they do differ, the reason being the same as explained above.
How and when each thread is scheduled is completely upto the OS.
There is no way to understand this without digging deep into the OS code.
In most implementations of pthreads (I have not used all, but all I have used).
When the main thread exits all the other threads stop executing and the application quits.
Thus before exiting the main thread should wait for (or kill) all child threads before exiting.
For this we have pthread_join().
void* result;
// Now all the children are dead.
Note the underlying io system is not thread safe.
So if multiple threads write to IO then you may potentially get some interleaving.
Your code is working perfectely(I am also using gcc)..
Creating thread 0
Creating thread 1
Creating thread 2
Creating thread 3
Creating thread 4
Creating thread 5
Creating thread 6
Creating thread 7
Thread 1: French: Bonjour, le monde! Sum=1
Thread 0: English: Hello World! Sum=0
Thread 2: Spanish: Hola al mundo Sum=3
Thread 4: German: Guten Tag, Welt! Sum=10
Thread 3: Klingon: Nuq neH! Sum=6
Thread 5: Russian: Zdravstvytye, mir! Sum=15
Thread 6: Japan: Sekai e konnichiwa! Sum=21
Thread 7: Latin: Orbis, te saluto! Sum=28