Regular Expression for recognizing files with following patterns az. - regex

I am trying to find a regular expression that will recognize files with the pattern as az. I have tried the regular expression below:
But, no luck. Can anyone please point me in the right direction.

Better to use a simple regex like this:

You just forgot one number part:
Depending on where and how you use the regex, you might want to surround it in ^...$.

Your pattern has 4 chiffers group, your regexp only 3.


Regex: Extract string between two strings

This is the issue I face
The String
The Need
From that string I need to extract the following
The Attempts
So far I have tried the following Regex
This returns:
The "wa=" is not supposed to be there
Perhaps with a look behind?
JMeter uses Perl5-style regular expressions therefore the regex you are looking for might be as simple as:
Use $1$ as "Template" in your Regular Expresssion Extractor.
See How to Debug your Apache JMeter Script for more details on JMeter tests troubleshooting.
will capture it in the first capture group. Otherwise I think #jivan has a good idea with the lookbehind. A little tweak too it:
Put this in your Regular Expression extractor:
I hope this help you.

Can someone tell me the regular expression for this?

I am working with regular expressions, I need to create an expression for validating strings against the following scenario:
Solution.<word1|word2|word3>.<word4|word5>.anyword.(any word containing proj in it)
I tried
But this allows strings like Solution.word1.word4.blabla.blabla.csproj, meaning it allows anything before the proj because of the .*.
Can someone help me with this??
Looks like you need this regex:
RegEx Demo
You might want to try (need to escape the . and allow capturing group to have chars except .):
It's hard to consider the actual strings you want to allow without more clarification.
You can try the following regular expression.

Filtering specific word form sentence by regex

I am trying to make a regular expression which will give an error when user will give specific input like feat, ft. I do want to allow this kind of input in a sentence. How can I solved this problem.
For example:
The feat-incorrect
rahin (feat)-incorrect
I create one
regex: /^(?!.(feat|artists|Diverse artister|Feat|Feat.Featuring)).$/
in this regex
featable- is incorrect. But I need this one correct
has Anyone solved this kind of problem? Thanks in advance.
If your question is how to create a REGEX that selects whole words and not part of a word then try something like this:
If you want the only correct word to be featable then use \bfeatable\b
check out this Regex Expression builder, its useful. the builder would highlight the correct words for the expression you put.

a simple (i think) REGEX needed for Textmate

Can someone please advise how to do this search and replace in textmate. I think I need a REGEX (but i know very little about REGEXes!)
i want to change all these bullet images to GIFs...
and I want where the number is to be a wildcard
The regular expression:
The replacement:

RegEx: Not contain specific file types

I'm searching for a regular expression that hits everything that is NOT ending with ".png" or ".jpg". I want to find out URLs that do not request an image file.
I found something like this: ([^\s]+(\.(?i)(jpg|png))$) but this is pretty much the opposite of what I want.
Is there an easy way to reverse this? Or is this expression totally wrong?!
Thanx in advance.
This can be done using negative lookahead:
That expression will match file.gif and file.png2 but not file.png.
See also: Regex help. Lighttpd rewrite rule