a simple (i think) REGEX needed for Textmate - regex

Can someone please advise how to do this search and replace in textmate. I think I need a REGEX (but i know very little about REGEXes!)
i want to change all these bullet images to GIFs...
and I want where the number is to be a wildcard

The regular expression:
The replacement:


Notepad++ Wildcard Find/Replace

I'm using Notepad++ and need to update a file where there are various differences in earlier sections of the string of text and think Wildcards may help here. From the research I've done thus far, it isn't clear what syntax would be used for this.
Here's an example of the original string:
"EEID","SUPLIFE","Voluntary Life Insurance","500000.00","500000.00",0,276,10.62.0,0,0,"20151112","","A","","","","",""
I'd like to find a way to add wildcards in the places noted below as WILDCARD:
The final output would then look like the following after the find/replace with wildcards to add VLIFE:
"EEID","SUPLIFE","Voluntary Life Insurance","500000.00","500000.00",0,276,10.62.0,0,0,"20151112","","A","VLIFE","","","",""
Tested in Notepad++ and appears to work:
("EEID","SUPLIFE","Voluntary Life Insurance",([^,]+,){8}"","A",)("")(.*)
and replace pattern:
Regex101 example

Regular Expression for recognizing files with following patterns az.

I am trying to find a regular expression that will recognize files with the pattern as az. I have tried the regular expression below:
But, no luck. Can anyone please point me in the right direction.
Better to use a simple regex like this:
You just forgot one number part:
Depending on where and how you use the regex, you might want to surround it in ^...$.
Your pattern has 4 chiffers group, your regexp only 3.

RegEx Search & Replace (via Dreamweaver CS5)

I have to deal with a problem and maybe you can help.
I took over a Website with a lot of code and would like to have it run on PHP 5.4.
But there are a LOT of statement's like this:
if($arrayname['keyname']>"") ....
I would like to replace them all with:
if(!empty($arrayname['keyname'])) ....
Doing it manually will take forever :-(
Do you know how to use Dreamweaver's CS5 search & replace with RegEx capabilites - unfortunately my RegEx knwoledge is limited.
Of course the regex must be "variable, as the arrayname and the keyname always changes.
Any help on finding the correct RegEx Stamtent is HIGHLY appreciated .
Regex to find all occurrences of if($arrayname['keyname']>""), whatever arrayname and keyname are, if only letters :
You'll have to find how to use BackReferences in Dreamweaver. If it uses standard Regex, then use the tutorial in the link, it will be of great help for you.
To complete and close this question:
In Dreamweaver search for (Regex Search in Code):
Replace by:

Find & replace with regular expressions in netbeans

I'm looking for a regular expression that can find and replace all the text "anytext" with "anything" in netbeans, some of the symbols also contain this text. I've done it a while back for a single file but now I want to change everything in my application & I'm struggling to get it right.
Just use find & replace to replace all instances of "anytext" with "anything". There is no difference between this and a regex find & replace, because there doesn't exist a pattern that can be easily exploited using regex. There is no difference in this case. Based on your comment, you still must manualy enter the word you want replaced and a word that will replace it.
I think you have misunderstood a bit what regular expressions are all about.
Were you looking for something like this? Where it wouldn't grab it inside word?

Regex not returning 2 groups

I'm having a bit of trouble with my regex and was wondering if anyone could please shed some light on what to do.
Basically, I have this Regex:
\[(link='\d+') (type='\w+')](.*|)\[/link]
For example, when I pass it the string:
[link='8' type='gig']Blur[/link] are playing [link='19' type='venue']Hyde Park[/link]"
It only returns a single match from the opening [link] tag to the last [/link] tag.
I'm just wondering if anyone could please help me with what to put in my (.*|) section to only select one [link][/link] section at a time.
You need to make the wildcard selection ungreedy with the "?" operator. I make it:
of course this all falls down for any kind of nesting, in which case the language is no longer regular and regexs aren't suitable - find a parser
Regular Expressions Info a is a fantastic site. This page gives an example of dealing with html tags. There's also an Eclipse plugin that lets you develop expressions and see the matching in realtime.
You need to make the .* in the middle of your regex non-greedy. Look up the syntax and/or flag for non-greedy mode in your flavor of regular expressions.