C++ can't find non-standard C functions in global namespace - c++

We have a fairly large C++ project which I am now in the process of moving to VS2010 and also updating a few libs along the way. So far everything builds just fine now, except I get (to me) quite weird errors where apparently a number of (edit: non-)standard C functions and symbols are not defined:
error C2039: 'strdup' : is not a member of '`global namespace'' ...\ACE_wrappers\ace\OS_NS_string.inl 222
error C2065: 'O_WRONLY' : undeclared identifier ...\ACE_wrappers\ace\OS_NS_unistd.inl 1057
This affects the following functions and symbols for me:
strdup getcwd O_WRONLY
putenv swab O_TRUNC
access unlink S_IFDIR
chdir mkdir S_IFREG
rmdir tempnam O_RDONLY
One part in the include file from ACE I experimented with was the strdup part which looks like this:
ACE_OS::strdup (const char *s)
# if (defined (ACE_LACKS_STRDUP) && !defined(ACE_STRDUP_EQUIVALENT)) \
return ACE_OS::strdup_emulation (s);
# elif defined (ACE_STRDUP_EQUIVALENT)
# elif defined (ACE_HAS_NONCONST_STRDUP)
return ::strdup (const_cast<char *> (s));
return ::strdup (s);
There are loads of similar sections for other functions above and below, all of which compile just fine.
The path taken in my case is the last one, i.e. return ::strdup (s);. If I hit F12 on the ::strdup VS takes me to the declaration in string.h of the C standard library.
If I remove the namespace qualifier it builds, although IntelliSense tells me that it's now a recursive call so it probably won't work. If I change the namespace to std:: I get around 270 more errors, this time from several other projects. If I change the function to ::_strdup it builds. Including string.h as the very frst thing changes nothing.
(Nota bene: “it builds” refers to “this particular compiler error disappears at that location, but it still leaves the errors about the other functions, obviously.)
I'm a little at a loss here. I noticed that many larger libraries either build their own abstraction over the standard library or provide things that are not there by default and that was a point where ACE and ImageMagick already clashed (in both typedefing ssize_t but with incompatible definitions). Since we pull in quite a few libraries (I don't have an exact overview either, right now) this could well be another clash, caused by the wrong include order and similar things. This is also hinted at by the fact that the same includes from ACE apparantly work fine in other projects in the same solution.
Anyone have an idea what I could look for here at least? The build log with /showIncludes is just 24k lines so I don't exactly see many patterns there, except that string.h gets included way before the problematic ACE header.
And I wouldn't want to modify the library source code as that will only bite us again if we update to a newer version.

"a number of standard C functions and symbols are not defined"
strdup is not a standard C function. It is defined in POSIX, but not in C or C++. Quoting MSDN:
These POSIX functions are deprecated beginning in Visual C++ 2005. Use the ISO C++ conformant _strdup, _wcsdup, _mbsdup instead.
It appears to me that none of the symbols you list are standard C functions.

With Mark B's comment which prompted me to look at 12 MiB of Preprocessor output I was able to solve it. In string.h the snippet where strdup is defined looks like this:
#if !__STDC__
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_strdup) _CRTIMP char * __cdecl strdup(_In_opt_z_ const char * _Src);
It so happened that this single project defines the __STDC__ symbol which causes a lot of non-standard-C-but-still-in-the-C-standard-library (thanks, Robφ for nitpicking but not solving the issue) functions to disappear completely.
I know they're deprecated, I got plenty of warnings that tell me so. But as noted, I'm not maintaining project-specific patches to 3rd-party libraries we use just to have the same fun all over again if we ever update them.

If I understand VS correctly, the strdup, etc. function names are deprecated nowadays (not POSIX compliant, I think). You should use the underlined versions.
When this happened for me, I ran a global search and replace, since it seemed like a sensible thing to do and keeps the source code in good condition for the future (VS 2012 is already out! :) ).


Details on _doserrno (MSVC) much-needed

I found that documentation on MSVC's _doserrno global variable is very "sparse", so to say. Its existence is mentioned in the documentation for errno, the Standard C global variable for error codes. At the same time _doserrno seems to be an MSVC extension. The documentation mentions that it may provide additional information on I/O errors, but it also says most functions do not set it.
But what functions do set it? There doesn't seem to be a list for this, or did I miss anything? In the documentation for individual functions I also do not see any mention like "this function does [not] set _doserrno". So how do I know whether a function does set it or not? Very confusing, isn't it?
Furthermore, the documentation doesn't say a word about how the values of _doserrno have to be interpreted. If figured, from my own testing, that it's just the Win32 Error Code passed through from the Win32 API to the C API. But is this always the case? And how to convert _doserrno to string?
(I know I could use FormatMessage() directly from Win32 API to get a string from Win32 Error Codes. But reverting to the Win32 API totally contradicts the purose of having _doserrno in the C API!)
I think it’s impossible to do what you want.
If you want to stick to portable C functions for IO, you won’t get sensible error codes or messages: neither C nor C++ standard library expose that stuff.
And if you want good error messages on Windows, you have to use Win32 API instead of portable C functions. BTW, there’re good OO wrappers above that, e.g. see CAtlFile for files.
Just for completeness since I just looked into this:
Look at the mapping in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Source<SDKver>\ucrt\misc\errno.cpp
struct errentry
unsigned long oscode; // OS return value
int errnocode; // System V error code
These are the only mappings used between CRT error codes and OS error codes. Not all CRT error codes are mapped and just a fraction of the OS error codes. To get more detail and probably the real error you need to use the Windows SDK.

How to create a DLL, which accepts strings from MT4 and returns back string type?

I am trying for two weeks to create a DLL to which I can pass strings and get back strings. But still no success.
I tried this on Dev-C++(TDM-GCC 4.9.2) and visual studio community 2015. I searched a lot about this and tried almost every sample code I found but I have no success.
I have to use this DLL with MetaTrader Terminal 4.
Here is a one sample code, which I used. This code compiles successfully but when I send a string to this, from MT4, I get an access violation error.
#ifndef MYLIB_HPP
#define MYLIB_HPP
#include <string>
#define MYLIB_API __declspec(dllimport)
#define MYLIB_API __declspec(dllexport)
bool MYLIB_API test(const std::string& str);
bool MYLIB_API MyTest(const std::string& str)
return (str == "Hi There");
If you do share a C++ string between a DLL and another executable, both need to have been compiled with the same tool-chain. This is because std::string is defined in header only. So, if the DLL and executable use different string headers, they may well be binary incompatible.
If you want to make sure that things do work with different tool-chains, stick to NULL terminated C strings.
You have just experienced one of the MQL4 tricks,the MQL4 string is not a string but a struct thus #import on MQL4 side will make MT4 to inject that, not matching your DLL C-side expectations and the access-violation error is straightforward, as your C-side code tried to access the MQL4 territories...
First rule to design API/DLL: READ the documentation very carefully.
Yes, one may object, that the MQL4 doc is somewhat tricky to follow, but thus more double the Rule#1, read the documentation very, very, very carefully as some important design facts are noted almost hidden in some not very predictable chapters or somewhere in explanations of ENUM tables, compiler directives, pragma-s side-notes et al.
Second rule: design API/DLL interface so as to allow smooth integration
MQL4 has changed the rules somewhere about Build 670+. Good news is, the MetaQuotes has announced, that there will be no further investment on their side into MT4 further developlments, so the MT4-side of the DLL/API integration will hopefully stop from further creeping.
Given your statement, that you design the DLL/API, try to design future-proof specification -- use block of uchar[]-s instead of "interpretations"-sensitive string, pass both inputs and outputs by-reference and return just some form of int aReturnCODE = myDLL_FUNC( byRefParA, byRefParB, byRefRESULT ); and your efforts will result in clean code, better portability among 3rd party language-wrappers and will also minimise your further maintenance costs.
Most likely, your code and the one you're linking against have been compiled with a different ABI for std::string, i.e. the string used by the library has a different memory layout (and sizeof) than the one you're compiling with.
I once ran into this problem when linking against the hdf5 library and using gcc. In this case, the problem could be solved by reverting to a previous ABI, as explained here.
However, the problem also occurred with clang, when such a solution was not available. Thus, to make this all working I had to avoid using std::string in any calls to the library (hdf5 in my case) that was compiled with the different ABI, and instead make do with the hdf5 interface using const char*.

Raise compile error if braces not closed at end of file (C++)

Is there a way to raise a warning or error if the C++ compiler comes to the end of file without all braces being closed? We never use headers which spill a scope into another file and would like to receive compiler warnings if it happens by accident. Compiler MSVC 2010, but others might be of interest too.
// Utilities.hpp
namespace example
class Utilities
//<EOF> -> should warn or error
Edit: I am willing to put a marker/pragma/Macro at the end of each file, where I know the brace level should be 0.
A reasonable method is
#define AT_GLOBAL_SCOPE namespace { }
because that can only appear at global or namespace scope. So it unfortunately won't catch that missing } from another namespace, but it will catch the class-case, as well as missing parentheses and semicolons.
In principle, this isn't known by the compiler proper - the preprocessor is sufficiently separate from the compiler proper that different files are "not known", it's just one long stream of source-code as far as the compiler is concerned.
One of the problems here is that the "understanding of the source code" is different at different levels. The preprocessor which inserts the #include ... into the source stream doesn't really know anything about { and } in other ways than "they are not alphanumeric" [which affects how macros and such are handled]. And consider that you could have [even if it's perhaps a bad idea]:
#define START {
#define END }
(The C preprocessor CAN be used for other things than C-code, so it's not "meant" to understand the language it is compiling)
I guess you could write a small tool that parses code and just counts up for { and down for }, and check for equality [you have to care for quotes and comments, but everything else should be counted]. But of course, the compiler will eventually tell you in some way, so I'm not sure that's much use. That assumes that there are no uneven sets of braces in macros.

Prevent or generate warning for custom deprecations

I'm using C++11's static_assert to perform compile-time checks to prevent the use of insecure functions, and/or to provide feedback to the user when a new feature should be used and the relevant APIs are out of date (e.g. using std::strftime, std::to_string, etc.).
I want to force failure if any source code attempts to use outdated functions, but I need it to be totally cross-platform, and also bypass or workaround other 'helpers' such as Microsofts own deprecations.
I see I can use .sections when working with a gnu toolchain, which I can see the definition for in OpenBSD's cdefs.h (http://ninjalj.blogspot.co.uk/2011/11/your-own-linker-warnings-using-gnu.html) but I have nothing equivalent for Visual Studio.
For example, I can use the following code without a problem to prevent strcpy/strcat:
# define COMPILE_TIME_CHECK(expression, message) static_assert(expression, message)
# define GUARANTEE_FAILURE (0 == 1)
# define DISABLED_FUNCTIONS_MESSAGE_CSTRING "strcpy, strcat must be replaced with strlcpy and strlcat, respectively"
it may be unclean but works; but the trouble is when attempting to do the same with others that don't play as nicely, such as ctime and localtime:
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(localtime_s) static __inline struct tm * __CRTDECL localtime(const time_t * _Time)
1>c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 12.0\vc\include\time.inl(86): error C2059: syntax error : 'static_assert'
Is there a way I can block specific functions (warning or compile failure), while providing a message for what to use in their place, without conflict from gcc/visual studio in a suitable way? The CRT macros in visual studio do not prevent the above error with the aforementioned defines.
I'm not convinced something like __declspec(deprecated) int strcpy(char*,char*); (as noted here: C++ mark as deprecated) is going to always play ball, and is a lot more work & less descriptive than just setting a define for the function name.
you can use Disable:warning {#warning Code}

LNK2019, LPCTSTR, and C++ syntax in general

Allow me to preface this question with 2 comments:
1) I'm a C# developer, so I don't have much practice dealing with linker errors in C++ and some standard C++ syntax is a bit unfamiliar to me. I suspect this will be an easy question to the C++ gurus out there.
2) I'm not sure how to ask this question in a way that will be relevant to the masses but I'm open to suggestions/corrections from the community. The problem with lnk2019 errors is that it seems pretty individualized as to what the problem actually is. MSDN has an article that deals with the error generally and Stack Overflow already has a slew of questions with that tag and yet I still can't seem to solve my problem.
On to the details...
I was given an old (VS2005) C++ solution with 42 projects and was asked to try and get it to build. After doing quite a bit of twiddling, I've gotten it down to just 3 projects that won't build. I'd like to focus on just one of them because I think if we can figure that one out, I can do the same things to the other 2 projects to fix them.
Let's start with the error. As you can see, the project in question is named "HttpWire".
Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'Http Wire',
configuration 'Release|x64' Compiling... HttpWire.cpp
Compiling resources... Linking... Creating library
Release\AMD64\HttpWire.lib and object Release\AMD64\HttpWire.exp
HttpWire.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public:
__cdecl THttpWire::THttpWire(char const *)" (??0THttpWire##QEAA#PEBD#Z) referenced in function
CreateConnectionWire Release\AMD64\HttpWire.dll : fatal error LNK1120:
1 unresolved externals
Looks like the linker is upset because the function "CreateConnectionWire" is calling "THttpWire" but for some reason the linker is unable to find it. There is only 1 .cpp file in the project (HttpWire.cpp) and here it is:
#include "THttpWire.h"
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hDllInst, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved)
return TRUE;
__declspec(dllexport) TConnectionWire *CreateConnectionWire(LPCTSTR connectionString)
return new THttpWire(connectionString);
__declspec(dllexport) void DeleteConnectionWire(TConnectionWire *connectionWire)
delete connectionWire;
The #include file, "THttpWire.h" lives in another project called "AirTime Core". It includes several other things and then has the following:
class THttpWire : public TConnectionWire
THttpWire(LPCTSTR connectionString);
virtual ~THttpWire();
... (lots of other stuff) ...
And then, finally, we have THttpWire.cpp:
#include "THttpWire.h"
THttpWire::THttpWire(LPCTSTR connectionString) :
hWinHttp(NULL), hSession(NULL), hRequest(NULL),
opTimedOut(FALSE), asyncError(0),
headers(NULL), headersOffset(0), headersLength(0),
requestSent = new TSyncEvent(TRUE);
This syntax is a bit weird to me... what are we doing here? I mean, I realize this is a constructor, and since THttpWIre appears to inherit from TConnectionWire (according to the .h), then the ":TConnectionWire(connectionString)" makes sense (I'm assuming this is like C# appending ": base()" to constructors of objects that inherit from other objects), but then what is all the other stuff between that and the opening brace (note that TConnectionWire does not appear to inherit from anything else)?
After doing some searching on MSDN and SO, I've learned the following (please correct me if I'm wrong)
CreateConnectionWire is prefaced by __declspec(dllexport) which simply makes it available to other projects consuming this .dll (as discussed here)
LPCTSTR is a const char* (see MSDN). Note that my projects are set with "Treat wchar_t as Built-in Type: No (/Zc:wchar_t-)" in the property pages. (see the bottom of this article and also this article)
Right now, my primary suspicion is with LPCTSTR. Perhaps it is not defined the same in both projects, which would yield different method signatures... but I don't know how to check for this or fix it if that is the case. Or, perhaps the "/Zc:wchar_t-" thing is affecting it adversely?My next suspicion is that there is something in the string of methods listed in the constructor (with the syntax that I don't understand) that is causing some sort of problem and making the "THttpWire" constructor not available, generally.What do you think? I'd be happy to share any other bits that you think would be useful.
Other information that may or may not be helpful (I'll let you decide)
When I first started with this project, there were several .lib and .h files missing and I've had to go around trying to find them (examples were opends60.lib, mssoap30.lib, WinLUA.h, etc.). It is quite possible I don't have the same version the solution was originally built against.
The projects were all built with "_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400" defined, which appears to mean it was meant to be built against the Windows 2000 SDK (see MSDN). I found something that I thought was the Win 2000 SDK (the oldest one on here, but when I link to that, I get many more errors. Instead, I'm linking to the SDK version 6.1. HOWEVER, this causes WinHttp not to compile because "SOCKADDR_STORAGE" isn't defined for anything "_WIN32_WINNT<0x0501" (windows XP). THUS, I've redefined "_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501" for all of the projects that appear to be related to HttpWire. It is possible I missed one or two.
There is only 1 .cpp file in the project (HttpWire.cpp)
Well, that's a problem because clearly you need more than 1. You also need THttpWire.cpp since it contains the constructor code. The one that the linker cannot find.
Keep the C++ build model in mind, it is very different from C#. Source code files are separately compiled. And then the linker glues all the bits of code together to make the program. Those bits may come from an .obj file created from a .cpp file. Or they could come from a .lib file, a "container" of bits of code.
Which is the likely explanation since you mentioned an "AirTime Core" project. Project + Properties, Linker, Input, Additional Dependencies setting. You need to add the output of the "AirTime Core" project, whatever it is named.