Euclidean algorithm on Sage for more than 2 elements - list

I'm trying to make an exercise which gets a list of numers, an shows a list of elements like this: if A=[a0,a1,a2] then there is U=[u0,u1,u2], knowing that a0*u0 + a1*u1 + a2*u2 = d and d is the gcd of A.
For 2 elements is a pretty simple thing, as Sage has a function to retrieve u0 and u1 out of a0 and a1:
I just don't understand how could I do this with a list of n elements.

Note that gcd(a, b, c) = gcd((gcd(a, b), c). This means that you can use the built-in function repeatedly to calculate the coefficients that you want.

You helped me a lot, came to this:
for i in x1:
while n>=0:
for j in u1:
And it works ;)


How to simplify algebra equations represented as list of list

With Prolog I want to simplify algebra expression represented as as list of list:
algebra equation
f = 3x+2
list of list
3 and 2 are coefficients
1 and 0 are exponents
That should be obvious.
I am looking for some tips or suggestions on how to code the simplifications for this example:
f = 3x+2x+1+2
f = 5x+3
I have tried some built in functions but did not get the proper idea about how to use them.
One liner, similar to what's proposed by joel76:
simplify(I,O) :-
The inner bagof collects C (coefficients) given E (exponents), the resulting list L is summed into S, and paired with E becomes [S,E], an element (monomial) of O.
If you omit the universal quantification specifier (that is L^) you get single monomials on backtracking.
You can solve your problem in this way:
simplify(_,_,S,S,[]):- !.
Sum =< NTot,
S1 is Sum + N,
I1 is I+1,
write(' + '),write(V),write('x^'),write(D),
L = [[3,1],[2,1],[1,0],[2,0]],
LO = [[D,V]|T],
The main predicate is simplify/5 which uses findall/3 to find all the coefficients with the same degree and then sums them using sum_list/2. Then you can write the result in a fancy way using write_function/1.
In SWI-Prolog You can use aggregate :
pred(>, [_,X], [_,Y]) :- X > Y.
pred(<, [_,X], [_,Y]) :- X < Y.
pred(=, [_,X], [_,X]).
simplify(In, Out) :-
aggregate(set([S,X]), aggregate(sum(P), member([P,X], In), S), Temp),
predsort(pred, Temp, Out).
For example :
?- simplify([[3,1],[2,1],[1,0],[2,0]], Out).
Out = [[5, 1], [3, 0]] ;

Calculate Area Tangent Circumferences - Prolog

I have the following function that calculates an area.
It receives three parameters, the first is an n representing the number of cases, the 2nd representing the radio of circumferences, and the 3rd is l giving me back the result.
The problem I have is that when the 1st input is greater than 1 it does not work.
This my code:
as(1, [X], A) :-
A is (sqrt(3.0) * (X*X)) - (3.14 * (X*X))/2.
as(N, [H|_T], A) :-
A is (sqrt(3.0) * (H*H)) - (3.14 * (H*H))/2,
N1 is N-1,
as(N1-1, T, A).
An example of how it should work is:
?- as(4, [1,1,1,1], R).
R = 0.162050807568877130000 ;
R = 0.162050807568877130000 ;
R = 0.162050807568877130000 ;
R = 0.162050807568877130000.
If you could help me, I would be grateful ...
Is there a reason this version isn't sufficient to your needs?
as([H|_], A):-
A is (sqrt(3.0) * (H*H)) - (3.14 * (H*H))/2.
as([_|T], A) :- as(T, A).
Or maybe this?
area(H, Area) :-
Area is (sqrt(3.0) * (H*H)) - (3.14 * (H*H))/2.
as(List, Area) :- member(Ratio, List), area(Ratio, Area).
I don't understand why you need to worry about N at all.
Matching both N and [X] leads to redundancy. You shouldn't have to repeat your formula.
You have a lot of singleton errors: _T in the head, and then T in the body which will not work.
You are passing N1-1 to the recursive call, which will not cause it to be evaluated—but you already evaluated N-1 in the previous expression, so just pass N1 here. Again, I don't see the point of this at all.
I think it's a good idea to use succ(N1, N) instead of adding or subtracting one, because it works in both directions (not relevant here, of course).
It feels a bit icky to be combining the list traversal with the calculation to me. I would in general break things down so that the calculation is separate from the data structure insofar as that can be done. This is a universal maxim of programming.
Since you want to compute the area for every measurement anyway, would it not be opportune to get a list of areas corresponding to the list of radio measurements? The structure of your predicate as/3 seems to indicate that you were thinking along those lines. And you could easily achieve that by using maplist/3:
:- use_module(library(apply)). % needed for maplist
% a single measurement and the corresponding area
area(X, A) :-
A is (sqrt(3.0) * (X*X)) - (3.14 * (X*X))/2.
areas(Xs,As) :-
maplist(area,Xs,As). % area/2 mapped to Xs results in As
Querying this predicate yields the desired results but in a list:
?- areas([1,1,5,3],As).
As = [0.16205080756887713, 0.16205080756887713, 4.051270189221931, 1.4584572681198935].

Sum of product: can we vectorize the following in C++? (using Eigen or other libraries)

UPDATE: the (sparse) three-dimensional matrix v in my question below is symmetric: v(i1,i2,i3) = v(j1,j2,j3) where (j1,j2,j3) is any of the 6 permutations of (i1,i2,i3), i.e.
v(i1,i2,i3) = v(i1,i3,i2) = v(i2,i3,i1) = v(i2,i1,i3) = v(i3,i1,i2) = v(i3,i2,i1).
Moreover, v(i1,i2,i3) != 0 only when i1 != i2 && i1 != i3 && i2 != i3.
E.g. v(i,i,j) = 0, v(i, k, k) = 0, v(k, j, k) = 0, etc...
I thought that with this additional information, I could already get a significant speed-up by doing the following:
Remark: v contains duplicate values (a triplet (i,j,k) has 6 permutations, and the values of v for these 6 are the same).
So I defined a more compact matrix uthat contains only non-duplicates of v. The indices of u are (i1,i2,i3) where i1 < i2 < i3. The length of u is equal to the length of v divided by 6.
I computed the sum by iterating over the new value vector and the new index vectors.
With this, I only got a little speed-up. I realized that instead of iterating N times doing a multiplication each time, I iterated N/6 times doing 6 multiplications each time, and that's pretty much the same as before :(
Hope somebody could come up with a better solution.
--- (Original question) ---
In my program I have an expensive operation that is repeated every iteration.
I have three n-dimensional vectors x1, x2 and x3 that are supposed to change every iteration.
I have four N-dimensional vectors I1, I2, I3 and v that are pre-defined and will not change, where:
I1, I2 and I3 contain the indices of respectively x1, x2 and x3 (the elements in I_i are between 0 and n-1)
v is a vector of values.
For example:
We can see v as a (reshaped) sparse three-dimensional matrix, each index k of v corresponds to a triplet (i1,i2,i3) of indices of x1, x2, x3.
I want to compute at each iteration three n-dimensional vectors y1, y2 and y3 defined by:
y1[i1] = sum_{i2,i3} v(i1,i2,i3)*x2(i2)*x3(i3)
y2[i2] = sum_{i1,i3} v(i1,i2,i3)*x1(i1)*x3(i3)
y3[i3] = sum_{i1,i2} v(i1,i2,i3)*x1(i1)*x2(i2)
More precisely what the program does is:
Compute y1 then update x1 = f(y1)
Compute y2 then update x2 = f(y2)
Compute y3 then update x3 = f(y3)
where f is some external function.
I would like to know if there is a C++ library that helps me to do so as fast as possible. Using for loops is just too slow.
Thank you very much for your help!
Update: Looks like it's not easy to get a better solution than the straight-forward for loops. If the vector of indices I1 above is ordered in non-decreasing order, can we compute y1 faster?
For example: I1 = [0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 ... n n].
The simple answer is no, at least, not trivially. Your access pattern (e.g. x2(i2)*x3(i3)) does not (at least at compile time) access contiguous memory, but rather has a layer of indirection. Due to this, SIMD instructions are pretty useless, as they work on chunks of memory. What you may want to consider doing is creating a copy of xM sorted according to iM, removing the layer of indirection. This should reduce the number of cache misses in that xM(iM) generates and since it's accessed N times, that may reduce some of the wall time (assuming N is large).
If maximal accuracy is not critical, you may want to consider using a FFT method instead of the convolution (at least, that's how I understood your question. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).
Assuming you are doing a convolution and the vectors (a and b, same size as in your question) are large, the result (c) can be calculated naïvely as
// O(n^2)
for(int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++)
c(i) = a(i) * b.array();
Using the convolution theorem, you could take the Fourier transform of both a and b and perform an element wise multiplication and then take the inverse Fourier transform of the result to get c (will probably differ a little):
// O(n log(n)); note A, B, and C are vectors of complex floating point numbers
fft.fwd(a, A);
fft.fwd(b, B);
C = A.array() * B.array();
fft.inv(C, c);

Difference of finite difference solution between two timesteps

I have a solution to a discretized differential equation given by
where i is a spatial index. How can I find the difference between the solution at each adjacent time step? To be more clear:
The solution is defined by an array
real,dimension(0:10) :: f
I discretize the differential equation and solve it by stepping forward in time. If the time index is k, a portion of my code is
do k=1,25
do i = 1,10
f(i) = f(i+1)+f(i-1)+f(i)
end do
end do
I can print the solution, f(i) at each time step k by the following code
print*, "print f(i) for k=, k
print "(//(5(5x,e22.14)))", f
How can I find the difference between the solution at each adjacent time step? That is, time steps k+1,k. I will store this value in a new array g, which has a dimension given by
real,dimension(0:10) :: g
So I am trying to find
!g(i)=abs(f(i;k+1)-f(i;k))...Not correct code.
How can I do this? What is the way to implement this code? I am not sure how to do this using if /then statements or whatever code would need be needed to do this. Thanks
Typically, in explicit time integration methods or iterative methods, you have to save the last time-step last solution, the current time-step solution and possibly even some more.
So you have
real,dimension(0:10) :: f0, f
where f0 is the previous value
You iterate your Jacobi or Gauss-Seidel discretization:
f = f0
do k=1,25
do i = 1,9
f(i) = f(i+1)+f(i-1)+f(i)
end do
max_diff = maxval(abs(f-f0))
if (diff small enough) exit
f0 = f
end do
If you have a time-evolving problem like a heat equation:
f = f0
do k=1,25
do i = 1,9
f(i) = f0(i) + dt * viscosity * (f0(i+1)+f0(i-1)+f0(i))
end do
max_diff = maxval(abs(f-f0))
f0 = f
end do
You have a spatial mesh at each point time. Transient problems require that you calculate the value at the end of a time step based on the values at the start:
f(i, j+1) = f(i, j) + f(dot)(i, j)*dt // Euler integration where f(dot) = df/dt derivative
i is the spatial index; j is the temporal one.

How to solve Linear Diophantine equations in programming?

I have read about Linear Diophantine equations such as ax+by=c are called diophantine equations and give an integer solution only if gcd(a,b) divides c.
These equations are of great importance in programming contests. I was just searching the Internet, when I came across this problem. I think its a variation of diophantine equations.
Problem :
I have two persons,Person X and Person Y both are standing in the middle of a rope. Person X can jump either A or B units to the left or right in one move. Person Y can jump either C or D units to the left or right in one move. Now, I'm given a number K and I have to find the no. of possible positions on the rope in the range [-K,K] such that both the persons can reach that position using their respective movies any number of times. (A,B,C,D and K are given in question).
My solution:
I think the problem can be solved mathematically using diophantine equations.
I can form an equation for Person X like A x_1 + B y_1 = C_1 where C_1 belongs to [-K,K] and similarly for Person Y like C x_2 + D y_2 = C_2 where C_2 belongs to [-K,K].
Now my search space reduces to just finding the number of possible values for which C_1 and C_2 are same. This will be my answer for this problem.
To find those values I'm just finding gcd(A,B) and gcd(C,D) and then taking the lcm of these two gcd's to get LCM(gcd(A,B),gcd(C,D)) and then simply calculating the number of points in the range [1,K] which are multiples of this lcm.
My final answer will be 2*no_of_multiples in [1,K] + 1.
I tried using the same technique in my C++ code, but it's not working(Wrong Answer).
This is my code :
My question is: can anyone please tell me if I'm using diophantine equations correctly ?
If yes, can anyone tell me possible cases where my logic fails.
These are some of the test cases which were given on the site with problem statement.
A B C D K are given as input in same sequence and the corresponding output is given on next line :
2 4 3 6 7
1 2 4 5 1
10 12 3 9 16
This is the link to original problem. I have written the original question in simple language. You might find it difficult, but if you want you can check it:
Please give me some test cases so that I can figure out where am I doing wrong ?
Thanks in advance.
Solving Linear Diophantine equations
ax + by = c and gcd(a, b) divides c.
Divide a, b and c by gcd(a,b).
Now gcd(a,b) == 1
Find solution to aU + bV = 1 using Extended Euclidean algorithm
Multiply equation by c. Now you have a(Uc) + b (Vc) = c
You found solution x = U*c and y = V * c
The problem is that the input values are 64-bit (up to 10^18) so the LCM can be up to 128 bits large, therefore l can overflow. Since k is 64-bit, an overflowing l indicates k = 0 (so answer is 1). You need to check this case.
For instance:
unsigned long long l=g1/g; // cannot overflow
unsigned long long res;
if ((l * g2) / g2 != l)
// overflow case - l*g2 is very large, so k/(l*g2) is 0
res = 0;
l *= g2;
res = k / l;