Testing Django project, how can I avoid Errno 10054? - django

I'm testing a simple django project using its own development server. However every time I close my IE client an error appears in the console. It doesn't cause any failure though. When I open another IE browser client everything is normal.
How can I get rid of this error?

Django Debug Toolbar generates tons of these errors. If you have it installed please try again without it

This happens when the client closes the connection before the server finished sending the data. If it only happens sometimes and is not a persistent problem ignore it.
Complete answer here → Django development server broken pipe error

add refresh before quit,see here


Problem in hosting Django REST API on IIS

I was trying to host django REST API on IIS but it wasn't working properly. I worked with the same locally and it was working absolutely fine.
But when I hosted it on IIS then first of all its homepage with get method for all data from the database takes longer time to load and ended up with timeout error. And, when I tried to access other pages, the same problem occurred with them too. Only a page with post method opened but when I tried to submit data it raised an error.
I checked server configuration then I found that default error is timeout error. Now I am confused about why such things happened.
Can anyone please tell me if they faced similar issue or if they know some kind of compatibility issue or some prerequisite for hosting REST API using Django REST Framework? Or help me how can I find and fix the issue.
Are you using FastCGI? check the Authentication then try to disable windows authentication and enable anonymous authentication, try that if it will work.

Bugsnag unhandled error not sent for iOS app

I am having trouble getting crash report in my Bugsnag dashboard. I followed Bugsnag doc and tried to fatalError() on one of my ViewController and it seems like it does not work. By the way, Bugsnag.notifyError(NSError(domain:"com.example", code:408, userInfo:nil)) seems working. There is not really meaningful code to provide to get the answer because what I tried is pretty trivial. Created an app, installed Bugsnag with cocoapod, disabled bitcode part as stated in the doc (installed the plugin that uploads dSYM file), and crashed the app on purpose.
Any help will be appreciated. I am frustrated to get crash report tool on my app. I have tried Firebase crash reporting tool and did not succeed too. T.,T
Do you have the debugger attached? a fatalError will not report if the debugger is attached.
Additionally, you'll need to restart your app after a crash in order to send it in.
Hope that helps!

Error 1067 when trying to start my newly created service

I've been busy writing a login server for a larger server network I'm developing (game servers) and I've hit a problem.
So I'm creating a login service using RakNet and MySQL. RakNet is fine and it works great but now I want to attach a database so I can keep registered users and let them log in. Now, I added all include and lib things to my project properties and I use mysql++ to connect to my database.
Everything compiles fine and I get no errors but when I try to start the service, after installing it correctly, I get an error 1067 that it can't be started.
I have this error since I've implemented mysqlpp but I have no idea how to solve it (been searching the internet for days). I tried reinstalling the MySQL server but that didn't help. I have the latest version of mysql++ by the way.
Anyone knows how to solve or debug this problem? Thanks in advance!

django with mongodb giving a 504 Gateway time-out

So, I am writing a django-mongo app, using mongo for storing files as well, and using the python files mongoforms and mongoengine. Things were going well for a while, but just recently I have started to get 504 errors. I am using nginx -> apache (mod_wsgi) for non-static files.
Other (non-mongo) django apps on the same server are working, as are static html pages served up by ngnix. Also, if I turn off mongodb entirely, I get the normal django debug=True error page, so when mongo is just turned off it seems that nginx, apache, and django are all able to function.
However, with mongo in the picture I am now unable to get a response. I am able to use the command line interface to mongo, and although I'm only using the 32b version, it says that I'm only using 0.0625GB for the database in question.
So, I realize this isn't enough information to figure out what my problem is, but that's more or less what I'm looking for: where do I look next? I can connect to mongo, but not via django, although I used to be able to. I've tried commenting out virtually the entire django view, just leaving the index call which is not even asking for anything from mongo, so what I'm looking for is where do I look next? Are there any debugging techniques for mongo where I can figure out why it's taking so long to respond to django? Any other ways to debug this?
I don't expect anyone to miraculously solve my problem here but telling me what info to look for next would help as I don't have much experience debugging the django-mongo connection. It worked at one time but it has stopped working and I'm not sure where to look.

Cfm page gets downloaded instead of rendering in the browser

I have done the setup for coldfusion-61.When I try to hit the URL for a cfm page, a download window pops up asking if I want to save the file. This happens in the Internet Explorer. In Mozilla it just shows the code written in the cfm file. I looked up on the internet and what most people suggested was re installation but the issue persists . Any suggestions ?
As your using port 8500 I presume you are using the internal server and do bot gave iis installed?
Are you sure that you chose rhis option during installation?
Also have you checked the service is actually running.
I ran into this on CF10, was in the end an issue with the Application Pool. I had to recreate the pool and could then move forward with other issues.