Bugsnag unhandled error not sent for iOS app - bugsnag

I am having trouble getting crash report in my Bugsnag dashboard. I followed Bugsnag doc and tried to fatalError() on one of my ViewController and it seems like it does not work. By the way, Bugsnag.notifyError(NSError(domain:"com.example", code:408, userInfo:nil)) seems working. There is not really meaningful code to provide to get the answer because what I tried is pretty trivial. Created an app, installed Bugsnag with cocoapod, disabled bitcode part as stated in the doc (installed the plugin that uploads dSYM file), and crashed the app on purpose.
Any help will be appreciated. I am frustrated to get crash report tool on my app. I have tried Firebase crash reporting tool and did not succeed too. T.,T

Do you have the debugger attached? a fatalError will not report if the debugger is attached.
Additionally, you'll need to restart your app after a crash in order to send it in.
Hope that helps!


expo dev client application doesn't open

I'm trying to use expo-dev-client to add react-native-sms-retriever library to my project because expo doesn't have a library that supports reading sms messages. In expo documentation, it's suggested that I should use expo-dev-client to add custom native code. You can see the documentation here: https://docs.expo.dev/workflow/customizing/#developing-apps-with-custom-native-code
I followed all of the steps in starting guide for expo-dev-client. https://docs.expo.dev/clients/getting-started/
But when I start my app using "expo start --dev-client" and run on android, a white screen is shown for a second and then I'm redirected to expo go application page.
in console, the following 2 lines are written:
› Opening on Android...
› Opening com.droppgroup.masterclean://expo-development-client/?url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8081 on LDN_L21
I tried this on real device and 2 other emulators but I got the same result. I reinstalled expo go application and it still doesn't work.
Any suggestions on what I can do to make this work?
The issue may be a problem with Expo config plugins, which configure native code for an Expo project, by configuring Info.plist for example. I am currently experiencing a similar issue, though after scanning the QR code, I am directed to a black screen in my Expo Dev Client which crashes and takes me back to the home page. The Dev Client worked perfected until I ran expo add react-native-bluetooth-classic, since I am trying to access iOS bluetooth APIs. I am currently working on this issue, but I just wanted to point you in the direction of config plugins since the examples Expo gives for customizing your runtime have config plugins registred in the "plugins" property of app.json.
It may be necessary to create your own plugin, though I am unsure.
Please let me know if you come up with any fixes, and so will I.

Getting some error while updating angular build on live

I'm updating my angular app as usual and today I'm getting this error.
ng build --prod
This command runs successful and also I have updated the base URL.
For check, I tried to update build 3 times and I'm getting the same error.
I had just face this issue recently and there is no any issue in your code or build. It's just issue of cacheing, You can clear you browser data or try to open app in private window.
By this way it solved my issue, I hope it may help you too.
Happy coding... :)

Webpage not fully loading with Ember

Made a website with Ember, and deployed it to the server.
However, the page does not fully load on my desktop Chrome and Safari due to errors.
I'm getting...
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token . ember-1.0.0-rc.6.1.js:18872
Uncaught ReferenceError: Ember is not defined buyahome.js:3
It works fine on localhost.
Also works fine on mobile devices.
Also noticed that some users can load it on their desktop on either Chrome or Safari.
Tried jshint, but doesn't seem to be able to find what's wrong with it.
Does anyone seen this issue before?
Have you tried the javascript console with halt on errors? There may be an error preceding the loading of ember.js that isn't logging anything which is causing this error further down the line. Another error is usually what causes things not to get defined on the namespace later on.
Have you tried to update to lastest build of ember.js? I believe that you are using a release candidate version pre 1.0. Download the current starter kit from the Ember website which will have the current stable builds of ember.js and handlebars.js and see of that fixes your error. It is strange that you can not load it from your Browser but others can. I ran into a few issues with Chrome on my Linux machine but try to upgrade and see what happens.

Testing Django project, how can I avoid Errno 10054?

I'm testing a simple django project using its own development server. However every time I close my IE client an error appears in the console. It doesn't cause any failure though. When I open another IE browser client everything is normal.
How can I get rid of this error?
Django Debug Toolbar generates tons of these errors. If you have it installed please try again without it
This happens when the client closes the connection before the server finished sending the data. If it only happens sometimes and is not a persistent problem ignore it.
Complete answer here → Django development server broken pipe error
add refresh before quit,see here

Has anyone developed a front end for ELMAH?

The default web interface is fine for exception logging, but I am using it for general logging and need to get some other people to be able to examine the logs. I was just thinking that someone else may have already developed a front end for it.
I recently ran into the ASP.NET Exception Reporter (based on ELMAH) project on codeplex. They've built a UI for ELMAH that organizes by type of error.