How to read the contents of active directory using python-ldap? - python-2.7

My script is like this:
import ldap, sys
server = 'ldap://my_server'
l = ldap.initialize(server)
pw = "password"
print "valid"
I am using Python 2.7 on windows.
Is there any method to read or get the contents of active directory?

You can do quite a lot also using win32com.client (which I had trouble finding documentation for). For example I've needed to resolve user email knowing his ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4 formatted name (doman\jonjoe).
First of all you need to convert it to ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779 format (CN=Jeff Smith,CN=users,DC=Fabrikam,DC=com):
name_resolver = win32com.client.Dispatch(dispatch='NameTranslate')
name_resolver.Set(3, 'domain\\jonjoe')
ldap_query = 'LDAP://{}'.format(name_resolver.Get(1))
Once you have that you can simply call GetObject():
ldap = win32com.client.GetObject(ldap_query)
Tested with Python 3.2.5

You should realy need to read the documentation of python-ldap
You have a connection in your variable l, then you can do this.
l.con_search_s('dc=your,dc=base,dc=dit', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'uid=*', ['uid', 'uidnumber'])
The above code, goint to search in to all the uid's entrys, for if entry, is going to get the uid and the uidnumbre attributes.


Python win32com to forward a selected email with added content

Some time ago I wrote a simple python app which asks users for input and generates a new mail via Outlook app basing on the input. Now, I was asked to add some functionality so the app will no longer generate a new mail but it'll forward a selected email and add content to it. While I was able to write code which generates a new mail, I'm completely lost when I want to approach it with forwarding selected mails.
At the moment I use something like this to send a new email:
import win32com.client
from win32com.client import Dispatch
olMailItem = 0x0
obj = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")
newMail = obj.CreateItem(olMailItem)
newMail.SentOnBehalfOfName = ''
newMail.Subject = ""
newMail.BodyFormat = 2
newMail.HTMLBody = output
newMail.To = ""
newMail.CC = ""
And I know that by using something like this you can select an email in Outlook so Python can interact with it :
obj = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")
selection = obj.ActiveExplorer().Selection
How to merge these two together so the app will forward a selected email and add a new content on the top? I tried to find it out by trial and error, but finally, I gave up. Microsoft API documentation also was not very helpful for me as I was not really able to understand much of it (I'm not a dev). Any help appreciated.
Replace the line newMail = obj.CreateItem(olMailItem) with
newMail = obj.ActiveExplorer().Selection.Item(1).Forward()

read text file content with python at zapier

I have problems getting the content of a txt-file into a Zapier
object using Here is the code I am
with open('file', 'r') as content_file:
content =
I'd be glad if you could help me with this. Thanks for that!
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
Your code as written doesn't work because the first argument for the open function is the filepath. There's no file at the path 'file', so you'll get an error. You access the input via the input_data dictionary.
That being said, the input is a url, not a file. You need to use urllib to read that url. I found the answer here.
I've got a working copy of the code like so:
import urllib2 # the lib that handles the url stuff
result = []
data = urllib2.urlopen(input_data['file'])
for line in data: # file lines are iterable
result.append(line) # keep each line, or parse, etc.
return {'lines': result}
The key takeaway is that you need to return a dictionary from the function, so make sure you somehow squish your file into one.
​Let me know if you've got any other questions!
#xavid, did you test this in Zapier?
It fails miserably beacuse urllib2 doesn't exist in the zapier python environment.

Biopython Entrez wanting to access /root/.config in Django app

I have some code in a Django app which does the following, to get a Pubmed article by DOI:
def getPubmedByDOI(request,doi): = ''
handle = Entrez.esearch(db="pubmed", term=doi)
record =
return getPubmedArticle(request,record["IdList"][0]) // renders the article
This works nicely but for one thing - the Entrez.esearch call insists upon access to /root/.config on the server, specifically to write to the following empty directory:
It's Apache on Gentoo, running as follows:
User django
Group apache
All the code for the application is in ~django/, so I'd expect any writing to be in ~django/.config rather than /root/.config. I can work around this by changing permissions on /root but a better solution would be to configure Biopython or Apache so as not to write to /root. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how this might be done?
Logged upstream as which suggests setting:
>>> from Bio.Entrez.Parser import DataHandler
>>> DataHandler.global_dtd_dir
>>> DataHandler.local_dtd_dir = '...'

GQL Queries - Retrieving specific data from query object

I'm building a database using Google Datastore. Here is my model...
class UserInfo(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty(required = True)
password = db.StringProperty(required = True)
email = db.StringProperty(required = False)
...and below is my GQL Query. How would I go about retrieving the user's password and ID from the user_data object? I've gone through all the google documentation, find it hard to follow, and have spent ages trying various things I've read online but nothing has helped! I'm on Python 2.7.
user_data = db.GqlQuery('SELECT * FROM UserInfo WHERE name=:1', name_in)
user_info = user_data.get()
This is basic Python.
From the query, you get a UserInfo instance, which you have stored in the user_info variable. You can access the data of an instance via dot notation: user_info.password and
If this isn't clear, you really should do a basic Python tutorial before going any further.
You are almost there. Treat the query object like a class.
name =
Documentation on queries here gives some examples
There are some python tips that might help you
you can also print almost anything, like
print user_info[0]
print user_info[0].name
Setup logging for your app
Logging and python etc

How to submit image uploads in Django tests?

The Django docs ( say to do this:
>>> c = Client()
>>> f = open('wishlist.doc')
>>>'/customers/wishes/', {'name': 'fred', 'attachment': f})
>>> f.close()
But when I do that the field has the error message "The submitted file is empty." That smells like a PIL issue but the form works fine on the actual site.
Reading the file and sending that instead of just a handle doesn't work either and behaves the same as passing an empty string.
OK I figured it out. I was using the same dummy image for multiple fields and Django doesn't reset the pointer after validating the first field.
Also the example in the docs doesn't show that images need to be opened in binary mode as well.
I think open expects a file path relative to where it’s being called from.
I’m not sure where that would be when a test is being run, but maybe try with an absolute path and see if it works?