redirect a process started with execv to /dev/null - c++

I have a program that forks(), and the child process is replaced by another process, say A, that is ran through invoking execv(A).
How do I redirect process A's output to /dev/null??
I've so far tried :
(The handle error parts are taken care of, and no error occurs)
pid = fork();
//check for errors
if (pid<0){
//handle error
//the child process runs here
if (pid==0){
fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
if(fd < 0){
//hadnle error
if ( dup2( fd, 1 ) != 1 ) {
//handle error
if (execv(lgulppath.c_str(),args)<0){
//handle error
However, that, understandably doesn't work , since it redirects the child process's output to /dev/null and not process A's, later to replace the child, output.
Any ideas?
(I don't have the code of A's process)

One possibility could be, that process A writes to stderr instead of stdout.
Then you must dup2(fd, 2) instead.
If process A writes to stdout and stderr, you must dup2() both:
if (dup2(fd, 1) < 0) {
// error handling
if (dup2(fd, 2) < 0) {
// error handling


child process hanging while reading from stdin (fork/dup2 race condition)?

I have a process that forks in order to execute a subprocess, which receive an entry from stdin and writes to stdout.
My code in short is as follows:
int fd[2];
int fd2[2];
if (pipe(fd) < 0 || pipe(fd2) < 0)
throws exception;
pid_t p = fork();
if (p == 0) // child
close(fd[0]); //not needed
dup2( fd[1],STDOUT_FILENO);
dup2( fd[1],STDERR_FILENO);
close(fd2[1]); //not needed
//what if write calls on parent process execute first?
//how to handle that situation
dup2( fd2[0],STDIN_FILENO);
string cmd="./childbin";
if (execl(cmd.c_str(),(char *) NULL) == -1)
exit (-1);
else if (p > 0) // parent
close(fd[1]); //not needed
if (write(fd2[1],command.c_str(),command.size())<0)
throw exception;
//waits for child to finish.
//child process actually hangs on reading for ever from stdin.
The child process remains waiting forever for data in STDIN. Is there maybe a race condition between the child and parent process? I think that could be the problem but not quite sure and also not sure how to fix it.
Thanks in advance.
Some useful information.
The parent process is a daemon and this code runs several times per second. It works 97% of the times (~3% of the cases, the child process remains in the state described before).
After added validation in dup2 call, there is no error there, next condition is never raised.
if(dup2(...) == -1) {
Your missing a wait that is why you in 3% of the cases run the parent before the child. See the example at the bottom.
Also you should call close on the fd's you don't use before doing anything else.

Linux - child reading from pipe receives debug messages sent to standard output

I'm trying to create a parent and a child processes that would communicate through a pipe.
I've setup the child to listen to its parent through a pipe, with a read command running in a while loop.
In order to debug my program I print debug messages to the standard output (note that my read command is set to the pipe with a file descriptor different than 0 or 1).
From some reason these debug messages are being received in the read command of my child process. I can't understand why this is happening. What could be causing this? What elegant solution do I have to solve it (apart from writing to the standard error instead of output)?
This code causes an endless loop because of the cout message that just triggers another read. Why? Notice that the child process exists upon receiving a CHILD_EXIT_CODE signal from parent.
int myPipe[2]
if(fork() == 0)
int readPipe = myPipe[0];
size_t nBytes = read(readPipe, readBuffer, sizeof(readBuffer));
std::cout << readBuffer << "\n";
int newPosition = atoi(readBuffer);
if(newPosition == CHILD_EXIT_CODE)
Edit: Code creating the pipe and fork
I do not know what is doing your parent process (you did not post your code), but because of your description it seems like your parent and child processes are sharing the same stdout stream (the child inherits copies of the parent's set of open file descriptors; see man fork)
I guess, what you should do is to attach stdout and stderr streams in your parent process to the write side of your pipes (you need one more pipe for the stderr stream)
This is what I would try if I were in your situation (in my opinion you are missing dup2):
pid_t pid; /*Child or parent PID.*/
int out[2], err[2]; /*Store pipes file descriptors. Write ends attached to the stdout*/
/*and stderr streams.*/
// Init value as error.
out[0] = out[1] = err[0] = err[1] = -1;
/*Creating pipes, they will be attached to the stderr and stdout streams*/
if (pipe(out) < 0 || pipe(err) < 0) {
/* Error: you should log it */
if ((pid=fork()) == -1) {
/* Error: you should log it */
if (pid != 0) {
/*Parent process*/
/*Attach stderr and stdout streams to your pipes (their write end)*/
if ((dup2(out[1], 1) < 0) || (dup2(err[1], 2) < 0)) {
/* Error: you should log it */
/* The child is going to be an orphan process you should kill it before calling exit.*/
/* The child is going to be an orphan process you should kill it before calling exit.*/
else {
/*Child process*/
You should not forget a couple of things:
wait or waitpid to release associated memory to child process when it dies. wait or waitpid must be called from parent process.
If you use wait or waitpid you might have to think about blocking SIGCHLD before calling fork and in that case you should unblock SIGCHLD in your child process right after fork, at the beginning of your child process code (A child created via fork(2) inherits a copy of its parent's signal mask; see sigprocmask).
Something that many times is forgotten. Be aware of EINTR error. dup2, waitpid/wait, read and many others are affected by this error.
If your parent process dies before your child process you should try to kill the child process if you do not want it to become an orphan one.
Take a look at _exit. Perhaps you should use it in your child process instead of exit.

waitpid/wexitstatus returning 0 instead of correct return code

I have the helper function below, used to execute a command and get the return value on posix systems. I used to use popen, but it is impossible to get the return code of an application with popen if it runs and exits before popen/pclose gets a chance to do its work.
The following helper function creates a process fork, uses execvp to run the desired external process, and then the parent uses waitpid to get the return code. I'm seeing odd cases where it's refusing to run.
When called with wait = true, waitpid should return the exit code of the application no matter what. However, I'm seeing stdout output that specifies the return code should be non-zero, yet the return code is zero. Testing the external process in a regular shell, then echoing $? returns non-zero, so it's not a problem w/ the external process not returning the right code. If it's of any help, the external process being run is mount(8) (yes, I know I can use mount(2) but that's besides the point).
I apologize in advance for a code dump. Most of it is debugging/logging:
inline int ForkAndRun(const std::string &command, const std::vector<std::string> &args, bool wait = false, std::string *output = NULL)
std::string debug;
std::vector<char*> argv;
for(size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i)
debug += "\"";
debug += args[i];
debug += "\" ";
neosmart::logger.Debug("Executing %s", debug.c_str());
int pipefd[2];
if (pipe(pipefd) != 0)
neosmart::logger.Error("Failed to create pipe descriptor when trying to launch %s", debug.c_str());
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid == 0)
close(pipefd[STDIN_FILENO]); //child isn't going to be reading
close(pipefd[STDOUT_FILENO]); //now that it's been dup2'd
if (execvp(command.c_str(), &argv[0]) != 0)
return 0;
else if (pid < 0)
neosmart::logger.Error("Failed to fork when trying to launch %s", debug.c_str());
int exitCode = 0;
if (wait)
waitpid(pid, &exitCode, wait ? __WALL : (WNOHANG | WUNTRACED));
std::string result;
char buffer[128];
ssize_t bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = read(pipefd[STDIN_FILENO], buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1)) != 0)
buffer[bytesRead] = '\0';
result += buffer;
if (wait)
if ((WIFEXITED(exitCode)) == 0)
neosmart::logger.Error("Failed to run command %s", debug.c_str());
neosmart::logger.Info("Output:\n%s", result.c_str());
neosmart::logger.Debug("Output:\n%s", result.c_str());
exitCode = WEXITSTATUS(exitCode);
if (exitCode != 0)
neosmart::logger.Info("Return code %d", (exitCode));
if (output)
return exitCode;
Note that the command is run OK with the correct parameters, the function proceeds without any problems, and WIFEXITED returns TRUE. However, WEXITSTATUS returns 0, when it should be returning something else.
Probably isn't your main issue, but I think I see a small problem. In your child process, you have...
close(pipefd[STDOUT_FILENO]); //now that it's been dup2'd
dup2(pipefd[STDOUT_FILENO], STDERR_FILENO); //but wait, this pipe is closed!
But I think what you want is:
close(pipefd[STDOUT_FILENO]); //now that it's been dup2'd for both, can close
I don't have much experience with forks and pipes in Linux, but I did write a similar function pretty recently. You can take a look at the code to compare, if you'd like. I know that my function works.
I'm using the mongoose library, and grepping my code for SIGCHLD revealed that using mg_start from mongoose results in setting SIGCHLD to SIG_IGN.
From the waitpid man page, on Linux a SIGCHLD set to SIG_IGN will not create a zombie process, so waitpid will fail if the process has already successfully run and exited - but will run OK if it hasn't yet. This was the cause of the sporadic failure of my code.
Simply re-setting SIGCHLD after calling mg_start to a void function that does absolutely nothing was enough to keep the zombie records from being immediately erased.
Per #Geoff_Montee's advice, there was a bug in my redirect of STDERR, but this was not responsible for the problem as execvp does not store the return value in STDERR or even STDOUT, but rather in the kernel object associated with the parent process (the zombie record).
#jilles' warning about non-contiguity of vector in C++ does not apply for C++03 and up (only valid for C++98, though in practice, most C++98 compilers did use contiguous storage, anyway) and was not related to this issue. However, the advice on reading from the pipe before blocking and checking the output of waitpid is spot-on.
I've found that pclose does NOT block and wait for the process to end, contrary to the documentation (this is on CentOS 6). I've found that I need to call pclose and then call waitpid(pid,&status,0); to get the true return value.

Catch stderr and stdout from external program in C++

I am trying to write a program that runs an external program.
I know that I can catch stdout, and I can catch stdout and stderr together BUT the question is can I catch the stderr and stdout separated?
I mean for example, stderr in variable STDERR and stdout in variable STDOUT. I mean I want them separated.
Also I need the exit code of the external program in a variable.
On Windows you must fill STARTUPINFO for the CreateProcess to catch standart streams, and you can use GetExitCodeProcess function to get the termination status. There is an example how to redirect standart streams into the parent process
On Linux-like OS you probably want to use fork instead of execve, and working with a forked process is another story.
In Windows and Linux redirecting streams has general approach - you must create several pipes (one for each stream) and redirect child process streams into that pipes, and the parent process can read data from that pipes.
Sample code for Linux:
int fd[2];
if (pipe(fd) == -1) {
pid_t cpid = fork();
if (cpid == -1) {
if (cpid == 0) { // child
dup2(fd[1], STDERR_FILENO);
fprintf(stderr, "Hello, World!\n");
} else { // parent
char ch;
while (read(fd[0], &ch, 1) > 0)
printf("%c", ch);
EDIT: If you need to catch streams from another program, use the same stragey as above, first fork, second - use pipes (as in code above), then execve another progrram in child process and use this code in parent process to wait an execution end and catch a return code:
int status;
if (waitpid(cpid, &status, 0) < 0) {
You can find more details in man pages pipe, dup2 and waitpid.

Linux: Executing child process with piped stdin/stdout

Using Linux and C++, I would like a function that does the following:
string f(string s)
string r = system("foo < s");
return r;
Obviously the above doesn't work, but you get the idea. I have a string s that I would like to pass as the standard input of a child process execution of application "foo", and then I would like to record its standard output to string r and then return it.
What combination of Linux syscalls or POSIX functions should I use?
I'm using Linux 3.0 and do not need the solution to work with older systems.
The code provided by eerpini does not work as written. Note, for example, that the pipe ends that are closed in the parent are used afterwards. Look at
and the subsequent write to that closed descriptor. This is just transposition, but it shows this code has never been used. Below is a version that I have tested. Unfortunately, I changed the code style, so this was not accepted as an edit of eerpini's code.
The only structural change is that I only redirect the I/O in the child (note the dup2 calls are only in the child path.) This is very important, because otherwise the parent's I/O gets messed up. Thanks to eerpini for the initial answer, which I used in developing this one.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define PIPE_READ 0
#define PIPE_WRITE 1
int createChild(const char* szCommand, char* const aArguments[], char* const aEnvironment[], const char* szMessage) {
int aStdinPipe[2];
int aStdoutPipe[2];
int nChild;
char nChar;
int nResult;
if (pipe(aStdinPipe) < 0) {
perror("allocating pipe for child input redirect");
return -1;
if (pipe(aStdoutPipe) < 0) {
perror("allocating pipe for child output redirect");
return -1;
nChild = fork();
if (0 == nChild) {
// child continues here
// redirect stdin
if (dup2(aStdinPipe[PIPE_READ], STDIN_FILENO) == -1) {
// redirect stdout
if (dup2(aStdoutPipe[PIPE_WRITE], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) {
// redirect stderr
if (dup2(aStdoutPipe[PIPE_WRITE], STDERR_FILENO) == -1) {
// all these are for use by parent only
// run child process image
// replace this with any exec* function find easier to use ("man exec")
nResult = execve(szCommand, aArguments, aEnvironment);
// if we get here at all, an error occurred, but we are in the child
// process, so just exit
} else if (nChild > 0) {
// parent continues here
// close unused file descriptors, these are for child only
// Include error check here
if (NULL != szMessage) {
write(aStdinPipe[PIPE_WRITE], szMessage, strlen(szMessage));
// Just a char by char read here, you can change it accordingly
while (read(aStdoutPipe[PIPE_READ], &nChar, 1) == 1) {
write(STDOUT_FILENO, &nChar, 1);
// done with these in this example program, you would normally keep these
// open of course as long as you want to talk to the child
} else {
// failed to create child
return nChild;
Since you want bidirectional access to the process, you would have to do what popen does behind the scenes explicitly with pipes. I am not sure if any of this will change in C++, but here is a pure C example :
void piped(char *str){
int wpipefd[2];
int rpipefd[2];
int defout, defin;
defout = dup(stdout);
defin = dup (stdin);
if(pipe(wpipefd) < 0){
if(pipe(rpipefd) < 0){
if(dup2(wpipefd[0], 0) == -1){
if(dup2(rpipefd[1], 1) == -1){
if(fork() == 0){
//Call exec here. Use the exec* family of functions according to your need
if(dup2(defin, 0) == -1){
if(dup2(defout, 1) == -1){
//Include error check here
write(wpipefd[1], str, strlen(str));
//Just a char by char read here, you can change it accordingly
while(read(rpipefd[0], &ch, 1) != -1){
write(stdout, &ch, 1);
Effectively you do this :
Create pipes and redirect the stdout and stdin to the ends of the two pipes (note that in linux, pipe() creates unidirectional pipes, so you need to use two pipes for your purpose).
Exec will now start a new process which has the ends of the pipes for stdin and stdout.
Close the unused descriptors, write the string to the pipe and then start reading whatever the process might dump to the other pipe.
dup() is used to create a duplicate entry in the file descriptor table. While dup2() changes what the descriptor points to.
Note : As mentioned by Ammo# in his solution, what I provided above is more or less a template, it will not run if you just tried to execute the code since clearly there is a exec* (family of functions) missing, so the child will terminate almost immediately after the fork().
Ammo's code has some error handling bugs. The child process is returning after dup failure instead of exiting. Perhaps the child dups can be replaced with:
if (dup2(aStdinPipe[PIPE_READ], STDIN_FILENO) == -1 ||
dup2(aStdoutPipe[PIPE_WRITE], STDOUT_FILENO) == -1 ||
dup2(aStdoutPipe[PIPE_WRITE], STDERR_FILENO) == -1
// all these are for use by parent only