Extracting from a Dll in c++ - c++

I have a DLL given named Lib.ddl. In the dll i have a function named add that takes an integer as a parameter.
Using the windows API and by using the following class.
class WindoswAPI
//helper functions
How do I load this library in the constructor of the class. Extract the function via helper functions, and unload the function in the destructor?
I have looked on the internet for solutions and help but i cant find any.

You should first look at LoadLibraryEx() in order to load the dll in your process, then you can use GetProcAddress() to obtain a pointer to a function by name. Note the HMODULE parameter requested from the second function is returned by the first. You have to carefully know the function signature to invoke it without causing GPFs, so don't be surprised if you have to do some debug before having it working.
First easy thing to check anyway are the return values of both functions: the first one should return something different from zero ( it actually returns the virtual address where the dll is loaded ), if it returns NULL, use GetLastError to have some hints.
The same for GetProcAddress, if it return zero something didn't work, and usually is the incorrect spelling of the function name. As I said before having back an address from GetProcAddress does not guarantee you have finished: you must know perfectly how to call the function. If you need help in discovering which name are exposed from the dll, you will find useful DUMPBIN.EXE, you should have it already available from the Visual Studio Tools command prompt.
When your code finish with the dll, you can try to unload it by using FreeLibrary().

Look at POCO C++ Libraries, it contains very nice crossplatfrom DLL-Loader to avoid hand-written workarounds and boilerplate.


c++ LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress

I have a DLL I was handed down by a device manufacturer.
I can effortlessly call all its functions from a MS Console application (not from Qt or C++ Builder) but not from an MFC/WinAPI application? In an effort to work around the problem, I'm exploring the LoadLibrary() route. I am experimenting with this code, in VS2019 :
HINSTANCE hInstance = LoadLibrary(L"DEVICE.dll");
int(*fnDLLFuncAddress)(void) = (int(*)(void))GetProcAddress(hInstance2, "Device_RegisterDeviceEventHandler");
I have the impression that the code is working since this is the fnDLLFunAddress content :
fnDLLFuncAddress = DEVICE.dll!0x00007ffa66adda20 (load symbols for additional information)
Two questions, if I may. First, where would I look for "load symbols for additional information"? And the second, less obvious, is, once I have the Function address, in the form of a pointer, do I simply use the explicitely linked function name in lieu of the original function call to the DLL?
To start the program, I need to launch the following Event Handler, defined this way :
DEVICE_ERROR_TYPES __stdcall FPtr_Device_RegisterDeviceEventHandler(const FPtr_DeviceEventHandler inHandler);
In main(), the way I'm expected to launch the DeviceHandler is with this call :
deviceError = fnDLLFuncAddress(EventNotice);
Where "deviceError" is defined in DEVICE_ERROR_TYPES enum.
The EventNotice function is defined this way :
void EventNotice(EventCode outEventCode, uint32 outRAWDataCount, DEVICE_ERROR_TYPES outError);
When I try to execute the call, the compiler complains with E0140 "Too many arguments in function call" and E0513 "a value of type "int" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "DEVICE_ERROR_TYPES".
My intuition tells me I should try supplying the "EventNotice" function address in the function call? Is it simply a matter of "dereferencing" the function name like "*EventNotice"?
If this was to work, I guess I'd still have to resolve the "incompatible" return type of the RegisterDeviceHandler call?
Any help is appreciated.
=== additional note ===================
The reason I'm having difficulty, I think, is because I am unable to replicate the original "RegisterDeviceHandler" function prototype?
With GetProAddress(), I'm able to get a pointer to the function address in the DLL but that does not give me the corresponding "function declaration"?

DirectDraw get procedure address using GetProcAddress

As stated in the documentation for the IDirectDraw7::SetCooperativeLevel method, it states
You must use LoadLibrary to explicitly link to Ddraw.dll and then use GetProcAddress to access the SetCooperativeLevel method.
in the remarks. However when I attempt to do so (code below), it fails to work. Am I doing something wrong?
typedef HRESULT (*pSetCooperativeLevelFunc)(HWND, DWORD);
HMODULE ddrawLib = LoadLibrary(L"ddraw.dll");
pSetCooperativeLevelFunc SCL = (pSetCooperativeLevelFunc) GetProcAddress(
if (SCL == NULL) {
// this happens
int error = GetLastError(); // 127 (ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND)
printf("Error getting SetCooperativeLevel function address: %i", error);
There is no exported SetCooperativeLevel function in ddraw.dll. Use DUMPBIN utility and check it yourself. You can get DirectDrawCreate/DirectDrawCreateEx and similar functions using GetProcAddress, but you can't extract individual methods of COM object.
Article is quite ridiculous and doesn't make sense. Perhaps it was supposed to tell you to get DirectDrawCreate from ddraw.dll or something like that, but there's little reason to do that.
Link with ddraw.lib, call DirectDrawCreate and access methods provided by IDirectDraw7 interface.
P.S. If you aren't familiar with dumpbin, I'd suggest to learn at least basic usage of this utility.
I think that's a documentation bug. It's been a long time since I used DirectDraw7, but I don't recall having to load it dynamically. It was just a method of the IDirectDraw7 interface and called like any other method.
Since DX9, ddraw.lib was completely removed from the SDK, so you need to call LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress to call DirectDrawCreate or DirectDrawEnumerate. Unfortunately MSDN got it wrong, and added the GetProcAddress remark to EVERY DirectDraw function, even the COM interfaces' methods.

calling kernel32.dll function without including windows.h

if kernel32.dll is guaranteed to loaded into a process virtual memory,why couldn't i call function such as Sleep without including windows.h?
the below is an excerpt quoting from vividmachine.com
5. So, what about windows? How do I find the addresses of my needed DLL functions? Don't these addresses change with every service pack upgrade?
There are multitudes of ways to find the addresses of the functions that you need to use in your shellcode. There are two methods for addressing functions; you can find the desired function at runtime or use hard coded addresses. This tutorial will mostly discuss the hard coded method. The only DLL that is guaranteed to be mapped into the shellcode's address space is kernel32.dll. This DLL will hold LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress, the two functions needed to obtain any functions address that can be mapped into the exploits process space. There is a problem with this method though, the address offsets will change with every new release of Windows (service packs, patches etc.). So, if you use this method your shellcode will ONLY work for a specific version of Windows. Further dynamic addressing will be referenced at the end of the paper in the Further Reading section.
The article you quoted focuses on getting the address of the function. You still need the function prototype of the function (which doesn't change across versions), in order to generate the code for calling the function - with appropriate handling of input and output arguments, register values, and stack.
The windows.h header provides the function prototype that you wish to call to the C/C++ compiler, so that the code for calling the function (the passing of arguments via register or stack, and getting the function's return value) can be generated.
After knowing the function prototype by reading windows.h, a skillful assembly programmer may also be able to write the assembly code to call the Sleep function. Together with the function's address, these are all you need to make the function call.
With some black magic you can ;). there have been many custom implementations of GetProcAddress, which would allow you to get away with not needing windows.h, this however isn't be all and end all and could probably end up with problems due to internal windows changes. Another method is using toolhlp to enumerate the modules in the process to get kernel.dll's base, then spelunks its PE for the EAT and grab the address of GetProcAddress. from there you just need function pointer prototypes to call the addresses correctly(and any structure defs needed), which isn't too hard meerly labour intensive(if you have many functions), infact under windows xp this is required to disable DEP due to service pack differencing, ofc you need windows.h as a reference to get this, you just don't need to include it.
You'd still need to declare the function in order to call it, and you'd need to link with kernel32.lib. The header file isn't anything magic, it's basically just a lot of function declarations.
I can do it with 1 line of assembly and then some helper functions to walk the PEB
file by hard coding the correct offsets to different members.
You'll have to start here:
static void*
void* base_address = 0;
unsigned long long var_out = 0;
" movq %%gs:0x60, %[sym_out] ; \n\t"
:[sym_out] "=r" (var_out) //:OUTPUTS
//: printf("[var_out]:%d\n", (int)var_out);
return( base_address );
Then use windbg on an executable file to inspect the data structures on your machine.
A lot of the values you'll be needing are hard to find and only really documented by random hackers. You'll find yourself on a lot of malware writing sites digging for answers.
dt nt!_PEB -r #$peb
Was pretty useful in windbg to get information on the PEB file.
There is a full working implementation of this in my game engine.
Just look in: /DEP/PEB2020 for the code.
I don't include <windows.h> in my game engine. Yet I use "GetProcAddress"
and "LoadLibraryA". Might be in-advisable to do this. But my thought was the more
moving parts, the more that can go wrong. So figured I'd take the "#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" to it's absurd conclusion and not include <windows.h> at all.

Call function in c++ dll without header

I would like to call a method from an dll, but i don't have the source neither the header file. I tried to use the dumpbin /exports to see the name of the method, but i can found the methods signature?
Is there any way to call this method?
If the function is a C++ one, you may be able to derive the function signature from the mangled name. Dependency Walker is one tool that will do this for you. However, if the DLL was created with C linkage (Dependency Walker will tell you this), then you are out of luck.
The C++ language does not know anything about dlls.
Is this on Windows? One way would be to:
open the dll up in depends.exe shipped with (Visual Studio)
verify the signature of the function you want to call
use LoadLibrary() to get load this dll (be careful about the path)
use GetProcAddress() to get a pointer to the function you want to call
use this pointer-to-function to make a call with valid arguments
use FreeLibrary() to release the handle
BTW: This method is also commonly referred to as runtime dynamic linking as opposed to compile-time dynamic linking where you compile your sources with the associated lib file.
There exists some similar mechanism for *nixes with dlopen, but my memory starts to fail after that. Something called objdump or nm should get you started with inspecting the function(s).
As you have found, the exports list in a DLL only stores names, not signatures. If your DLL exports C functions, you will probably have to disassemble and reverse engineer the functions to determine method signatures. However, C++ encodes the method signature in the export name. This process of combining the method name and signature is called "name mangling". This Stackoverflow question has a reference for determining the method signature from the mangled export name.
Try the free "Dependency Walker" (a.k.a. "depends") utility. The "Undecorate C++ Functions" option should determine the signature of a C++ method.
It is possible to figure out a C function signature by analysing beginnig of its disassembly. The function arguments will be on the stack and the function will do some "pops" to read them in reverse order. You will not find the argument names, but you should be able to find out their number and the types. Things may get more difficult with return value - it may be via 'eax' register or via a special pointer passed to the function as the last pseudo-argument (on the top of the stack).
If you indeed know or strongly suspect the function is there, you can dynamically load the DLL with loadLibrary and get a pointer to the function with getProcAddress. See MSDN
Note that this is a manual, dynamic way to load the library; you'll still have to know the correct function signature to map to the function pointer in order to use it. AFAIK there is no way to use the dll in a load-time capability and use the functions without a header file.
Calling non-external functions is a great way to have your program break whenever the 3rd party DLL is updated.
That said, the undname utility may also be helpful.

Compiling a DLL with gcc

Sooooo I'm writing a script interpreter. And basically, I want some classes and functions stored in a DLL, but I want the DLL to look for functions within the programs that are linking to it, like,
program dll
send code to dll-----> parse code
code contains a function,
that isn't contained in the DLL
list of functions in <------/
corresponding function,
user-defined in the
program--process the
passed argument here
\--------------> return value sent back
to the parsing function
I was wondering basically, how do I compile a DLL with gcc? Well, I'm using a windows port of gcc. Once I compile a .dll containing my classes and functions, how do I link to it with my program? How do I use the classes and functions in the DLL? Can the DLL call functions from the program linking to it? If I make a class { ... } object; in the DLL, then when the DLL is loaded by the program, will object be available to the program? Thanks in advance, I really need to know how to work with DLLs in C++ before I can continue with this project.
"Can you add more detail as to why you want the DLL to call functions in the main program?"
I thought the diagram sort of explained it... the program using the DLL passes a piece of code to the DLL, which parses the code, and if function calls are found in said code then corresponding functions within the DLL are called... for example, if I passed "a = sqrt(100)" then the DLL parser function would find the function call to sqrt(), and within the DLL would be a corresponding sqrt() function which would calculate the square root of the argument passed to it, and then it would take the return value from that function and put it into variable a... just like any other program, but if a corresponding handler for the sqrt() function isn't found within the DLL (there would be a list of natively supported functions) then it would call a similar function which would reside within the program using the DLL to see if there are any user-defined functions by that name.
So, say you loaded the DLL into the program giving your program the ability to interpret scripts of this particular language, the program could call the DLLs to process single lines of code or hand it filenames of scripts to process... but if you want to add a command into the script which suits the purpose of your program, you could say set a boolean value in the DLL telling it that you are adding functions to its language and then create a function in your code which would list the functions you are adding (the DLL would call it with the name of the function it wants, if that function is a user-defined one contained within your code, the function would call the corresponding function with the argument passed to it by the DLL, the return the return value of the user-defined function back to the DLL, and if it didn't exist, it would return an error code or NULL or something). I'm starting to see that I'll have to find another way around this to make the function calls go one way only
This link explains how to do it in a basic way.
In a big picture view, when you make a dll, you are making a library which is loaded at runtime. It contains a number of symbols which are exported. These symbols are typically references to methods or functions, plus compiler/linker goo.
When you normally build a static library, there is a minimum of goo and the linker pulls in the code it needs and repackages it for you in your executable.
In a dll, you actually get two end products (three really- just wait): a dll and a stub library. The stub is a static library that looks exactly like your regular static library, except that instead of executing your code, each stub is typically a jump instruction to a common routine. The common routine loads your dll, gets the address of the routine that you want to call, then patches up the original jump instruction to go there so when you call it again, you end up in your dll.
The third end product is usually a header file that tells you all about the data types in your library.
So your steps are: create your headers and code, build a dll, build a stub library from the headers/code/some list of exported functions. End code will link to the stub library which will load up the dll and fix up the jump table.
Compiler/linker goo includes things like making sure the runtime libraries are where they're needed, making sure that static constructors are executed, making sure that static destructors are registered for later execution, etc, etc, etc.
Now as to your main problem: how do I write extensible code in a dll? There are a number of possible ways - a typical way is to define a pure abstract class (aka interface) that defines a behavior and either pass that in to a processing routine or to create a routine for registering interfaces to do work, then the processing routine asks the registrar for an object to handle a piece of work for it.
On the detail of what you plan to solve, perhaps you should look at an extendible parser like lua instead of building your own.
To your more specific focus.
A DLL is (typically?) meant to be complete in and of itself, or explicitly know what other libraries to use to complete itself.
What I mean by that is, you cannot have a method implicitly provided by the calling application to complete the DLLs functionality.
You could however make part of your API the provision of methods from a calling app, thus making the DLL fully contained and the passing of knowledge explicit.
How do I use the classes and functions in the DLL?
Include the headers in your code, when the module (exe or another dll) is linked the dlls are checked for completness.
Can the DLL call functions from the program linking to it?
Yes, but it has to be told about them at run time.
If I make a class { ... } object; in the DLL, then when the DLL is loaded by the program, will object be available to the program?
Yes it will be available, however there are some restrictions you need to be aware about. Such as in the area of memory management it is important to either:
Link all modules sharing memory with the same memory management dll (typically c runtime)
Ensure that the memory is allocated and dealloccated only in the same module.
allocate on the stack
Here is a basic idea of passing functions to the dll, however in your case may not be most helpfull as you need to know up front what other functions you want provided.
// parser.h
struct functions {
void *fred (int );
parse( string, functions );
// program.cpp
parse( "a = sqrt(); fred(a);", functions );
What you need is a way of registering functions(and their details with the dll.)
The bigger problem here is the details bit. But skipping over that you might do something like wxWidgets does with class registration. When method_fred is contructed by your app it will call the constructor and register with the dll through usage off methodInfo. Parser can lookup methodInfo for methods available.
// parser.h
class method_base { };
class methodInfo {
static void register(factory);
static map<string,factory> m_methods;
// program.cpp
class method_fred : public method_base {
static method* factory(string args);
static methodInfo _methoinfo;
methodInfo method_fred::_methoinfo("fred",method_fred::factory);
This sounds like a job for data structures.
Create a struct containing your keywords and the function associated with each one.
struct keyword {
const char *keyword;
int (*f)(int arg);
struct keyword keywords[max_keywords] = {
"db_connect", &db_connect,
Then write a function in your DLL that you pass the address of this array to:
Then inside the DLL it can do:
keywords[0].f = &plugin_db_connect;
With this method, the code to handle script keywords remains in the main program while the DLL manipulates the data structures to get its own functions called.
Taking it to C++, make the struct a class instead that contains a std::vector or std::map or whatever of keywords and some functions to manipulate them.
Winrawr, before you go on, read this first:
Any improvements on the GCC/Windows DLLs/C++ STL front?
Basically, you may run into problems when passing STL strings around your DLLs, and you may also have trouble with exceptions flying across DLL boundaries, although it's not something I have experienced (yet).
You could always load the dll at runtime with load library