Regex to extract Asterisk queue statistics - regex

I'm trying to construct some regex to extract stats on queue statuses in Asterisk. I'm relatively new to regex so am quite far off a solution. I have the following output to parse:
Parsing /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf
0009*007 has 2 calls (max unlimited) in 'ringall' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:7, SL:0.0% within 0s
0009*001 (Local/0009*001#queue/nj) (In use) has taken no calls yet
1. SIP/chan5-000a29f2 (wait: 0:08, prio: 0)
2. SIP/0139*741-000a29f7 (wait: 0:03, prio: 0)
The real output will have info for multiple queues, so it will repeat from the second line. The first line is only displayed once.
I need to end up with the queue ID (in this example 0009*007) and a list of calls with their respective wait time.
So far I have used the following regex to match the queue number:
But this doesn't work. Not sure how to match the call with the wait time.
Ideally I would like output like this:
I will be writing the final script in Perl most likely.

Here's a simple state machine solution. The regexes may need to change depending on what kind of variation you expect in the log file.
use Modern::Perl;
my $current_queue;
my $in_callers = 0;
while (<DATA>)
if (!defined $current_queue)
/(\d{4}\*\d{3})/ and $current_queue = $1;
elsif (!$in_callers)
/Callers:/ and $in_callers++;
elsif (/^\s*(\d+)\..*wait:\s+(\d+:\d+),\s+prio:\s+(\d+)/)
say "$current_queue,$1,$2,$3";
#end of this queue; reset.
undef $current_queue; $in_callers = 0;
Parsing /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf
0009*007 has 2 calls (max unlimited) in 'ringall' strategy
0009*001 (Local/0009*001#queue/nj) (In use) has taken no calls yet
1. SIP/chan5-000a29f2 (wait: 0:08, prio: 0)
2. SIP/0139*741-000a29f7 (wait: 0:03, prio: 0)

As m.buettner indicated, you won't be able to do this with one regex. You can rely on your knowledge of the repeating nature of the data to generate a hash with the data you need, however, and then print the hash at the end:
my %queues;
my $current_queue;
while (<DATA>) {
if (m/^(\d+\*\d+)/) {
$current_queue = $1;
elsif (m/^\s+(\d)\..+?\(wait:\s+([\d\:]+),/) {
$queues{$current_queue}{$1} = $2;
foreach my $queue (sort keys %queues) {
foreach my $caller (sort keys %{ $queues{$queue} }) {
print join (',', $queue, $caller, $queues{$queue}{$caller}) . "\n";
Parsing /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf
0009*007 has 2 calls (max unlimited) in 'ringall' strategy (0s holdtime), W:0, C:0, A:7, SL:0.0% within 0s
0009*001 (Local/0009*001#queue/nj) (In use) has taken no calls yet
1. SIP/chan5-000a29f2 (wait: 0:08, prio: 0)
2. SIP/0139*741-000a29f7 (wait: 0:03, prio: 0)


Perl anchored regex performance

Problem and Data
At the bottom of this post is the entire script from which this NYTProf data was generated. The script builds a hash and then attempts to delete keys that contain certain bad pattern. Running the code through NYTProf generates the following
delete #$hash{ grep { /\Q$bad_pattern\E/ } sort keys %$hash };
# spent 7.29ms making 2 calls to main::CORE:sort, avg 3.64ms/call
# spent 808µs making 7552 calls to main::CORE:match, avg 107ns/call
# spent 806µs making 7552 calls to main::CORE:regcomp, avg 107ns/call
There are over 7,000 calls being made to main::CORE:match and main::CORE:regcomp. The assumption is that this is a sufficient amount of calls to reduce noise levels.
Moving on! The bad patterns only need to be deleted if they appear at the beginning of a key. Sounds great! Adding a ^ to anchor the regex should improve performance. However, NYTProf generates the following. NYTprof has been run many times and this is quite consistent
delete #$hash{ grep { /^\Q$bad_pattern\E/ } sort keys %$hash };
# spent 7.34ms making 2 calls to main::CORE:sort, avg 3.67ms/call
# spent 1.62ms making 7552 calls to main::CORE:regcomp, avg 214ns/call
# spent 723µs making 7552 calls to main::CORE:match, avg 96ns/call
The anchored regex nearly doubles the amount of time spent in these main::CORE:* methods. But an anchored regex should improve performance. What is unique about this dataset that causes the anchored regex to take so much additional time?
Entire Script
use strict;
use Devel::NYTProf;
my #states = qw(KansasCity MississippiState ColoradoMountain IdahoInTheNorthWest AnchorageIsEvenFurtherNorth);
my #cities = qw(WitchitaHouston ChicagoDenver);
my #streets = qw(DowntownMainStreetInTheCity CenterStreetOverTheHill HickoryBasketOnTheWall);
my #seasoncode = qw(8000S 8000P 8000F 8000W);
my #historycode = qw(7000S 7000P 7000F 7000W 7000A 7000D 7000G 7000H);
my #sides = qw(left right up down);
my $hash;
for my $state (#states) {
for my $city (#cities) {
for my $street (#streets) {
for my $season (#seasoncode) {
for my $history (#historycode) {
for my $side (#sides) {
$hash->{$state . '[0].' . $city . '[1].' . $street . '[2].' . $season . '.' . $history . '.' . $side} = 1;
sub CleanseHash {
my #bad_patterns = (
for my $bad_pattern (#bad_patterns) {
delete #$hash{ grep { /^\Q$bad_pattern\E/ } sort keys %$hash };
It's very unlikely you can optimise the regex engine. If performance is your goal, though, you can concentrate on other parts of the code. For example, try this:
for my $bad_pattern (#bad_patterns) {
my $re = qr/^\Q$bad_pattern\E/;
delete #$hash{ grep /$re/, sort keys %$hash };
On my machine, it runs much faster (regardless of the presence of the anchor), because the expression form of grep doesn't have to create a scope and the complex compilation of the regex happens just once for each bad pattern.
That's a fairly straightforward matching, with a pattern being a fixed string. So the anchored pattern must be faster in general. The profiling confirms that much, with 96 ns/call vs 107 ns/call.
But when I benchmark anchored and un-anchored versions of the code they run neck-to-neck. This is about the rest of the code, which overwhelms the regex's match: the sort of keys is unneeded for comparison, and the regex is being compiled inside grep's loop, unneeded.
When that is relieved I do get the anchored call to be 11--15% faster (multiple runs)
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use Data::Dump;
use Storable qw(dclone);
use Benchmark qw(cmpthese);
my $runfor = shift // 3;
my #states = qw(KansasCity MississippiState ColoradoMountain IdahoInTheNorthWest AnchorageIsEvenFurtherNorth);
my #cities = qw(WitchitaHouston ChicagoDenver);
my #streets = qw(DowntownMainStreetInTheCity CenterStreetOverTheHill HickoryBasketOnTheWall);
my #seasoncode = qw(8000S 8000P 8000F 8000W);
my #historycode = qw(7000S 7000P 7000F 7000W 7000A 7000D 7000G 7000H);
my #sides = qw(left right up down);
my #bad_patterns = (
my $hash_1;
for my $state (#states) {
for my $city (#cities) {
for my $street (#streets) {
for my $season (#seasoncode) {
for my $history (#historycode) {
for my $side (#sides) {
$hash_1->{$state . '[0].' . $city . '[1].' . $street . '[2].' . $season . '.' . $history . '.' . $side} = 1;
my $hash_2 = dclone $hash_1;
#say for #bad_patterns; say '---'; dd $hash_1; exit;
sub no_anchor {
for my $bad_pattern (#bad_patterns) {
my $re = qr/\Q$bad_pattern\E/;
delete #$hash_2{ grep { /$re/ } keys %$hash_2 };
sub w_anchor {
for my $bad_pattern (#bad_patterns) {
my $re = qr/^\Q$bad_pattern\E/;
delete #$hash_1{ grep { /$re/ } keys %$hash_1 };
cmpthese( -$runfor, {
'no_anchor' => sub { no_anchor() },
'w_anchor' => sub { w_anchor() },
I have the comparison subs use external data (not passed to tested subs as usually), to cut out any extra work, and then I use separate hashref copies obtained with Storable::dclone.
The output of benchmark above run with 10 seconds (pass 10 to program when run):
Rate no_anchor w_anchor
no_anchor 296/s -- -13%
w_anchor 341/s 15% --
So the anchored version does win, albeit with a modest margin. With this data the match fails in about 96% cases and for all of that the un-anchored version does more work, having to search through the whole string; I'd expect a larger difference.
The relative closeness of runtimes is due to the rest of the code (grep, hash manipulation, loop), and in particular the regex compilation cost, being included in the timing, what dilutes the difference in the matching efficiency itself.
This lends us an important lesson about timing code: it can be subtle. One needs to ensure that only the relevant sections are compared, and fairly (in equal situataions).

Regular expression is too complex error in tcl

I have not seen this error for a small list. Issue popped up when the list went >10k. Is there any limit on the number of regex patterns in tcl?
puts "#LEVELSHIFTER_TEMPLATES_LIMITSFILE:$perc_limit(levelshifter_templates)"
puts "#length of templates is :[llength $perc_limit(levelshifter_templates)]"
if { [regexp [join $perc_limit(levelshifter_templates) |] $temp] }
#length of templates is :13520
ERROR: couldn't compile regular expression pattern: regular expression is too complex
If $temp is a single word and you're really just doing a literal test, you should invert the check. One of the easiest ways might be:
if {$temp in $perc_limit(levelshifter_templates)} {
# ...
But if you're doing that a lot (well, more than a small number of times, 3 or 4 say) then building a dictionary for this might be best:
# A one-off cost
foreach key $perc_limit(levelshifter_templates) {
# Value is arbitrary
dict set perc_limit_keys $key 1
# This is now very cheap
if {[dict exists $perc_limit_keys $temp]} {
# ...
If you've got multiple words in $temp, split and check (using the second technique, which is now definitely worthwhile). This is where having a helper procedure can be a good plan.
proc anyWordIn {inputString keyDictionary} {
foreach word [split $inputString] {
if {[dict exists $keyDictionary $word]} {
return true
return false
if {[anyWordIn $temp $perc_limit_keys]} {
# ...
Assuming you want to see if the value in temp is an exact match for one of the elements of the list in perf_limit(levelshifter_templates), here's a few ways that are better than trying to use regular expressions:
Using lsearch`:
# Sort the list after populating it so we can do an efficient binary search
set perf_limit(levelshifter_templates) [lsort $perf_limit(levelshifter_templates)]
# ...
# See if the value in temp exists in the list
if {[lsearch -sorted $perf_limit(levelshifter_templates) $temp] >= 0} {
# ...
Storing the elements of the list in a dict (or array if you prefer) ahead of time for an O(1) lookup:
foreach item $perf_limit(levelshifter_templates) {
dict set lookup $item 1
# ...
if {[dict exists $lookup $temp]} {
# ...
I found a simple workaround for this problem by using a foreach statement to loop over all the regexes in the list instead of joining them and searching, which failed for a super-long list.
foreach pattern $perc_limit(levelshifter_templates) {
if { [regexp $pattern $temp]}
#puts "$fullpath: [is_std_cell_dev $dev]"
puts "##matches: $pattern return 0"
return 0

Regex match scss function / mixin

I am trying to match a function or mixin used in an SCSS string so I may remove it but I am having a bit of trouble.
For those unfamiliar with SCSS this is an example of the things I am trying to match (from bootstrap 4).
#mixin _assert-ascending($map, $map-name) {
$prev-key: null;
$prev-num: null;
#each $key, $num in $map {
#if $prev-num == null {
// Do nothing
} #else if not comparable($prev-num, $num) {
#warn "Potentially invalid value for #{$map-name}: This map must be in ascending order, but key '#{$key}' has value #{$num} whose unit makes it incomparable to #{$prev-num}, the value of the previous key '#{$prev-key}' !";
} #else if $prev-num >= $num {
#warn "Invalid value for #{$map-name}: This map must be in ascending order, but key '#{$key}' has value #{$num} which isn't greater than #{$prev-num}, the value of the previous key '#{$prev-key}' !";
$prev-key: $key;
$prev-num: $num;
And a small function:
#function str-replace($string, $search, $replace: "") {
$index: str-index($string, $search);
#if $index {
#return str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1) + $replace + str-replace(str-slice($string, $index + str-length($search)), $search, $replace);
#return $string;
So far I have the following regex:
However it only matches to the first } that it finds which makes it fail, this is because it needs to find the last occurance of the closing curly brace.
My thoughts are that a regex capable of matching a function definition could be adapted but I can't find a good one using my Google foo!
Thanks in advance!
I would not recommend to use a regex for that, since a regex is not able to handle recursion, what you might need in that case.
For Instance:
#mixin test {
body {
Includes two »levels« of scope here ({{ }}), so your regex should be able to to count brackets as they open and close, to match the end of the mixin or function. But that is not possible with a regex.
This regex
will match the whole mixin, but if the input is like that:
#mixin foo { … }
body { … }
It will match everything up to the last } what includes the style definition for the body. That is because the regex cannot know which } closes the mixin.
Have a look at this answer, it explains more or less the same thing but based on matching html elements.
Instead you should use a parser, to parse the whole Stylesheet into syntax tree, than remove unneeded functions and than write it to string again.
In fact, like #philipp said, regex can't replace syntax analysis like compilers do.
But here is a sed command which is a little ugly but could make the trick :
sed -r -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n//g' -e 's/}\s*#(function|mixin)/}\n#\1/g' -e 's/^#(function|mixin)\s*str-replace(\s|\()+.*}$//gm' <your file>
-e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n//g' : Read all file in a loop and remove the new line (See for more information)
-e 's/}\s*#(function|mixin)/}\n#\1/g' : Make each #mixin or #function statement the start of a new line, and the preceding } the last character of the previous line
's/^#(function|mixin)\s*str-replace(\s|\()+.*}$//gm' : Remove the line corresponding to the #function str-replace or #mixin str-replace declaration
But it will result in an output that will loose indentation, so you will have to reindent it after that.
I tried it on a file where I copy/paste multiple times the sample code you provided, so you will have to try it on your file because there could be cases where the regex will match more element than wanted. If it is the case, provide us a test file to try to resolve these issues.
After much headache here is the answer to my question!
The source needs to be split line by line and read, maintining a count of the open / closed braces to determine when the index is 0.
$pattern = '/(?<remove>#(function|mixin)\s?[\w-]+[$,:"\'()\s\w\d]+)/';
$subject = file_get_contents('vendor/twbs/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss'); // just a regular SCSS file containing what I've already posted.
$lines = explode("\n",$subject);
$total_lines = count($lines);
foreach($lines as $line_no=>$line) {
if(preg_match($pattern,$line,$matches)) {
$match = $matches['remove'];
$counter = 0;
$open_braces = $closed_braces = 0;
for($i=$line_no;$i<$total_lines;$i++) {
$current = $lines[$i];
$open_braces = substr_count($current,"{");
$closed_braces = substr_count($current,"}");
$counter += ($open_braces - $closed_braces);
if($counter==0) {
$start = $line_no;
$end = $i;
foreach(range($start,$end) as $a) {
} // end foreach(range)
break; // break out of this if!
} // end for loop
} // end preg_match
} // endforeach
And we have a $lines array without any functions or mixins.
There is probably a more elegant way to do this but I don't have the time or the willing to write an AST parser for SCSS
This can be quite easily adapted into making a hacked one however!

profiling a simple regex search

I want to test the performance of two different approaches, in perl, of checking that one string is contained entirely within another.
The first approach is to take a string convert it to an array and test character by character whilst the second approach simply evaluates a regular expression (which I believe has the same order as a linear search through all the characters but doesn't incur the cost of assigning memory for an array, and copying characters into it (though it might have other costs involved)).
My initial approach to doing this test was to just stick both procedures (see below) in a big for loop (0 to 999999) and then time how long it takes for the program to finish; and at first it looked as though a regex match was much faster (12.926s vs 0.318s); but I then considered the possibility that upon evaluating the regex once the following iterations are trivial because it is cached. To test this I instead put my for loop on the command line (making each iteration of the perl script looping through 0 to 0 "memory-less") and noticed that they are both similar (albeit with some wild divergence from the average at times). But I strongly suspect this might be a poor conclusion because the time taken to start the script probably dominates the execution time of the script.
Is there a way (especially for when I want to look at something less trivial), of turning off the caching (if that's what is happening of course) so that I can fairly run procedures within a for loop (so I can call the script only once)?
Or is it the case that there is nothing clever going on and that a regex search really is much quicker in this example!?
my $teststr = "testing testing";
my $teststr2 = "testing tasted";
my $match = 1;
#procedure one - character by character checking
for (my $i = 0; $i < 1; $i++)
my #chrArr = split //, $teststr;
my #chrArr2 = split //, $teststr2;
for (my $j = 0; $j < #chrArr2; $j++)
if($chrArr[$j] != $chrArr2[$j])
$match = 0;
#procedure 2 - regex matching
for (my $i = 0; $i < 1; $i++)
if($teststr !~ m/$teststr2/)
$match = 0;
Why don't you use the Banchmark module. It should fit perfectly here.
use Benchmark qw( timethese cmpthese);
Regular expression matching/searching is linear. Compiling the pattern is expensive. If you change $teststr2 on every iteration, no caching will be possible. For example:
#procedure 2 - regex matching
for (my $i = 0; $i < 1; $i++)
if($teststr !~ m/${i}$teststr2/)
$match = 0;

Find words, that are substrings of other words efficiently

I have an Ispell list of english words (nearly 50 000 words), my homework in Perl is to get quickly (like under one minute) list of all strings, that are substrings of some other word. I have tried solution with two foreach cycles comparing all words, but even with some optimalizations, its still too slow. I think, that right solution could be some clever use of regular expressions on array of words. Do you know how to solve this problem quicky (in Perl)?
I have found fast solution, which can find some all these substrings in about 15 seconds on my computer, using just one thread. Basically, for each word, I have created array of every possible substrings (eliminating substrings which differs only in "s" or "'s" endings):
#take word and return list of all valid substrings
sub split_to_all_valid_subwords {
my $word = $_[0];
my #split_list;
my ($i, $j);
for ($i = 0; $i < length($word); ++$i){
for ($j = 1; $j <= length($word) - $i; ++$j){
($j == length($word)) or
($word =~ m/s$/ and $i == 0 and $j == length($word) - 1) or
($word =~ m/\'s$/ and $i == 0 and $j == length($word) - 2)
push(#split_list, substr($word, $i, $j));
return #split_list;
Then I just create list of all candidates for substrings and make intersection with words:
my #substring_candidates;
foreach my $word (#words) {
push( #substring_candidates, split_to_all_valid_subwords($word));
#make intersection between substring candidates and words
my %substring_candidates=map{$_ =>1} #substring_candidates;
my %words=map{$_=>1} #words;
my #substrings = grep( $substring_candidates{$_}, #words );
Now in substrings I have array of all words, that are substrings of some other words.
Perl regular expressions will optimize patterns like foo|bar|baz into an Aho-Corasick match - up to a certain limit of total compiled regex length. Your 50000 words will probably exceed that length, but could be broken into smaller groups. (Indeed, you probably want to break them up by length and only check words of length N for containing words of length 1 through N-1.)
Alternatively, you could just implement Aho-Corasick in your perl code - that's kind of fun to do.
Ondra supplied a beautiful solution in his answer; I leave my post here as an example of overthinking a problem and failed optimisation techniques.
My worst case kicks in for a word that doesn't match any other word in the input. In that case, it goes quadratic. The OPT_PRESORT was a try to advert the worst case for most words. The OPT_CONSECUTIVE was a linear-complexity filter that reduced the total number of items in the main part of the algorithm, but it is just a constant factor when considering the complexity. However, it is still useful with Ondras algorithm and saves a few seconds, as building his split list is more expensive than comparing two consecutive words.
I updated the code below to select ondras algorithm as a possible optimisation. Paired with zero threads and the presort optimisation, it yields maximum performance.
I would like to share a solution I coded. Given an input file, it outputs all those words that are a substring of any other word in the same input file. Therefore, it computes the opposite of ysth's ideas, but I took the idea of optimisation #2 from his answer. There are the following three main optimisations that can be deactivated if required.
The questions "Is word A in list L? Is word B in L?" can be easily parallelised.
Pre-sorting all the words for their length
I create an array that points to the list of all words that are longer than a certain length, for every possible length. For long words, this can cut down the number of possible words dramatically, but it trades quite a lot of space, as one word of length n appears in all lists from length 1 to length n.
Testing consecutive words
In my /usr/share/dict/words, most consecutive lines look quite similar:
for example. As every word that would match the first word also matches the second one, I immediately add the first word to the list of matching words, and only keep the second word for further testing. This saved about 30% of words in my test cases. Because I do that before optimisation No 2, this also saves a lot of space. Another trade-off is that the output will not be sorted.
The script itself is ~120 lines long; I explain each sub before showing it.
This is just a standard script header for multithreading. Oh, and you need perl 5.10 or better to run this. The configuration constants define the optimisation behaviour. Add the number of processors of your machine in that field. The OPT_MAX variable can take the number of words you want to process, however this is evaluated after the optimisations have taken place, so the easy words will already have been caught by the OPT_CONSECUTIVE optimisation. Adding anything there will make the script seemingly slower. $|++ makes sure that the status updates are shown immediately. I exit after the main is executed.
use strict; use warnings; use feature qw(say); use threads;
use constant PROCESSORS => 0; # (false, n) number of threads
use constant OPT_MAX => 0; # (false, n) number of words to check
use constant OPT_PRESORT => 0; # (true / false) sorts words by length
use constant OPT_CONSECUTIVE => 1; # (true / false) prefilter data while loading
use constant OPT_ONDRA => 1; # select the awesome Ondra algorithm
use constant BLABBER_AT => 10; # (false, n) print progress at n percent
die q(The optimisations Ondra and Presort are mutually exclusive.)
exit main();
Encapsulates the main logic, and does multi-threading. The output of n words will be matched will be considerably smaller than the number of input words, if the input was sorted. After I have selected all matched words, I print them to STDOUT. All status updates etc. are printed to STDERR, so that they don't interfere with the output.
sub main {
my #matching; # the matching words.
my #words = load_words(\#matching); # the words to be searched
say STDERR 0+#words . " words to be matched";
my $prepared_words = prepare_words(#words);
# do the matching, possibly multithreading
my #threads =
map {threads->new(
#words[$$_[0] .. $$_[1]] )
} divide(PROCESSORS, OPT_MAX || 0+#words);
push #matching, $_->join for #threads;
} else {
push #matching, test_range(
#words[0 .. (OPT_MAX || 0+#words)-1]);
say STDERR 0+#matching . " words matched";
say for #matching; # print out the matching words.
This reads all the words from the input files which were supplied as command line arguments. Here the OPT_CONSECUTIVE optimisation takes place. The $last word is either put into the list of matching words, or into the list of words to be matched later. The -1 != index($a, $b) decides if the word $b is a substring of word $a.
sub load_words {
my $matching = shift;
my #words;
my $last;
while (<>) {
if (defined $last) {
push #{-1 != index($_, $last) ? $matching : \#words}, $last;
$last = $_;
push #words, $last // ();
} else {
#words = map {chomp; $_} <>;
This "blows up" the input words, sorting them after their length into each slot, that has the words of larger or equal length. Therefore, slot 1 will contain all words. If this optimisation is deselected, it is a no-op and passes the input list right through.
sub prepare_words {
if (OPT_ONDRA) {
my $ondra_split = sub { # evil: using $_ as implicit argument
my #split_list;
for my $i (0 .. length $_) {
for my $j (1 .. length($_) - ($i || 1)) {
push #split_list, substr $_, $i, $j;
return +{map {$_ => 1} map &$ondra_split(), #_};
} elsif (OPT_PRESORT) {
my #prepared = ([]);
for my $w (#_) {
push #{$prepared[$_]}, $w for 1 .. length $w;
return \#prepared;
} else {
return [#_];
This tests if the word $w is a substring in any of the other words. $wbl points to the data structure that was created by the previous sub: Either a flat list of words, or the words sorted by length. The appropriate algorithm is then selected. Nearly all of the running time is spent in this loop. Using index is much faster than using a regex.
sub test {
my ($w, $wbl) = #_;
my $l = length $w;
for my $try (#{$$wbl[$l + 1]}) {
return 1 if -1 != index $try, $w;
} else {
for my $try (#$wbl) {
return 1 if $w ne $try and -1 != index $try, $w;
return 0;
This just encapsulates an algorithm that guarantees a fair distribution of $items items into $parcels buckets. It outputs the bounds of a range of items.
sub divide {
my ($parcels, $items) = #_;
say STDERR "dividing $items items into $parcels parcels.";
my ($min_size, $rest) = (int($items / $parcels), $items % $parcels);
my #distributions =
map [
$_ * $min_size + ($_ < $rest ? $_ : $rest),
($_ + 1) * $min_size + ($_ < $rest ? $_ : $rest - 1)
], 0 .. $parcels - 1;
say STDERR "range division: #$_" for #distributions;
return #distributions;
This calls test for each word in the input list, and is the sub that is multithreaded. grep selects all those elements in the input list where the code (given as first argument) return true. It also regulary outputs a status message like thread 2 at 10% which makes waiting for completition much easier. This is a psychological optimisation ;-).
sub test_range {
my $wbl = shift;
my $range = #_;
my $step = int($range / 100 * BLABBER_AT) || 1;
my $i = 0;
grep {
if (0 == ++$i % $step) {
printf STDERR "... thread %d at %2d%%\n",
$i / $step * BLABBER_AT;
OPT_ONDRA ? $wbl->{$_} : test($_, $wbl)
} #_;
} else {
return grep {OPT_ONDRA ? $wbl->{$_} : test($_, $wbl)} #_;
Using bash, I invoked the script like
$ time (head -n 1000 /usr/share/dict/words | perl >/dev/null)
Where 1000 is the number of lines I wanted to input, dict/words was the word list I used, and /dev/null is the place I want to store the output list, in this case, throwing the output away. If the whole file should be read, it can be passed as an argument, like
$ perl input-file >output-file
time just tells us how long the script ran. Using 2 slow processors and 50000 words, it executed in just over two minutes in my case, which is actually quite good.
update: more like 6–7 seconds now, with the Ondra + Presort optimisation, and no threading.
further optimisations
update: overcome by better algorithm. This section is no longer completely valid.
The multithreading is awful. It allocates quite some memory and isn't exactly fast. This isn't suprising considering the amount of data. I considered using a Thread::Queue, but that thing is slow like $#*! and therefore is a complete no-go.
If the inner loop in test was coded in a lower-level language, some performance might be gained, as the index built-in wouldn't have to be called. If you can code C, take a look at the Inline::C module. If the whole script were coded in a lower language, array access would also be faster. A language like Java would also make the multithreading less painful (and less expensive).