System.Expression.Interactions.dll does not include CallMethodAction - expression-blend-4

I have recently just installed Expression Blend 4 Ultimate to run along side my Visual Studio 2010. I have included the reference for System.Expression.Interactions.dll but it does not include the CallMethodAction within the reference. Does anyone know why? I have been searching all night and have not come across any good sites that explain why. All sites I have read and been to just say that the reference is needed to use the callMethodAction. Any help would be appreciated


How to install Qt to work with OpenCV and Visual Studio 2022

I am sorry if this question is already asked but, from every source I have read on google so far they don't cover the most latest versions and I am having a lot of trouble figuring this out.
I have a VS code for detecting faces and saving the ROI onto the desktop. Now, I need to add the functionality for force capture and need to employ GUI for it which openCV is not good enough for. I have been told to use Qt. For more than a week now I have been stuck at simply installing Qt and getting it to work. If anyone could help me out in-line with my project's purpose I would greatly appreciate it.
Every time I install I get some sort of different error which I am not able to understand (complete beginner here), the latest one I got was that Qt could not find the "Kit", even though the dialog box displayed the available ones (Mingw 2022).
Thanks in advance!

Missing CONCRT140D.dll on Windows

When I run my C++ application I get an error message says CONCRT140D.dll was not found.
I thought it is a more frequent problem but I was wrong. I found only some useful links. I have some questions:
What is the difference between with D postfix or without it?
How Windows knows the missing library is this (if it is missing)?
It is probably part of the Visual Studio redistributable, so why is it so hard to know what it contains? And how to fix it.
Install/update VC++ redistributable doesn't solve the problem (or installing many other magic Microsoft things). Anyway, how I can deliver application
It seems me an easy problem to fix it, but I still struggle these questions.

cant see c/c+ on visual studio 2019

hi im currently fallowing a udemy course and it my first road bump after 2 hours still cant figure this out please can someone help i should be able to see a tab that says c/c++ but i cant. i have made sure my c++ package is installed. im using vsc 2019 and i just cant get it working any help would be very appreciated
i have tried to "modify" vs in visual studio installer and i didnt work.
i have ask the udemy instructor and no answer
any help would be so useful thanks
(if image didnt load here is the link to imgur)
You mentioned that you have installed the Desktop development with C++ workload. That should be enough to get you started. However, the C/C++ options appear in the project properties only after you have added a C or C++ source file.
Sometimes it additionally asks to download/install C/C++ packages via different dialog boxes popping up. If it has asked, please make sure you installed it properly without a power failure in between. Or else as a last resort, try repeating the installation process.

Why is OpenDDS failing to compile?

My friend is trying to compile OpenDDS from here:
OpenDDS Insall Directions
I have no code.. but i need this to make pastebin work?
She has followed that link to a T. And it produces these errors:
Here is the full output from Visual Studio:
The interesting part:
I can compile it just fine using the instructions from that link in the top. I have done more coding than she, so something is installed that is allowing it to compile without issue, she has a clean install of Visual Studio Community, I have Visual Studio Enterprise (Both 2019) - I do not think the versions should matter, but shared for better understanding.
From what I can gather from the errors, there is a problem locating files on her machine, and not mine. Why it can't find files? I have no idea... I am really confused with why it works for me not her.
I even went and made a VirtualBox Machine with windows 10 on it, and I get the same errors there.
Any and all help is super appreciated, thank you!
This was fixed in this PR:, but that hasn't made it into a release yet. I can't comment in the comment chain above, but dxiv is correct that this is caused by an include dependency that broke in VS2019. It's only in the dds/DCPS/Serializer.h header though, so just having your friend change that file to how it is in the PR should allow it to build.

identifier "__builtin_expect" is undefined (during ROS on win tutorial-talker example)

I'm trying to do the first tutorial of ROS on Windows in Visual Studio 2015.
First I created a new WIN 32 Console application and copied the code from here.
Then I configured the project as it is described in the guide. While Debugging there came up several errors:
The identifier "__builtin_expect" is undefined in the files service_client.h and TestTalker.cpp (which is the name of my program).
Cannot open source file "sys/time.h"
The SDK from runs, I tested it.
I have no idea what's wrong.
I hope someone can help me.
Thank you in advance!!
__builtin_expect is a GCC extension. It is not provided by Visual Studio.
Since it only provides a hint to the compiler to optimize for CPU branch-prediction, one could just replace all instances of __builtin_expect(expr, c) with expr.
Or, in cases where it fits, use __assume instead, as described in this answer.