Delete all lines without # textmate regex - regex

I have a huge file that I need to filter out all lines (comma delimited file) that do not contain an email address (determining that by # character).
Right now what I have is this to find all lines containing the # sign:
basically you have 4 values and the 3rd value has the email address.
the replace with: value would be empty.

You have about 10 different ways to do this in TextMate and even more from the command line. Here are some of the easier ways...
From TextMate:
Command-control-t, start typing some part of the command "Copy Non-Matching Lines into New Document", use # (nothing else) for the pattern.
Same as above, except the command you're looking for is "Distill Document / Selection"
Find and select an # symbol. Then do the same as the above but search for the command "Strip Lines Matching Selection/Clipboard". You may not have it as I may have developed this one myself.
From the command line:
Type one of the following commands, replacing FILE with the filename, including the filepath if it's not in your current working directory. The filtered content can be found in FILE-new.
Using egrep: egrep -v '#' FILE > FILE-new
Using sed: cat FILE | sed -e "/#/D" > FILE-new
For both of the above, use diff to see what you accomplished: diff FILE{,-new}
That should probably do, I'm guessing...

try replace ^[^#]*$ with nothing. Alternatively, grep the file with your regex and redirect the result into a new file.


Use "sed" to Remove Capture Group 1 From All Lines In a File

I currently have a file with lines like the below:
My goal is to remove everything from the "#" to the next comma, such that it instead looks like the below:
I'm not that experienced with utilizing sed and RegEx expressions. In playing around on a testing website, I came up with the below RegEx string, in which capture group 1 is perfectly matching to what I want to remove: Test
How would I go about putting this in a "sed" command against a given input file, and writing the results to a new output file. I had tried the below most recently:
sed 's/(#.+?),//' input.csv > input_Corrected.csv
Just as another note, I'm doing this in a bash script in which I have an API call generating the "input.csv" file, and then want to run this sed command to clean up the data format to match my needs.
You can use
sed 's/#[^,]*,/,/' input.csv > input_Corrected.csv
sed 's/#[^,]*//' input.csv > input_Corrected.csv
The #[^,]*, POSIX BRE pattern matches a # and then any zero or more chars other than , and then a , (in the first example, use it if there MUST be a comma after the match) and replaces with a comma (in the first example, keep the replacement empty if you use the second approach).
See the online demo:
sed 's/#[^,]*,/,/' <<< "$s"
You can used the below regular expression in order to remove the content of the valid email address only.
sed "s/#([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})//g" input.csv > input_Corrected.csv
And as per your requirement you can use the below code. As it is going to replace all the email address on the file as you have on your file "calvin_hobbes2#netnet" which is not valid email address.
sed "s/#[^,]*//g" input.csv > input_Corrected.csv

Finding strings across lines and replace with nothing

I have some 'fastq' format DNA sequence files (basically just text files) like this:
My ultimate goal is to turn these into 'fasta' format files, but to do that I need to get rid of the two empty sequences in the middle.
The desired output would look like this:
All of the dedicated software I tried (Biopython, stand alone programs, perl scripts posted by others) crash at the empty sequences. This is really just a problem of searching for the string #\n+ and replacing it with nothing. I googled this and read several posts and tried about a million options with sed and couldn't figure it out. Here are some things that didn't work:
sed s/'#'/,/'+'// test.fastq > test.fasta
sed s/'#,+'// test.fastq > test.fasta
Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
PS. I've got a Mac.
sed "/^[#+]*$/d" test.fastq > test.fasta
The /d option tells sed to "delete" the matching line (i.e. not print it).
^ and $ mean "start of string" and "end of string" respectively, i.e. the line must be an exact match.
So, the above command basically says:
Print all lines that do not only contain # or +, and write the result to test.fasta.
Edit: I misunderstood the question slightly, sorry. If you want to only remove pairs of consecutive lines like
then you need to perform a multi-line search and replace.
Although this can be done with sed, it's perhaps easier to use something like a perl script instead:
perl -0pe 's/^#\n\+\n//gm' test.fastq > test.fasta
The -0 option turns Perl into "file slurp" mode, where Perl reads the entire input file in one shot (instead of line by line). This enables multi-line search and replace.
The -pe option allows you to run Perl code (pattern matching and replacement in this case) and display output from the command line.
^#\n\+\n is the pattern to match, which we are replacing with nothing (i.e. deleting).
/gm makes the substitution multiline and global.
You could also instead pass -i as the first parameter to perl, to edit the file inline.
This may not be the most elegant solution in the world, but you can use tr to replace the \n with a null character and back.
cat test.fastq | tr '\n' '\0' | sed 's/#\x0+\x0//g' | tr '\0' '\n' > test.fasta
Try this:
sed '/^#$/{N;/\n+$/d}' file
When # is found, next line is appended to the pattern space with N.
If $ is found in next line, the d command deletes both lines.

I need to use sed to comment out two lines in a text file

I am running a custom kernel build and have created a custom config file in a bash script, now I need to comment out two lines in Kbuild in order to prevent the bc compiler from running. The lines are...
$(obj)/$(timeconst-file): kernel/time/timeconst.bc FORCE
$(call filechk,gentimeconst)
Using Expresso, I have a regex that matches the first line...
^\$\(obj\)\/\$\(timeconst-file\): kernel\/time\/timeconst\.bc FORCE
Regex Match
But can't get sed to actually insert a # in front of the line.
Any help would be much appreciated.
sed -i "/<Something that matches the lines to be replaced>/s/^#*/#/g"
This uses a regex to select lines you want to comment/<something>/, then substitutes /s/ the start of the string ^(plus any #*s already there, with #. So you can comment lines that are already commented no problem. the /g means continue after you found your first match, so you can do mass commenting.
I have a bash script that I can mass comment using the above as:
sed -i.bkp "/$1/s/^#\+\s*//g" $2
i.bkp makes a backup of the file named .bkp
Script is called ./ <match> <filename>
The match does not have to match the entire line, just enough to make it only hit lines you want.
You can use following sed for replacement:
sed 's,^\($(obj)/$(timeconst-file): kernel/time/timeconst.bc FORCE\),#\1,'
You don't need to escape ( ) or $, as in sed without -r it is treated as literal, for grouping \( \) is used.

Comment out file paths in a file matching lines in another file with sed and bash

I have a file (names.txt) with the following content:
... and so on. I want to read this file line by line, and use sed to comment out matches in another file. I have the code below, but it does nothing:
while read line
sed -e '/\<$name\>/s/^/#/' config.conf
done < names.txt
Lines in the input file needs to be commented out in config.conf file. Like follows:
config {
I don't want to do this by hand, because the file contains more then 300 file paths. Can someone help me to figure this out?
You need to use double quotes around your sed command, otherwise shell variables will not be expanded. Try this:
sed "/\<$name\>/s/^/#/" config.conf
However, I would recommend that you skip the bash for-loop entirely and do the whole thing in one go, using awk:
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next}{for(i=1;i<=NF;++i)if($i in a)$i="#"$i}1' names.txt config.conf
The awk command stores all of the file names as keys in the array a and then loops through every word in each line of the config file, adding a "#" before the word if it is in the array. The 1 at the end means that every line is printed.
It is better not to use regular expression matching here, as some of the characters in your file names (such as .) will be interpreted by the regular expression engine. This approach does a simple string match, which avoids the problem.

How to use Regular Expression In Find and Replacement

I've one CSV file which has almost 50k records. I want to remove the unnecessary records from this file. Can anyone tell me how can I achieve this by Regex through Find and Replacement?
The data looks like this:
Item Code,,Qty
,Serial No.,
,Serial No.,
and I want to convert this data to below format:
ItemCode,Serial Number,Qty
CMAC-389109,"954zg5, ffnaw8, gh8731, gxj419, hc6y9q, y65vh8",6
Here's a regex which captures two groups (Item Code and Shelf):
I don't know what syntax DW uses to reference groups. But usually it's either $n or \n, so in your case, you can put $1, $2 in the "replacement" field of the search/replace box. Or \1, \2.
If you have access to a Linux environment (OS-X and Cygwin should work too), you can use the command-line tools cut and grep to accomplish this quite easily:
cat <filename> | cut -d ',' -f 1,7 | grep -v "^,$" > <output_file>
The parameters I used on cut are:
Delimiter (by which character the fields are separated)
Fields (which fields to include in the output).
... and grep:
Invert pattern: Only include lines in output not matching the regex.
Given your data in your question, the above command will yield this result:
Item Code,Shelf
CMAC-389109, F2-3
This should also be quite efficient, as cut works on a stream, and only loads as much data into memory as necessary. So you don't need to load the whole file before executing the task. It being a large file, this might be handy.