Can I change facebook timeline actions after submission - facebook-graph-api

I am in the process of adding timeline integration in an app by defining a couple custom actions, but there is a chance that we may change these later on (adding optional parameters, changing the box visualization, wording etc).
Is this possible to do after we have submitted the actions for approval, and after they are eventually approved? I expect them to need to go through approval again but I am not sure.
What happens to already published actions?
What happens during the eventual re-approval process?

Of course your actions have to go through approval again if you change them.
For existing and approved actions, those should stay in place as they are when you change them and submit them for approval again, they will show their “old” behavior until the changes are approved.


GCP Console - prompt to refresh the page

Several of GCP accounts I use display a message after logging in:
Refresh the page?
Now that you’ve upgraded, we need to refresh the page so you can take advantage of the new capabilities of your account. Do you want to refresh the page now, or do it yourself later?
Does anyone else see similar message? Wonder what kind of upgrade it relates to, I don't remember making any changes to the account recently. Hitting OK, refresh now doesn't produce any visible changes. Also it seems there is no way of making this message disappear - acknowledging or rejecting will still trigger a popup on next login.
popup screenshot
I guess the developers/engineers the project is shared with are making some changes. Well as per my observation, whenever one makes a change in GCP, it automatically gets reloaded or the necessary changes take place in background, but when others are working at same project at the same time, then if one user makes any changes in a shared access resource, then other users might need to reload the site for the necessary changes to take place.
I would highly suggest you contact other developers/engineers you are sharing the project with to check if they made changes in the project or not.
Hope this helps. Cheers :)

Sitecore workflow template questions

Currently I am trying to find a way to have a template that is used across a shared environment capable of having a different workflow in use for each environment.
For example say I have a bike template shared between sites, I have one site that stocks the bike in a warehouse and a separate site that is a store front to sell the bike. The approval process will be different for these sites, the warehouse will simply go from Draft > Published whereas the store front wants to check over the details before displaying to the customer so they use a Draft > Pending Approval > Publish workflow.
Say I already have a bunch of bikes defined in both sites, how can I make a change so that for each different site a different workflow is used by the bikes. If possible I would like to avoid a solution that requires code.
I am guessing that I will need to duplicate the templates and have a separate one for each site (e.g. WH Bike and Sales Bike) which isn't really ideal either as this means lots of manual fixing of the existing workflow values.
Instead of using a separate workflow, it sounds like you just need a separate stage and action that is only available to your store front.
For example, your single workflow might look like this:
Stage 1: Draft
Submit for Approval (secured to Store Front)
Submit for Publish (secured to Warehouse)
Stage 2: Pending Approval
Secured to Store Front, so as not to be visible to Warehouse
Stage 3: Publish
If the only difference is the stages, you can definitely go with security to use a single workflow and flow users through their own actions and stages.
Reworked my answer:
You can approach this by using the sitecore rules engine.
You can take a look at DYNAMIC WORKFLOW module in the Sitecore Marketplace.
It should allow you to create the rules and execute the start workflow action.
Taken from the module documentation:
Start workflow – moves item into a specified workflow and starts the
workflow process. Example: a landing workflow used when item gets
created but a specific workflow should be applied depending on item
location in the content tree.

Why can't approvers see workbox initial state items but admins can?

We have a small pool of approvers that are also active content editors. That means that they need to monitor the workbox and make and approve their own edits.
We used to give everyone admin access, but that lets you completely skip workflow very easily. We have several programatic steps within workflow that we want to always execute. Plus it is generally bad practice to have most users be administrators.
We thought everything was working fine with our approvers in standard roles, but one of the users discovered that they could see several additional items in the initial workflow state when logged in as a full admin that they could not see as themselves.
A typical scenario would be that one of their peers locked an item, but never submitted.
I looked at permissions on their role and they seem to have all of the appropriate rights.
Screenshot of Access Viewer for the user in question on an item that is locked by another user, but does not show up in the first user's workbox.
Workflow and Security go hand in hand and can be a bit tricky. It is rather hard to answer your question without fully seeing your users, roles and applied security for all items (content & workflow).
From the workflow reference document section 3.4.1:
The effective access rights on an item can influence the behavior of the Workbox application. A user must
have write access to an item in order to see the item in the Workbox. Note that a user may not have write
access to an item if the item is currently checked out (locked) by another user.
Users who have read access to a workflow state can see that state in their workbox as long as the state includes workflow commands for which they have command execute access rights.
If running through this document does not provide any assistance, you may need to clarify your question with details around role hierarchies and permissions on items. Perhaps a lightweight Sitecore security report would be useful for reporting back your settings.

Two-staged approval process for wiki articles

I'm trying to configure a wiki to allow a two staged approval process. The basic work flow requires something like:
A group of users submits a short form
After admin approval, a larger form becomes available to the group
The group submits the larger form
After admin approval, the page (filled by the form) becomes public
I've been looking at TikiWiki and MediaWiki for a while trying to configure each to get even close to this model, but I'm having some problems.
With TikiWiki, it seems like the approval stage should be a transition, either changing the group permissions to allow access to a new tracker or changing the form category to close one form and open the other, but I haven't been able to nail down the permissions for that configuration.
With MediaWiki, the main problem seems to be that the back-end was not made to have complex permissions. I've been using SMWHalo along with SemanticForms to construct this, but I can't find anything like Tikiwiki's transitions for changing the permissions for either the group or the form automatically.
I'm a bit new to Wiki development and I know that there are a lot of options for wiki frameworks, so I'm asking for suggestions for a good work flow for this product. My goal is to only start actually touching the framework code to make the final adjustments and not to start off modifying an already well developed code base.
You should really ask yourself why you want this and why you want this in a wiki.
A Wiki's main advantage is being quick and easy and thus encouraging to the user. Adding approval stages will discourage users to participate. The hardest part in any wiki is not preventing vandalism or false information. The hardest part is to encourage participation.
If you really need a difficult approval workflow you might want to look at CMS systems. AFAIK typo3 has something like this built in.
If really you want to go with a wiki and an approval process, for DokuWiki you could have a look a the publish plugin:
The FlaggedRevs extension to MediaWiki adds a basic permissions workflow:
However, it's geared more at controlling changes to existing pages, not adding entirely new ones. You could set it up to create new pages as drafts and defaulting the public view to show only approved versions, but it sounds like you want to hide unapproved versions entirely, which would require some extra hacking (and, as Andreas says, kind of defeats the point of a wiki in the first place).

How do I programmatically access items in the Workbox?

How does Sitecore find these items? I want to set up a schedule task to email my admins when there are items pending in the Workbox. Maybe there is already a feature like this? The only piece of the puzzle I am missing is how to easily identify when/if Workbox items exist.
Instead of sending emails when an item is in a workflow state why don't you try using the RSS feeds that Sitecore generates for each state. Details are in the Client Configuration Cookbook.
The majority of email clients have built in RSS readers which typically will show the feed as a separate "inbox". IMHO this is much better than email alerts which often get ignored because of how spammy they can get.
The item is shown in the Workbox as long as it is in the workflow and not in the final state. Take a look at this shared source component - it seems to be just your requirement. This one is also quite similar.