Output and Input in SML - sml

I am trying to understand TextIO to write and read files line by line. Most resources online start without some introductory texts. I do not have any previous knowledge with file handling and no advanced knowledge with SML. I do not know how to deal with signatures if that is needed.
Any Link or detailed description would be of great help.
Thank You.

Mabye this will help you.....


Searching .csv file and returning all lines with a specific string c++

Sorry this is my first post on here. I am very new to c++. I am currently working on a small project which requires reading data from a .csv file, searching for specific words and then writing all the lines that contain the specific word to they're own .csv file. I will be honest and say I am out of my depth when it comes to classes etc which is why I am asking you good people on here if you would have or know of any examples of this type of problem for me to try to understand it.
Thanks for anything at all!

Regex help for somebody that realy need help - Visual basic

I'm actually starting creating a small language (in vb net, yes I know, maybe not a good idea).
I already started learning tutorials about regex, but apparently this function is saying me to get out).
I want to add some kind of commands, such as a command that allow you to arg. a /print command, something like:
/PRINT["Hello world";"blue";propety:{bold;italic}]
So, for me, the regex is :
So you understand that's not something I like writing.
Would you show me how to construct regex code for the first command I let?
Regex alone isn't the best way to create a language that, well, actually works.
Read this article for more info. I'm sure you can find better way to write a language if you really need to write it. In vb.net...
Anyway, if you insist on writing it in vb, I found a video that will help you with it.

Stata - r-class command - Guidance

Is there anybody who could give me a first hint on how to program an r-class command in Stata? Also a helpful link containing instructions or guidance would be useful.
The original and in many ways best introduction is in the later chapters of the User's Guide. That's bundled with Stata as a .pdf. See also Kit Baum's text http://www.stata.com/bookstore/stata-programming-introduction/

File Signature Validation

I Have used a utility written by Mark Russinovich, it is used to validate the file signature.
Any one have ideas how this can be done, i know it is not a simple code, but just i need some hints, APIs, steps, A guide map, Just to go in the correct direction.
I read too much a bout the cryptAPIs, then I read too much about the certAPIs, but i cannot get any thing useful to simply link a given file with the (unknown to me) data stored in the windows.
if any can help me in this issue please help, thanks a lot.
You should read about Authenticode.

How to search wikipedia and get input or info in C++?

I want my program to search wikipedia and get the info it searches for and put it into a large string and output into a file. How can I do that in C++? Any info please tell? need more anwsers please
Use wget with the query URL
wget --output-document=result.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=jon+skeet&go=Go
This searches for jon skeet and stores the result in result.html
To use it from C++ you can e.g. use the system() call to execute wget in a seperate process.
libcURL is pretty popular. I don't know that the interface is especially object-oriented, but it's certainly usable from C++.
There are a number of client APIs for MediaWiki (the wiki engine that powers Wikipedia). Here's a listing. They provide the ability to create/delete/edit/search articles. Nothing in straight C++ but it still may be useful.
DotNetWikiBot was quite useful on one project that I had...