File Signature Validation - c++

I Have used a utility written by Mark Russinovich, it is used to validate the file signature.
Any one have ideas how this can be done, i know it is not a simple code, but just i need some hints, APIs, steps, A guide map, Just to go in the correct direction.
I read too much a bout the cryptAPIs, then I read too much about the certAPIs, but i cannot get any thing useful to simply link a given file with the (unknown to me) data stored in the windows.
if any can help me in this issue please help, thanks a lot.

You should read about Authenticode.


VehicleObstacleShadowing configuration for Veins

How should I configure VehicleObstacleShadowing in the config.xml file in VEINS? I could not find an example so asking here for experts to shed light on it.
If you are referring to whether it reads any parameters from the analoguemodel configuration (e.g., config.xml), it does not need any. You can double-check by looking at the source code instantiating it.

Converting RTF tables into xml

I was given the task to convert great amount of RTF tables into XML ones (around or way more than 100.000), but I have no idea how to even start it and i cannot get help from the lead developer, because ironically he had never written a line of code.
I was thinking about c++ as I need t to be fast, but I'm open to any ideas.
What I need is some information I can start the project with or any library/program I could use for my help, thank you.
EDIT: I have XSD schemas to work with.
Found the solution after looking for a while. I can use LibreOffice to save it as html or other various forms that will keep the table as it is and also give a clear code i can pull an XSD on to make it valid also.

How to read a .shd file in C++?

I am creating a project in c++ for getting JobSettings of a job in a queue from .shd file.Can anyone please suggest me which API is used for reading .shd file?
If you're talking about the shadow file from the Windows spooler, take a look at this site and code accordingly -
Please note that this format is undocumented and so could change ever so often.

Output and Input in SML

I am trying to understand TextIO to write and read files line by line. Most resources online start without some introductory texts. I do not have any previous knowledge with file handling and no advanced knowledge with SML. I do not know how to deal with signatures if that is needed.
Any Link or detailed description would be of great help.
Thank You.
Mabye this will help you.....

How can I use graphical resources (stored in res\drawable folders) from NDK?

I need to use openGL in NDK, and I need to load and use some images (PNG), and maybe other files. These files are stored in res\drawable, res\drawable-hdpi, but I cannot access them with fopen()...
There is a way to do this?
Can somebody give me a piece of code for my problem, because it is quite urgent.
Thank you very much, and Merry Christmas,
Try using perror (or strerror) to determine why fopen is failing.