Django admin, static files use wrong directory - django

I am using django 1.4, and when I have this in settings:
STATIC_URL = '/_s/'
('admin', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/static/admin'),
And then access /_s/admin/css/base.css Django tries to load it from a different path and writes:
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/css/base.css" does not exist
Why does this happens?
I use ./ runcserver

The STATICFILES_DIRS is used for collecting static files, ./ collectstatic. It tell Django which folders to look in in order to pull all static files together in to one place.
When serving up static files Django will only look in STATIC_ROOT.
Official docs

The problem was in
./ runcserver
I used concurrent server, not default django debug server (I thought they both work in the same way (except threads))
But it is not true =(
From 1.4 you can use django debug server, it is multithreaded by default.


Django collecting static from virtualenv app on apache wgsi

I'm using autocomplete-light 3 in Django project.
I publish production with an virtualenv.
Autocomplete-light come with some static file in.
I added in settings:
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),
but it was not enough to publish the static files.
If I include the file in my static folder it works.
I don't think this is the best solution ( not easy maintenance).
May I add some permission to apache?
Or what is the best way to archive this situation?

Django load static in development directly from static folder (Not from apps)

I use django for the backend, in the frontend I use vue.js, so 99% of my CSS it's handled by vue.js, however I need a simple base.css for some customization in the landingpage and few things like this.
Normally in django I would put the file inside app/static/app/base.css then do collectstatic and get it under static/app/ for production.
I would like to avoid to keep it under an app as it's just a file. I'm trying adding a folder under my main "static" folder. But it seems in development django in not fetching it at all, it fetches directly and only static files from apps.
How can I tell django to fetch it directly from the static main folder as it would do in production?
i.e. I want to add a folder called main in my root (where is) and use only that to store my static files for both production and development, without passing through the single apps.
You can tell Django to look for static files in other directories by using STATICFILES_DIRS settings.
Just add the following code in your and it should work:
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),

Apache will not serve Django static files

So I've seen alot about Apache not serving Django admin static files, but for some reason, Apache is not serving any static files. It understands and finds the templates, but no images, css, or javascript is loaded.
EDIT 2: Updated the two files to show new settings
EDIT: I added the STATIC_ROOT and I was able to collectstatic files, but it still doesn't serve them after server restart.
I've tried ./ collectstatic and get this error:
ImproperlyConfigured("You're using the staticfiles app "
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: You're using the staticfiles app without
having set the STATIC_ROOT setting to a filesystem path.
My file is here:
My file is here:
If someone could please let me know exactly how to configure this so that Apache will serve django's static files, that would be great. I'm running Ubuntu on AWS with a mysql db. The filepath to the site on the server is: /home/ubuntu/
Thanks in advance
The error message seems quite clear: you have not set the STATIC_ROOT setting, so collectstatic does not know where to put the collected files. From the looks of your httpd.conf, it seems like it should be set to "/home/ubuntu/"

Why won't newly installed Django app with NGINX serve static assets properly?

I have a Mac running OS X 10.9.3. I am trying to setup a Django application backed by a PostgreSQL database served by gunicorn, with static assets served by NGINX. I'm an old hand at Django with MySQL running with the developement server ( runserver). But I'm new to setting it up with virtualenv, gunicorn and NGINX. So I'm following the instructions here.
My Django Project is being served successfully at localhost:3026. As a test of the database connectivity, I wanted to take a look at the Django Admin interface. I visited localhost:3026/admin/
I have included a screenshot below.
Why does this admin page look so ugly? It lacks the neccessary graphical interface and css that it is supposed to have? It looks like NGINX is not properly serving up those static assets. How can I troubleshoot and fix this issue?
After I posted this question, I did python collectstatic. That went and successfully copied all the static files to where they were supposed to (I think?) live in /opt/myenv/static. You can see the output of that command here. I then re-started gunicorn and nginx. I thought that would fix it. But unfortunately it didn't. The issue remains. In my Django file, I have configured the STATIC variables as follows:
STATIC_ROOT = "/opt/myenv/static/"
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
Try run command,
python collectstatic
If the commands executes successfuly, the static file would be generated in your project path, and then if you config the right static path, the web page will be correct.

Identical and simple way of serving static files in development and production - is it possible?

Is it possible to have static files only in PROJECT_DIR/static directory without duplicates of static files in app dirs and without needing to do collectstatic command? On local computer Django dev server is used, in production - some other web server. From what I have read so far I decided that it's impossible, but maybe it's not true.
Of course it's possible.. the static files app is there to be useful. If you dont like "duplicates" (that's the whole point - you can have files per app, all merged into one area), don't use the staticfiles app.
Just use any folder, anywhere, as your assets folder. In production, serve it at some url, say MY_URL. In development, wire up your URLConf to serve files at your asset folder at MY_URL
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# ... the rest of your URLconf goes here ...
) + static('MY_URL', document_root='path-to-my-files')
This is the old school method of doing this, before staticfiles brought its goodness.
Are you sure you can't solve this problem by just using the staticfiles app? It's not much work to add in a python collectstatic --noinput in your deployment script.