MAPISendMail with Outlook sometimes results in winmail.dat - mfc

I am using MAPISendMail() in an MFC application, and am having a problem that webmail clients sometimes receive a winmail.dat attachment, instead of the "real" attachments.
I have researched a lot, and have found that others are experiencing this problem too, but have not found a solution.
I believe that the problem may be in my MapiFileDesc structure, in which I leave the lpFileType member pointing to NULL, in order to have the mail program (In my case Outlook 2010) determine the file type automatically.
lpFiletype is a MapiFileTagExt structure, and the documentation says this:
A value of NULL indicates an unknown file type or a file type determined by the operating system.
So I believe this should work for common types, such as JPEG or GIF and such.
I read that the winmail.dat is caused by Outlook sending the mail encoded with the ms-tnef encoding, which is proprietary to Microsoft. However, when sending the email, Outlook shows "HTML" as highlighted, not RTF.
Has anyone encountered this problem and properly solved it?
Sending via SMTP and such is not an option, because the user should have a copy of the message in their Sent Items folder.
Using the Outlook object model is not an option, because that would require the user has Outlook installed, and not any MAPI compatible client.

I was having similar issue.
I found a KB article that has interesting information in "One-Off Addressing" section, saying that when address is provided in the format [SMTP:SMTP Address] - then e-mail is always sent in rich text format.
For me the fix was not to set "Address" property of MapiRecipDesc object at all. Instead I put the address in Name property. The opening dialog then does not resolve the address at first, but it resolves it right before sending and then it is not sent in RTF!
I even got it working with recipient's name together with address:
MapiRecipDesc.Name = "Firstname Lastname <>";

I, too, was getting all attachments as WinMail.Dat files for the jclMapi.JclEmail, InternalSendOrSave routine, which is called by jclEmail.Send.
What I did was essentially follow jtmnt's answer and changed:
RealAddresses[I] := FAddress; //do not add the Recipients.AddressesType + AddressTypeDelimiter
and I changed:
lpszName := PAnsiChar('"' + AnsiString(RealNames[I])+'" <' +
AnsiString(RealAddresses[I]) + '>');
lpszAddress := '';
This worked so that I no longer was sending WinMail.dat files as attachments, instead the intended PDFs and MP3s were being sent.
What I really want to report is that I was using an OLE routine that was working fine in Windows 7 and stopped working in Windows 8. Thus, I started looking at the MAPI solutions but found this problem with Winmail.dat files being attached. I could not find any mention of this issue with OLE (with Outlook) not working properly in Windows 8.
OutlookApp := GetActiveOleObject('Outlook.Application') and
OutlookApp := CreateOleObject('Outlook.Application')
were no longer working in Windows 8, but continued to work fine in Windows 7.)
Thanks for the solution. Thought you might want to know how to apply it to the jclMapi code and this issue with OLE in Win8.

Curious in Outlooks behavior is it does matter what length the domain name of the recipient has! If the e-mail address domain is 12 characters or more (I don’t know what the limit exactly is), then we face the problematic TNEF coding.
So: goes wrong. While will result in plain text encoding.
I guess this is not by design….
The solution mentioned above:
Put the recepient e-mail address in MapiRecipDesc’s lpszName and let the lpszAddress point to an empty string (NOT null!) solves the problem.
Don’t ask me why, for I have no clue why this would influence the encoding.


Setting useUnsafeHeaderParsing for C++ WinHttp

I'm trying to reach a web page on an embedded device.
I'm using WinHttp on Win32.
When trying to read response I get error
The server response cannot be parsed.
But when I captured with WireShark I can see that response is coming.
So to test I wrote a simple C# program.
GetResponse was throwing exception
The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseHeader
Detail=CR must be followed by LF
So according to below solution I set useUnsafeHeaderParsing to true. And it worked fine.
HttpWebRequestError: The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=CR must be followed by LF
Since I can't use C# I need to find a way to set useUnsafeHeaderParsing to true for WinHttp with win32 C++
Many thanks
I've briefly looked into the option flags of WinHttpSetOption and found the following entry:
This option is reserved for internal use and should not be called.
Since the option looks linke an on/off switch I would try to do the following:
BOOL bResult;
BOOL bOption = FALSE;
bResult = WinHttpSetOption(hInternet,
if (bResult == FALSE)
/* handle error with GetLastError() */
Well but as MSDN says it's reserved for internal use and therefore the function may change in the future (or has already changed in the past). But it's worth a try... Good Luck!
Looks like the name of the option must have changed since then: with the current SDK it's WINHTTP_OPTION_UNSAFE_HEADER_PARSING. Also, I verified (by examining the Assembly code directly) that:
the option must be DWORD-sized
the value of the option doesn't matter, as long as it's nonzero
you can only enable unsafe parsing; trying to disable (by setting the option value to zero) causes an error to be returned
Obviously, since this undocumented, it's subject to change.

libPd and c++ wrapper implementation

I'm trying to use libPd, the wrapper for PureData.
But the documentation is poor and I'm not very into C++
Do you know how I can simply send a floating value to a Pd patch?
Do I need to install libPd or I can just include the files?
First of all, check out ofxpd. It has an excellent libpd implementaiton with OpenFrameworks. If you are starting with C++ you may want to start with OpenFrameworks since it has some great documentation and nice integration with Pd via the ofxpd extension.
There are two good references for getting started with libpd (though neither cover C++ in too much detail): the original article and Peter Brinkmann's book.
On the libpd wiki there is a page for getting started with libpd. The linked project at the bottom has some code snippets in main.cpp that demonstrate how to send floats to your Pd patch.
pd.sendFloat("fromCPP", 100);
pd.sendSymbol("fromCPP", "test string");
In your Pd patch you'll set up a [receive fromCPP] and then these messages will register in your patch.
In order to get the print output you have to use the receivers from libpd in order to receiver the strings and then do something with them. libpd comes with PdBase, which is a great class for getting libpd up and running. PdBase has sendBang, sendFloat, sendMessage, and also has the receivers set up so that you can get output from your Pd patch.
if you want to send a value to a running instance of Pd (the standalone application), you could do so via Pd's networking facilities.
[netreceive 65432 1]
[route value]
will receive data sent from the cmdline via:
echo "value 1.234567;" | pdsend 65432 localhost udp
you can also send multiple values at once, e.g.
echo "value 1.234567 3.141592;" | pdsend 65432 localhost udp
if you find pdsend to slow for your purposes (e.g. if you launch the executable for each message you want to send you have a considerable overhead!), you could construct the message directly in your application and use an ordinary UDP-socket to send FUDI-messages to Pd.
FUDI-messages really are simple text strings, with atoms separated by whitespace and a terminating semicolon, e.g.
accelerator 1.23 3.14 2.97; button 1;
you might also considering using OSC, but for this you will need some externals (OSC by mrpeach; net by mrpeach (or iemnet)) on the Pd side.
as for performance, i've been using the latter with complex tracking data (hundreds of values per frame at 125fps) and for streaming multichannel audio, so i don't think this is a problem.
if you are already using libPd and only want to communicate from the host-application, use Adam's solution (but your question is a bit vague about that, so i'm including this answer just in case)

Why are my files smaller after I FTP them using this Python program?

I'm trying to send some files (a zip and a Word doc) to a directory on a server using ftplib. I have the broad strokes sorted out:
session = ftplib.FTP(ftp.server, 'user','pass')
filewpt = open(file, mode)
readfile = open(file, mode)
session.storbinary('STOR', filewpt)
session.storbinary('STOR readme.doc', readfile)
print " and readme.doc were sent to the folder on ftp"
This may provide someone else what they are after but not me. I have been using FileZilla as a check to make sure the files were transferred. When I see they have made it to the server, I see that they are both way smaller or even zero K for the readme.doc file. Now I'm guessing this has something to do with the fact that I stored the file in 'binary transfer mode' <--- whatever that means.
This is where my problems lie. I have no idea at all (yet) what is meant by binary transfer mode. Is it simply that I have to use retrbinary to return the files to their original state?
Could someone please explain to me like I'm a two year old what has happened to my files? If there's any more info required, please let me know.
This is a fantastic resource. Solved most of my problems. Still trying to work out the intricacies of FTPs, but I guess I will save that for another day. The link below builds a function to effortlessly upload files to an FTP without the partial upload problem that I've seen experienced by more than one Stack Exchanger.

UDP Streaming with ffmpeg - overrun_nonfatal option

I'm working on a software which uses FFMPEG C++ libs to make an acquisition from an UDP streaming.
FFMPEG (1.2) is implemented and running but I get some errors (acquisition crashes and restarts). The log displays the following message:
*Circular buffer overrun. To avoid, increase fifo_size URL option. To survive in such case, use overrun_nonfatal option*
I searched online for documentation about how to use this option, but I only got informations about how to use when running directly ffmpeg executable.
Would someone know how to set the correct option in my C++ code to:
- increase fifo_size
- use overrun_nonfatal option
The same option works from command line or C++ libraries, you need to modify your UDP URL as follows:
If you original URL looks like this:
Add the fifo_size and overrun parameters like this:
Remember to escape the URL with quotes.
overrun_nonfatal=1 prevents ffmpeg from exiting, it can recover in most circumstances.
fifo_size=50000000 uses a 50MB udp input buffer (default 5MB)
The only documentation is in the source code:;a=blob;f=libavformat/udp.c;h=5b5c7cb7dfc1aed3f71ea0c3e980be54757d3c62;hb=dd0a9b78db0eeea72183bd3f5bc5fe51a5d3f537
I don't have enough reputation to comment the other answer, but if I did I would say that studying the source linked in the answer:
fifo_size is measured as multiples of 188 Byte (packets) according to the line:
s->circular_buffer_size = strtol(buf, NULL, 10)*188;
so whilst Grant is roughly correct that "default 5MB", because of the line:
s->circular_buffer_size = 7*188*4096;
If you want a circular buffer of 50MB you should really set the fifo_size parameter to something closer to 50*1024*1024/188 otherwise 50000000 will give 50000000*188 bytes which is closer to 8965MB!

Displaying CAknInformationNote on device

I am fetching the call-logs, appending them on information note using:
CAknInformationNote* note = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote;
I perfectly run on emulator (show all call-logs on note) but nothing shows up when run on the actual device (a Nokia N73). Any ideas?
i think you should use some kind of file logging(you can even use RFile) and see till what point your application executing.i am assuming you dont see a crash/panic on hardware.i doubt if you are able to get the call logs properly first on device.