League fixture algorithm explanation - c++

this works for me but I don't understand how it works at all. Could anyone explain?
for(int round = 0; round < rounds_count; round++)
for(int match = 0; match < matches_per_round; match++)
int home = (round + match) % (teams_count - 1);
int away = (teams_count - 1 - match + round) % (teams_count - 1);
if(match == 0)
away = teams_count - 1;
matches.push_back(Match(&teams[home], &teams[away], round));
What's the trick with modulo?

I'm not sure why this would be using teams_count-1 instead of teams_count, but in general, the modulus is making it "wrap around" so that if round+match is greater than the last team number, it will wrap back ground to one of the first teams instead of going past the last team.
The way away is handled, is a bit special. The % operator doesn't wrap around the way you want when you have negative numbers. For example -1 % 5 gives you -1 instead of 4. A trick to get around this problem is to add your divisor. (-1+5)%5 gives you 4.
Let's rework the code a little to make it clearer. First I'll use another variable n to represent the number of teams (again I'm not sure why teams_count-1 is used for this in your code):
int n = teams_count-1;
int home = (round + match) % n;
int away = (n - match + round) % n;
Then I'll reorganize the away calculation a little:
int n = teams_count-1;
int home = (round + match) % n;
int away = (round - match + n) % n;
It should now be clearer that the home team is starting with the current round and then adding the match, while the away team is starting with the current round and subtracting the match. The % n makes it wrap around, and the + n for away makes it wrap around properly with negative numbers


Music Chairs problem implementation in C++

I am currently practicing algorithms and DS. I have stumbled upon a question that I can't figure out how to solve. So the question's link is there:
In summary, it says that there is a number of chairs in a circle, and the position of the person (relative to a certain chair), and how many M movements he should make.
So the input is as following:
3 integer numbers N, M, X , The number of chairs, the number of times the boy should move and the first chair he will start from respectively ( 1  ≤  X  ≤  N < 2^63 , 0  ≤  M < 2^63 )
So, what have I done so far? I thought about the following:
So I thought that the relative position after M movements is (x+m) % n, and since this can cause Integer overflow, I have done it like that, ((x%n) + (m%n)) % n. I have figured out that if the person has reached the last index of chair, it will be 0 so I handled that. However, it passes only 2 tests. I don't need any code to be written, I want to directed in the right way of thinking. Here is my code so far:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
long long n, m, x;
cin >> n >> m >> x;
// After each move, he reaches (X+1).
// X, N chairs.
// ((X % N) + (M % N)) % N;
// Odd conideration.
if ( m % 2 == 1) {
m += 1;
long long position = (x % n + m % n) % n;
if (position == 0) {
position = n;
cout << position;
return 0;
If the question required specific error handling, it should have stated so (so don't feel bad).
In every real-world project, there should be a standard to dictate what to do with weird input. Do you throw? Do you output a warning? If so, does it have to be translated to the system language?
In the absence of such instructions I would err toward excluding these values after reading them. Print an error to std::cerr (or throw an exception). Do this as close to where you read them as possible.
For overflow detection, you can use the methods described here. Some may disagree, and for a lab-exercise, it's probably not important. However, there is a saying in computing "Garbage in == Garbage out". It's a good habit to check for garbage before processing, rather than attempting to "recycle" garbage as you process.
Here's the problem:
Say the value of N is 2^63-1, and X and M are both 2^63 - 2.
When your program runs untill the ((X % N) + (M % N)) % N part,
X % N evaluates into 2^63 - 2 (not changed), and so does M % N.
Then, the addition between the two results occurs, 2^63 - 2 + 2^63 - 2 there is the overflow happening.
After the comment of #WBuck, the answer is actually rather easy which is to change the long long to unsigned because there are no negative numbers and therefore, increase the MAX VALUE of long long (when using unsigned).
Thank you so much.

Error with two credit card numbers. Identifies the number as the wrong credit card type

These are my current errors, I think I did something wrong with the maths but everything I tried didn't work.
Ps: Sorry if my question's formatting is bad, first time using stackflow.
:) credit.c exists
:) credit.c compiles
:) identifies 378282246310005 as AMEX
:) identifies 371449635398431 as AMEX
:) identifies 5555555555554444 as MASTERCARD
:) identifies 5105105105105100 as MASTERCARD
:) identifies 4111111111111111 as VISA
:) identifies 4012888888881881 as VISA
:) identifies 4222222222222 as VISA
:) identifies 1234567890 as INVALID
:) identifies 369421438430814 as INVALID
:) identifies 4062901840 as INVALID
:) identifies 5673598276138003 as INVALID
:( identifies 4111111111111113 as INVALID
expected "INVALID\n", not "VISA\n"
:( identifies 4222222222223 as INVALID
expected "INVALID\n", not "VISA\n"
#include <cs50.h>
#include <math.h>
// Prompt user for credit card number
int main(void)
long credit_card, credit_number;
credit_card = get_long("Enter credit card number: ");
while (credit_card < 0);
credit_number = credit_card;
// Calculate total number of digits
int count = (credit_number == 0) ? 1 : (log10(credit_number) + 1);
int summation = 0;
while (credit_number == 0)
int x = credit_number % 10; summation += x;
int y = 2 * ((credit_number / 10) % 10);
int r = (y % 10) + floor((y / 10) % 10); summation += r; credit_number /= 100;
string card;
// Identify which card type you get after inputing your credit card number
int test = cc / pow(10, count - 2);
if ((count == 13 || count == 16) && test / 10 == 4)
card = "VISA";
else if (count == 16 && test >= 51 && test <= 55)
card = "MASTERCARD";
else if (count == 15 && (test == 34 || test == 37))
card = "AMEX";
card = "INVALID";
// Final verification
if (sum % 10 == 0)
printf("%s\n", card);
Your algorithm is maybe not fully correct. I would therefore propose a different approach. You can look at each single digit in a loop. And, you can also do the whole checksum calculation in one step.
I will show you how to do and explain the algorithm behind it.
BTW. Chosing the right algorithm is always the key for success.
So, first we need to think on how we can extract digits from a number. This can be done in a loop by repeating the follwoing steps:
Perform a modulo 10 division to get a digit
Do a integer division by 10
Let us look at the example 1234.
Step 1 will get the 4 -- (1234 % 10 = 4)
Step 2 will convert original number into 123 -- (1234 / 10 = 123)
Step 1 will get the 3 -- (123 % 10 = 3)
Step 2 will convert the previous number into 12 -- (123 / 10 = 12)
Step 1 will get the 2 -- (12 % 10 = 2)
Step 2 will convert the previous number into 1 -- (12 / 10 = 1)
Step 1 will get the 1 -- (1 % 10 = 1)
Step 2 will convert the previous number into 0 -- (1 / 10 = 0)
Then the loop stops. Additionally we can observe that the loop stops, when the resulting divided becomes 0. And, we see addtionally that the number of loop executions is equal to the number of digits in the number. But this is somehow obvious.
OK, then let us look, what we learned so far
while (creditCardNumber > 0) {
unsigned int digit = creditCardNumber % 10;
creditCardNumber /= 10;
This will get all digits and count them.
Good. Lets go to next step.
For later validation and comparison purpose we need to get the most significant digit (the first digit) and the second most significant digit (the second digit) of the number.
For this, we define 2 variables which will hold the number. We simply assign the current evaluated digit (and override it in each loop execution) to the "mostSignificantDigit". At the end of the loop, we will have it in our desired variable.
For the "secondMostSignificantDigit" we will simple copy the "old" or "previous" value of the "mostSignificantDigit", before assigning a new value to "mostSignificantDigit". With that, we will always have both values available.
The loop looks now like this:
while (creditCardNumber > 0) {
const unsigned int digit = creditCardNumber % 10;
secondMostSignificantDigit = mostSignificantDigit;
mostSignificantDigit = digit;
creditCardNumber /= 10;
OK, now we come to the maybe more complex part. The cheksum. The calculation method is.
Start with the least significant (the last) digit
Do not multiply the digit, which is equivalent with multiplying it with 1, and add it to the checksum
Goto the next digit. Multiply it by 2. If the result is greater than 10, then get again the single digits and add both digits to the checksum
So, the secret is, to analyze the somehow cryptic specification, given here. If we start with the last digit, we do not multiply it, the next digit will be multiplied, the next not and so on and so on.
To "not multiply" is the same as multiplying by 1. This means: In the loop we need to multiply alternating with 1 or with 2.
How to get alternating numbers in a loop? The algorithm for that is fairly simple. If you need alternating numbers, lets say, x,y,x,y,x,y,x..., Then, build the sum of x and y and perform the subtratcion "value = sum - value". Example:
We need alternating values 1 and 2. The sum is 3. To get the next value, we subtract the current value from the sum.
initial value = 1
sum = 3
current value = initial value = 1
next value = 3 - 1 = 2. Current value = 2
next value = 3 - 2 = 1. Current value = 1
next value = 3 - 1 = 2. Current value = 2
next value = 3 - 2 = 1. Current value = 1
next value = 3 - 1 = 2. Current value = 2
next value = 3 - 2 = 1. Current value = 1
. . .
Good, now we understand, how to make alternating values.
Next, If we multiply a digit with 2, then the maximum result maybe a 2 digit value. We get the single digits with a modulo and an integer division by 10.
And, now important, it does not matter, if we multiply or not, because, if we do not multiply, then the upper digit will always be 0. And this will not contribute to the sum.
With all that, we can always do a multiplication and always split the result into 2 digits (many of them having the upper digit 0).
The result will be:
checkSum += (digit * multiplier) % 10 + (digit * multiplier) / 10;
multiplier = 3 - multiplier;
An astonishingly simple formula.
Next, if we know C or C++ we also know that a multiplication with 2 can be done very efficiently with a bit shift left. And, additionally, a "no-multiplication" can be done with a bit shift 0. That is extremely efficient and faster than multiplication.
x * 1 is identical with x << 0
x * 2 is identical with x << 1
For the final result we will use this mechanism, alternate the multiplier between 0 and 1 and do shifts.
This will give us a very effective checksum calculation.
At the end of the program, we will use all gathered values and compare them to the specification.
Thsi will lead to:
int main() {
// Get the credit card number. Unfortunately I do not know CS50. I use the C++ standard iostream lib.
// Please replace the following 4 lines with your CS50 equivalent
unsigned long long creditCardNumber;
std::cout << "Enter credit card number: ";
std::cin >> creditCardNumber;
std::cout << "\n\n";
// We need to count the number of digits for validation
unsigned int countOfDigits = 0;
// Here we will calculate the checksum
unsigned int checkSum = 0;
// We need to multiply digits with 1 or with 2
unsigned int multiplier = 0;
// For validation purposes we need the most significant 2 digits
unsigned int mostSignificantDigit = 0;
unsigned int secondMostSignificantDigit = 0;
// Now we get all digits from the credit card number in a loop
while (creditCardNumber > 0) {
// Get the least significant digits (for 1234 it will be 4)
const unsigned int digit = creditCardNumber % 10;
// Now we have one digit more. In the end we will have the number of all digits
// Simply remember the most significant digits
secondMostSignificantDigit = mostSignificantDigit;
mostSignificantDigit = digit;
// Calculate the checksum
checkSum += (digit << multiplier) % 10 + (digit << multiplier) / 10;
// Multiplier for next loop
multiplier = 1 - multiplier;
creditCardNumber /= 10;
// Get the least significant digit of the checksum
checkSum %= 10;
// Validate all calculated values and show the result
if ((0 == checkSum) && // Checksum must be correct AND
(15 == countOfDigits) && // Count of digits must be correct AND
((3 == mostSignificantDigit) && // Most significant digits must be correct
((4 == secondMostSignificantDigit) || (7 == secondMostSignificantDigit)))) {
std::cout << "AMEX\n";
else if ((0 == checkSum) && // Checksum must be correct AND
(16 == countOfDigits) && // Count of digits must be correct AND
((5 == mostSignificantDigit) && // Most significant digits must be correct
((secondMostSignificantDigit > 0) && (secondMostSignificantDigit < 6)))) {
std::cout << "MASTERCARD\n";
else if ((0 == checkSum) && // Checksum must be correct AND
((16 == countOfDigits) || (13 == countOfDigits)) && // Count of digits must be correct AND
((4 == mostSignificantDigit))) { // Most significant digit must be correct
std::cout << "VISA\n";
else {
std::cout << "INVALID\n";
return 0;
What we learn with this example, is integer division and modulo division and the smart usage of the identity element for binary operations.
In case of questions, please ask
Just to be complete, I will show you a C++ solution, based on a std::string and using modern C++ elements and algorithms.
For example, the whole checksum calculation will be done with one statement. The whole program does not contain any loop.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
#include <numeric>
int main() {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get user input
// Inform user, what to do. Enter a credit card number. We are a little tolerant with the input format
std::cout << "\nPlease enter a credit card number:\t";
// Get the number, in any format from the user
std::string creditCardNumber{};
std::getline(std::cin, creditCardNumber);
// Remove the noise, meaning, all non digits from the credit card number
creditCardNumber = std::regex_replace(creditCardNumber, std::regex(R"(\D)"), "");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calculate checksum
unsigned int checksum = std::accumulate(creditCardNumber.rbegin(), creditCardNumber.rend(), 0U,
[multiplier = 1U](const unsigned int sum, const char digit) mutable -> unsigned int {
multiplier = 1 - multiplier; unsigned int value = digit - '0';
return sum + ((value << multiplier) % 10) + ((value << multiplier) / 10); });
// We are only interested in the lowest digit
checksum %= 10;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Validation and output
if ((0 == checksum) && // Checksum must be correct AND
(15 == creditCardNumber.length()) && // Count of digits must be correct AND
(('3' == creditCardNumber[0]) && // Most significant digits must be correct
(('4' == creditCardNumber[1]) || ('7' == creditCardNumber[1])))) {
std::cout << "AMEX\n";
else if ((0 == checksum) && // Checksum must be correct AND
(16 == creditCardNumber.length()) && // Count of digits must be correct AND
(('5' == creditCardNumber[0]) && // Most significant digits must be correct
((creditCardNumber[1] > '0') && (creditCardNumber[1] < '6')))) {
std::cout << "MASTERCARD\n";
else if ((0 == checksum) && // Checksum must be correct AND
((16 == creditCardNumber.length()) || (13 == creditCardNumber.length())) && // Count of digits must be correct AND
(('4' == creditCardNumber[0]))) { // Most significant digit must be correct
std::cout << "VISA\n";
else {
std::cout << "INVALID\n";
return 0;

if statement inside of for loop not being executed

Writing a program to solve problem four of project euler: Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers. Heres my reprex:
#include <iostream>
int reverseNumber(int testNum)
int reversedNum, remainder = 0;
int temp = testNum;
while(temp != 0)
remainder = temp % 10;
reversedNum = reversedNum * 10 + remainder;
temp /= 10;
return reversedNum;
int main()
const int MIN = 100;
int numOne = 99;
int product = 0;
for(int numTwo = 10; numTwo < 100; numTwo++)
product = numOne * numTwo;
if (reverseNumber(product) == product)
int solution = product;
std::cout << solution << '\n';
return 0;
return 0;
My main thought process behind this is that the for loop will go through every number from 10 to 99 and multiply it by 99. My intended outcome is for it to print 9009 which is the largest palindrome with 2 factors of 2 digits. So what I think should happen here is the for loop will go from 10 to 99, and each loop it should go through the parameters of the if statement which reverses the number and sees if it equals itself.
I've made sure it wasn't a compiler issue, as this is recurring between different compilers. The reverseNumber() function returns the proper number every time I've tested it, so that shouldn't be the problem, however this problem only occurs when the function is involved in the logical comparison. By this I mean if that even I set it equal to a variable and put the variable in the if parameters, the issue still occurs. I'm pretty much stumped. I just hope it's not some silly mistake as I've been on this for a couple days now.
int reversedNum, remainder = 0;
You should be aware that this gives you (in an automatic variable context) a zero remainder but an arbitrary reversedNum. This is actually one of the reasons some development shops have the "one variable per declaration" rule.
In other words, it should probably be:
int reversedNum = 0, remainder;
or even:
int reversedNum = 0;
int remainder;
One other thing that often helps out is to limit the scope of variable to as small an area as possible, only bringing them into existence when needed. An example of that would be:
int reverseNumber(int testNum) {
int reversedNum = 0;
while (testNum != 0) {
int remainder = testNum % 10;
reversedNum = reversedNum * 10 + remainder;
testNum /= 10;
return reversedNum;
In fact, I'd probably go further and eliminate remainder altogether since you only use it once:
reversedNum = reversedNum * 10 + testNum % 10;
You'll notice I've gotten rid of temp there as well. There's little to gain by putting testNum into a temporary variable since it's already a copy of the original (as it was passed in by value).
And one other note, more to do with the problem rather than the code. You seem to be assuming that there is a palindrome formed that is a multiple of 99. That may be the case but a cautious programmer wouldn't rely on it - if you're allowed to assume things like that, you could just replace your entire program with:
print 9009
Hence you should probably check all possibilities.
You also get the first one you find which is not necessarily the highest one (for example, let's assume that 99 * 17 and 99 * 29 are both palindromic - you don't want the first one.
And, since you're checking all possibilities, you probably don't want to stop at the first one, even if the nested loops are decrementing instead of incrementing. That's because, if 99 * 3 and 97 * 97 are both palindromic, you want the highest, not the first.
So a better approach may be to start high and do an exhaustive search, while also ensuring you ignore the palindrome check of candidates that are smaller that your current maximum, something like (pseudo-code)
# Current highest palindrome.
high = -1
# Check in reverse order, to quickly get a relatively high one.
for num1 in 99 .. 0 inclusive:
# Only need to check num2 values <= num1: if there was a
# better palindrome at (num2 * num1), we would have
# already found in with (num1 * num2).
for num2 in num1 .. 0 inclusive:
mult = num1 * num2
# Don't waste time doing palindrome check if it's
# not greater than current maximum - we can't use
# it then anyway. Also, if we find one, it's the
# highest possible for THIS num1 value (since num2
# is decreasing), so we can exit the num2 loop
# right away.
if mult > high:
if mult == reversed(mult):
high = mult
if high >= 0:
print "Solution is ", high
print "No solution"
In addition to properly initializing your variables, if you want the largest palindrome, you should switch the direction of your for loop -- like:
for(int numTwo = 100; numTwo > 10; numTwo--) {
or else you are just printing the first palindrome within your specified range

Given a huge integer number as a string, check if its a power of 2

The number is huge (cannot fit in the bounds of unsigned long long int in C++). How do we check?
There is a solution given here but it doesn't make much sense.
The solution here tries to repeatedly divide the large number (represented as a string) by 2 but I'm not sure I understand how the result is reached step by step.
Can someone please explain this or propose a better solution?
We cannot use any external libraries.
This is the sample code:
int isPowerOf2(char* str)
int len_str = strlen(str);
// sum stores the intermediate dividend while
// dividing.
int num = 0;
// if the input is "1" then return 0
// because 2^k = 1 where k >= 1 and here k = 0
if (len_str == 1 && str[len_str - 1] == '1')
return 0;
// Divide the number until it gets reduced to 1
// if we are successfully able to reduce the number
// to 1 it means input string is power of two if in
// between an odd number appears at the end it means
// string is not divisible by two hence not a power
// of 2.
while (len_str != 1 || str[len_str - 1] != '1') {
// if the last digit is odd then string is not
// divisible by 2 hence not a power of two
// return 0.
if ((str[len_str - 1] - '0') % 2 == 1)
return 0;
// divide the whole string by 2. i is used to
// track index in current number. j is used to
// track index for next iteration.
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < len_str; i++) {
num = num * 10 + str[i] - '0';
// if num < 2 then we have to take another digit
// to the right of A[i] to make it bigger than
// A[i]. E. g. 214 / 2 --> 107
if (num < 2) {
// if it's not the first index. E.g 214
// then we have to include 0.
if (i != 0)
str[j++] = '0';
// for eg. "124" we will not write 064
// so if it is the first index just ignore
str[j++] = (int)(num / 2) + '0';
num = (num) - (num / 2) * 2;
str[j] = '\0';
// After every division by 2 the
// length of string is changed.
len_str = j;
// if the string reaches to 1 then the str is
// a power of 2.
return 1;
I'm trying to understand the process in the while loop. I know there are comments but they arent really helping me glean through the logic.
Let's start by figuring out how to halve a "string-number". We'll start with 128 as an example. You can halve each digit in turn (starting from the left), keeping in mind that an odd number affects the digit on the right(a). So, for the 1 in 128, you halve that to get zero but, because it was odd, five should be kept in storage to be added to the digit on its right (once halved):
Then halve the 2 as follows (adding back in that stored 5):
Because that wasn't odd, we don't store a 5 for the next digit so we halve the 8 as follows:
You can also make things easier then by stripping off any leading zeros. From that, you can see that it correctly halves 128 to get 64.
To see if a number is a power of two, you simply keep halving it until you reach exactly 1. But, if at any point you end up with an odd number (something ending with a digit from {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, provided it's not the single-digit 1), it is not a power of two.
By way of example, the following Python 3 code illustrates the concept:
import re, sys
# Halve a numeric string. The addition of five is done by
# Choosing the digit from a specific set (lower or upper
# digits).
def half(s):
halfS = '' # Construct half value.
charSet = '01234' # Initially lower.
for digit in s: # Digits left to right.
if digit in '13579': # Select upper for next if odd.
nextCharSet = '56789'
nextCharSet = '01234' # Otherwise lower set.
halfS += charSet[int(digit) // 2] # Append half value.
charSet = nextCharSet # And prep for next digit.
while halfS[0] == '0': # Remove leading zeros.
halfS = halfS[1:]
return halfS
# Checks for validity.
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print('Needs a single argument')
num = sys.argv[1]
if not re.match('[1-9][0-9]*', num):
print('Argument must be all digits')
while num != '1':
if num[-1:] in '13579':
print('Reached odd number, therefore cannot be power of two')
num = half(num)
print('Reached 1, was therefore power of two')
Running that with various (numeric) arguments will show you the process, such as with:
pax$ python ispower2.py 65534
Reached odd number, therefore cannot be power of two
pax$ python ispower2.py 65536
Reached 1, was therefore power of two
(a) Take, for example, the number 34. Half of the 3 is 1.5 so the 1 can be used to affect that specific digit position but the "half" left over can simply be used by bumping up the digit on the right by five after halving it. So the 4 halves to a 2 then has five added to make 7. And half of 34 is indeed 17.
This solution does work only for numbers which are not too large i.e. fits in the range of unsigned long long int.
Simpler C++ solution using bitmanipulation for small numbers :-
int power(string s) {
// convert number to unsigned long long int
// datatype can be changed to long int, int as per the requirement
// we can also use inbuilt function like stol() or stoll() for this
unsigned long long int len = s.length();
unsigned long long int num = s[0]-'0';
for(unsigned long long int i = 1; i<len; i++)
num = (num*10)+(s[i]-'0');
if(num == 1)
return 0;
//The powers of 2 have only one set bit in their Binary representation
//If we subtract 1 from a power of 2 what we get is 1s till the last unset bit and if we apply Bitwise AND operator we should get only zeros
if((num & (num-1)) == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
A bit better solution that I could code in Java, which doesn't use any fancy object like BigInteger. This approach is same as simple way of performing division. Only look out for remainder after each division. Also trim out the leading zeroes from the quotient which becomes new dividend for next iteration.
class DivisionResult{
String quotient;
int remainder;
public DivisionResult(String q, int rem){
this.quotient = q;
this.remainder = rem;
public int power(String A) {
if (A.equals("0") || A.equals("1")) return 0;
while (!A.equals("1")){
DivisionResult dr = divideByTwo(A);
if (dr.remainder == 1) return 0;
A = dr.quotient;
return 1;
public DivisionResult divideByTwo(String num){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int carry = 0;
for (int i = 0;i < num.length(); i++){
int divisibleNum = carry*10 + (num.charAt(i) - '0');
carry = divisibleNum%2;
return new DivisionResult(sb.toString().replaceAll("^0+(?!$)", ""), carry);

first and last k digits of number n^n

i have written a c++ code for generating first and last k digits of a number as large as 10^9. (k<=9).
cout << (unsigned long)floor(pow(10.0, modf(n*log10((double)n), &dummy) + k - 1)) << " "; // code that prints the first k digits
long long int ans = foo(n,k); // function that prints the last k digits
for(int i=0;i<k;i++) cout << "0";
stringstream ss;
string s;
for(int i=0;i<(k-s.size());i++)
where function foo() is:
long long int foo(int n, int k) // code of the function
long long int m=1;
for(; k > 0; k--) m*=10;
long long int r=1, t=n % m;
if (n % 2)
r = r * t % m;
t = t * t % m;
n >>= 1;
return r;
this gives me output as:
if given 9 and 3 as inputs, it gives first and last 3 digits of 9 to the power 9 (9^9) i.e. 387 and 489. But I m still missing out some test cases.
Can anyone please help me finding out the test case for which my code wouldn't work ?
1 ≤ n ≤ 109, 1 ≤ k ≤ 9
the problem statement: http://www.codechef.com/problems/MARCHA4/
If n^n <= 10^9, in which case your code seems to work fine. However, if you allow bigger n, say 11^11, and ask for the last 4 digits of that, which are 0611, your code will only print 611. Basically, it doesn't print any leading zeroes when it should.
This doesn't really answer the question, and its almost trivially easy, but I figure it might be worth sharing. If there were a "long comment" capability I'd be using it.
EDIT: just noticed using str instead of repr will eliminate the L on its own
def firstAndLastDig(k, num):
s = str(num)
return (s[:k], s[-k:])
def firstAndLastDigSelfExp(k,n):
return firstAndLastDig(k,n**n)
Overflow is not an issue (the only thing is dealing with the L if you use repr instead of str),
('891610', '448256')
('209417336844579728122309696211520194012462', '160453713040914743773217804810667483135091')
And neither are leading zeroes
>>> firstAndLastDigSelfExp(4,9)
('3874', '0489')
This isn't do say the modular logs and stuff aren't cool - on the contrary I really liked reading about how you did this without generating the entire number. I didn't know about modf at all until reading OP's question and the body of foo is very interesting.
I think the problem is using floating point. Finding the first digit of a number actually requires perfect precision.
Unfortunately, the contest judge evidently doesn't understand that "number of significant digits" != "number of correct digits".
Perhaps there is some clever way to exactly compute (n*n, n = 10*9) without exhausting memory, but finding the first digits of a very good estimate is simply not the same as finding the first digits of the answer.
Assume that k = 9. Now, m = 1e9, and t <= 1e9 - 1.
t * t then may be as high as 1e18 - 2e9 + 1, which needs ... 59.8 bits.
Ok, not a problem with a 64-bit long long int, which has 63 bits of magnitude (and 1 of sign), but I'll leave this here so others don't repeat the same analysis.
Are you told that n is a positive integer? For example, (-8)^(-8) is perfectly well expressible in decimal but your program can't handle it.