Should I write components in Delphi instead of C++ Builder? How do I add events to a component? - c++

I use C++ Builder (XE2) and I would need to develop some VCL components that would also be used in Delphi. As I understand C++ Builder supports Delphi code and Delphi components but not the other way around? If so, it would be better to start writing it in Delphi so that I don't do a double job?
Second part of my question is more technical; I know how to add a property in a VCL component but don't know how to add events. Could someone give me an example please (no matter Delphi or C++ Builder).

As I understand C++ Builder supports Delphi code and Delphi components but not the other way around?
On source level - yes.
But if you choose to distribute your library sourceless - BPL+DCP+DCU - then it would not matter, except for maybe some small incompatibilities, like Delphi lacking [] operator and C++ lacking virtual overloaded constructors.
Turns out this estimation was wrong. Read Remy's comment below
Most close to you example ov events is the VCL itself, sources are usually shipped with Delphi. If you have Delphi Starter/Trial without VCL sources - then get any opensource VCL library or component. Such as JediVCL or basically almost ANY VCL component with sources. For example any "FWS" (Free with sources) component 99% uses events.
Most basic and widely used event notifications type - such as TButton.OnClick, TForm.OnCreate and a lot of - is TNotifyEvent
Open Delphi Help for that type. Scroll to "See also" and see two links there.
Procedural types are like int (*f)(void) in C.
Events creating manual

Such as:
(borrowed code from
TState = (stStarted, stStopped);
TStateChangeEvent = procedure
(Sender : TObject; State : TState) of object;
TThirdComponent = class(TSecondComponent) // or whatever
{ Private declarations }
FState : TState;
FOnStop : TNotifyEvent;
FOnStateChange : TStateChangeEvent;
{ Protected declarations }
{ Public declarations }
constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Start; override;
procedure Stop; override;
property State : TState
read FState;
{ Published declarations }
property OnStart : TNotifyEvent
read FOnStart
write FOnStart;
property OnStateChange : TStateChangeEvent
read FOnStateChange
write FOnStateChange;
property OnStop : TNotifyEvent
read FOnStop
write FOnStop;
Then you can do
procedure TThirdComponent.Start;
FState := stStarted;
if Assigned(OnStart) then OnStart(Self);
if Assigned(OnStateChange) then
OnStateChange(Self, State);


Can't use MFC CObject class in VS 2017 application

I need to use MFC Serialization mechanism to serialize objects of class Product:
class Product : public CObject
string name;
int expiring;
double price;
virtual void input_data();
virtual void print_data();
This is simple Windows Console Application. I got an error on CObject: not a class or struct name.
I tried to make MFC Console Application following the instruction in this comment: Now I got a lot of errors (identifier not found or identifier not declared). The text of errors is in Russian, so I don't copy them here. This is how it looks:
I don't know anything about MFC using and can't find guide where it described clearly. My questions are:
1) Is it possible to use CObject in console application (non-MFC) and how?
2) If not, what should I do to be able to use MFC serialazation? Maybe include some headers or some components were just missing while installation?
You can just adjust a console app in a couple of steps to use MFC. First is to include afx.h, like:
#include <iostream>
#include <afx.h>
Then you will want to link with the MFC dynamic libraries.
Project Properties > Configuration Properties > Advanced > Use MFC
Select: Use MFC in a Shared DLL
It should now compile with CObject.
My note, I would not use MFC serialization, at the least use Boost Serialization I gave up using any serialization a long time ago because of the constant need to maintain versioning. I found it a night mare. Unless you see that your object structure will remain fairly static, I would recommend using XML to database your objects. It is a little more work to get going but way more often than not, you don't need to worry about versioning as you make changes.

A descendant of TStyledPresentationProxy has not been registered for class

I have a custom grid control that inherits from TGrid called TFmGrid. This control was working fine in Rad Studio 10 Seattle Update One. I recently upgraded to 10.1 Berlin and started noticing this error message showing up on my TFmGrid controls both when I run the application and in the designer:
A descendant of TStyledPresentationProxy has not been registered for class TFmGrid. Maybe it is necessary to add the FMX.Grid.Style module to the uses section
The image below shows how the error message shows up on my grid controls:
I started by doing as the message suggests, and adding #include <FMX.Grid.Style.hpp> to the header file of my TFmGrid control, however this seems to have done nothing.
So as far as trying to register a decendant of TStyledPresentationProxy I am not exactly sure where to start. I found this documentation about a method which:
Attempts to register the presentation proxy class with the specified name or the specified combination of control class and control type.
So I assume I need to use this method or at least something similar, but I don't understand how I am supposed to go about calling this method.
But then that brings up the question of WHERE do I call this code?
My custom control has a method in its namespace called Register() which I believe was autogenerated by the IDE when the control was created:
namespace Fmgridu
void __fastcall PACKAGE Register()
TComponentClass classes[1] = {__classid(TFmGrid)};
RegisterComponents(L"Kalos FM Controls", classes, 0);
Do I need to call something in there to register a decendant of TStyledPresentationProxy? What is the proper way to go about this?
Just override virtual method DefinePresentationName in you TfmGrid and return name of presentation name for grid:
function TfmGrid.DefinePresentationName: string;
Result := 'Grid-' + GetPresentationSuffix;
Fm registers presentation by string name and uses class name for it, so if you create new component (based on existed) you automatically change classname, so system cannot find presentation for you. There are two solution:
Said that you will use presentation from TGrid (DefinePresentationName)
Register existed presentation for you class (look at the initialization section of FMX.Grid.Style.pas)
P.S. Year ago i wrote article about it in common eNew approach of development of FireMonkey control “Control – Model – Presentation”. Part 1 I hope it will help you
It's simple :
Just put "StyleBook" component to your form
I had the same issue with a test component I was developing.
Complementing Yaroslav Brovin's speech, I solved the problem by adding the class register in the initialization and finalization clauses at the end of the unit, like this:
TPresentationProxyFactory.Current.Register(<COMPONENT CLASSNAME HERE>, TControlType.Styled, TStyledPresentationProxy<TStyledGrid>);
TPresentationProxyFactory.Current.Unregister(<COMPONENT CLASSNAME HERE>, TControlType.Styled, TStyledPresentationProxy<TStyledGrid>);
In my case looks like this:
TPresentationProxyFactory.Current.Register(TSGrid, TControlType.Styled, TStyledPresentationProxy<TStyledGrid>);
TPresentationProxyFactory.Current.Unregister(TSGrid, TControlType.Styled, TStyledPresentationProxy<TStyledGrid>);
PS: Don't forget to declare the FMX.Presentation.Factory,
FMX.Presentation.Style and FMX.Grid.Style units in the uses clause

IoC and Factory for C++ - Alternative to Microsoft Unity for c#

What is the most common use sturdy nugetpackage/library/framework for C++ that does pretty much the same as the C# library by Microsoft called Unity: ?
The end result would look something like this:
class IProjectRepository
vector<Project> GetProjects() = 0;
class XMLProjectRepository : IProjectRepository
vector<Project> GetProjects()
return // implementation
class Application
Application( shared_ptr<IProjectRepository> projectRepository )
// Or however this would look...
// projectRepository would be an instance of whatever i have registered (see below)
auto projects = this.projectRepository.GetProjects();
And in some startup area i would bind like this:
BinderFramework::Register<IProjectRepository, XMLProjectRepository>();What is the most common use sturdy nuget package/library for C++ that does pretty much the same as the C# library by Microsoft called Unity:
I have been looking for a while now, but can't quite find a nice complete and simple solution.
The idea is to use a well known framework rather than write my own flaky code.
I might be a bit late but you should give a look at Hypodermic.
It's header only, it comes with a pretty cool Dsl plus it's been used for years in production environments.

c# programmer tries for events in c++

Hi all: I'm an experienced c# programmer trying to do some work in c++, and I'm not sure about the right way to do this:
I am authoring a class that needs to notify a consuming class that something has happened.
If I were writing this in c#, I would define an event on my class.
No events in c++, so I am trying to figure out what is the correct way to do this. I have thought about callback functions, but how do I handle a case where I want to execute a member function (not a static function).
More specifically, what I really need to do is to handle the event, but have access to member state within the object instance that is handling the event.
I have been looking at std::tr1:function, but I am having trouble getting it to work.
I don't suppose that anyone would want to translate the following example c# example into an example of the correct/best practice c++ (I need ANSI c++)?
(please bear in mind that I have almost no c++ experience -- don't assume that I know any long-established c++ conventions -- I don't ;);
A simple c# console app (works on my machine):
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
public class EventSource
public event EventHandler<EchoEventArgs> EchoEvent;
public void RaiseEvent(int echoId)
var echoEvent = this.EchoEvent;
if (echoEvent != null)
echoEvent(this, new EchoEventArgs() {EchoId = echoId});
public class EchoEventArgs : EventArgs
public int EchoId { get; set; }
public class EventConsumer
public int Id { get; set; }
public EventConsumer(EventSource source)
source.EchoEvent += OnEcho;
private void OnEcho(object sender, EchoEventArgs args)
// handle the echo, and use this.Id to prove that the correct instance data is present.
Console.WriteLine("Echo! My Id: {0} Echo Id: {1}", this.Id, args.EchoId);
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var source = new EventSource();
var consumer1 = new EventConsumer(source) { Id = 1 };
var consumer2 = new EventConsumer(source) { Id = 2 };
The basic idea is to take function objects, e.g., something like std::function<Signature> as the callbacks. These aren't function pointers but can be called. The standard C++ library (for C++ 2011) contains a number of class and functions, e.g., std::mem_fn() and std::bind() which allow using functions, including member functions, to be used as function objects.
The part what is missing is something supporting multiple events be registered: std::function<Signature> represents one function. However, it is easy to put them, e.g., into a std::vector<std::function<Signature>>. What becomes more interesting (and requires variadic templates to be done easily) is creating an event class which encapsulates the abstraction of multiple events begin registered, potentially unregistered, and called.
C++ has a concept of functor: a callable object. You need to read about them.
Think about an object that has overwritten operator(). You pass an instance of such an object. After that you can call it like a regular function. And it can maintain a state.
There's also Signals2 library in Boost, which provides an API very close to real C# events, at least in idiomatic sense.
Qt has something that might help you called Signals and Slots:
It lets you specify what the signals (the events that you want to listen to) and the slots (the receiving side) an object has, and then you can connect them. More than one object can listen to a signal like you mention you needed.
Qt is a large app framework, so I'm not sure how to use only the signals & slots part of it. But if you're building an entire GUI application the rest of the Qt might benefit you too (a lot of the ui event stuff is based on signals and slots).

What is a good way to get a C++ and WPF app to communicate

I have a C++ dll which is a plug-in to ADOBE Acrobat. It needs to talk often ( to and fro) and with a fair amount of complicated data-structures to a WPF process.
Any thoughts of what might be the best way to go . Need something that is a little long term and maintainable, in other words would love some ideas around something that lets both process make what looks like methods calls and some infrastructure piece does the marshaling and dispatch . I've tried Windows messages but ran into some conflict issues on ADOBE, also not really interested in anything that causes the dll to get adobe to load the CLR. Only other things that come to my mind are named pipes or http.
Thanks in Advance
Named pipes could do but you won't get a feeling of just calling functions. Named pipe are quite low-level IPC. Other IPC options are:
Windows RPC, you definitely get a feeling of just calling functions.
What about hosting a COM object in WPF application and calling it from the Adobe plugin?
I would go with COM:
Implement an interface in WPF app
generate a typelib (e.g by using regasm)
import the typelib into C++ dll
if you need bidirectional communication, C++ dll can also implement a COM interface which is then accessed from WPF application.
This is what I have used to connect legacy C++ app with new .NET service, and it works great. The biggest issue is to find people who know COM, but fortunately this doesn't require a deep understanding of COM.
your hint with COM is very intersting. I tried to implement this concept.
I have created an interface in my WPF CallDllFromWpf3Interface project:
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace CallDllFromWpf3Interface
public interface SetValueInterface
void SetValue(int value);
Then I have generated the typelib with the regasm tool:
regasm CallDllFromWpf3Interface.exe /tlb
With the "oleview" tool I can see the typelib and the interface.
The next step was to create a c++ dll project called "CallSetValueInterface".
In my CallSetValueInterface.cpp file I wrote this lines:
#import "D:\Thomas\Programming\WPF\Basics\CallDllFromWpf\CallDllFromWpf3Interface\CallDllFromWpf3Interface\bin\Debug\CallDllFromWpf3Interface.tlb"
CallDllFromWpf3Interface::SetValueInterfacePtr Svip("f6e0e2e8-ccc6-487b-8bf1-261265061e6a");
Svip = NULL;
After a successful build of the dll project I copied "CallSetValueInterface.dll" to the "CallDllFromWpf3Interface" project.
Finally I changed my WPF code to:
#region SetValueInterface Members
public void SetValue(int value)
MyValue = value;
[DllImport("CallSetValueInterface.dll", EntryPoint = "startAcq", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern void StartAcqFromDll();
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
And when the debugger came to StartAcqFromDll() there occurred an error dialog "An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException' occurred in CallDllFromWpf3Interface.exe".
Does anybody know whats going wrong?