Creole syntax for external links for a wiki - wiki

Would like to know if there's any Creole syntax for having external links displayed on a new window.
Basic syntax on links:
What about this?
Note: There's target=_blank.

WikiCreole cheatsheet indicate [[URL|description]] but I got it working on GitHub wiki (using Creole language) with: [[This is an example|]]


Migration from vtk5 to vtk7-> missing CopyIndormation from vtkPolyData

I am trying to migrate a program from vtk5.10 to vtk7.0 (QT 5.7, Visual Studio 2013). I have managed to do the proper changes in some functions. Although, now I get an error on a removed function (in vtk6) the CopyInformation.
Is there any other fuction that could substitute this one in vtk7.0? I have searched on the vtk6 migration guides, but I couldn't find any helpful information (for substitution). I am new in vtk, so any advice could help.
Thank you.

Commands given for cmake and doxygen in _vimrc give error on gvim start up?

I am a beginner to vim and just downloaded the c-support plugin (for C/C++ programming) from the following link:
As advised in the link, to enable cmake and doxygen, i added the following lines to my _vimrc:
let g:C_UseTool_cmake = 'yes'
let g:C_UseTool_doxygen = 'yes'
However, now when I start up gvim, I get the following error message dialog:
Could not load the tool "cmake" (Vim(let):E117: Unknown function: mmtoolbox#make#Interface)- occurred at C:\Users\Satyendra\Vim\vimfiles\autoload\mmtoolbox\cmake.vim, line 219
My OS is Windows 10. How do I resolve this error?
(Posted on behalf of the OP).
I opened an issue on C-Support's Github page, and the problem was solved.

emacs flycheck syntax checher for cpp file

I am using Emacs 24.3.1 to edit a .cpp file and when I activate M-x flycheck-mode, it shows the state being (C++/l FlyC- Abbrev), where FlyC- means it did not find a suitable syntax checker.
I can't see anything looking like a C++ checher in the list I get from flycheck-select-checker:
Possible completions are:
bash coffee-coffeelint css-csslint
emacs-lisp emacs-lisp-checkdoc go-build
go-gofmt go-test haml
html-tidy javascript-jshint json-jsonlint
lua perl php
php-phpcs python-flake8 python-pyflakes
python-pylint rst ruby
rust-rustc sass scss
sh tex-chktex tex-lacheck
xml-xmlstarlet zsh
Any ideas what might be missing?
I have both c/c++-clang and c/c++-cppcheck when I run flycheck-select-checker. Perhaps you're using an out of date flycheck?

can't get pcre to work in c++

I'm pretty new to c++, as in I'm still learning the basic of it
anw. I want to use pcre in it, but have so far been unsuccessful in getting it to work.
I'm running Ubuntu and have in my latest attempt tried to install the libpcre3-dev package (I should mention that I am rather new to Linux too)
I included pcre with
#include <pcrecpp.h>
currently I'm getting the error "undefined reference to pcrecpp::RE::no_arg" whenever I try to define an RE object
pcrecpp::RE reg("fys|smi|int|fok|arv|kar");
Can anyone explain to me what I'm doing wrong, and or give me a step by step guide on how to do it.
And I do know that c++ have a regex library, but since I'm used to pcre from php, that is what I'm going for
You should pass -lpcrecpp on the command line to link your program with the PCRE library. Just including the declarations in a header file is not enough.

Qt 4.8.0 - MySQL Driver not listed

After reading this tutorial I was able to successfully built the mysql lib for Qt. But somehow it is not listed in the available drivers list, although I copied the files in the right directory.
This is how my Qt-plugins\sqldrivers directory looks like now :
And this is what QSqlDatabase::drivers() say :
Is there something essential missing?
Thank you for your help in advance and happy holidays!
I solved the problem by following the instructions in this guide:
This was posted as a solution to the same problem (See Karlson's comment)