on hover show only in one element but not in all - jquery-hover

I have multiple div elements and I wanted to add one function on hover but now show on all div elements.
How to set just only for one element at mouse hover. Thank you in advance for the help
$('.box .line').hide();
// toggles the slickbox on clicking the noted link
$('.box > div').hover(function() {
$('.box .line').toggle('fast');
return false;

$('.box > div').hover(function() {


How to catch the click event of checkbox which is in a listctrl cell?

Insert checkbox column on a listctrl
I made a list with a checkbox column consulting the answer above.
Now my superior asks me to disable the OK button at first, enable it when at least there is one line is checked.
I looked up seems there is easy way to catch the click event when a checkbox is in a listctrl.
Add LVN_ITEMCHANGED to the message map. This will notify the dialog when changes are made to the list item:
Next, handle the message and respond each time a list item is checked or unchecked. Then you have to go through all the items in the list box and use CListCtrl::GetCheck. Example:
void CMyDialog::OnItemChanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT*)
if(pNMListView->uChanged & LVIF_STATE)
if(pNMListView->uNewState & LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK && pNMListView->iItem >= 0)
BOOL checked_once = FALSE;
for(int i = 0; i < m_list.GetItemCount(); i++)
checked_once = TRUE;
You can add GetDlgItem(IDOK)->EnableWindow(FALSE); in OnInitDialog so that the OK button is initially disabled.
Side note, your dialog is using the old style look. See this link on using the modern style UI:
Upgraded MFC application still looks old

QTabWidget Hide and Show tabs

I have some problems with QTabWidget. In case of the missing Hide functionality I have to build my own. According to the documentation I use removeTab and insertTab, but with insert Tab I have a problem to show the Tab page that is removed.
I use to add
RibbonTabContent *ribbonTabContent = new RibbonTabContent;
QTabWidget::addTab(ribbonTabContent, tabIcon, tabName);
To remove is use:
void Ribbon::hideTab(const QString &tabName)
// Find ribbon tab
for (int i = 0; i < count(); i++)
if (tabText(i).toLower() == tabName.toLower())
Both functions are working, pWidget is always null. But now the insert function do not work well. I think there I have a problem, but do not understand my problem.
void Ribbon::showTab(const QString &tabName){
// Find ribbon tab
QWidget* pWidget= QTabWidget::findChild<RibbonTabContent *>(tabName);
QTabWidget::insertTab(2,pWidget, tabName);
Maybe someone can help me out?
If you call QTabWidget::removeTab you remove the tab at the specified index from the children tree of your QTabWidget, the tab instance is not actually deleted though, so when you search for that same tab with QTabWidget::findChild you can't find it because it's not a child of your QTabWidget anymore. From the code you show I think you probably would not find it anyway since findChild searches for a widget with the specified objectName but you never set it for your tab.
A solution would be to store the removed tabs and then restore them when you please.
Assuming m_hiddenTabs is a QHash<QString, QWidget*> or QMap<QString, QWidget*> you could try something like this.
void Ribbon::hideTab(const QString &tabName)
// Find ribbon tab
for (int i = 0; i < count(); i++)
if (tabText(i).toLower() == tabName.toLower())
m_hiddenTabs.insert(tabName.toLower(), QTabWidget::widget(i));
void Ribbon::showTab(const QString &tabName){
// Find ribbon tab
auto tab = m_hiddenTabs.take(tabName.toLower());
QTabWidget::insertTab(2, tab, tabName);
Since Qt 5.15 it is also possible to use setTabVisible:
void QTabWidget::setTabVisible(int index, bool visible)
If visible is true, the page at position index is visible; otherwise the page at position index is hidden. The page's tab is redrawn appropriately.If visible is true, the page at position index is visible; otherwise the page at position index is hidden. The page's tab is redrawn appropriately.
It is unfortunate that QTabBar is unable to 'hide' a tab.
Here is my very easy work-around: mark the tabs 'disabled' instead (e.g. ui->tabWidget->setTabEnabled(tabIndex, false);).
Then, use stylesheets to style the "disabled" tab as entirely invisible and taking up no space:
min-width: 0px;
max-width: 0px;
color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
This works near-perfectly for me, with the only downside being that you can't have both disabled and "hidden" tabs in the same tabbar. However, usually I want one or the other, not both in the same bar.

MFC/C++ ComboBox: disable drawing of Dropdown closing & opening (UI freeze)

I've just added an Item-Filter-Feature to a CComboBox derived class called
ComboBoxFbp in an old MFC application.
BOOL CComboBoxFbp::OnEditChange()
CString csText;
if (m_wFbpMode & _FbpMode_UserTextFiltersList) {
// This makes the DropDown "flicker"
// ShowDropDown(false);
// Just insert items that match
// Open DropDown (does nothing if already open)
return FALSE; // Notification weiterleiten
void CComboBoxFbp::FilterItems(CString csFilterText)
CString csCurText;
int nCurItem;
DWORD wCurCursor;
// Text/selection/cursos restore
nCurItem = GetCurSel();
if (nCurItem != CB_ERR && nCurItem >= 0 && nCurItem < GetCount()) {
CString csCurItemText;
GetLBText(nCurItem, csCurItemText);
if (csCurItemText == csCurText) csCurText = csCurItemText;
else nCurItem = CB_ERR;
} else {
nCurItem = CB_ERR;
wCurCursor = GetEditSel();
// Delete all items
// Add just the items (from the vector of all possibles) that fit
for (auto item : m_vItems)
CString csItemText = item.first;
if (!csFilterText.IsEmpty() && csItemText.Find(csFilterText) < 0)
const int i = AddString(item.first);
SetItemData(i, item.second);
// Text/selection/cursos restore
if (nCurItem != CB_ERR) SelectString(-1, csCurText);
else SetWindowText(csCurText);
SetEditSel(LOWORD(wCurCursor), HIWORD(wCurCursor));
So when the user types, the long list of items in the DropDown gets filtered accordingly. Everything's fine so far.
The size/height of the ListBox/DropDown doesn't change once its open. It does change accordingly when die DropDown opens. Meaning if there are only 2 items the DropDown is only 2 items high.
My issue
When the user enters a text where just one item fits the DropDown is only 1 item in height (this happens with some user workflows, i.e. user manually closes & opens the DropDown).
Now when the user now changes the text so multiple items are fitting the height stays 1 item and it looks weird as even the scrollbar doesn't look correct as it doesn't fit.
What I've tried so far
I cannot use CComboBox::SetMinVisibleItems (or the MSG behind it) as it only works in a Unicode CharacterSet (which I'm not able to change in this old application) and from WinVista onwards (app runs on WinXP).
The only other option is to close and open the DropDown so it gets redrawn correctly with the correct height (see // This makes the DropDown "flicker" in Source Code above).
Now going with option 2 I don't want the user to see the closing and opening ("flicker") of the DropDown after every key he is pressing.
To prevent this I've tried a couple of solutions I've found but none works in my case with a ComboBox-DropDown. Here's a list of methods I've put just before the ShowDropDown(false) and just after the ShowDropDown(true).
With all three calls I still see the DropDown closing/opening.
Do you guys have other ideas how I can prevent this flicker?
Thanks in advance
This is an XY question.
It should be easier to use the following approach to adjust the height of the ComboBox
Use GetComboBoxInfo to get the handle of the list control.
Use OnChildNotify or ON_CONTROL_REFLECT and capture CBN_DROPDOWN.
In the handler of the message resize the window as needed Use SetWindowPos and just change the size.

how to access objectAtIndex:indexpath.row xcode?

- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)thePickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:
(NSInteger)component {
if(thePickerView == self.countryPicker){
self.countryLbl.text = [self.responseArray objectAtIndex:row];
- (IBAction)countryDoneBtn:(id)sender {
// Picker first row selected on done button
[self.countryLbl setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [self.responseArray
objectAtIndex:[self.countryPicker selectedRowInComponent:0]]]];
[self myViewDown:self.countryView];
[self.durationView removeFromSuperview];
//[post selectState:[self.responseArray objectAtIndex:row ]];
i want to do this "[post selectState:[self.responseArray objectAtIndex:row]];"
but can't access "objectAtIndex:row" here in this "- (IBAction)countryDoneBtn:(id)sender"
Please friend help me how can i access the row from this IBAction
Thanks in advance need your help i'm new in iphone development
The row variable is not available because the row you are looking for is only passed in the delegate method didSelectRow:inComponent of the picker view.
Based on you are trying to do, you can still get the selected row of the picker with the method selectedRowInComponent, which you have already used to set the text of the countryLbl.
So, just use the same method to get the object from your responseArray:
NSInteger selectedRow = [self.countryPicker selectedRowInComponent:0];
[post selectState:[self.responseArray objectAtIndex:selectedRow]];

How do I get the value of the slider's position in Qt Eclipse?

I have about 5 push buttons and one slider. Every time I click the push button, the function for the particular push button gets called.
However, I also want the slider to do the same. So, instead of pressing the push button, you can drag the slider to the 5 different positions and it will do the same. However, I dont really know how I can connect 5 different positions of the sliders to each push button. Any help would be appreciated.
I don't even know what to say... it's kinda easy:
slider->setRange(0, 4);
connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(onSliderValueChanged(int)));
void Widget::onSliderValueChanged(int value)
switch (value)
case 0:
return onPushButton0Clicked();
void Widget::onPushButton0Clicked()
// do stuff