Drop-in, portable parsing - regex

I see umpteen posts a day about "how to do X with regexen". And the best response to most of them seems like it would honestly be, "Why are you trying to drive a screw with a hammer?" But regexen are everywhere, and the syntax is mostly portable, particularly if you keep away from the fancy bits.
Is there anything equivalent to regexen but at the next level up in power and configurability? A "you can use it anywhere" parsing library of some variety, preferably with a gloriously concise DSL as its interface?
I've used Ragel somewhat, but because of the preprocessing step, I'd hesitate to recommend it to someone as "use this instead of some hairy regex". It's awkward to use from Obj-C, and I expect it will be terribly awkward from a language that doesn't have compile-link-run as part of its standard operating procedure.
What I'm looking for is something that will pass the "inline-online-universal" test.
(inline) You can write the notation inline with your other code, as you would with a regex..
(online) You can run the resulting parser just as you would your other code, which would mean right after input to a REPL in the case of something like Python.
(universal) You can move to a different language/platform and use virtually the same code for your parser, modulo dialect differences. In reality, I'd be happy with something that works from Python, Ruby, C, Java, and Haskell.
Most tools I know of fall down at "online". They preprocess a grammar offline and spit out code in the target language (C, Python, Java, C++…). They're standalone tools that aren't themselves integrated into the language environment.
I've had suggestions of PEG parsers and lex/yacc combos. Parser combinator libraries might also be a good fit. Whatever you might propose, I'd like to see demonstrated that it meets these tests. Your answer should demonstrate that the proposed solution meets the inline-online-universal requirements by providing a working demo parser in Python, C, and Haskell. The demo example is up to the author, but it should be something painful using just regexen but trivial using a proper parser.

Implements PEG.
Meets all 3 ... let me explain.
It is inline only with C# and offline with all the others. C# has an offline version also.
I currently support offline versions: C/C++/Javascript (local right now)/Java pass all unit tests - to make it universal. To add another language takes 25.84 hrs (how long it took to create the offline Javascript version)
To make it online for every language would be to much maintenance(possible) but it took me a lot of work and time just to support the current offline versions. I can now focus my energy on building grammar optimizers and tooling to unit test grammar rules where all offline versions benefit.

Have a look at Lex/Yacc or their counterparts Flex/Bison (or Coco, or all the other "compiler" generators). The combination can be used to parse complex textual data with an (arguably) much more readable syntax than with regexen.
For simple problems though, where regexen are more than sufficient, by any means do use them.


What Language Features Can Be Added To Clojure Through Libraries?

For example pattern matching is a programming language feature that can be added to the clojure language through macros: http://www.brool.com/index.php/pattern-matching-in-clojure
What other language features can be added to the language?
Off the top of my hat I have two examples, but I'm sure there are more.
Contracts programming: https://github.com/fogus/trammel
Declarative logic: https://github.com/jduey/mini-kanren
I think its a stupid question to ask what can be added, what you should ask is what you cant add. Macros allow you to hook into the compiler that mean you can do almost anything.
At the moment you cant add your own syntax to the language. Clojure does not have a user extenseble reader, this means you don't have any reader-macros (http://dorophone.blogspot.com/2008/03/common-lisp-reader-macros-simple.html). This is not because of a technical problem but more a decition by Rich Hickey (the Clojure creator).
What you can not do is implement features that need virtual maschine support like add tail call semantics or goto.
If you want to see some stuff that has been done: Are there any Clojure DSLs?
Note that this list is not 100% up to date.
Since you seem you took pattern matching as an example (it is a really good example for the power of macros) you should really look at the match library. Its probebly the best fastest pattern matching library in Clojure. http://vimeo.com/27860102
You can effectively add any language features you like.
This follows from the ability of macros to construct arbitrary code at compile time: as long as you can figure out what code you need to generate in order to implement your language features, it can be achieved with macros.
Some examples I've seen:
Query languages (Korma)
Logic programming (core.logic)
Image synthesis DSL (clisk)
Infix notation for arithmetic
Algebraic manipulation
Declarative definition of realtime data flows (Storm, Aleph)
Music programming (Overtone, Music As Data)
There are a few caveats:
If the feature isn't supported directly by the JVM (e.g. tail call optimisation in the mutually recursive case) then you'll have to emulate it. Not a big deal, but may have some performance impact.
If the feature requires a syntax not supported by the Clojure reader, you'll need to provide your own reader (since Clojure lacks an extensible reader at present). As a result, it's much easier if you stick to Clojure syntax/forms.
If you do anything too unusual / unidiomatic, it probably won't get picked up by others. There is a lot of value in sticking to standard Clojure conventions.
Beware of using macros where they are not needed. Often, just using normal functions (perhaps higher order functions) is sufficient to implement many new language features. The general rule is: "don't use macros unless you absolutely need to".

Writing a tokenizer, where to begin?

I'm trying to write a tokenizer for CSS in C++, but I have no idea how to write a tokenizer. I know that it should be greedy, reading as much input as possible, for each token, and in theory I know how I could put that in code.
I have looked at Boost.Tokenizer, and it seems nice, but it doesn't help me whatsoever. It sure is a nice wrapper for a tokenizer, but the problem lies in writing the token splitter, the TokenizerFunction in Boost terms.
I have no idea how to write this tokenizer, are there any "neat" ways of doing it, like something that closely resembles the syntax itself?
Please note, I'm not looking for a parser! My application doesn't need to be able to understand CSS, just read a CSS file to a general internal tokenized format, process some things and output again.
Writing a "correct" lexer and/or parser is more difficult than you might think. And it can get ugly when you start dealing with weird corner cases.
My best suggestion is to invest some time in learning a proper lexer/parser system. CSS should be a fairly easy language to implement, and then you will have acquired an amazingly powerful tool you can use for all sorts of future projects.
I'm an Old Fart® and I use lex/yacc (or things that use the same syntax) for this type of project. I first learned to use them back in the early 80's and it has returned the effort to learn them many, many times over.
BTW, if you have anything approaching a BNF of the language, lex/yacc can be laughably easy to work with.
Boost.Spirit.Qi would be my first choice.
Spirit.Qi is designed to be a practical parsing tool. The ability to generate a fully-working parser from a formal EBNF specification inlined in C++ significantly reduces development time. Programmers typically approach parsing using ad hoc hacks with primitive tools such as scanf. Even regular-expression libraries (such as boost regex) or scanners (such as Boost tokenizer) do not scale well when we need to write more elaborate parsers. Attempting to write even a moderately-complex parser using these tools leads to code that is hard to understand and maintain.
The Qi tutorials even finish by implementing a parser for an XMLish language; writing a grammar for CSS should be considerably easier.

Picking a front-end/interpreter for a scientific code

The simulation tool I have developed over the past couple of years, is written in C++ and currently has a tcl interpreted front-end. It was written such that it can be run either in an interactive shell, or by passing an input file. Either way, the input file is written in tcl (with many additional simulation-specific commands I have added). This allows for quite powerful input files (e.g.- when running monte-carlo sims, random distributions can be programmed as tcl procedures directly in the input file).
Unfortunately, I am finding that the tcl interpreter is becoming somewhat limited compared to what more modern interpreted languages have to offer, and its syntax seems a bit arcane. Since the computational engine was written as a library with a c-compatible API, it should be straightforward to write alternative front-ends, and I am thinking of moving to a new interpreter, however I am having a bit of a time choosing (mostly because I don't have significant experience with many interpreted languages). The options I have begun to explore are as follows:
Remaining with tcl:
- No need to change the existing code.
- Existing input files stay the same. (though I'd probably keep the tcl front end as an option)
- Mature language with lots of community support.
- Feeling limited by the language syntax.
- Getting complaints from users as to the difficulty of learning tcl.
- Modern interpreter, known to be quite efficient.
- Large, active community.
- Well known scientific and mathematical modules, such as scipy.
- Commonly used in the academic Scientific/engineering community (typical users of my code)
- I've never used it and thus would take time to learn the language (this is also a pro, as I've been meaning to learn python for quite some time)
- Strict formatting of the input files (indentation, etc..)
- Very power and widely used mathematical tool
- Powerful built-in visualization/plotting.
- Extensible, through community submitted code, as well as commercial toolboxes.
- Many in science/engineering academia is familiar with and comfortable with matlab.
- Can not distribute as an executable- would need to be an add-on/toolbox.
- Would require (?) the matlab compiler (which is pricy).
- Requires Matlab, which is also pricy.
These pros and cons are what I've been able to come up with, though I have very little experience with interpreted languages in general. I'd love to hear any thoughts on both the interpreters I've proposed here, if these pros/cons listed are legitimate, and any other interpreters I haven't thought of (e.g.- would php be appropriate for something like this? lua?). First hand experience with embedding an interpreter in your code is definitely a plus!
I was a strong Tcl/Tk proponent from pre-release, until I did a largish project with it and found how unmaintainable it is. Unfortunately, since prototypes are so easy in Tcl, you wind up with "one-off" scripts taking on lives of their own.
Having adopted Python in the last few months, I'm finding it to be all that Tcl promised and a whole lot more. As many a Python veteran can tell you, source indentation is a bother for the first hour at most and then it seems not a hindrance but affirmatively helpful. Incidentally Tcl's author, John Ousterhout was alternately praised and panned for writing a language that forced the One True Brace Style on Tcl coders (I was 1TBS so it was fine by me).
The only Tcl constructs that aren't handled well by Python are arbitrary eval "${prefix}${command} arg" constructs that shouldn't be used in Tcl anyway but are and the uplevel type statements (which were a nice idea but made for some hairy code). Indeed, Python feels a little antagonistic to dynamic eval but I think that is a Good Thing. Unfortunately, I've yet to come along with a language that embraced its GUI as well as Tcl/Tk; Tkinter does the job in Python but it hurts.
I cannot speak to Matlab at all.
With a few months of Python under my belt, I'd almost certainly port any Tcl program that is in ongoing development to Python for purposes of sanity.
Have you considered using Octave? From what I gather, it is nearly a drop-in replacement for much of matlab. This might allow you to support matlab for those who have it, and a free alternative for those who don't. Since the "meat" of your program appears to be written in another language, the performance considerations seem to be not as important as providing an environment that has: plotting and visualization capabilities, is cross-platform, has a big user base, and in a language that nearly everyone in academia and/or involved with modelling fluid flow probably already knows. Matlab/Octave can potentially have all of those.
Well, unless there are any other suggestions, the final answer I have arrived at is to go with Python.
I seriously considered matlab/octave, but when reading the octave API and matlab API, they are different enough that I'd need to build separate interfaces for each (or get very creative with macros). With python I end up with a single, easier to maintain codebase for the front end, and it is used by just about everyone we know. Thanks for the tips/feedback everyone!

How much time would it take to write a C++ compiler using flex/yacc?

How much time would it take to write a C++ compiler using lex/yacc?
Where can I get started with it?
There are many parsing rules that cannot be parsed by a bison/yacc parser (for example, distinguishing between a declaration and a function call in some circumstances). Additionally sometimes the interpretation of tokens requires input from the parser, particularly in C++0x. The handling of the character sequence >> for example is crucially dependent on parsing context.
Those two tools are very poor choices for parsing C++ and you would have to put in a lot of special cases that escaped the basic framework those tools rely on in order to correctly parse C++. It would take you a long time, and even then your parser would likely have weird bugs.
yacc and bison are LALR(1) parser generators, which are not sophisticated enough to handle C++ effectively. As other people have pointed out, most C++ compilers now use a recursive descent parser, and several other answers have pointed at good solutions for writing your own.
C++ templates are no good for handling strings, even constant ones (though this may be fixed in C++0x, I haven't researched carefully), but if they were, you could pretty easily write a recursive descent parser in the C++ template language. I find that rather amusing.
It sounds like you're pretty new to parsing/compiler creation. If that's the case, I'd highly recommend not starting with C++. It's a monster of a language.
Either invent a trivial toy language of your own, or do something modeled on something much smaller and simpler. I saw a lua parser where the grammar definition was about a page long. That'd be much more reasonable as a starting point.
It will probably take you years, and you'll probably switch to some other parser generator in the process.
Parsing C++ is notoriously error-prone. The grammar is not fully LR-parsable, as many parts are context-sensitive. You won't be able to get it working right in flex/yacc, or at least it'll be really awkward to implement. There are only two front-ends I know of that get it right. Your best bet is to use one of these and focus on writing the back-end. That's where the interesting stuff is anyway :-).
Existing C++ Front Ends:
The EDG front-end is used by most of the commercial vendors (Intel, Portland Group, etc.) in their compilers. It costs money, but it's very thorough. People pay big bucks for it because they don't want to deal with the pain of writing their own C++ parser.
GCC's C++ front-end is thorough enough for production code, but you'd have to figure out how to integrate this into your project. I believe it's fairly involved to separate it from GCC. This would also be GPL, but I'm not sure whether that's a problem for you. You can use the GCC front-end in your project via gcc_xml, but this will only give you XML for classes, functions, namespaces, and typedefs. It won't give you a syntax tree for the code.
Another possibility is to use clang, but their C++ support is currently spotty. It'll be nice to see them get all the bugs out, but if you look at their C++ status page you'll notice there are more than a few test cases that still break. Take heed -- clang is a big project. If it's taking these guys years to implement a C++ front-end, it's going to take you longer.
Others have mentioned ANTLR, and there is a C++ grammar available for it, but I'm skeptical. I haven't heard of an ANTLR front end being used in any major compilers, though I do believe it's used in the NetBeans IDE. It might be suitable for an IDE, but I'm skeptical that you'd be able to use it on production code.
A long time, and lex and yacc won't help
If you have the skills to write a compiler for such a large language, you will not need the small amount of help that lex and yacc give you. In fact, while lex is OK it may take longer to use yacc, as it's not really quite powerful enough for C or C++, and you can end up spending far more time getting it to work right than it would take to just write a recursive descent parser.
I believe lex and yacc are best used for simple grammars, or when it is worth the extra effort to have a nicely readable grammar file, perhaps because the grammar is experimental and subject to change.
For that matter, the entire parser is possibly not the major part of your job, depending on exactly what goals you have for the code generator.
As others have already said, yacc is a poor choice for implementing a C++ parser. One can do it; the orginal GCC did so, before the GCC team got disgusted with how hard it was to maintain and extend. (Flex might be OK as a lexer).
Some say recursive descent parsers are best, because Bjarne Stroustrop said so. Our experience is the GLR parsing is the right answer for this, and our GLR-based C++ front end is a nice proof, as is the Elsa front end. Our front end has been used in anger on millions of lines of C++ (including Microsoft and GCC dialects) to carry out program analyses and massive source code transformation.
But what is not emphasized enough is that parsing is just a very small portion of what it takes to build a compiler, especially for C++. You need to also build symbol tables ("what does this identifier mean in this context?") and to do that you need to encode essentially most of several hundred pages of the C++ standard. We believe that the foundation on which we build compiler-like tools, DMS, is extremely good for doing this, and it took us over a man-year to get just this part right.
But then you have the rest of the compiler to consider:
AST construction
Semantic analysis and type checking
Control, Data flow, and pointer analysis
Basic code generation
Register allocation
Final Code Generation
Debugging support
I keep saying this: building a parser (the BNF part) for a language is like climbing the foothills of the Himalayas. Building a full compiler is like climbing Everest. Pretty much any clod can do the former (although C++ is right at the edge). Only the really serious do the latter, and only when extremely well prepared.
Expect building a C++ compiler to take you years.
(The SD C++ front end handles lexing, parsing, AST generation, symbol tables, some type checking, and regeneration of compilable source text from the AST, including the original comments, for the major C++ dialects. It has been developed over a period of some 6 years).
EDIT: May, 2015. The original answer was written in 2010; we now have 11 years invested, taking us up through C++14. The point is that it is an endless, big effort to build one of these.
Firstly, the "flex" tag on SO is about Adobe's product, not the lexer generator. Secondly, Bjarne Stroustrup is on record as saying he wished he had implemented Cfront (the first C++ compiler) using recursive descent rather than a table driven tool. And thirdly, to answer your question directly - lots. If you feel you need to write one, take a look at ANTLR - not my favourite tool, but there are already C++ parsers for it.
This is a non-trivial problem, and would quite a lot of time to do correctly. For one thing, the grammar for C++ is not completely parseable by a LALR parser such as yacc. You can do subsets of the language, but getting the entire language specification correct is tricky.
You're not the first person to think that this is fun. Here's a nice blog-style article on the topic:
Parsing C++
Here's an important quote from the article:
"After lots of investigation, I
decided that writing a
parser/analysis-tool for C++ is
sufficiently difficult that it's
beyond what I want to do as a hobby."
The problem with that article is that it's a bit old, and several of the links are broken. Here are some links to some other resources on the topic of writing C++ parsers:
ANTLR Grammars (contain several grammars for C++)
A YACC-able C++ 2.1 Grammar and the resulting ambiguities
Parsing and Processing C++ Code (Wikipedia)
Lex,yacc will not be enough. You need a linker, assembler too.., c preprocessor.
It depends on how you do it.
How much pre-made components do you plan to use?
You need to get the description of the syntax and its token from somewhere.
For example, if you use LLVM, you can proceed faster. It already provides a lot of tools, assembler, linker, optimiser....
You can get a c preprocessor from boost project..
You need to create a test suite to test your compiler automatically.
It can take a year if you work on it each day or much less you have more talent and motivation.
Unless you have already written several other compilers; C++ is not a language you even want to start writing a compiler from scratch for, the language has a lot of places were the meaning requires a lot of context before the situation can be disambiguated.
Even if you have lots of experience writing compilers you are looking at several years for a team of developers. This is just to parse the code correctly into an intermediate format. Writing the backend to generate code is yet another specialized task (though you could steal the gcc backend).
If you do a google for "C++ grammars" there are a couple around to get you started.
C++ LEX Tokens: http://www.computing.surrey.ac.uk/research/dsrg/fog/CxxLexer.l
C++ YACC Grammer: http://www.computing.surrey.ac.uk/research/dsrg/fog/CxxGrammar.y
A few years - if you can get research grant to re-write new lex/yacc :-)
People keep chasing their tails on this a lot - starting with Stroustrup who was always fancied being a language "designer" rather than actual compiler writer (remember that his C++ was a mere codegen for ages andwould still be there if it wasn't for gcc and other folks).
The core issue is that real research on parser generators pretty much ceased to exist ever since CPU-s became fast enough to handle functional languages and brute-force recursive descent. Recursive descent is the last resort when you don't know what to do - it does exhaustive search till it nabs one "rule" that fires. Once you are content with that you kind of loose interest in researching how to do it efficiently.
What you'd essentially need is a reasonable middle-ground - like LALR(2) with fixed, limited backtraching (plus static checker to yell if "desiogner" splurges into a nondeterministic tree) and also limited and partitioned symbol table feedback (modern parser need to be concurrency-friendly).
Sounds like a research grant proposal, doesn't it :-) Now if we'd find someone to actually fund it, that would be something :-))
A C++ compiler is very complicated. To implement enough of C++ to be compatible with most C++ code out there would take several developers a couple of years full time. clang is a compiler project being funded by Apple to develop a new compiler for C, C++, and Objective-C, with several full-time developers, and the C++ support is still very far from being complete after a couple of years of development.
Recursive decent is a good choice to parse C++. GCC and clang use it.
The Elsa parser (and my ellcc compiler) use the Elkhound GLR compiler generator.
In either case, writing a C++ compiler is a BIG job.
Well, what do you mean by write a compiler?
I doubt any one guy has made a true C++ compiler that took it down all the way to assembly code, but I have used lex and yacc to make a C compiler and I have done it without.
Using both you can make a compiler that leaves out the semantics in a couple days, but figuring out how to use them can take weeks or months easily. Figuring out how to make a compiler at all will take weeks or months no matter what, but the figure I remember is once you know how it works it took a few days with lex and yacc and a few weeks without but the second had better results and fewer bugs so really it's questionable whether they are worth using at all.
The 'semantics' is the actual code production. That can be very simple code that's just enough to work and might not take long at all, or you could spend your whole life doing optimization on it.
With C++ the big issue is templates, but there's so many little issues and rules I can't imagine someone ever wanting to do this. Even if you DO finish, the problem is you won't necessarily have binary compatibility ie be able to be recognized as a runnable program by a linker or the OS because there's more to it than just C++ and its hard to pin down standard but there's also yet more standards to worry about which are even less widely available.

Compiler-Programming: What are the most fundamental ingredients?

I am interested in writing a very minimalistic compiler.
I want to write a small piece of software (in C/C++) that fulfills the following criteria:
output in ELF format (*nix)
input is a single textfile
C-like grammar and syntax
no linker
no preprocessor
very small (max. 1-2 KLOC)
Language features:
native data types: char, int and floats
arrays (for all native data types)
control structures (if-else)
loops (would be nice)
simple algebra (div, add, sub, mul, boolean expressions, bit-shift, etc.)
inline asm (for system calls)
Can anybody tell me how to start? I don't know what parts a compiler consists of (at least not in the sense that I just could start right off the shelf) and how to program them. Thank you for your ideas.
With all that you hope to accomplish, the most challenging requirement might be "very small (max. 1-2 KLOC)". I think your first requirement alone (generating ELF output) might take well over a thousand lines of code by itself.
One way to simplify the problem, at least to start with, is to generate code in assembly language text that you then feed into an existing assembler (nasm would be a good choice). The assembler would take care of generating the actual machine code, as well as all the ELF specific code required to build an actual runnable executable. Then your job is reduced to language parsing and assembly code generation. When your project matures to the point where you want to remove the dependency on an assembler, you can rewrite this part yourself and plug it in at any time.
If I were you, I might start with an assembler and build pieces on top of it. The simplest "compiler" might take a language with just a few very simple possible statements:
print "hello"
a = 5
print a
and translate that to assembly language. Once you get that working, then you can build a lexer and parser and abstract syntax tree and code generator, which are most of the parts you'll need for a modern block structured language.
Good luck!
Firstly, you need to decide whether you are going to make a compiler or an interpreter. A compiler translates your code into something that can be run either directly on hardware, in an interpreter, or get compiled into another language which then is interpreted in some way. Both types of languages are turing complete so they have the same expressive capabilities. I would suggest that you create a compiler which compiles your code into either .net or Java bytecode, as it gives you a very optimized interpreter to run on as well as a lot of standard libraries.
Once you made your decision there are some common steps to follow
Language definition Firstly, you have to define how your language should look syntactically.
Lexer The second step is to create the keywords of your code, known as tokens. Here, we are talking about very basic elements such as numbers, addition sign, and strings.
Parsing The next step is to create a grammar that matches your list of tokens. You can define your grammar using e.g. a context-free grammar. A number of tools can be fed with one of these grammars and create the parser for you. Usually, the parsed tokens are organized into a parse tree. A parse tree is the representation of your grammar as a data structure which you can move around in.
Compiling or Interpreting The last step is to run some logic on your parse tree. A simple way to make your own interpreter is to create some logic associated to each node type in your tree and walk through the tree either bottom-up or top-down. If you want to compile to another language you can insert the logic of how to translate the code in the nodes instead.
Wikipedia is great for learning more, you might want to start here.
Concerning real-world reading material I would suggest "Programming language processors in JAVA" by David A Watt & Deryck F Brown. I used that book in my compilers course and learning by example is great in this field.
These are the absolutely essential parts:
Scanner: This breaks the input file into tokens
Parser: This constructs an abstract syntax tree (AST) from the tokens identified by the scanner.
Code generation: This produces the output from the AST.
You'll also probably want:
Error handling: This tells the parser what to do if it encounters an unexpected token
Optimization: This will enable the compiler to produce more efficient machine code
Edit: Have you already designed the language? If not, you'll want to look into language design, too.
I don't know what you hope to get out of this, but if it is learning, and looking at existing code works for you, there is always tcc.
The number one essential is a book on compiler writing. A lot of people will tell you to read the "Dragon Book" by Aho et al, but the best book I've read on compilers is "Brinch Hansen on Pascal Compilers". I suspect it's out of print (Amazon is your friend), but it takes you through all the steps of designing and writing a compiler using recursive descent, which is the easiest method for compiler newbies to understand.
Although the book uses Pascal as the implementation and target languages, the lessons and techniques presented apply equally to all other languages.
The examples are all in Perl, but Exploring Programming Language Architecture in Perl is a good book (and free).
A really good set of free references, IMHO, are:
Overall compiler tutorial: Let's Build a Compiler by Jack Crenshaw (http://compilers.iecc.com/crenshaw/) It's wordy, but I like it.
Assembler: NASM (nasm.us) good for Linux and Windows/DOS, and most importantly lots of doco and examples/tutorials. (FASM is also good but less documentation/tutorials out there)
Other sources
The PC Assembly book (http://www.drpaulcarter.com/pcasm/index.php)
I'm trying to write a LISP, so I'm using the Lisp 1.5 Manual. You may want to get the language spec for whatever language you're writing.
As far as 1-2KLOC, assuming you use a high level language (like Py or Rb) you should be close if you're not too ambitious.
I always recommend flex and bison for this kind of work as a beginner. You can always learn the ins and outs of writing your own scanner and parser later, although they may increase the code size at least they will be generated for you by tools. :)