Undefined references in png++ - c++

I am new to C++ on linux enviroment and am trying to use the png++ library for a project. The problem I am facing is that that a simple program I write using png++ incudes does not work and shows me the following errors
AProg.o: In function `png::info_base::info_base(png::io_base&, png_struct_def*)':
AProg.cpp:(.text._ZN3png9info_baseC2ERNS_7io_baseEP14png_struct_def[_ZN3png9info_baseC5ERNS_7io_baseEP14png_struct_def]+0x21): undefined reference to `png_create_info_struct'
AProg.o: In function `png::info::write() const':
AProg.cpp:(.text._ZNK3png4info5writeEv[png::info::write() const]+0xd4): undefined reference to `png_set_PLTE'
AProg.cpp:(.text._ZNK3png4info5writeEv[png::info::write() const]+0x137): undefined reference to `png_set_tRNS'
AProg.cpp:(.text._ZNK3png4info5writeEv[png::info::write() const]+0x14f): undefined reference to `png_write_info'
AProg.o: In function `png::info::sync_ihdr() const':
AProg.cpp:(.text._ZNK3png4info9sync_ihdrEv[png::info::sync_ihdr() const]+0x79): undefined reference to `png_set_IHDR'
AProg.o: In function `png::end_info::destroy()':
AProg.cpp:(.text._ZN3png8end_info7destroyEv[png::end_info::destroy()]+0x48): undefined reference to `png_destroy_info_struct'
AProg.o: In function `png::end_info::write() const':
AProg.cpp:(.text._ZNK3png8end_info5writeEv[png::end_info::write() const]+0x1a): undefined reference to `png_write_end'
AProg.o: In function `png::io_base::set_swap() const':
AProg.cpp:(.text._ZNK3png7io_base8set_swapEv[png::io_base::set_swap() const]+0x1b): undefined reference to `png_set_swap'
.............. (and it goes on).
The background of what I have done so far.
1 : I have gcc/g++ configured correctly.
2 : I have correctly installed libpng-1.2.50. The result seems to be correct.
This is how my usr/local folder looks now
:/usr/local/include$ ls
libpng12 libpng15 png++ pngconf.h png.h pnglibconf.h
:/usr/local/lib$ ls
libpng12.a libpng12.so libpng12.so.0.50.0 libpng15.la libpng15.so.15 libpng.a libpng.so libpng.so.3.50.0 python2.7
libpng12.la libpng12.so.0 libpng15.a libpng15.so libpng15.so.15.12.0 libpng.la libpng.so.3 pkgconfig
:/usr/local/bin$ ls
eclipse libpng-1.2.50 libpng12-config libpng-1.5.12 libpng15-config libpng-config png++-0.2.5
3 : After that I followed the following ( http://www.nongnu.org/pngpp/doc/0.2.5/ ) to install the png++-0.2.5 and all the five steps didnt gave any error.
But after that when I tried to compile a simple program (with the instructions given at the same site : http://www.nongnu.org/pngpp/doc/0.2.5/ ) it would not compile.
:~/workspace/AProg$ g++ -o AProg AProg.o 'libpng-config --ldflags'
g++: error: libpng-config --ldflags: No such file or directory
Then I tried to solve the problem and google it and gave this command which seems to work fine at compile but when I tried to run it. I got the error as mentioned at the top of the post
:~/workspace/AProg$ g++ -c AProg.cpp -I/usr/local/include/libpng12 -L/usr/local/lib -lpng -I/usr/local/include/png++
I am sorry for such a long post. But I just wanted to explain anything /everything related to my problem. Hope somebody helps me here.

It seems that the quotes you use in the linker command line is not the correct ones, it should be the single back quote:
$ g++ -o AProg AProg.o `libpng-config --ldflags`


Undefined Reference to `SDL2_Init` with LD when G++ is not giving an error

(FYI Yes I do know that a similar question exists, But I have already tried all the answers.)
I'm trying to setup SDL2 with MinGW and I have everything set up beside one thing. Whenever I try to compile G++ gives no errors but then LD gives me a: undefined reference to SDL_Init Error.
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/9.2.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\cc28dE2R.o: in function `SDL_main':
C:\Users\user\Documents\SDL2/src/main.cpp:11: undefined reference to `SDL_Init'
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/9.2.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:\Users\user\Documents\SDL2/src/main.cpp:14: undefined reference to `SDL_GetError'
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/9.2.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:\Users\user\Documents\SDL2/src/main.cpp:18: undefined reference to `IMG_Init'
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/9.2.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: C:\Users\user\Documents\SDL2/src/main.cpp:20: undefined reference to `SDL_GetError'
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/9.2.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/9.2.0/../../../libmingw32.a(main.o):(.text.startup+0xc0): undefined reference to `WinMain#16'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
The terminal process "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe -g src\*.cpp -o build\game.exe -ID:C:\MinGW\include -LD:C:\MinGW\lib -mwindows -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2_image -lSDL2" terminated with exit code: 1.
I have tried to move the args around. doing -mwindows, adding -lmingw32. I still keep getting the same errors.. I was able to fix the WinMain Error.. But everything else I couldn't fix.
The command I'm Running to compile:
C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe -g src\*.cpp -o build\game.exe -ID:C:\MinGW\include -LD:C:\MinGW\lib -mwindows -lSDL2main -lSDL2_image -lSDL2
If i could get any help that would be amazing
The common cause of mysterious undefined reference errors on MinGW is using libraries compiled for x64 with an x32 compiler, or vice versa. SDL ships both x32 and x64 ones, try the other ones.
I was able to fix the WinMain Error
Be aware that the intended way of fixing undefined reference to WinMain#16 is not adding #define SDL_MAIN_HANDLED and not doing #undef main. Once you get the right libraries (see the first paragraph), the error should disappear by itself.
Make sure you use int main(int, char**) (and not int main() nor void main()), otherwise it won't work.
-ID:C:\MinGW\include -LD:C:\MinGW\lib
You shouldn't need those flags. Those directories will be searched automatically.
Since you didn't specify any other directories, I assume you placed the SDL files directly into the compiler directories, which isn't a good practice, IMO.
I assume D:C: a typo?
The only purpose of this flag (that I know of) is to prevent your app from automatically opening a terminal window for itself, for release builds.

TCL - undefined reference to `_imp__Tcl_ResetResult' for g++

I am relatively new to TCL and I am trying to execute a C++ program using SWIG on Windows 10. Using command prompt. I am not using Visual Studio
I am basically trying to run r_cpp using C++ MinGW from TCL
C:\swigwin-3.0.12\Examples\r\class>swig -c++ -tcl example.i`
C:\swigwin-3.0.12\Examples\r\class>g++ -c example.cxx
C:\swigwin-3.0.12\Examples\r\class>g++ -c example_wrap.cxx -I/Tcl/include/tcl8.6
C:\swigwin-3.0.12\Examples\r\class>g++ -shared example.o example_wrap.o -o example.dll
example_wrap.o:example_wrap.cxx:(.text+0x981): undefined reference to `_imp__Tcl_ResetResult'`example_wrap.o:example_wrap.cxx:(.text+0x995): undefined reference to `_imp__Tcl_SetObjResult'`example_wrap.o:example_wrap.cxx:(.text+0x9b9): undefined reference to `_imp__Tcl_SetErrorCode'
example_wrap.o:example_wrap.cxx:(.text+0x9cf): undefined reference to `_imp__Tcl_ResetResult'
example_wrap.o:example_wrap.cxx:(.text+0x9f3): undefined reference to `_imp__Tcl_SetErrorCode
example_wrap.o:example_wrap.cxx:(.text+0xa1e): undefined reference to `_imp__Tcl_AppendResult'
example_wrap.o:example_wrap.cxx:(.text+0xa3c): undefined reference to `_imp__Tcl_NewStringObj'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Can someone please help me on this??
Should I make changes to my Makefile.in in the folder?????
Its been a while since I've done C but I would think that you are not linking in the static/shared library that has the functions that g++ is complaining about. In this case the tcl library something like libTclXX.dll. I'm not too familiar with command lines on windows but something like -llibtclXX.dll -L path_to_tcllib could be added. If I recall correctly tcl does provide a stub library for you to link staticially your extension then at runtime the shared library can be use to resolve the functions... so something like -llibtclstubs.dll . look in your installed lib directory for actual names of these libraries.

FFMPEG: undefined reference to `avcodec_register_all' does not link

So I have a very sample code for trying to decode a FFMPEG video stream.
My problem is avcodec does not want to link, to do so I made a clean installation of Ubuntu 13.04. I have build ffmpeg from source following the guide here: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Ubuntu
I just want to compile my file. Note that my ubuntu does not have any implementations or header files for avcodec. The command line I use is:
gcc -I/home/USER/ffmpeg_build/include -L/home/USER/ffmpeg_build/lib -lavcodec -o test.exe Downloads/auv/src/dronerosvideo/src/ar2.cpp
/tmp/ccKTprFq.o: In function `fetch_and_decode(int, int, bool)':
undefined reference to `avcodec_register_all'
undefined reference to `av_log_set_level'
undefined reference to `avcodec_find_decoder'
undefined reference to `avcodec_alloc_context3'
undefined reference to `avcodec_open2'
undefined reference to `av_init_packet'
undefined reference to `avcodec_decode_video2'
undefined reference to `av_free_packet'
/tmp/ccKTprFq.o:(.eh_frame+0x13): undefined reference to
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Just for a sane test if I remove the -L argument compiler says:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lavcodec
Which means that the linker finds the library in /home/USER/ffmpeg_build/lib. Also if we check the library for implementation it exists:
nm ffmpeg_build/lib/libavcodec.a | grep "register_all"
0000000000000000 T avcodec_register_all
Also as advised since it is C++ I have exten "C" around the include of the library.
At this point I'm falling out of any ideas at all, why exactly compilation fails?
First, it is C++, so you'll need to use g++ not gcc so that the C++ standard library gets linked. This should get rid of undefined reference to '__gxx_personality_v0'.
Then, the order of libaries to link is actually important.
You'll need to specify a library after the object (or source or other library) using it.
Putting it together, a command line like this works (in my tests):
g++ -o test.exe -I$HOME/ffmpeg/include test.cc -L$HOME/ffmpeg/lib -lavcodec
(Actually, depending on how ffmpeg was built, you might need other libraries as well, like pthreads or libx264)
If you got pkg-config installed, it might be possible to just ask that it for proper clags:
# Since you didn't install ffmpeg to a known location, tell pkg-config about that location.
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/ffmpeg/lib/pkgconfig
g++ -o test.exe $(pkg-config -clags libavcodec) test.cc $(pkg-config -libs libavcodec)

Google RE2 library cannot compile with 'make testinstall' in ubuntu

I am using Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit to compile latest Google RE2 library, but 'make testinstall' failed to compile, here is the log:
kevin#ubuntu:~/re2$ make testinstall
cp testinstall.cc obj
(cd obj && g++ -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib testinstall.cc -lre2 -pthread -o testinstall)
/tmp/ccSsaSXS.o: In function main':
testinstall.cc:(.text+0xce): undefined reference tore2::FilteredRE2::FirstMatch(re2::StringPiece const&, std::vector > const&) const'
/usr/local/lib/libre2.so: undefined reference to pthread_rwlock_rdlock'
/usr/local/lib/libre2.so: undefined reference topthread_rwlock_wrlock'
/usr/local/lib/libre2.so: undefined reference to pthread_rwlock_destroy'
/usr/local/lib/libre2.so: undefined reference topthread_rwlock_init'
/usr/local/lib/libre2.so: undefined reference to `pthread_rwlock_unlock'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: * [testinstall] Error 1
I tried to replace -pthread with -lpthread, still failed, then I dumped libre2.so and found that pthread_xxx is in it.
Here is the issue tracking in RE2 forum: https://code.google.com/p/re2/issues/detail?id=100
Anyone here have ever complied RE2 successfully ? Thank you!
See this comment:
Adding -pthread to LDFLAGS seems to fix make test (all tests are
passing), but not make testinstall.
That will get you to the next error
Depending on what you build it for 'make testinstall' might not be necessary.
I just needed to get python re2 port working, and this can be installed after running make install.
I encounter this problem before. Modify the makefile and use -lpthread instead of -pthread.
So I tried looking for the lines in testinstall.cc that were causing the symbol errors and I found out that the only line was on line 18:
18 - f.firstMatch(:abbccc:, ids);
I commented this line out (so that the FullMatch function below is still called) and just ran g++ testinstall.cc -lre2 -pthread -o testinstall (basically what the Makefile does) and I was able to get a binary successfully. Although this might not really solve the problem, its good to know that we can still use the RE2::Fullmatch and partial match functions
If I were to guess, maybe there is a dependency somewhere inside the filtered_re2 module?
I had the same problem. But if you compile with -static everything goes well.
nm -C shows that the "missing" symbol exists in both .a and .so files.

undefined reference to MinFilter and MaxFilter in StereoMatch code

Recently, I'm working on stereo vision. And I download the StereoMatch code from middlebury website: http://vision.middlebury.edu/stereo/code/
I used Ubuntu 11.10 to run this code. After I run this code, I got the following error. There are 3 'undefined reference to ' error. But the code has already included the header file 'MinFilter.h'. And I get confused. Could someone help me? I would appreciate it.
StcAggregate.o: In function CStereoMatcher::AggrMin()':
StcAggregate.cpp:(.text+0x20f): undefined reference tovoid MinFilter(CImageOf&, CImageOf&, int, int)'
StcEvaluate.o: In function _ZL14PartialShuffle8CImageOfIhERS0_S1_f.constprop.2':
StcEvaluate.cpp:(.text+0x37): undefined reference tovoid MinFilter(CImageOf&, CImageOf&, int, int)'
StcEvaluate.cpp:(.text+0x5b): undefined reference to `void MaxFilter(CImageOf&, CImageOf&, int, int)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: * [StereoMatch] Error 1
This is an error from the linker (and/or runtime environment) which cannot find some symbols (i.e. code) which the header files you've included promised to exist. In order for these symbols to be found, you must tell the linker to link against the library (or object file) containing them. This library may have come with the code pre-compiled or may have been made during installation. Have you not got a README file where it is explained how to use (i.e. link and run) the code?
I met exactly the same problem and solved it like this:
Open the Makefile and change the first line from
CPPFLAGS = -O2 -Wall
Then "make clean" and "make", it works for me. So I guess it is because param
"-O2" does more optimization than expected.