Django template system - getting fields from template - django

Is there a function that returns a list of fields that are expected in template? For example, I have the following template:
hello i am {{ name }}. {% for i in docs %} i have doc {{ i }}
Written in file. And i want to get a dict which contains:
{'name': 'str', 'docs': 'list'}
Is there something like that or i have to write it by myself?

As far as i know, NO....
Your template contains some html and some place holders (and may be something else). What render_to_template doing is, it gets a context dictionary which contain some keys and some data attached to that keys and a template. Then it places the values to those place holders according to their key names, execute some loops or condition checks if your template contains control flows like {% if...%} or {%for....%}
If TEMPLATE_DEBUG is closed in your settings, and if there is a place holder with no matching key in your context dictionary, then it will skip that without raising any error.
Also, if you pass a form object to your template and place your object directly to template as it is (without calling each field separately) [ex: {{form}} or {{form.as_p}} then django will check for fields on the form and palce them as it is shown here. In a such situation, you will only know that form is used. You have to check which fields are used from your Form definition.
If you look through that process, you must know what you need to place your context dictionary. You may write a parser to parse your template but it is far more difficult than just examining the template and find missing data, i guess.

The builtin {% debug %} tag may be helpful for you, however I don't know if I fully understand what you are asking. Basically, if you put the debug tag in your template it will print a lot of useful stuff, including all the variables available in your template.
Perhaps you could take a look at the source code for the debug tag (because they have access to all the variables there), and build a custom tag tag based off of this. Taking a glance at the source, this seems like it would be really simple to do.


How can one create a custom "as_table()" method for forms?

I have a relatively complicated form that's used in multiple places on my website (in fact, it's a form from which many other form classes inherit). In the templates, the inherited part of this form is always formatted identically—but that formatting is somehwat involved; each field is rendered and positioned manually in the template.
This means that every template which displays this form has a lot of identical HTML markup that renders the form appropriately.
I would like to create a custom output that can be called, similar to the as_table() methods. I'm aware that one can override the normal_row, error_row, etc. attributes—but the formatting of this form goes beyond that (for example, three of the form's five fields should be printed side-by-side, with a combined title). All of the tutorials/answered-questions I've seen either refer to overriding the above-mentioned attributes, or give instructions on how to manually render forms.
Originally, I was thinking something like this:
Class StrangeForm(form.Forms):
def as_table_custom():
html_string = "\
<tr><td>Title 1:</td><td>self.fields['field1']</td><tr>\
<tr><td>Title 2:</td><td>self.fields['field2']</td><tr>\
<tr><td>Titles 3, 4, 5:</td><td>self.fields['field3']\
return html_string
But, after reading through the _html_output() and as_table() methods of Django's file, it doesn't look like it'll be that easy. If I write this from scratch, have to somehow account for errors, help text, etc. I think.
Is there an easy way to override something such that the form's HTML output can be defined like above? Or do I have to re-write things from scratch. If the latter, how can I account for all of the things I need to account for?
I wouldn't take this approach. You're better off creating the form in an HTML template that you include in the various templates where you have a form you want to display that way.
So create a my_strange_form.html template where you assume a 'form' object is passed in the context with the right number of fields. In that template just create the HTML, using things like {{ field.label_tag }} and {{ field }}. You can loop through the fields with a {% for field in form %} and check the counter of your loop with {{ forloop.counter }}. I foresee a lot of {% if forloop.counter... %} statements to generate the combined row, and it will look ugly, but you'll only have to look at it once :-)
Then in your main templates {% include 'my_strange_form.html' with form=form %}.

How to call a variable function with parameter in django template?

I want to achieve something like this within a Django template.
{{ variable.function(parameter) }}
Where variable is a variable passed through a context to a template, in this case, an instance of a model.
I have tried different methods, but no one seems to work.
This is not possible in Django templates: they are crippled on purpose in order to prevent template designers from shooting themselves in the foot. The reasoning is that the only logic in templates should be presentation logic and all business logic should be kept in the view. Some people thinks it is fair enough and some think it is a bit condescending (those dumb template designers are not smart enough to use functions and methods safely).
I can think of 3 choices:
use jinja2 instead.
write a custom template filter.
keep all the logic in the view where Django designers think you are supposed to keep it.
I will not explain how to use Jinja2 because it is already explained in the docs and because the example in the question works verbatim if you switch to it instead of native Django templates. This simply works in Jinja2:
{{ variable.function(parameter) }}
Now the template filter solution: first you must follow a code layout convention. The filter itself would be something like this:
# at
def apply_callable(callable, arg):
return callable(arg)
Then in the template you can do:
{% load your_tag_library %}
{{ variable.function|call_with:parameter }}
Of course the last option is the one from Daniel's answer - precompute the value in the view and just display the result in the template:
context['result'] = variable.function(parameter)
And in your template you just need {{ result }}.
There is no way to do this.
You can create another variable and pass it through the context so you could use it.
context['result'] = variable.function(parameter)
In your view.
And in your template:
{{ result }}

Django's equivalence of ASP.NET UserControl

If anyone here is ASP.NET pro, you might know what I mean by user control. I wish to create a similar one in django instead.
So, my problem is that I have several pages in my website, but I need a search bar to appear in every pages. Since I require the to operate this search bar, I cannot do a simple method of
{% include 'something.html' %}
Therefore, can anyone suggest how can I do it?
There are a couple of ways to accomplish what you're wanting to do:
Context Processors
Template Tags
Context Processors can augment the template context with values, regardless of which template is loaded. They are akin to filters in Rails.
Template Tags, like Context Processors, can accomplish anything you can do in Python, but are implemented at the template level.
If you need something to be present on every template, one of the simplest ways to accomplish this is with an inclusion tag, which can also accept values passed to it. An inclusion tag could be implemented at your highest level template, a.k.a your MasterPage, and as long as you don't put it in a block and override it, it would appear on every page that includes that template in its inheritance chain.
If it's just something you want to include on every page, and it doesn't need to do any processing, you should just be able to place the code you want in the top-most template and have subsequent templates inherit that.
I typically have a "base.html" template that all of my templates inherit from. If I need something to be in every page, I put it there. If it's something I want there by default, but want to be able to augment it in subsequent templates, I will place it into a block. That block will let you include or override its default content.
I know this post is kind of old but I just came across it and found a kind-of-solution that works. I call it kind-of-solution because it is a workaround.
I have a few different sites on which I want to display logging information. This display always looks the same (it has the same html) and has the same database table and model class behind it.
My solution/workaround uses the django filters:
in I put the list of log-entries in the context
context = {'list_log': Log.objects.filter(condition = True) }
template = loader.get_template('my_html_file.html')
return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))
in my_html_file.html I use a custom filter
{{ list_log|get_log_uc|safe }}
in the I load another html file with this custom filter
def get_log_uc(list_log):
template = loader.get_template('user_control_log.html')
context = { 'list_log' : log }
return template.render(context)
in user_control_log.html I have the user control equivalent html
{% for log in list_log %}
{% endfor %

simple application pass value from django views to javascript

It has been 2day i am trying to figure out how to do that. I am a novice so please give as detailed explanation as possible.
I am doing this in my
dict1 = simplejson.dumps(dict1)
return render_to_response('main_page.html', {
In main_page.html
{% if js_testsuite %}
<select id="testsuites" name="testsuite" onchange="setOptions(document.selection.testsuite.selectedIndex);">
{% for key, value in js_testsuite.items %}
<option value={{ value }} name="testsuite">{{ key }}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
In setoptions.js, which contains the function setOptions(value), to which i am passing selected index of the select box, and using this value i have to set the second select box and the data for this select box has to come from the given above.
Also, I tried doing
var value_from_django = {{ dict1 }};
what are the other things im missing. Could you please provide a detailed explanation on this. I had been trying this for 2 days.
Is there a way in which I can pass the value from django views to the javascript directly bypassing the django template?
Can I pass the information from django views to the html template and then to the javascript?
The javascript I am referring to is a simple javascript not jquery.
Thanks for your support,
You cannot pass values to javascript bypassing the template, unless you use an ajax call to start a separate request or unless you do something very unusual like embedding the data in a response header (don't actually do this, it is not what response headers are for!). The response, which includes the header and the body (the body being the part generated by the template) is the sum total of the information your application provides to your client, so unless you generate an additional request and fetch an additional response with ajax, you have no other options.
If you don't want to do that, then your options for passing information to the javascript via the template are basically the following:
Using an inline tag, create properly formatted javascript dynamically via the templating system. The example line you have, var value_from_django = {{ dict1 }}; is essentially what I'm talking about here, except that I'm not sure you can pass a dict through from django to javascript like that, because django's text output of a dict in the template is unlikely to be exactly the correct formatting for a javascript variable declaration. So, instead you can...
Translate your data into JSON and put that into your template, and then process that with the javascript. (This is usually done with an ajax call, but there's nothing stopping you from injecting the JSON data into the initial template directly.)
Or populate your HTML with the data you want and then use javascript to locate the HTML tag containing the data and parse the data out.
If you are trying to pass simple variables like integers, it might be easiest to do it with the first or third options. If you are trying to pass a more complex data structure like a dictionary, you will probably be better off using JSON (that's what it's for!)
I would like to give you more detailed and concrete instructions, but for that you will need to post more detail about what exactly is going wrong with your current approach and what your desired functionality is.
By the way: if it is at all feasible to include jquery on this page and use that instead of trying to use basic javascript, you should do so. It will make your life much, much easier.

Django tags and filters in Lift?

This is a generalization of my previous question about pluralize filter:
Does lift have an equivalent of Django's tags and filters?
Tags are small piece of predefined code that can be used directly in html template, for example:
{% now "jS F Y H:i" %}
renders the time right now in the given format.
Filters operate (in html template) on the context variables in the template, for example:
{{ value|capfirst }}
if called on a value "john" will result in "John". Or:
{{ value|length }}
will render the length of the string into the template.
As you can see the filters operate on the context variables that are passed to the template.
Considering tags, you could define those yourself with snippets.
As snippet is basically a callback much as a Django tag is. You don’t get any easier syntax, though, because Lift’s templates are pure XML/Html.
< format="jS F Y H:i" />
And the logic would be defined in
class Tag {
def now: NodeSeq = // ...
Filtering is something you generally can’t do in a Lift template because Lift doesn’t allow any variables in a template. The whole concept is thus inapplicable. (You could do XML transforms or or bind magic but that would be a bit too much for a simple value.length.)
No, if you need the length of some value in your Html, you will have to define that inside the snippet and expose it.
If you really can’t live without filters in your template (though I can assure you, it is a good thing to separate all HTML template and code and it works once you are used to it), have a look at Scalate which may be used together with Lift as well.
This kind of logic should be in the render method of a snippet. Display code in pure Scala (rather than in a template language hybrid) is a first-class citizen with respect to testing, IDE's and refactoring tools.
These kinds of transforms don't come built-in, but you can add them with implicits:
class HappyString(s: String) {
def capfirst = ....
implicit def toHappyString(s: String) = new HappyString(s)
Then call these in your render method before binding whatever value it is you're generating.