QT Phonon Audio jumping bars - c++

Im only here to ask one question. Well im working in an application, but I would like to create that jumping bars, that jumps with the music. I dont know if you understand me, here is an image of what i want to do:
I dont know how to create that bars, so I dont know if you can help me.
Thank you very much.
With Phonon, how can I handle the frequencies?


Display an image using OpenGL?

I have a button image and I have a project with OpenGL and I have managed to create a window now I want to add an image of a button onto that window.
Is there an easy way to display a .bmp or .png?
"so is there a easy way to display"
According to the following introduction:
The people at SFML make it seem as though it is not easy to do that with OpenGL. So, if you want it to be easy, use SFML.
"but I dont understand how to use SFML"
The tutorials are very simple to learn, and if a beginner like me can figure it out, then so can you.

Is there a way to customize what a button looks like in C++?

I have programmed in HTML, Java, CSS, C++, VB, an Python.
I'm looking to make button that looks completely the way I want it to look!
Like in HTML+Java+CSS, I can do that very thing!
I'm using Netbeans IDE. I was about to just use OpenGL to do the GUI programming for my programs, since it is so hard to find information on customized GUIs.
I just want to learn how to make the image and give button functionality to it. I want to be able to make the shape, color, and effects (when clicked, hovered over, etc).
Oh, and I program in Ubuntu Linux!
Any help would be appreciated!
Qt is a good idea, but you won't learn how it works, though it's not really important and far easier like that. Using C++ you will have libraries that respect the encapsulation principle, so you won't know at the first sight how do is work, just how to use it.
If you really want to code a button yourself, you can take a 2D drawing library such as SFML, with which you'll draw your button and handle events on it.
When I wrote a custom button class for my app, we (the C++ developers) were given PNG images from the designer department. They are much better with tools like Photoshop then we developers. We just showed image1.PNG by default, image2.PNG when the mouse was over the button ("hover"), and image3.PNG when the mouse was over the button and pressed. Drawing? Not necessary.
Color is trivial for designers. Shape isn't hard either. PNGs are rectangular, but can be transparent. So rounded edges are just a matter of a few transparent pixels there.

How to make an overlay

I'm wondering how I can create an overlay with Direct3D11 (C++).
(Like the xfire game chat that renders content over another program in fullscreen)
I know the basics of Direct3D11, but I have no idea how to make programs communicate with each other.
Or is that not necessary?
Could anyone help me?

How to handle audio-card buffer

Im trying to do a screen-flashing application that flashes the screen depending on the audio(like an audio visualizer, but instead of a visualization like bars or something like that, just flash the screen).
I already made the music player and know how to make the widget get full screen and change color(which will flash), but I dont know how to detect the (I think it's audio-card)buffer is full, because when it is full I would change the color of the widget, and this would be really super fast, so the screen flashes super quickly.
Any ideas on how to detect if the buffer is full, or any other approach I might pursue to achieve my goal?
Thanks beforehand.
Have you checked the SoundMixer Class computeSpectrum method? It doesn't give you a buffer info rather it returns info about the sound being played that you can use in order to represent the sound graphically.

dynamic drawing in cocos2d?

I am working on a game which would take touch gestures as inputs. Now, i would like to display the path/gesture as the user draws it. Can someone please tell me how to do this in cocos2d?
I tried to override the draw method and used ccDrawPoint(). But the point just keeps following the touch. I guess this is because the previous drawing is getting overwritten.
Can you tell me where i am going wrong here or suggest a better way to implement this?
i found a solution with CCRenderTexture sample test in cocos2d. Though i could not find enough documentation on it, but the sample code is enough for a start.