How to make an overlay - c++

I'm wondering how I can create an overlay with Direct3D11 (C++).
(Like the xfire game chat that renders content over another program in fullscreen)
I know the basics of Direct3D11, but I have no idea how to make programs communicate with each other.
Or is that not necessary?
Could anyone help me?


Unity: How would I create the graphics for some elements in C++ to be used by Unity?

First, I know that the 'proper' answer is to just port everything to C#. Please don't bother posting that answer. That's the long-term goal. I don't need to hear it restated.
I have a game I'd like to port to Unity on PC (initially.) It has a very heavy user interface. I'm wondering how I would go about creating the graphics for the UI in C++? My game currently uses GDI to create the dialogs, each in its own buffer, then BitBlts to the screen.
In a 'perfect world' I'd like to try passing those buffers to Unity which would then display them and pass any mouse/gesture events back to C++ for processing. It's a kludge, but much faster than porting everything and would let me do some prototype/testing to see if it's practical. I could then port the screens one at a time to Unity or port the UI Library I wrote.
I did see one post which talked about doing something a little similar where the C++ pushed textures into OpenGL where Unity would then render them. Are there any articles which discuss how to do this on a PC using DirectX before I start hacking away?
It sounds simple, but I'd appreciate some pointers on interfacing between them. The documentation on the unity site is a bit sparse on the details of the interface.
Clarification: My question is really about what I need to do with DirectX in C++ to send a texture back. Do I need to initialize DirectX in C++ as well as Unity, do I need to pass a display handle or something else to C++ along with the texture handle, etc.? Is it as easy as just calling the C++ routine to return the texture? I'm familiar both with how to talk between C# and C++ and how 3D engines work in general, I need to populate a DirectX texture from an HDC and somehow pass that data back to Unity for Display.
I think I found it, a starting point at least. I should have RTFMed the manual better, my bad.
refers to this project
I hope this helps someone else.

Display an image using OpenGL?

I have a button image and I have a project with OpenGL and I have managed to create a window now I want to add an image of a button onto that window.
Is there an easy way to display a .bmp or .png?
"so is there a easy way to display"
According to the following introduction:
The people at SFML make it seem as though it is not easy to do that with OpenGL. So, if you want it to be easy, use SFML.
"but I dont understand how to use SFML"
The tutorials are very simple to learn, and if a beginner like me can figure it out, then so can you.

QT Phonon Audio jumping bars

Im only here to ask one question. Well im working in an application, but I would like to create that jumping bars, that jumps with the music. I dont know if you understand me, here is an image of what i want to do:
I dont know how to create that bars, so I dont know if you can help me.
Thank you very much.
With Phonon, how can I handle the frequencies?

QTopengl c++ simple 2d app

Im trying to make a simple 2D application, and our image processing professor has told us to use opengl. Im working with c++ and QT.
I want to open a simple window that holds a place where I can draw points of different colors. All by code, there is no user interaction. I cant use any other library, can anyone tell me how to do this?
check out :
2D Painting Example using QGLWidget.
OpenGL is a library to render. You need at least one or two more (at least to create a window).
Since that is a homework, take a look at this example on how to do your assignment.
Qt comes with numerous examples of using QGLWidget.

How does get object from point work?

I'm new to programming. I want to make a card game with C++ / Allegro. The graphics api is irrelevant though. I want it to have many buttons you can click. I'm wondering the proper way this is done. For instance, how does windows know which control you click on from your cursor. I would use an array of rectangles and check each rectangle to ee if my mouse is is 1 of their bounds, but this doesn't seem very good. What about if I draw a line from 2 points and want to be able to drag any part of the line? I doubt i'm doing this right either. Any insight on this would be very helpful. Thanks
Basically, you want to make a mouse-driven user interface.
This is very difficult to do from scratch, that's why Allegro has a built-in GUI system. If you don't like it, you'd better use a GUI library than doing it yourself.
I'd recommand MasKing, it's an add-on for Allegro, to write graphical interfaces in C++.