Setting a string value to none when a class related to it is deleted - c++

I need help with something which I believe is simple. I can assign a student to a project. But when I delete the project, the student is still keeping the project name. I'm thinking of just renaming it back to "None" but I have no idea on how to do that. Help?
map<int, Student> mstore and vector<int> storeid added.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class Human {
virtual void print() const = 0;
class Student : public Human {
string studname;
int studId;
string project;
Student (string studname, int studId) : studname("Unknown"), studId(0), project("None")
cout << "A student is created: Name = " << studname
<< ". Id = " << studId << endl;
virtual void print() const {
cout << "Name = " << studname << ". Id = " << studId << ". Project = " << project <<endl; }
void setSName (string sname) { studname = sname; }
void setSID (int sID) { studId = sID; }
void printStudentInfo() const;
void printStudentInfoline() const;
void Student::printStudentInfo() const
cout << "\nStudent name: " << studname << endl;
cout << "Student ID: " << studId << endl;
cout << "Project: " << project << endl;
void Student::printStudentInfoline() const
cout << studId << ", " << studname << ", " << project << endl;
class Project {
string projname;
vector <Student> students;
vector <int> storeid;
Project (string projname) : projname(projname) { cout << "Project " << projname << " created" << endl;}
void setPName (string projname) { this->projname = projname; }
void add (int& sid)
//student.setProject (projname);
int returnid(int& a)
return storeid[a];
int returnsize()
{ return storeid.size(); }
void printproj() const {
cout << endl << projname << " list: \n";
cout << "Student(s) : " << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < storeid.size(); i++){
cout << storeid[i] << endl;
void printprojname() const {
cout << projname << endl;
int main() {
string StudentName;
string ProjectName;
int Studentid;
Student *s1;
Project *p1;
vector<Student> store;
vector<Project> projstore;
map<int, Student> mstore;
map<int, Student>::const_iterator itr;
for (int n=0; n<3; n++) //loop to create 3 students
cout <<"Enter name : ";
getline(cin, StudentName);
cout <<"Enter ID : ";
cin >> Studentid;
s1 = new Student(StudentName, Studentid);
mstore.insert(make_pair(Studentid, *s1));
//print map
for(itr=mstore.begin(); itr!=mstore.end() ;++itr)
cout << "Enter project name: ";
getline(cin, ProjectName);
p1 = new Project(ProjectName);
//Assigning student to project
cout << endl;
cout << "How many students? :" ;
int y;
cin >> y;
for ( int i = 0; i < y; i++){
cout << "Who would you like to add to this project?" << endl;
int x = 1;
for(itr=mstore.begin(); itr!=mstore.end() ;++itr)
int insID;
cout << "Enter ID number: ";
cin >> insID;
for ( it = store.begin(); it != store.end(); ++it ) {
// For each friend, print out their info
cout << x << ". ";
x = 1;
int insS;
cout << "Enter number: ";
cin >> insS;
p1->add(store[(insS-1)]); //stores selected student into the object
cout << "\nAdding Student done\n" << endl;
//Mstore finds for related ids and displays them accordingly
cout << "print project"<< endl;
vector<Project>::iterator pt;
for ( pt = projstore.begin(); pt != projstore.end(); ++pt ) {
for (int i=0; i <pt->returnsize(); i++){
cout << pt->returnid(i) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Deleting project" << endl;
cout << "What would you like to remove?" << endl;
int x = 1;
//storeid will display ids. How do I link them to `store` map?
for ( pt = projstore.begin(); pt != projstore.end(); ++pt ) {
cout << x << ". ";
//Now to delete the selected project
int delP;
cout << "Enter number: ";
cin >> delP;
// Students
cout << "\n Current students" << endl;
for(itr=mstore.begin(); itr!=mstore.end() ;++itr)

Look at how you add a Student to a Project:
void add (Student& student)
student.setProject (projname);
students.push_back (student); // <-- AHA!
First you assign the Project name to the Student, then the Project stores a copy of the Student. After that, the Project has no link to the original Student, and can't inform him/her of its own demise when the time comes.
You'll have to rethink this design; there are three major options: 1) the Students can look up their respective Projects in the store, 2) the Project can look up its Students in the students vector, or 3) the Project owns the Students (in which case they should probably be GraduateStudents).
If that's the way you want to do it, use map<int, Student> store to store the Students, using ID number as an index. Then a Project can have a vector<int> (or set<int>) of student ID numbers. It can look Students up in the store with ease.
To print out the entire collection of students:
for(map<int, Student>::const_iterator itr=store.begin(); itr!=store.end() ;++itr)
If the Project has a vector<int> of student ID numbers, then what argument do you think Project::add(?) should take?
The Project can act on a Student by means of the student ID number and access to mstore:
// in Project:
Sometimes asking the right question -- or in this case, phrasing the question correctly -- is half the battle. 'Now how do I change "None" to the inserted project name?' A better way to put it is 'How does the Project change one of its Student's project from "None" to projname?' Once you put it that way, the answer is almost obvious:
// in Project:
Note that Student does not yet have setSProject(string), you'll have to add it. Also, note that this solution is not ideal since 1) anybody can change a Student's project, and 2) a Student's project need not actually be the name of a real Project. There is more than one way to deal with these problems.


How can I use struct efficiently in my quiz?

I'm trying to create a simple quiz with struct. But my program here is very repetitive. How can I modify it and make it more efficient? Especially to check if the answers are correct I do not want to declare a separate variable and store it as int correct. Thank You.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Quiz{
string question;
string answers[3];
struct Quiz2{
string question2;
string answers2[3];
int correct;
int main()
Quiz Question;
Question.question = "What is the smallest county?";
cout << Question.question << endl;
Question.answers[0] = "1. USA";
cout << Question.answers[0] << endl;
Question.answers[1] = "2. India";
cout << Question.answers[1] << endl;
Question.answers[2] = "3. Vatican City";
cout << Question.answers[2] << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Choose 1-3: ";
cin >> correct;
if(correct == 3)
cout << "Correct!";
cout << "Incorrect!";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
// Question 2
Quiz2 Question2;
Question2.question2 = "What is the biggest animal in the world?";
cout << Question2.question2 << endl;
Question2.answers2[0] = "1. Elephant";
cout << Question2.answers2[0] << endl;
Question2.answers2[1] = "2. Blue Whale";
cout << Question2.answers2[1] << endl;
Question2.answers2[2] = "3. Great white shark";
cout << Question2.answers2[2] << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Choose 1-3: ";
cin >> correct;
if(correct == 2)
cout << "Correct!";
cout << "Incorrect!";
return 0;
That's as much as non-repetitive as I can imagine after a few minutes of thinking. Maybe it can become smaller, but for my taste this looks alright.
You basically rely on std::vector class, instead of a typical array, because vectors can be of dynamic size. This allows us to use only one struct, but make as many answers as we want (3, 5, 10, whatever). We then create the whole quiz as another vector of questions. We're only left with printing to the console - for that we use loops, as our quiz structure is very simple and self-repetitive.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct Question{
string question;
int correct_idx;
vector<string> answers;
Question(string question, int correct_idx, vector<string> answers)
:question(question), correct_idx(correct_idx), answers(answers)
int main()
vector<Question> whole_quiz = {
"What is the smallest country?",
2, // indexes start from 0, e.g. 0, 1, 2. So 2 is correct
{"USA", "India", "Vatican City"}
"What is the biggest animal in the world?",
{"Elephant", "Blue Whale", "Great white shark"}
for(auto question : whole_quiz) {
cout << question.question << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < question.answers.size(); ++i) {
cout << i+1 << ". " << question.answers[i] << endl;
cout << "Choose 1-" << question.answers.size() << endl << endl;
int guess;
cin >> guess;
if (guess-1 == question.correct_idx) {
cout << "Correct!" << endl << endl;
} else {
cout << "Incorrect!" << endl << endl;
return 0;
I would propose a more complicated, but also a more fun solution. Have a huge list of answers, like 100, or 1000, or as many as you like. Then in your struct have a std::string question, and std::vector<int> possible answers that are indexes in the huge list. First answer in the list is the correct one. So when you ask a question you pick first index, and three more indexes at random, and you shuffle them up, and present this to the user. The quiz will be different every time.
struct acts as a template, not a single variable. so there's no need to create 2 different struct. Also, a correct variable can be added to the struct for ease of checking.
Code (I split it into different functions for clearer understanding):
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct quiz
int correct;
string question;
vector<string> answers;
vector<quiz> questionsToAsk;
void addNewQuestion(string ques, vector<string>ans, int cor)
quiz q1;
q1.question = ques;
q1.answers = ans;
q1.correct = cor;
void displayQuestion(int idx)
quiz cur = questionsToAsk[idx];
cout << cur.question << '\n';
for (int i = 0; i < cur.answers.size(); i++)
cout << cur.answers[i] << '\n';
cout << "Choose 1-3: "; int inp; cin >> inp;
if (inp == cur.correct) {cout << "Correct";} else {cout << "Incorrect";} cout << '\n';
int main()
vector<string> ans1({"1. USA", "2. India", "3. Vatican City"});
vector<string> ans2({"1. Elephant", "2. Blue Whale", "3. Great white shark"});
addNewQuestion("What is the smallest county?", ans1, 3);
addNewQuestion("What is the biggest animal in the world?", ans2, 2);
for (int i = 0; i < questionsToAsk.size(); i++)
What is the smallest county?
1. USA
2. India
3. Vatican City
Choose 1-3: 1
What is the biggest animal in the world?
1. Elephant
2. Blue Whale
3. Great white shark
Choose 1-3: 2
You can use a template like
<typename T = int>
T get_answer(std::istream& in) {
T res;
in >> res;
return res;
if(get_answer(std::cin) == 3)
cout << "Correct!";
cout << "Incorrect!";
You can also overload operator<<.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
template<typename T = int>
T get_answer(std::istream& in) {
T res;
in >> res;
return res;
class Quiz{
Quiz(const std::string& q, const std::string& a1, const std::string& a2, const std::string& a3, unsigned correct)
: question(q), answers{a1, a2, a3}{
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Quiz& quiz) {
os << quiz.question << "\n";
unsigned i = 1;
for (const auto & answer : quiz.answers) {
os << i++ << ". " << answer << "\n";
os << "\n";
return os;
void CheckAnswer(unsigned correct) {
std::cout << *this << "Choose 1-3: ";
if(get_answer(std::cin) == correct)
std::cout << "Correct!";
std::cout << "Incorrect!";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::string question;
std::string answers[3];
int main()
Quiz Question("What is the smallest county?", "USA", "India", "Vatican City", 3);
// Question 2
Quiz Question2("What is the biggest animal in the world?", "Elephant", "Blue Whale", "Great white shark", 2);
return 0;
The only thing you can do is define the correct variable in the struct itself. You can use a loop for decreasing the repetitiveness but obviously the question and the answers will have to be stored, it cannot be simplified further.

c++ program printing out address instead of value

I have a program that takes in information through a struct and puts it into a vector, and I'm trying to print that information out but instead get an address. The structure should hold the values correctly so I think it's either my pointers or the way I'm printing it out.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
struct student
char* fName;
char* lName;
int id;
float gpa;
void add(vector<student*>*);
int main()
vector <student*>* list = new vector<student*>();
if (strcmp(cmd,"ADD") == 0)
else if (strcmp(cmd,"PRINT") == 0)
for(vector<student*>::iterator i = list->begin(); i != list->end(); i++)
cout << *i;
cout << "print" << endl;
void add(vector<student*>* paramlist)
student* s = new student();
s->fName = new char[25];
s->lName = new char[25];
cout << "Enter first name" << endl;
cin >> s->fName;
cout << "Enter last name" << endl;
cin >> s->lName;
cout << "Enter id number" << endl;
cin >> s->id;
cout << "Enter GPA" << endl;
cin >> s->gpa;
Or it might have something to do with the way I iterate through the vector.
You need to add an operator overload for your struct, to define how the struct should appear when printed. You also need to dereference the pointer as well as the iterator.
// Define how the struct should look when printed.
// This function makes it appear like:
// Name: John Smith, ID: 1235, GPA: 4.0
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const student &val) {
<< "Name: " << val.fname << " " << val.lname
<< ", ID: " <<
<< ", GPA: " << val.gpa
<< endl;
return os;
Then later...
for(vector<student*>::iterator i = list->begin(); i != list->end(); i++)
// Dereference twice, once for the iterator, and again for the pointer.
cout << **i << endl;
You have to dereference twice **i.
With *i you get the address of vector<student*> element that is student*.
You get student, you need other *.
You may use for (auto i: list) to make your life easier.

Accessing multiple instances of a class in C++

I am creating a menu for a restaurant that can have 5 dishes of each category. So far I have created a class for meat dishes and I'm able to add up to 5 dishes, each with a unique identifier. What I am having trouble with is accessing the objects after they have been created.
(There will be multiple categories hence why there is a switch statement with only one case so far).
For example, how would I implement a way to change the description of the second dish?
Here is my code so far:
class Meat{
int meatNumber;
std::string meatCategory;
std::string meatDescription[MAX_ITEMS];
double meatPrice[MAX_ITEMS];
//setter functions
int setMeatNumber();
std::string setMeatDescription();
double setMeatPrice();
//getter functions
int getMeatNumber();
std::string getMeatCategory();
std::string getMeatDescription(int i);
double getMeatPrice(int i);
#include "Meat.h"
Meat::Meat() {
meatNumber = 0;
meatCategory = "Meat";
meatDescription[MAX_ITEMS] = "No description written.";
meatPrice[MAX_ITEMS] = 0.0;
//setter functions
int Meat::setMeatNumber(){
static int counter = 1;
meatNumber = counter++;
std::string Meat::setMeatDescription(){
int i = 0;
std::cout << "Please enter a short description: " << std::endl;
std::cin >> meatDescription[i];
return meatDescription[i];
double Meat::setMeatPrice(){
int i = 0;
std::cout << "Please set the price in a 00.00 format: " << std::endl;
std::cout << "£";
while(!(std::cin >> meatPrice[i])){
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
std::cout << "Error. Please enter a number: ";
return meatPrice[i];
//getter functions
int Meat::getMeatNumber() { return meatNumber; }
std::string Meat::getMeatCategory() { return meatCategory; }
std::string Meat::getMeatDescription(int i) {return meatDescription[i]; }
double Meat::getMeatPrice(int i) { return meatPrice[i]; }
#include <iostream>
#include "Meat.h"
int main() {
int choice;
std::cout << "Menu Creation Terminal\n\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\t Welcome\nto Wrapid™ Restaurants\n\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "1. Add Meat Dish\n2. Add Fish Dish\n3. Add Vegetarian Dish\n4. Add Drink\n"
"5. Edit Current Menu\n6. Quit\n\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Please select an option: ";
std::cin >> choice;
switch (choice) {
case 1:
int option = true;
int count = 0, i;
Meat meatDish;
std::cout << "Meat Dishes" << std::endl;
while (true) {
//functions to add details to dish
std::cout << "You have added the following dish: " << std::endl;
std::cout << "Item number: \n" << meatDish.getMeatNumber() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Item Category: \n " << meatDish.getMeatCategory() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Item Description: \n" << meatDish.getMeatDescription(i) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Item Price: \n £" << meatDish.getMeatPrice(i) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Would you like to add another item? Press 1 for yes or 2 for no: " << std::endl;
std::cin >> option;
count += 1;
if (count == 5) {
std::cout << "Error. Exceeded maximum items.";
} //breaks out of loop if more than 5 items
if (option == 2) { break; } //breaks out of loop when user is finished adding items
}//while loop to contain menu
}//brace for scope of case 1
return 0;
As you are using c++ class Meat you can use [] to instantiate N items
for example 5 objects
Meat meats[5];
If you want to modify 2nd object then
meats[1].setMeatDescription(<pass argument>);
You need to change that method using this keyword
this->meatDescription = <pass argument>;
No need to create meatDescription[] as an array
use this code you can use meats[i].getMeatDescription()
You could create a new class called DishesContainer. This class could have :
a private std::vector => it will hold every instance
a public function to create a new dish
a public function to change any type of value inside a dish meat.
For exemple to change the description
class DishContainer{
void ChangeDescription(int indexMeat, std::string newDescription){
std::vector<Meat> meats_;

C++: Multiple definition of object error

I recently started with file structuring in C++ with little success. The project was split into following files
There are 2 base classes, groups and players and every other class in inherited by either of them.
Here's the files
#ifndef GROUPS_H
#define GROUPS_H
//Groups of people one of the base classes
class groups {
int num_of_people;
float avg_age;
friend class SoccerTeams;
//virtual string getclass() { return char2str(typeid(*(this)).name()); }
groups(int numb = 0): num_of_people(numb) {};
//SoccerTeam group class
class SoccerTeams : public groups {
std::string teamName;
std::vector<SoccerTeams> teams;
int teamId;
Players player;
void addManager();
std::string nameTeam(int);
void deletePlayer(int);
void showTeam();
void addPlayer();
void showPlayers();
void showManagers();
void exportToFile(const char *);
SoccerTeams() {};
SoccerTeams(std::string, int);
~SoccerTeams() {};
//FanClub group class
class FanClubs : public groups{
std::string clubName;
int clubId;
std::vector<FanClubs> fanclubs;
Fans fan;
void addFans();
void showFans();
FanClubs() {};
FanClubs(std::string, int);
~FanClubs() {};
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <boost/units/detail/utility.hpp>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include "groups.h"
using namespace std;
//Fan Club member functions
FanClubs::FanClubs(string name, int id) {
clubName = name;
clubId = id;
void FanClubs::showFans() {
cout << "Players in " << fanclubs.begin() -> clubName << endl;
void FanClubs::addFans() {
int choice = 0;
cout << "1. Add a bunch of fans\n2. Add custom fans\nChoice: ";
cin >> choice;
switch(choice) {
case 1: {
int requirement;
cout << "How many fans do you need: ";
cin >> requirement;
static const string names[] = {
"Margarita", "Amalia", "Sam", "Mertie", "Jamila", "Vilma",
"Mazie", "Margart", "Lindsay", "Kerstin", "Lula", "Corinna", "Jina",
"Jimmy", "Melynda", "Demetrius", "Beverly", "Olevia", "Jessika",
"Karina", "Abdallah", "Max", "Prateek", "Aghaid"
for (int i = 0; i < requirement; ++i) { = names[rand() % 24];
fan.age = (rand() % 80 + 1); = ((rand() % 2) ? 'M' : 'F');
fan.under_auth = false;
fan.auth_level = 0;
case 2: {
int requirement;
cout << "How many fans you want to add?\nnumber: ";
cin >> requirement;
for (int i = 0; i < requirement; ++i) {
cout << "======Fan " << i + 1 << "=======\n";
cout << "Enter name: ";
cin >>;
cout << "Enter age: ";
cin >> fan.age;
cout << "Enter sex: ";
cin >>;
fan.under_auth = false;
fan.auth_level = 0;
cout << "Incorrect choice\n";
//Soccer Teams member functions
string SoccerTeams::nameTeam(int id) {
return teams.begin() -> teamName;
void SoccerTeams::showPlayers() {
cout << "Players in " << teams.begin() -> teamName << endl;
void SoccerTeams::showManagers() {
int counter = 1;
list<ManagingDirectors>::iterator i;
for (i = directors.begin(); i != directors.end(); i++) {
cout << "Director " << counter << endl;
cout << "Works for team " << nameTeam(i -> directorId) << endl;
cout << "Name: " << i -> name << endl;
cout << "Sex: " << i -> sex << endl;
void SoccerTeams::addPlayer() {
int newId;
int number;
cout << "Number of players to be added: ";
cin >> number;
for (int i = 0; i < number; ++i) {
cout << "\nEnter player name: ";
cin >>;
cout << "Enter sex(M/F): ";
cin >>;
cout << "Enter age: ";
cin >> player.age;
cout << "Enter player id(0 for random id): ";
cin >> newId;
newId == 0 ? player.playerId = (rand() % 100 + 1) : player.playerId = newId;
player.under_auth = true;
player.auth_level = 0;
void SoccerTeams::deletePlayer(int id) {
std::vector<Players>::iterator i;
for (i = players.begin(); i != players.end(); ) {
if(i->playerId == id) {
i = players.erase(i);
void SoccerTeams::showTeam() {
vector<SoccerTeams>::iterator i;
for (i = teams.begin(); i != teams.end(); ++i) {
cout << "\nTeam name: " << i -> teamName << endl;
cout << "Team id: " << i -> teamId << endl;
cout << "Number of players: " << i -> num_of_people << endl;
cout << "Average age: " << i -> player.ageCalc()/teams.begin() -> num_of_people << endl;
SoccerTeams::SoccerTeams(string tn, int id) {
teamName = tn;
teamId = id;
void SoccerTeams::addManager() {
ManagingDirectors mandir;
int number;
cout << "How many managers you want to add: ";
cin >> number;
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
cout << "Manager " << i + 1 << endl;
cout << "Enter name of the director: ";
cin >>;
cout << "Enter the age: ";
cin >> mandir.age;
cout << "Enter the sex(M/F): ";
cin >>;
mandir.directorId = teams.begin() -> teamId;
mandir.auth_level = 3;
mandir.under_auth = false;
void SoccerTeams::exportToFile(const char *filename) {
ofstream outfile;, ios::out);
vector<Players>::iterator i;
int counter = 1;
outfile << "Team Data" << endl;
outfile << "Team name : " << teamName << "\nPlayers : " << teams.begin() -> num_of_people << endl;
outfile << "Average age: " << teams.begin() -> player.ageCalc()/teams.begin() -> num_of_people << endl;
for (i = players.begin(); i != players.end(); ++i) {
outfile << "\nPlayer " << counter << endl;
outfile << "Name: " << i -> name << endl;
outfile << "Sex : " << i -> sex << endl;
outfile << "Age : " << i -> age << endl;
outfile << "Pid : " << i -> playerId << endl;
#ifndef PEOPLE_H
#define PEOPLE_H
//People base class
class people {
string name;
char sex;
int age;
bool under_auth;
int auth_level;
friend class SoccerTeams;
friend class Players;
friend class Fans;
friend class FanClubs;
//virtual string getclass() { return char2str(typeid(*(this)).name()); }
//virtual int get_age(){ return this->age; };
//players class people
class Players : public people {
int playerId;
int avgAge;
friend class SoccerTeams;
void showPlayas();
float ageCalc();
std::vector<Players> players;
//Class Managing Directors people
class ManagingDirectors : public people {
int directorId;
friend class SoccerTeams;
ManagingDirectors() {};
std::list<ManagingDirectors> directors;
//Fans people class
class Fans : public people {
void showFanas();
std::vector<Fans> fans;
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <boost/units/detail/utility.hpp>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include "people.h"
using namespace std;
const int vector_resizer = 50;
string char2str(const char* str) { return boost::units::detail::demangle(str); }
//Fan class member functions
void Fans::showFanas() {
int counter = 1;
vector<Fans>::iterator i;
for (i = fans.begin(); i != fans.end(); ++i) {
cout << "\nFan " << counter << endl;
cout << "Name: " << i -> name << endl;
cout << "Sex: " << i -> sex << endl;
cout << "Age: " << i -> age << endl;
//Players class member functions
float Players::ageCalc() {
int totalAge = 0;
vector<Players>::iterator i;
for (i = players.begin(); i != players.end(); ++i) {
totalAge += i->age;
return totalAge;
void Players::showPlayas() {
int counter = 1;
vector<Players>::iterator i;
for (i = players.begin(); i != players.end(); ++i) {
cout << "\nPlayer " << counter << endl;
cout << "Name: " << i -> name << endl;
cout << "Sex: " << i -> sex << endl;
cout << "Age: " << i -> age << endl;
cout << "Player id: " << i -> playerId << endl;
//Member functions of Managing DIrectos
ManagingDirectors::ManagingDirectors(int number) {
directorId = number;
In addition to these files, I also have a makefile.
footballmaker: main.o groups.o people.o
gcc -o main main.o groups.o people.o
rm groups.o people.o
Also here's all the code in one file, the way it works right now.
I'm getting the following error when I try to make the program,
gcc -o main main.o groups.o people.o
groups.o:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `players'
main.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here
groups.o:(.bss+0x20): multiple definition of `directors[abi:cxx11]'
main.o:(.bss+0x20): first defined here
groups.o:(.bss+0x40): multiple definition of `fans'
main.o:(.bss+0x40): first defined here
people.o:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `players'
main.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here
people.o:(.bss+0x20): multiple definition of `directors[abi:cxx11]'
main.o:(.bss+0x20): first defined here
people.o:(.bss+0x40): multiple definition of `fans'
main.o:(.bss+0x40): first defined here
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
makefile:3: recipe for target 'footballmaker' failed
make: *** [footballmaker] Error 1
The entire error was over 400 lines long, it is attached here.
I'm not sure how I can include files, so that I don't duplicate them, since the files are needed to make the program work, would there be a better way to split my code into files?
You define (not just declare!) variables at file scope in header file people.h. Such a variable definition will be visible to all other translation units at time of linkage. If different translation units, e.g. people.cpp and main.cpp, now include people.h, then this is as if these variable definitions had been written directly into both people.cpp and main.cpp, each time defining a separate variable with the same name at a global scope.
To overcome this, declare the variables in the header file, but define it in only one translation unit, e.g. people.cpp. Just declaring a variable means putting keyword extern in front of it (telling the compiler that variable definition will be provided by a different translation unit at the time of linking):
// people.h
extern std::vector<Players> players;
extern std::list<ManagingDirectors> directors;
extern std::vector<Fans> fans;
// people.cpp
std::vector<Players> players;
std::list<ManagingDirectors> directors;
std::vector<Fans> fans;

How to Access a variable in a filestream loaded in list container

I am the new kid in the block, studying C++. I have loaded a file stream in a list container, using variables. I want to be able to access and change the value of any of those variables. I've been trying for weeks to no avail. Can somebody help?
This is the external text file: flightBoard1.txt
Delta 3431 Paris JFK
Usair 2275 EWR London
Delta 1500 Bonn Milan
This is the main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
template<class T, class U, class V>
void changeFlight(list<string> &myFlight, T loc, U value, V newVal);
int main()
string _company;
int _flight;
string _origin;
string _destination;
list<string> flightBoard;
stringstream *ssPtr;
int counter = 0;
ifstream myFile("flightBoard1.txt");
while(myFile >> _company >> _flight >> _origin >> _destination ){
ssPtr = new stringstream; // you want to put each line in a different slot in the flightBoard list object
*ssPtr << counter << " " << _company << "\t" << _flight << "\t" << _origin << "\t" << _destination << endl;
flightBoard.push_back(ssPtr->str()); // You need an arrow, this is a pointer
list<string>::iterator it;
for(it = flightBoard.begin(); it != flightBoard.end(); it++){
cout << *it ;
int oldFlight, newFlight;
cout << endl << "Enter old flight number: ";
cin >> oldFlight;
cout << "Enter new flight number: ";
cin >> newFlight;
changeFlight(flightBoard, ssPtr, oldFlight, newFlight);
delete ssPtr;
return 0;
template<class T, class U, class V>
void changeFlight(list<string> &myFlight, T loc, U value, V newVal){
list<string>::iterator it;
cout << endl << "Flight: " << value << " has been changed to: " << newVal << endl;
for(it = myFlight.begin(); it != myFlight.end(); it++){
/*if(it -> myFlight -> loc -> value){
value = newVal;
To solve your problem I think you should use the better structure for storage of your flights. string is not a good type if you need to manipulate data further. I suggest to introduce class Flight:
class Flight
string company;
int flight;
string origin;
string destination;
Flight(const string& _company, int _flight, const string& _origin, const string& _destination)
: company(_company), flight(_flight), origin(_origin), destination(_destination)
string ToString() const
stringstream printer;
printer << company << "\t" << flight << "\t" << origin << "\t" << destination << endl;
return printer.str();
Also there are a number of problems in code snippet you have posted.
Memory leak inside while loop. You are allocating ssPtr = new stringstream; on each iteration, but delete it only once at the end.
changeFlight has too much template type arguments. If U value should be changed to V newVal inside changeFlight probably it should have the same types.
Hard to change type of flightBoard, list<string> copied everywhere. It's better to create typedef for list<string> type to make your code simpler. E.g. typedef list<string> FlightListType;.
Here is your code with all the mentioned problems fixed:
typedef list<Flight> FlightListType;
template<class T>
void changeFlight(FlightListType& myFlight, T value, T newVal);
int main()
string _company;
int _flight;
string _origin;
string _destination;
FlightListType flightBoard;
ifstream myFile("flightBoard1.txt");
while(myFile >> _company >> _flight >> _origin >> _destination )
flightBoard.push_back(Flight(_company, _flight, _origin, _destination));
FlightListType::const_iterator it;
int counter = 0;
for(it = flightBoard.begin(); it != flightBoard.end(); it++)
cout << counter << " " << (*it).ToString();
int oldFlight, newFlight;
cout << endl << "Enter old flight number: ";
cin >> oldFlight;
cout << "Enter new flight number: ";
cin >> newFlight;
changeFlight(flightBoard, oldFlight, newFlight);
return 0;
template<class T>
void changeFlight(FlightListType& myFlight, T value, T newVal)
FlightListType::iterator it;
cout << endl << "Flight: " << value << " has been changed to: " << newVal << endl;
for(it = myFlight.begin(); it != myFlight.end(); it++)
if ((*it).flight == value)
// TODO: Here you can do with the Flight what ever you need
// For example change it's number
(*it).flight = newVal;