Monitoring Memory Allocation in The C++ - c++

What is the best way to monitor memory allocation/de_allocation in the source code.
I have a C++ program which allocates large amount of memory dynamically and I want to keep track of that which object from which class is taking and freeing memory.
What I want in the output of my program is:
Creating Object from ClassA, Memory Usage ...
Creating Object from ClassB, Memory Usage ...
Freeing Object from ClassA, Memory Freed ...
What I'm doing now is simply overloading global new operator, but I heard it is not very safe.
Moreover, I need a way that dose't require to change all of my classes (i.e. using a base class and all classes have a string variable ClassName).
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1- I don't want to use external tools and need to do it in the code.
2- If I overload global new operator, how I can access the Name of class or other members?

Take a look at MS tool called application verifier also take a look VS2010 profiler.

I hate this tool for tracking down memory leaks, but for monitoring allocs/dellocs it should do what you want: UMDH.

In highly depends on whether you want to do it in development only or in production as well and what your performance requirements are. For development on Linux you would normally start from Valgrind's Massif, if you are looking at a more custom solution and/or production mode you may look at combining malloc/calloc/realloc overriding code (my example here) with libunwind.

2- If I overload global new operator, how I can access the Name of class or other members?
You can't. You have to understand that the new and delete operators are not straight function calls. In effect, a syntax like MyClass* p = new MyClass(); is equivalent to:
MyClass* p = (MyClass*) malloc(sizeof(MyClass)); // A) allocate the memory.
new(p) MyClass(); // B) call constructor (via placement-new syntax (to illustrate)).
While a delete p; is equivalent to:
p->~MyClass(); // C) call destructor.
free(p); // D) free the memory.
When you overload the new-delete operators, all that the compiler actually permits you to overload are the steps A) and D), respectively. In other words, when you reach the body of the custom new operator, the object is not yet created, and thus, you can't access or print any information about it (class, name, etc.), except its address in memory, which you could print in your overloaded new. Similarly, by the time you reach your custom delete operator, the object has been destroyed and any attempts to use any information that might still be dangling in that memory is undefined behavior, especially if you want to use a virtual function or a string value.
Really, the best you can do with this approach is to print the pointers created in the new operator and print the pointers deleted by the delete operator.
And, as others have mentioned, you must be wary of infinite recursions when doing operations within the new-delete operators. For example, a simple line like:
std::cout << "Created pointer: " << reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(p) << std::endl;
will almost certainly cause many calls to new and delete (creating temporary strings, extending buffers, etc.).
So, you'd probably have to either come up with a clever way to output the log messages you want to output without causing any new-delete to happen, or you will have to restrict your new-delete operator overloads to only the classes of your framework. For the latter, the simplest thing is to put it in a base class. The other option is to use a bit of MACRO magic, but this will still be intrusive and cumbersome.
And, at this point, if you have to create a base-class (for all your library's classes) which handles this logging of creation-deletion (or create a set of MACROs to be put in each class you create), you might as well use the constructor / destructor instead as the place for printing those log messages, and leave the new-delete operators intact.
1- I don't want to use external tools and need to do it in the code.
Why not? It is very likely that an external tool (a VM like Valgrind, or a general profiler / memory tracer) will do a far better and less intrusive job than you will.


Programming a basic in-application memory profiling: how to count pointers that are created?

I have an application in C++ for which I want to implement basic memory profiling capabilities.
For the most important and memory consuming classes, I included in the constructors, copy constructors and destructors, some code that calculates and saves the amount of memory used by each instance of the class (the code runs only when a macro #MEMPROFILE is defined. Something like:
class MyClass
Analogously, the destructor updates the counters accordingly. That way, whenever the macro for profiling is defined and a new instance is created like MyClass obj, memory consumption info is automatically processed.
Are there ways to automatically do a similar thing to pointers - either in general, or the pointers of that particular class? For intance, to automatically increase a counter every time a pointer is created?
I would be interested in learning more about any ways to achieve that, be it with overloading, wrapping or instrumentation.
PS: I know external tools that would help me profile memory. I am interested in learning that particular thing asked above.
No, that's not possible. Pointers are not user-defined types. Also, they can be copied by memcpy which means the compiler might not even know it's copying them. Behind the scenes, std::copy may also use memcpy where possible, so it's not just explicit calls to memcpy which would trip you up.

How to store class member objects in C++

I am trying to write a simple game using C++ and SDL. My question is, what is the best practice to store class member variables.
MyObject obj;
MyObject* obj;
I read a lot about eliminating pointers as much as possible in similar questions, but I remember that few years back in some books I read they used it a lot (for all non trivial objects) . Another thing is that SDL returns pointers in many of its functions and therefor I would have to use "*" a lot when working with SDL objects.
Also am I right when I think the only way to initialize the first one using other than default constructor is through initializer list?
Generally, using value members is preferred over pointer members. However, there are some exceptions, e.g. (this list is probably incomplete and only contains reason I could come up with immediately):
When the members are huge (use sizeof(MyObject) to find out), the difference often doesn't matter for the access and stack size may be a concern.
When the objects come from another source, e.g., when there are factory function creating pointers, there is often no alternative to store the objects.
If the dynamic type of the object isn't known, using a pointer is generally the only alternative. However, this shouldn't be as common as it often is.
When there are more complicated relations than direct owner, e.g., if an object is shared between different objects, using a pointer is the most reasonable approach.
In all of these case you wouldn't use a pointer directly but rather a suitable smart pointer. For example, for 1. you might want to use a std::unique_ptr<MyObject> and for 4. a std::shared_ptr<MyObject> is the best alternative. For 2. you might need to use one of these smart pointer templates combined with a suitable deleter function to deal with the appropriate clean-up (e.g. for a FILE* obtained from fopen() you'd use fclose() as a deleter function; of course, this is a made up example as in C++ you would use I/O streams anyway).
In general, I normally initialize my objects entirely in the member initializer list, independent on how the members are represented exactly. However, yes, if you member objects require constructor arguments, these need to be passed from a member initializer list.
First I would like to say that I completely agree with Dietmar Kühl and Mats Petersson answer. However, you have also to take on account that SDL is a pure C library where the majority of the API functions expect C pointers of structs that can own big chunks of data. So you should not allocate them on stack (you shoud use new operator to allocate them on the heap). Furthermore, because C language does not contain smart pointers, you need to use std::unique_ptr::get() to recover the C pointer that std::unique_ptr owns before sending it to SDL API functions. This can be quite dangerous because you have to make sure that the std::unique_ptr does not get out of scope while SDL is using the C pointer (similar problem with std::share_ptr). Otherwise you will get seg fault because std::unique_ptr will delete the C pointer while SDL is using it.
Whenever you need to call pure C libraries inside a C++ program, I recommend the use of RAII. The main idea is that you create a small wrapper class that owns the C pointer and also calls the SDL API functions for you. Then you use the class destructor to delete all your C pointers.
class SDLAudioWrap {
SDLAudioWrap() { // constructor
// allocate SDL_AudioSpec
~SDLAudioWrap() { // destructor
// free SDL_AudioSpec
// here you wrap all SDL API functions that involve
// SDL_AudioSpec and that you will use in your program
// It is quite simple
void SDL_do_some_stuff() {
SDL_do_some_stuff(ptr); // original C function
// SDL_do_some_stuff(SDL_AudioSpec* ptr)
SDL_AudioSpec* ptr;
Now your program is exception safe and you don't have the possible issue of having smart pointers deleting your C pointer while SDL is using it.
UPDATE 1: I forget to mention that because SDL is a C library, you will need a custom deleter class in order to proper manage their C structs using smart pointers.
Concrete example: GSL GNU scientific library. Integration routine requires the allocation of a struct called "gsl_integration_workspace". In this case, you can use the following code to ensure that your code is exception safe
auto deleter= [](gsl_integration_workspace* ptr) {
std::unique_ptr<gsl_integration_workspace, decltype(deleter)> ptr4 (
gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (2000), deleter);
Another reason why I prefer wrapper classes
In case of initialization, it depends on what the options are, but yes, a common way is to use an initializer list.
The "don't use pointers unless you have to" is good advice in general. Of course, there are times when you have to - for example when an object is being returned by an API!
Also, using new will waste quite a bit of memory and CPU-time if MyObject is small. Each object created with new has an overhead of around 16-48 bytes in a typical modern OS, so if your object is only a couple of simple types, then you may well have more overhead than actual storage. In a largeer application, this can easily add up to a huge amount. And of course, a call to new or delete will most likely take some hundreds or thousands of cycles (above and beyond the time used in the constructor). So, you end up with code that runs slower and takes more memory - and of course, there's always some risk that you mess up and have memory leaks, causing your program to potentially crash due to out of memory, when it's not REALLY out of memory.
And as that famous "Murphy's law states", these things just have to happen at the worst possible and most annoying times - when you have just done some really good work, or when you've just succeeded at a level in a game, or something. So avoiding those risks whenever possible is definitely a good idea.
Well, creating the object is a lot better than using pointers because it's less error prone. Your code doesn't describe it well.
MyObj* foo;
foo = new MyObj;
//Later when foo is not needed
delete foo;
The other way is
MyObj foo;
less memory management but really it's up to you.
As the previous answers claimed the "don't use pointers unless you have to" is a good advise for general programming but then there are many issues that could finally make you select the pointers choice. Furthermore, in you initial question you are not considering the option of using references. So you can face three types of variable members in a class:
MyObject obj;
MyObject* obj;
MyObject& obj;
I use to always consider the reference option rather than the pointer one because you don't need to take care about if the pointer is NULL or not.
Also, as Dietmar Kühl pointed, a good reason for selecting pointers is:
If the dynamic type of the object isn't known, using a pointer is
generally the only alternative. However, this shouldn't be as common
as it often is.
I think this point is of particular importance when you are working on a big project. If you have many own classes, arranged in many source files and you use them in many parts of your code you will come up with long compilation times. If you use normal class instances (instead of pointers or references) a simple change in one of the header file of your classes will infer in the recompilation of all the classes that include this modified class. One possible solution for this issue is to use the concept of Forward declaration, which make use of pointers or references (you can find more info here).

Can I make a bitwise copy of a C++ object?

Can C++ objects be copied using bitwise copy? I mean using memcopy_s? Is there a scenario in which that can go wrong?
If they're Plain Old Data (POD) types, then this should work. Any class that has instances of other classes inside it will potentially fail, since you're copying them without invoking their copy constructors. The most likely way it will fail is one of their destructors will free some memory, but you've duplicated pointers that point to it, so you then try to use it from one of your copied objects and get a segfault. In short, don't do it unless it's a POD and you're sure it will always be a POD.
No, doing so can cause a lot of problems. You should always copy C++ types by using the assignment operator or copy constructor.
Using a bitwise copy breaks any kind of resource management because at the end of the day you are left with 2 objects for which 1 constructor has run and 2 destructors will run.
Consider as an example a ref counted pointer.
void foo() {
RefPointer<int> p1(new int());
RefPointer<int> p2;
Now both p1 and p2 are holding onto the same data yet the internal ref counting mechanism has not been notified. Both destructors will run thinking they are the sole owner of the data potentially causing the value to be destructed twice.
It depends on the implementation of the C++ object you are trying to copy. In general the owner of the C++ object's memory is the object itself, so trying to "move" or "copy" it with something like memcopy_s is going behind its back which is going to get you in trouble more often than not.
Usually if a C++ object is intended to be copied or moved, there are APIs within the class itself that facilitate this.
If it is a single object, why not use assignment operator (I suppose the compiler-generated assignment operator could be implemented in terms of memcpy if that is so advantageous, and the compiler knows better whether your class is a POD.)
If you want to copy an array of objects, you can use std::copy. Depending on the implementation, this may end up using memmove (one more thing that you can mess up - the buffers may overlap; I don't know whether the nonstandard memcpy_s somehow checks for that) if the involved types allow that. Again, the decision is done by the compiler, which will get it right even if the types are modified.
In general if your structure contains pointers, you can't memcpy it because the structure would most likely allocate new memory spaces and point to those. A memcpy can't handle that.
If however your class only has primitive, non-pointer types, you should be able to.
In addition to the problem of unbalanced resource management calls in the two instance you end up with after a memcopy (as #JaredPar and #rmeador pointed), if the object supports a notion of an instance ID doing a memcopy will leave you with two instances with the same ID. This can lead to all sorts of "interesting" problems to hunt later on, especially if your objects are mapped to a database.

How would you replace the 'new' keyword?

There was an article i found long ago (i cant find it ATM) which states reasons why the new keyword in C++ is bad. I cant remember all of the reasons but the two i remember most is you must match new with delete, new[] with delete[] and you cannot use #define with new as you could with malloc.
I am designing a language so i like to ask how would you change the C++ language so new is more friendly. Feel free to state problems with new and articles. I wish i can find the article link but i remember it was long and was written by a professor at (IIRC) a known school.
I cannot see any reason to replace the new keyword with something else (and seems to be that C++ committee agree with me). It is clear and makes what it should. You could override operator new in your class, no need to use defines.
To eliminate new[]/delete[] problem you could use std::vector.
If you want to use smart pointer you could use it, but I want to control when smart pointer will be used. That's why I like how it works in C++ — high level behavior with ability to control low level details.
Problem match new, delete, new[], delete[]
Not really a big deal.
You should be wrapping memory allocation inside a class so this does not really affect normal users. A single obejct can be wrapped with a smart pointer. While an array can be represented by std::Vector<>
cannot use #define with new as you could with malloc.
The reason to mess with malloc like this was to introduce your own memory management layer between your app and the standard memory management layer. This is because in C you were not allowed to write your own version of malloc. In C++ it is quite legal to write your own version of the new which makes this trick unnecessary.
I'd give it the semantics of new in C# (more or less):
Allocates memory for the object.
Initializes the memory by setting the member variables to their default values (generally 0 for values, null for references).
Initializes the object's dynamic binding mechanism (vtables in C++, type def tables for managed VMs).
Calls the constructor, at which point virtual calls work as expected.
For a language without garbage collection (eww for a new language at this point), return a smart_ptr or similar from the call.
Also, make all objects either value types or reference types, so you don't have to keep an explicit smart_ptr. Only allow new to heap-allocate for reference types, and make sure it contains information to properly call the destructor. For value types, new calls the constructor on memory from the stack.
Use Garbage Collection so that you never need to match new with anything.
By using the STL container classes and the various boost:smart_ptrs, there's little need to ever explicitly call new or delete in your C++ code.
The few places you might need to call new (e.g, to initialize a smart pointer) use the Named Constructor Idiom to return your class type pointer wrapped in, e.g., a boost:shared_ptr.
But C++ and the STL work very very hard to allow you to treat most objects as value objects, so you can construct objects rather than pointers and just use them.
Given all this, there's little need to replace the new operator -- and doing so would introduce a host of problems, whether by requiring a garbage collector, or by reducing the fine low-level control C++ offers programmers.
If your new language is garbage collected, you can avoid the new keyword. Thats what Python did (and Lisp did almost 5 decades ago!). Also see an answer provided by Peter Norvig for a similar question here. (Is no "news" good news?)
Sometimes you want to replace the constructor with a factory. This is a well known refactoring. Replace Constructor With Factory Method. So perhaps this is what the article meant?
Incidentally you will often see straight calls to new being replaced with a Factory Method.
DI frameworks such as Unity take this concept to another level. As you can see in the following C# code, there is no "new" applied to create the IMyClass interface:
IUnityContainer myContainer = new UnityContainer();
myContainer.RegisterType<IMyClass, SomeClass>();
IMyClass thing = myContainer.Resolve<IMyClass>();
The reason that C++ has a separate new operator ( or C malloc ) is primarily so that objects can be created whose lifetimes exceed the scope of the function which creates them.
If you had tail call elimination and continuations, you wouldn't care - the objects could all be created on the stack and have unlimited extent - an object can exist until you call the continuation that corresponds to the object going out of scope and being destructed. You might then need something to garbage collect or otherwise compress the stack so it doesn't become full of no-longer required objects ( Chicken Scheme and TinyOS 2 are two different examples for giving the effect of dynamic memory without dynamic memory at either runtime or compile time; Chicken Scheme doesn't allow for RAII and TinyOS doesn't allow for true dynamic allocation ), though for a large amount of code such a scheme wouldn't be vastly different to RAII with the facility to chose to change the order the objects are destructed.

create a object : or new A?

Just out of curiosity: Why C++ choose a = new A instead of a = as the way to instantiate an object? Doesn't latter seems more like more object-oriented?
Just out of curiosity: Why C++ choose a = new A instead of a = as the way to instance-lize an object? Doesn't latter seems more like more object-oriented?
Does it?
That depends on how you define "object-oriented".
If you define it, the way Java did, as "everything must have syntax of the form "X.Y", where X is an object, and Y is whatever you want to do with that object, then yes, you're right. This isn't object-oriented, and Java is the pinnacle of OOP programming.
But luckily, there are also a few people who feel that "object-oriented" should relate to the behavior of your objects, rather than which syntax is used on them. Essentially it should be boiled down to what the Wikipedia page says:
Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that uses "objects" – data structures consisting of datafields and methods together with their interactions – to design applications and computer programs. Programming techniques may include features such as information hiding, data abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, polymorphism, and inheritance
Note that it says nothing about the syntax. It doesn't say "and you must call every function by specifying an object name followed by a dot followed by the function name".
And given that definition, foo(x) is exactly as object-oriented as
All that matters is that x is an object, that is, it consists of datafields, and a set of methods by by which it can be manipulated. In this case, foo is obviously one of those methods, regardless of where it is defined, and regardless of which syntax is used in calling it.
C++ gurus have realized this long ago, and written articles such as this.
An object's interface is not just the set of member methods (which can be called with the dot syntax). It is the set of functions which can manipulate the object. Whether they are members or friends doesn't really matter. It is object-oriented as long as the object is able to stay consistent, that is, it is able to prevent arbitrary functions from messing with it.
So, why would be more object-oriented? How would this form give you "better" objects?
One of the key goals behind OOP was to allow more reusable code.
If new had been a member of each and every class, that would mean every class had to define its own new operation. Whereas when it is a non-member, every class can reuse the same one. Since the functionality is the same (allocate memory, call constructor), why not put it out in the open where all classes can reuse it? (Preemptive nitpick: Of course, the same new implementation could have been reused in this case as well, by inheriting from some common base class, or just by a bit of compiler magic. But ultimately, why bother, when we can just put the mechanism outside the class in the first place)
The . in C++ is only used for member access so the right hand side of the dot is always an object and not a type. If anything it would be more logical to do A::new() than
In any case, dynamic object allocation is special as the compiler allocates memory and constructs an object in two steps and adds code to deal with exceptions in either step ensuring that memory is never leaked. Making it look like a member function call rather than a special operation could be considered as obscuring the special nature of the operation.
I think the biggest confusion here is that new has two meanings: there's the built-in new-expression (which combines memory allocation and object creation) and then there's the overloadable operator new (which deals only with memory allocation). The first, as far as I can see, is something whose behavior you cannot change, and hence it wouldn't make sense to masquerade it as a member function. (Or it would have to be - or look like - a member function that no class can implement / override!!)
This would also lead to another inconsistency:
int* p =;
C++ is not a pure OOP language in that not everything is an object.
C++ also allows the use of free functions (which is encouraged by some authors and the example set in the SC++L design), which a C++ programmer should be comfortable with. Of course, the new-expression isn't a function, but I don't see how the syntax reminding vaguely of free-function call can put anybody off in a language where free function calls are very common.
please read the code (it works), and then you'll have different ideas:
CObject *p = (CObject*)malloc(sizeof *p);
p = new(p) CObject;
... is a static function of A while a = new A allocates memory and calls the object's constructor afterwards
Actually, you can instantiate object with something like, if you add the proper method:
class A{
public: static A* instance()
{ return new A(); }
A *a = A::instance();
But that's not the case. Syntax is not the case either: you can distinguish :: and . "operations" by examining right-hand side of it.
I think the reason is memory management. In C++, unlike many other object-oriented languages, memory management is done by user. There's no default garbage collector, although the standard and non-standard libraries contain it, along with various techniques to manage memory. Therefore the programmer must see the new operator to understand that memory allocation is involved here!
Unless having been overloaded, the use of new operator first allocates raw memory, then calls the object constructor that builds it up within the memory allocated. Since the "raw" low-level operation is involved here, it should be a separate language operator and not just one of class methods.
I reckon there is no reason. Its a = new a just because it was first drafted that way. In hindsight, it should probably be a =;
Why one should have seperate new of each class ?
I dont think its needed at all because the objective of new is to
allocate appropriate memory and construct the object by calling constructor.
Thus behaviour of new is unique and independent irrespective of any class. So why dont make is resuable ?
You can override new when you want to do memory management by yourself ( i.e. by allocating memory pool once and returning memory on demand).