c++ Thread safe accumulator - c++

I need to monitor internal traffic based on minute interval , so i decide to do something like this:
void send();
static uint accumulator;
//Only single thread call to send
void Flow::sendPacket(pck){
//Only single thread call to monitor . **No the same thread that call to send!**
//Start monitor
Flow::accumulator = 0;
rate = accumulator/60;
Can i have without use atomic a risk that initialize to 0 will not happened correct?
My concern is that even atomic will not guaranty init, because if at the same time monitor init it to 0 and at the same time accumulate is done with old value than new accumulate value will be based in the old value and not on the init value.
In additional i concern from the atomic penalty. send is called for every packet.

Volatile doesn't help with multi-threading. You need to prevent simultaneous updates to the value of accumulator and updates at the same time that another thread is reading the value. If you have C++11 you can make accumulator atomic: std::atomic<uint> accumulator; Otherwise, you need to lock a mutex around all accesses to its value.

volatile is neither necessary nor sufficient for sharing data between threads, so don't use it.
If it might be accessed by more than one thread, then you must either:
make the accesses atomic, using the C++11 atomics library, or compiler-specific language extensions if that's not available, or
guard it with a mutex or similar lock, using the C++11 threading library, or some other library (Boost.Thread, POSIX threads, Intel TBB, Windows API, or numerous others) if that's not available.
Otherwise, you will have a data race, giving undefined behaviour.
If only one thread can access it, then you don't need to do anything special.


Multiple vector writers without locking

I have a few threads writing in a vector. It's possible that different threads try to write the same byte. There is no reads. Can I use only an atomic_fecth_or(), like in the example, so the vector will become thread safe? It compiled with GCC without errors or warnings.
std::vector<std::atomic<uint8_t>> MapVis(1024*1024);
void threador()
std::atomic_fetch_or(&MapVis[i], testor1);
It compiled with GCC without errors or warnings
That doesn't mean anything because compilers don't perform that sort of concurrency analysis. There are dedicated static analysis tools that may do this with varying levels of success.
Can I use only an atomic_fetch_or ...
you certainly can, and it will be safe at the level of each individual std::atomic<uint8_t>.
... the vector will become thread safe?
it's not sufficient that each element is accessed safely. You specifically need to avoid any operation that invalidates iterators (swap, resize, insert, push_back etc.).
I'd hesitate to say vector is thread-safe in this context - but you're limiting yourself to a thread-safe subset of its interface, so it will work correctly.
Note that as VTT suggests, keeping a separate partial vector per thread is better if possible. Partly because it's easier to prove correct, and partly because it avoids false sharing between cores.
Yes this is guaranteed to be thread safe due to atomic opperations being guaranteed of:
Isolation from interrupts, signals, concurrent processes and threads
Thus when you access an element of MapVis atomically you're guaranteed that any other process writing to it has already completed. And that your process will not be interrupted till it finishes writing.
The concern if you were using non-atomic variables would be that:
Thread A fetches the value of MapVis[i]
Thread B fetches the value of MapVis[i]
Thread A writes the ored value to MapVis[i]
Thread B writes the ored value to MapVis[i]
As you can see Thread B needed to wait until Thread A had finished writing otherwise it's just going to stomp Thread A's changes to MapVis[i]. With atomic variables the fetch and write cannot be interrupted by concurrent threads. Meaning that Thread B couldn't interrupt Thread A's read-write operations.

C++ constructor memory synchronization

Assume that I have code like:
void InitializeComplexClass(ComplexClass* c);
class Foo {
Foo() {
i = 0;
ComplexClass c;
int i;
If I now do something like Foo f; and hand a pointer to f over to another thread, what guarantees do I have that any stores done by InitializeComplexClass() will be visible to the CPU executing the other thread that accesses f? What about the store writing zero into i? Would I have to add a mutex to the class, take a writer lock on it in the constructor and take corresponding reader locks in any methods that accesses the member?
Update: Assume I hand a pointer over to a bunch of other threads once the constructor has returned. I'm not assuming that the code is running on x86, but could be instead running on something like PowerPC, which has a lot of freedom to do memory reordering. I'm essentially interested in what sorts of memory barriers the compiler has to inject into the code when the constructor returns.
In order for the other thread to be able to know about your new object, you have to hand over the object / signal other thread somehow. For signaling a thread you write to memory. Both x86 and x64 perform all memory writes in order, CPU does not reorder these operations with regards to each other. This is called "Total Store Ordering", so CPU write queue works like "first in first out".
Given that you create an object first and then pass it on to another thread, these changes to memory data will also occur in order and the other thread will always see them in the same order. By the time the other thread learns about the new object, the contents of this object was guaranteed to be available for that thread even earlier (if the thread only somehow knew where to look).
In conclusion, you do not have to synchronise anything this time. Handing over the object after it has been initialised is all the synchronisation you need.
Update: On non-TSO architectures you do not have this TSO guarantee. So you need to synchronise. Use MemoryBarrier() macro (or any interlocked operation), or some synchronisation API. Signalling the other thread by corresponding API causes also synchronisation, otherwise it would not be synchronisation API.
x86 and x64 CPU may reorder writes past reads, but that is not relevant here. Just for better understanding - writes can be ordered after reads since writes to memory go through a write queue and flushing that queue may take some time. On the other hand, read cache is always consistent with latest updates from other processors (that have went through their own write queue).
This topic has been made so unbelievably confusing for so many, but in the end there is only a couple of things a x86-x64 programmer has to be worried about:
- First, is the existence of write queue (and one should not at all be worried about read cache!).
- Secondly, concurrent writing and reading in different threads to same variable in case of non-atomic variable length, which may cause data tearing, and for which case you would need synchronisation mechanisms.
- And finally, concurrent updates to same variable from multiple threads, for which we have interlocked operations, or again synchronisation mechanisms.)
If you do :
Foo f;
// HERE: InitializeComplexClass() and "i" member init are guaranteed to be completed
/* From this point, you cannot guarantee the state/members
of 'f' since another thread can modify it */
If you're passing an instance pointer to another thread, you need to implement guards in order for both threads to interact with the same instance. If you ONLY plan to use the instance on the other thread, you do not need to implement guards. However, do not pass a stack pointer like in your example, pass a new instance like this:
passToOtherThread(new Foo());
And make sure to delete it when you are done with it.

Is double-check locking safe in C++ for unidirectional data transfer?

I have inherited an application which I'm trying to improve the performance of and it currently uses mutexes (std::lock_guard<std::mutex>) to transfer data from one thread to another. One thread is a low-frequency (slow) one which simply modifies the data to be used by the other.
The other thread (which we'll call fast) has rather stringent performance requirements (it needs to do maximum number of cycles per second possible) and we believe this is being impacted by the use of the mutexes.
Basically, the current logic is:
slow thread: fast thread:
occasionally: very-often:
claim mutex claim mutex
change data use data
release mutex release mutex
In order to get the fast thread running at maximum throughput, I'd like to experiment with removing the number of mutex locks it has to do.
I suspect a variation of the double locking check pattern may be of use here. I know it has serious issues with bi-directional data flow (or singleton creation) but the areas of responsibility in my case are a little more limited in terms of which thread performs which operations (and when) on the shared data.
Basically, the slow thread sets up the data and never reads or writes to it again unless a new change comes in. The fast thread uses and changes the data but never expects to pass any information back to the other thread. In other words, ownership mostly flows strictly one way.
I wanted to see if anyone could pick any holes in the strategy I'm thinking of.
The new idea is to have two sets of data, one current and one pending. There is no need for a queue in my case as incoming data overwrites previous data.
The pending data will only ever be written to by the slow thread under the control of the mutex and it will have an atomic flag to indicate that it has written and relinquished control (for now).
The fast thread will continue to use current data (without the mutex) until such time as the atomic flag is set. Since it is responsible for transferring pending to current, it can ensure the current data is always consistent.
At the point where the flag is set, it will lock the mutex and, transfer pending to current, clear the flag, unlock the mutex and carry on.
So, basically, the fast thread runs at full speed and only does mutex locks when it knows the pending data needs to be transferred.
Getting into more concrete details, the class will have the following data members:
std::atomic_bool m_newDataReady;
std::mutex m_protectData;
MyStruct m_pendingData;
MyStruct m_currentData;
The method for receiving new data in the slow thread would be:
void NewData(const MyStruct &newData) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m_protectData);
m_newDataReady = false;
Transfer(m_newData, 'to', m_pendingData);
m_newDataReady = true;
Clearing the flag prevents the fast thread from even trying to check for new data until the immediate transfer operation is complete.
The fast thread is a little trickier, using the flag to keep mutex locks to a minimum:
while (true) {
if (m_newDataReady) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m_protectData);
if (m_newDataReady) {
Transfer(m_pendingData, 'to', m_currentData);
m_newDataReady = false;
Use (m_currentData);
Now it appears to me that the use of this method in the fast thread could improve performance quite a bit:
There is only one place where the atomic flag is used outside the control of the mutex and the fact that it's an atomic means its state should be consistent there.
Even if it's not consistent, the second check inside the mutex-locked area should provide a safety valve (it's rechecked when we know it's consistent).
The transfer of data is only ever performed under the control of the mutex so that should always be consistent.
The outer loop in the fast thread means that unnecessary mutex locks will be avoided - they'll only be done if the flag is true (or "half-true", a possibly inconsistent state).
The inner if will take care of that "half-true" possibility that, between checking the and locking the mutex, the flag has been cleared.
I can't see any holes in this strategy but, given I'm only just getting into atomics/threading in the standard-C++ world, it may be I'm missing something.
Are there any clear problems in using this method?

Is mutex mandatory to access extern variable from a different thread?

I am developing an application in Qt/C++. At some point, there are two threads : one is the UI thread and the other one is the background thread. I have to do some operation from the background thread based on the value of an extern variable which is type of bool. I am setting this value by clicking a button on UI.
extern bool globalVar;
//main ui thread on button click
setVale(bool val){
globalVar = val;
//do some operation
//do some other operation
Here, writing to globalVar happens only when the user clicks the button whereas reading happens continuously.
So my question is :
In a situation like the one above, is mutex mandatory?
If read and write happens at the same time, does this cause the application to crash?
If read and write happens at same time, is globalVar going to have some value other than true or false?
Finally, does the OS provide any kind of locking mechanism to prevent the read/write operation to access a memory location at the same time by a different thread?
The loop
//do some operation
//do some other operation
is busy waiting, which is extremely wasteful. Thus, you're probably better off with some classic synchronization that will wake the background thread (mostly) when there is something to be done. You should consider adapting this example of std::condition_variable.
Say you start with:
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cv;
bool ready = false;
Your worker thread can then be something like this:
void worker_thread()
// Wait until main() sends data
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
cv.wait(lk, []{return ready;});
ready = false;
The notifying thread should do something like this:
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m);
ready = true;
Since it is just a single plain bool, I'd say a mutex is overkill, you should just go for an atomic integer instead. An atomic will read and write in a single CPU clock so no worries there, and it will be lock free, which is always better if possible.
If it is something more complex, then by all means go for a mutex.
It won't crash from that alone, but you can get data corruption, which may crash the application.
The system will not manage that stuff for you, you do it manually, just make sure all access to the data goes through the mutex.
Since you specify a number of times that you don't want a complex solution, you may opt for simply using a mutex instead of the bool. There is no need to protect the bool with a mutex, since you can use the mutex as a bool, and yes, you could go with an atomic, but that's what the mutex already does (plus some extra functionality in the case of recursive mutexes).
It also matters what is your exact workload, since your example doesn't make a lot of sense in practice. It would be helpful to know what those some operations are.
So in your ui thread you could simply val ? mutex.lock() : mutex.unlock(), and in your secondary thread you could use if (mutex.tryLock()) doStuff; mutex.unlock(); else doOtherStuff;. Now if the operation in the secondary thread takes too long and you happen to be changing the lock in the main thread, that will block the main thread until the secondary thread unlocks. You could use tryLock(timeout) in the main thread, depending on what you prefer, lock() will block until success, while tryLock(timeout) will prevent blocking but the lock may fail. Also, take care not to unlock from a thread other than the one you locked with, and not to unlock an already unlocked mutex.
Depending on what you are actually doing, maybe an asynchronous event driven approach would be more appropriate. Do you really need that while(1)? How frequently do you perform those operations?
In situation like above does mutex is necessary?
A mutex is one tool that will work. What you actually need are three things:
a means of ensuring an atomic update (a bool will give you this as it's mandated to be an integral type by the standard)
a means of ensuring that the effects of a write made by one thread is actually visible in the other thread. This may sound counter-intuitive but the c++ memory model is single-threaded and optimisations (software and hardware) do not need to consider cross-thread communication, and...
a means of preventing the compiler (and CPU!!) from re-ordering the reads and writes.
The answer to the implied question is 'yes'. You will need something at does all of these things (see below)
If read and write happend at the same time does this cause to crash the application?
not when it's a bool, but the program won't behave as you expect. In fact, because the program is now exhibiting undefined behaviour you can no longer reason about its behaviour at all.
If read and write happens at same time, is globalVar going to have some value other thantrue or false?
not in this case because it's an intrinsic (atomic) type.
And is it going to happen the access(read/write) of a memory location at same time by different thread, does OS providing any kind of locking mechanism to prevent it?
Not unless you specify one.
Your options are:
Realistically speaking, as long as you use an integer type (not bool), make it volatile, and keep inside of its own cache line by properly aligning its storage, you don't need to do anything special at all.
In situation like above does mutex is necessary?
Only if you want to keep the value of the variable synchronized with other state.
If read and write happed at the same time does this cause to crash the application?
According to C++ standard, it's undefined behavior. So anything can happen: e.g. your application might not crash, but its state might be subtly corrupted. In real life, though, compilers often offer some sane implementation defined behavior and you're fine unless your platform is really weird. Anything commonplace, like 32 and 64 bit intel, PPC and ARM will be fine.
If read and write happens at same time, is globalVar going to have some value other thantrue or false?
globalVar can only have these two values, so it makes no sense to speak of any other values unless you're talking about its binary representation. Yes, it could happen that the binary representation is incorrect and not what the compiler would expect. That's why you shouldn't use a bool but a uint8_t instead.
I wouldn't love to see such flag in a code review, but if a uint8_t flag is the simplest solution to whatever problem you're solving, I say go for it. The if (globalVar) test will treat zero as false, and anything else as true, so temporary "gibberish" is OK and won't have any odd effects in practice. According to the standard, you'll be facing undefined behavior, of course.
And is it going to happen the access(read/write) of a memory location at same time by different thread, does OS providing any kind of locking mechanism to prevent it?
It's not the OS's job to do that.
Speaking of practice, though: on any reasonable platform, the use of a std::atomic_bool will have no overhead over the use of a naked uint8_t, so just use that and be done.

Do I need a memory barrier for a change notification flag between threads?

I need a very fast (in the sense "low cost for reader", not "low latency") change notification mechanism between threads in order to update a read cache:
The situation
Thread W (Writer) updates a data structure (S) (in my case a setting in a map) only once in a while.
Thread R (Reader) maintains a cache of S and does read this very frequently. When Thread W updates S Thread R needs to be notified of the update in reasonable time (10-100ms).
Architecture is ARM, x86 and x86_64. I need to support C++03 with gcc 4.6 and higher.
is something like this:
// variables shared between threads
bool updateAvailable;
SomeMutex dataMutex;
std::string myData;
// variables used only in Thread R
std::string myDataCache;
// Thread W
myData = "newData";
updateAvailable = true;
// Thread R
myDataCache = myData;
updateAvailable = false;
My Question
In Thread R no locking or barriers occur in the "fast path" (no update available).
Is this an error? What are the consequences of this design?
Do I need to qualify updateAvailable as volatile?
Will R get the update eventually?
My understanding so far
Is it safe regarding data consistency?
This looks a bit like "Double Checked Locking". According to http://www.cs.umd.edu/~pugh/java/memoryModel/DoubleCheckedLocking.html a memory barrier can be used to fix it in C++.
However the major difference here is that the shared resource is never touched/read in the Reader fast path. When updating the cache, the consistency is guaranteed by the mutex.
Will R get the update?
Here is where it gets tricky. As I understand it, the CPU running Thread R could cache updateAvailable indefinitely, effectively moving the Read way way before the actual if statement.
So the update could take until the next cache flush, for example when another thread or process is scheduled.
Use C++ atomics and make updateAvailable an std::atomic<bool>. The reason for this is that it's not just the CPU that can see an old version of the variable but especially the compiler which doesn't see the side effect of another thread and thus never bothers to refetch the variable so you never see the updated value in the thread. Additionally, this way you get a guaranteed atomic read, which you don't have if you just read the value.
Other than that, you could potentially get rid of the lock, if for example the producer only ever produces data when updateAvailable is false, you can get rid of the mutex because the std::atomic<> enforces proper ordering of the reads and writes. If that's not the case, you'll still need the lock.
You do have to use a memory fence here. Without the fence, there is no guarantee updates will be ever seen on the other thread. In C++03 you have the option of either using platform-specific ASM code (mfence on Intel, no idea about ARM) or use OS-provided atomic set/get functions.
Do I need to qualify updateAvailable as volatile?
As volatile doesn't correlate with threading model in C++, you should use atomics for make your program strictly standard-confirmant:
On C++11 or newer preferable way is to use atomic<bool> with memory_order_relaxed store/load:
atomic<bool> updateAvailable;
updateAvailable.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed); //set (under mutex locked)
// Reader
if(updateAvailable.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) // check
updateAvailable.store(false, std::memory_order_relaxed); // clear (under mutex locked)
gcc since 4.7 supports similar functionality with in its atomic builtins.
As for gcc 4.6, it seems there is not strictly-confirmant way to evade fences when access updateAvailable variable. Actually, memory fence is usually much faster than 10-100ms order of time. So you can use its own atomic builtins:
int updateAvailable = 0;
__sync_fetch_and_or(&updateAvailable, 1); // set to non-zero
if(__sync_fetch_and_and(&updateAvailable, 1)) // check, but never change
__sync_fetch_and_and(&updateAvailable, 0); // clear
Is it safe regarding data consistency?
Yes, it is safe. Your reason is absolutely correct here:
the shared resource is never touched/read in the Reader fast path.
This is NOT double-check locking!
It is explicitely stated in the question itself.
In case when updateAvailable is false, Reader thread uses variable myDataCache which is local to the thread (no other threads use it). With double-check locking scheme all threads use shared object directly.
Why memory fences/barriers are NOT NEEDED here
The only variable, accessed concurrently, is updateAvailable. myData variable is accessed with mutex protection, which provides all needed fences. myDataCache is local to the Reader thread.
When Reader thread sees updateAvailable variable to be false, it uses myDataCache variable, which is changed by the thread itself. Program order garantees correct visibility of changes in that case.
As for visibility garantees for variable updateAvailable, C++11 standard provide such garantees for atomic variable even without fences. 29.3 p13 says:
Implementations should make atomic stores visible to atomic loads within a reasonable amount of time.
Jonathan Wakely has confirmed, that this paragraph is applied even to memory_order_relaxed accesses in chat.