How to dynamically build a new protobuf from a set of already defined descriptors? - c++

At my server, we receive Self Described Messages (as defined here... which btw wasn't all that easy as there aren't any 'good' examples of this in c++).
At this point I am having no issue creating messages from these self-described ones. I can take the FileDescriptorSet, go through each FileDescriptorProto, adding each to a DescriptorPool (using BuildFile, which also gives me every defined FileDescriptor).
From here I can create any of the messages which were defined in the FileDescriptorSet with a DynamicMessageFactory instanced with the DP and calling GetPrototype (which is very easy to do as our SelfDescribedMessage required the messages full_name() and thus we can call the FindMessageTypeByName method of the DP, giving us the properly encoded Message Prototype).
The question is how can I take each already defined Descriptor or message and dynamically BUILD a 'master' message that contains all of the defined messages as nested messages. This would primarily be used for saving the current state of the messages. Currently we're handling this by just instancing a type of each message in the server(to keep a central state across different programs). But when we want to 'save off' the current state, we're forced to stream them to disk as defined here. They're streamed one message at a time (with a size prefix). We'd like to have ONE message (one to rule them all) instead of the steady stream of separate messages. This can be used for other things once it is worked out (network based shared state with optimized and easy serialization)
Since we already have the cross-linked and defined Descriptors, one would think there would be an easy way to build 'new' messages from those already defined ones. So far the solution has alluded us. We've tried creating our own DescriptorProto and adding new fields of the type from our already defined Descriptors but got lost (haven't deep dived into this one yet). We've also looked at possibly adding them as extensions (unknown at this time how to do so). Do we need to create our own DescriptorDatabase (also unknown at this time how to do so)?
Any insights?
Linked example source on BitBucket.
Hopefully this explanation will help.
I am attempting to dynamically build a Message from a set of already defined Messages. The set of already defined messages are created by using the "self-described" method explained(briefly) in the official c++ protobuf tutorial (i.e. these messages not available in compiled form). This newly defined message will need to be created at runtime.
Have tried using the straight Descriptors for each message and attempted to build a FileDescriptorProto. Have tried looking at the DatabaseDescriptor methods. Both with no luck. Currently attempting to add these defined messages as an extension to another message (even tho at compile time those defined messages, and their 'descriptor-set' were not classified as extending anything) which is where the example code starts.

you need a protobuf::DynamicMessageFactory:
using namespace google;
protobuf::DynamicMessageFactory dmf;
protobuf::Message* actual_msg = dmf.GetPrototype(some_desc)->New();
const protobuf::Reflection* refl = actual_msg->GetReflection();
const protobuf::FieldDescriptor* fd = trip_desc->FindFieldByName("someField");
refl->SetString(actual_msg, fd, "whee");
cout << actual_msg->DebugString() << endl;

I was able to solve this problem by dynamically creating a .proto file and loading it with an Importer.
The only requirement is for each client to either send across its proto file (only needed at init... not during full execution). The server then saves each proto file to a temp directory. An alternative if possible is to just point the server to a central location that holds all of the needed proto files.
This was done by first using a DiskSourceTree to map actual path locations to in program virtual ones. Then building the .proto file to import every proto file that was sent across AND define an optional field in a 'master message'.
After the master.proto has been saved to disk, i Import it with the Importer. Now using the Importers DescriptorPool and a DynamicMessageFactory, I'm able to reliably generate the whole message under one message. I will be putting an example of what I am describing up later on tonight or tomorrow.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to make this process better or how to do it different, please say so.
I will be leaving this question unanswered up until the bounty is about to expire just in case someone else has a better solution.

What about serializing all the messages into strings, and making the master message a sequence of (byte) strings, a la
message MessageSet
required FileDescriptorSet proto_files = 1;
repeated bytes serialized_sub_message = 2;


C++ Interface for logger

I am working a big legacy project and need to redo the common logger.
I tried to make same logger interface with before to avoiding changing ton of loggers.
The reason I need to redo the logger is the old one is syslog UDP which was using built-in library functions, while the new one I'm using GELF UDP.
Suppose I have a log with two parts of message, severity is info. The old interface is like below:
Log_INFO<< "First part message" <<"Second part message"<< endl;
Log_INFO is like 'std::cout', but it has two functionality:
Print out message in the command line.
Collect it in Graylog.
My new function is like below:
//Severity = {debug,info,warning, error, critical}
Log(Severity, whole_message)
For the same example,
Log("info",first_part_message+ second_part_message)
My question is how can I make my function is able to read log like the old one.
One common way of doing this is creating a custom streambuf-derived class, say LogStreambuf, and an ostream-derived class, say LogStream, that uses LogStreambuf (but is otherwise a plain jane ostream).
Then your log objects would be
LogStream Log_INFO("info");
LogStream Log_WARN("warn");
Your custom streambuf probably should call your Log function from its sync method.
See e.g. this for an example, and this for further guidance.

Get ScriptOrigin from v8::Module

It seems trivial, but I've searched far and wide.
I'm using this resource to make v8 run with ES Modules and I'm trying to implement my own search/load algorithm. Thus far, I've managed to make a simple system which loads a file from a known location, however I'd like to implement external modules. This means that the known location is actually unknown throughout the application. Take the following directory tree as an example:
- index.js
import 'module1_index'; // This is successfully resolved to /libs/module1/module1_index.js
- module1_index.js
export * from './lib.js' // This import fails because it is looking for ./lib.js in ~/source
- lib.js
export /* literally anything */
The above example begins by executing the index.js file from ~. When module1_index.js is executed, lib.js is looked for from ~ and consequently fails. In order to address this, the files must be looked for relative to the file being executed at the moment, however I have not found a means to do this.
First Attempt
I'm given the opportunity to look for the file in the callResolve method (main.cpp:280):
v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Module> callResolve(v8::Local<v8::Context> context, v8::Local<v8::String> specifier, v8::Local<v8::Module> referrer)
or in loadModule (main.cpp:197)
v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Module> loadModule(char code[], char name[], v8::Local<v8::Context> cx)
however, as mentioned, I have found no function by which to extract the ScriptOrigin from the module. I should mention, when files are successfully resolved, the ScriptOrigin is initiated with the exact path to the file, and is reliable.
Second Attempt
I set up a stack, which keeps track of the current file being executed. Every import which is made is pushed onto the stack. Once the file has finished executing, it is popped. This also did not work, as there was no way to reliably determine once the file had finished executing.
It seems that the loadModule function does just that: loads. It does not execute, so I cannot pop after the module has loaded, as the imports are not fully resolved. The checkModule/execModule functions are only invoked on dynamic imports, making them useless to determining the completion of a static import.
I'm at a loss. I'm not familiar with v8 enough to know where to look, although I have dug through some NodeJS source code looking for an implementation, to no avail.
Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
I don't know much about module resolution, but looking at V8's sources, I can see an example mapping a v8::Module to a std::string absolute_path, which sounds like what you're looking for. I'm not copying the whole code here, because the way it uses custom metadata is a bit involved; the short story is that it keeps a std::unordered_map to keep data about each module's source on the side. (I wonder if it would be possible to use Module::ScriptId() as that map's key, for simplification.)
Code search finds a bunch more example uses of InstantiateModule, mostly in tests. Tests often serve as useful examples/documentation :-)

Converting Protobuf to ROS messages with similar functionality

I recently inherited a large codebase at work utilizing MOOS & Protobuf messages.
At the request of my project lead, I am porting it to use exclusively ROS where ROS messages are used instead of protobuf. The code base heavily relies on utilizing protobuf functionality such as enumerator min / max, extracting a string from the variable field, ->has_variable() function, ->isValid(), etc.
So far I have only been able to find very basic ROS message functionality from the wiki.
Are there any 'hacks' or the like to have this type of pliability?
Example: Protbufs support enumerators, but ROS messages don't, so I have:
uint8 TYPE_FAILED = 0
uint8 health_state_type
My health_state_type is my 'enumerator' but I don't have a min or max unless I hardcode one, and I can't extract TYPE_FAILED as a string. I've been slowly finding workarounds for this by using
my_message::custom_msg health;
health.health_state_type = health.TYPE_FAILED
But I'm having to modify many different areas that use it as a string, not integer.
Yes there is a hack. But you need to input a some work into it.
For using the publisher/subscriber methods in ROS you need to define messages for all topics in .msg files.
From this file then a C++ class is automatically generated. But you don't want to touch that autogenerated file! What you could do instead is define your class and associate it with the autogenerated class.
Look here for an example how to do it. You could then expand your custom class with desired methods like isValid.
Another (perhaps simpler) way would be to declare a helper class that would do the desired work for each type in messages.
Or you could simply continue to use protobuf. It is also used at least in Gazebo if not also in ROS.
Sometime ago I wrote some auto generation scripts that consume Protobufs and produce ROS headers (not the msg files) to transmit Protobuf blobs over ROS comms. This would satisfy your need without having to duplicate a Protobuf definition with a supporting ROS msg definition. Code.

How to exchange custom data between Ops in Nuke?

This questions is addressed to developers using C++ and the NDK of Nuke.
Context: Assume a custom Op which implements the interfaces of DD::Image::NoIop and
DD::Image::Executable. The node iterates of a range of frames extracting information at
each frame, which is stored in a custom data structure. An custom knob, which is a member
variable of the above Op (but invisible in the UI), handles the loading and saving
(serialization) of the data structure.
Now I want to exchange that data structure between Ops.
So far I have come up with the following ideas:
Expression linking
Knobs can share information (matrices, etc.) using expression linking.
Can this feature be exploited for custom data as well?
Serialization to image data
The custom data would be serialized and written into a (new) channel. A
node further down the processing tree could grab that and de-serialize
again. Of course, the channel must not be altered between serialization
and de-serialization or else ... this is a hack, I know, but, hey, any port
in a storm!
GeoOp + renderer
In cases where the custom data is purely point-based (which, unfortunately,
it isn't in my case), I could turn the above node into a 3D node and pass
point data to other 3D nodes. At some point a render node would be required
to come back to 2D.
I am going into the correct direction with this? If not, what is a sensible
approach to make this data structure available to other nodes, which rely on the
information contained in it?
This question has been answered on the Nuke-dev mailing list:
If you know the actual class of your Op's input, it's possible to cast the
input to that class type and access it directly. A simple example could be
this snippet below:
//! #file DownstreamOp.cpp
#include "UpstreamOp.h" // The Op that contains your custom data.
// ...
UpstreamOp * upstreamOp = dynamic_cast< UpstreamOp * >( input( 0 ) );
if ( upstreamOp )
YourCustomData * data = yourOp->getData();
// ...
// ...
Update with reference to a question that I received via email:
I am trying to do this exact same thing, pass custom data from one Iop
plugin to another.
But these two plugins are defined in different dso/dll files.
How did you get this to work ?
Short answer:
Compile your Ops into a single shared object.
Long answer:
define the depending Ops.
In a first attempt I compiled the first plugin using only UpstreamOp.cpp,
as usual. For the second plugin I compiled both DownstreamOp.cpp and
UpstreamOp.cpp into that plugin.
Strangely enough that worked (on Linux; didn't test Windows).
However, by overriding
bool Op::test_input( int input, Op * op ) const;
things will break. Creating and saving a Comp using the above plugins still
works. But loading that same Comp again breaks the connection in the node graph
between UpstreamOp and DownstreamOp and it is no longer possible to connect
them again.
My hypothesis is this: since both plugins contain symbols for UpstreamOp it
depends on the load order of the plugins if a node uses instances of UpstreamOp
from the first or from the second plugin. So, if UpstreamOp from the first plugin
is used then any dynamic_cast in Op::test_input() will fail and the two Op cannot
be connected anymore.
It is still surprising that Nuke would even bother to start at all with the above
configuration, since it can be rather picky about symbols from plugins, e.g if they
are missing.
Anyway, to get around this problem I did the following:
compile both Ops into a single shared object, e.g., and
add TCL script or Python script ( instructs Nuke how to load
the Ops correctly.
An example for a TCL scripts can be found in the dev guide and the instructions
for your could be something like this
menu = 'Nodes' ).addMenu( 'my-plugins' )
menu.addCommand('UpstreamOp', lambda: nuke.createNode('UpstreamOp'))
menu.addCommand('DownstreamOp', lambda: nuke.createNode('DownstreamOp'))
So far, this works reliably for us (on Linux & Windows, haven't tested Mac).

Get fd or handle from socket object

I want to create a native (c++) module for node.js which is able to send sockets to another node process, which is completely unrelated to the current process. To do so, I tought of using the ancillary library, which has a really, really easy API for this. The problem I have to solve now is how I can get the fd or the handle of a socket object of node.js.
There's a TCPWrap class in & tcp_wrap.h, which has a property called handle_, which holds a uv_tcp_t object from libuv, but that property is private. Also I can't #include because it's just a module of node.js an not directly in node.js itself. I don't know if it's a good idea to copy the source files to my module just to get the that class...
Have you any ides how I could do it?
I doesn't have to run on winows, tough.
I finally found a way to do it. You can find the node module here:
I've just taken the headers "tcp_wrap.h","stream_wrap.h" and "handle_wrap.h" and then included "tcp_wrap.h".
I could then get the object the following way:
TCPWrap* wrap = static_cast<TCPWrap*>(args[0]->ToObject()->GetPointerFromInternalField(0));
StreamWrap* s = (StreamWrap*)wrap;
The following code then gives access to the file descriptor