Regex — only zero or one 's' - regex

I have a name, "foo bar", and in any string, foo, foos, bar and bars should be matched.
I thought this should work like this: (foo|bar)s?. I tried some other regexes as well, but they all were like this. How can I do this?

(foo|bar)s? is correct...
You should use a boundary like \b(foo|bar)s?\b. Else it would also match hihellofoos.

Your question seems to reflect perplexity over why you found a match in foosss. Note the difference between finding a match in a string, and matching the whole string.
You have several ways of dealing with this, and the right choice depends on your application.
Anchor the regex to the whole input line or input: ^(foo|bar)s?$
Anchor the regex to one word: \b(foo|bar)s?\b
Some APIs (but not preg_match) have a separate function to match the whole string.


Case analysis with REGEX

I have some data like
Not an animal.
What I want to get is:
Not an animal.
Thus, I need a regular expression that searches for / or : as follows: If one of these is found, take the text behind that character. If neither / nor : exists, take the whole string.
I tried a lot. For example this will work for mouse and elephant, but not for the third line:
And this will always give the full string ...
My head is burning^^ Maybe, somebody can help? :) Thanks a lot!
#The fourth bird offered a nice solution for single characters. But what if I want to search for strings like
Not an animal.
How can I split on :: or 123?
You might use
^ Start of string
(?:[^:/]*[:/])? Optionally match any char except : or / till matching either : or /
\K Forget what is matched so far
.+ Match 1+ times any char
regex demo
If you don't want to cross a newline, you can extend the character class with [^:/\r\n]*
Another option could be using an alternation
Regex demo
Or perhaps making use of a SKIP FAIL approach by matching what you want to omit
Regex demo
If you want to use multiple characters, you might also use
Regex demo

RegEx substract text from inside

I have an example string:
I would like to extract by RegEx:
So far I have figured something like that:
But Unfortunately without positive result. Do you have maybe any idea why it's not working?
The regex you tried ^[^#][^\(]+ would match:
From the beginning of the string, it should not be a # ^[^#]
Then match until you encounter a parenthesis (I think you don't have to escape the parenthesis in a character class) [^\(]+
So this would match *DataFromAdHoc, including the *, because it is not a #.
What you could do, it capture this part [^\(]+ in a group like ([^(]+)
Then your regex would look like:
And the DataFromAdHoc would be in group 1.
Use ^\*(\w+)\(\w+\)$
It just gets everything between the * and the stuff in brackets.
Your answer may depend on which language you're running your regex in, please include that in your question.

Perl regex to match only if not followed by both patterns

I am trying to write a pattern match to only match when a string is not followed by both following patterns. Right now I have a pattern that I've tried to manipulate but I can't seem to get it to match correctly.
Current pattern:
I am trying to match when a string is not spaced correctly but not if it is part of a larger word.
For example I want it to match,
host \t{4} something
but not,
hostgroup \t{5} something
In the above example it will match hostgroup and end up separating it into 2 separate words "host" and "group"
notes \t{4} something
but not,
notes_url \t{5} something
Using my pattern it ends up turning into:
notes \t{5} _url
Hopefully that makes a bit more sense.
I'm not at all clear what you want, but word boundaries will probably do what you ask.
Does this work for you?
Having understood your problem better, does this do what you want?

regex for match inside a word

Say I have following similar texts:
I want to match on:
begins with _start
ends with End
and I want capture the bit in-between, e.g., One, Two, Three in the variable above:
Can anyone suggest a regex to capture this?
If each line of input contains only the text similar to your examples, something like this should work:
The ^ anchors the pattern to the start of the string. The $ anchors it to the end of the string. The parenthesis capture the middle part.
In C#, you may use this:
It isn't clear if the part in the middle may only be the examples given.
If so, use this:
If not, is it can be anything, try this:
Note that the match is non-greedy.

How to match a string that does not end in a certain substring?

how can I write regular expression that dose not contain some string at the end.
in my project,all classes that their names dont end with some string such as "controller" and "map" should inherit from a base class. how can I do this using regular expression ?
but using both
there isnt any match case!!!
Do a search for all filenames matching this:
(Remove the |anythingelse if no other keywords, or append other keywords similarly.)
If you can't use negative lookbehinds (the (?<!..) bit), do a search for filenames that do not match this:
And if that still doesn't work (might not in some IDEs), remove the ?: part and it probably will - that just makes it a non-capturing group, but the difference here is fairly insignificant.
If you're using something where the full string must match, then you can just prefix either of the above with ^.* to do that.
In response to this:
but using both
there isnt any match case!!!
Not quite sure what you're attempting with the public/class stuff there, so try this:
The . is a regex char that means "anything except newline", and the * means zero or more times.
If this isn't what you're after, edit the question with more details.
Depending on your regex implementation, you might be able to use a lookbehind for this task. This would look like
This matches any lines NOT having "SomeText" at their end. If you cannot use that, the expression
matches any non-empty lines not ending with "SomeText" as well.
You could write a regex that contains two groups, one consists of one or more characters before controller or map, the other contains controller or map and is optional.
With that you may match your string and if there is a group() method in the regex API you use, if group(2) is empty, the string does not contain controller or map.
Check if the name does not match [a-zA-Z]*controller or [a-zA-Z]*map.
finally I did it in this way
it worked