Surface External Data From an SQL DB - sitecore

I am trying to surface data from an external SQL database in Sitecore. Ideally the data will be represented as items in the Sitecore content tree.
The official Sitecore documentation for "Integrating External Data Sources" is for Sitecore version 5. Does anyone know where I could find, or share a simple example of how I could surface external data in Sitecore 6.5. All the information I have found on it seems to be out of date.
Any help appreciated.

You need to implement a custom data provider. Here is a good tutorial:
Also have a look at this sdn article. It is a bit out of date but it still has relevant points.
Check out the YouTube data shared source data provider.


GCP FHIR viewer does not show data

I am trying to implement GCP FHIR store.
Like it says on the GCP documnentation, I should be able to see data when I click the resource type.
However, I see 18 data exists at the pagination section at the the bottom, but data does not show.
I am able to click little empty space of a row and it shows overview but elements and json tab of the data is not available.
Since I cannot embed an image, I will share a link of an image.
Thx in advance.
As suggested in the comments, this seems like a bug on GCP's side.
You can report it on the Public Issues Tracker including symptoms and reproduction steps.
Google Cloud Console has identified a bug in FHIR viewer in which certain types of data would not render under certain circumstances pertaining to dates.
A fix has been submitted and should be included in an upcoming release, usually deployed within a week.

Automatically Exporting PowerBi Visualisation Data?

I need to automatically extract raw data of a PowerBI visualisation across multiple published reports.
Why not just pull the underlying dataset? Because the visualisations are using anomaly detection features of PowerBI, which include anomaly flags not available in the underlying dataset (basically, the visualisations contain calculated columns that are not included in main PowerBI data model)
Ideally a REST API solution would be best, but dumping CSV files or other more roundabout methods are ok.
So far, the closest functionality I can see is in the Javascript API here -, which allows a website to communicate with an embedded PowerBI report and pass in and out information. But this doesn't seem to match my implementation needs.
I have also seen this which is to manually implement anomaly detection via Azure Services rather than the native PowerBI functionality, however this means abandoning the simplicity of the PowerBI anomaly function that is so attractive in the first place.
I have also seen this StackOverflow question here PowerBI Report Export in csv format via Rest API and it mentions using XMLA endpoints, however it doesn't seem like the client applications have the functionality to connect to visualisations - for example I tried DAX Studio and it doesn't seem to have any ability to query the data on a visualisation level.
I'm afraid all information on PowerBI says this is not possible. The API only supports PDF, PPTX and PNG options, and as such the integration with Power Automate doesn't do any better.
The StackOverflow question you link has some information on retrieving the Dataset but that's before the anomaly detection has processed the data.
I'm afraid your best bet is to, indeed, use the Azure service. I'd suggest ditching PowerBI and going to an ETL tool like DataFactory or even into the AzureML propositions Microsoft offers. You'll be more flexible than in PowerBI as well since you'll have the full power of Python/R notebooks at your disposal.
Sorry I can't give you a better answer.

AWS hosted application need autosuggest & wild card search feature

I 'm not sure if this is the correct platform to ask architecture related question, actually I have a webapplication developed in nodejs & typescript hosted in AWS, and the backend is mongodb and my requirement is to include a search box with wild card & auto suggest search functionality so when I start typing on the text box, it will autosuggest just like we do in google search, so how would I achieve this, querying everytime to mongodb will be kind of slow and if 100's of user start doing that, then my application might start dangling so need your suggestion.
Not tried as this more of architecture help required
Not tried as this more of architecture help required
It's not a very detailed answer but may point you in a direction.
I just built something similar using AWS Lambda, ElasticSearch and API Gateway.
ElasticSearch is great for text searches but needs to be populated with indexed data.
If your dataset is changing, you will have to remember about updating ElasticSearch.
API Gateway routes requests from HTTP to Lambda, of which there are two:
one for analysing data in my data warehouse and producing indices for ElasticSearch, the other for doing the actual search and returning results.

Sitecore custom personalisation rules based on external API data

We have a requirement to create a personalisation rules based on data we get from external API.
An example of the implementation would be good as I could not find any for some reason.
Depend on the speed of your external API call and the reuse of the data and the cost of a call. there are multiple solutions.
Think about the geo ip, (with a provider) or the Mobile Device detector.
A time ago on a User Group Meeting there was a Demo with external Fitbit data the, This worked in the following way, get the data 1 time in a session and store it in the profile, in a custom analytics contact facet and create rules based on the contact facet. see the links in the slides from how to personalize your sitecore site with fitbit data

SpagoBI SDK how to get the entire datasets & extract info from them through webservices?

Is it possible to get a dataset through WS against SpagoBI SDK? All that I got were just some documents but I was wondering if I could do that with Datasets as well.
From the website I can see
"The services available through web service are:
Data Set: it allows to receive the data sets, defined in SpagoBI, and their respective metadata."
I'd really appreciate any help.
What I want to do is just to integrate some other external tools on my project. I though SpagoBI would be nice to be a kind of Back-Office to manage any Dataset from different Datasource