free elements from array - c++

Probably, this is a very basic question, but here goes anyways. I have an array of size say 10. But, while assigning integers to that array I give only 8 elements. Can I free the memory of 2 elements that are not used ?

No, you can't. For dynamic allocation, you can only free or delete memory that was allocated with malloc or new. The exact same amount with the exact same pointer. For automatic variables, the memory will be freed automatically.
But since this is C++, use a std::vector instead. Please.

It depends on how you got your array in the first place.
If it is an array that is allocated in the automatic or static storage (i.e. a local or a global) there is nothing you can free, because you did not allocate anything (the compiler did it for you).
If this is a dynamically allocated array, you can achieve the same effect by creating a smaller array with only eight elements, copying the original values into it, and then freeing the original array. This does not guarantee that the amount of memory allocated to your program would necessarily go down, because the allocator of the eight-element array is allowed to allocate space for more elements. If the numbers are 10000 and 8000, on the other hand, you will almost certainly get some savings (although the standard does not guarantee it either).


How do strings allocate memory in c++?

I know that dynamic memory has advantages over setting a fixed size array and and using a portion of it. But in dynamic memory you have to enter the amount data that you want to store in the array. When using strings you can type as many letters as you want(you can even use strings for numbers and then use a function to convert them). This fact makes me think that dynamic memory for character arrays is obsolete compared to strings.
So i wanna know what are the advantages and disadvantages when using strings? When is the space occupied by strings freed? Is maybe the option to free your dynamically allocated memory with delete an advantage over strings? Please explain.
The short answer is "no, there is no drawbacks, only advantages" with std::string over character arrays.
Of course, strings do USE dynamic memory, it just hides the fact behind the scenes so you don't have to worry about it.
In answer to you question: When is the space occupied by strings freed? this post may be helpful. Basically, std::strings are freed once they go out of scope. Often the compiler can decide when to allocate and release the memory.
std::string usually contains an internal dynamically allocated buffer. When you assign data, or if you push back new data, and the current buffer size is not sufficient, a new buffer is allocated with an increased size and the old data is copied or moved to the new buffer. The old buffer is then deallocated.
The main buffer is deallocated when the string goes out of scope. If the string object is a local variable in a function (on the stack), it will deallocate at the end of the current code block. If it's a function parameter, when the function exits. If it's a class member, whenever the class is destroyed.
The advantage of strings is flexibility (increases in size automatically) and safety (harder to go over the bounds of an array). A fixed-size char array on the stack is faster as no dynamic allocation is required. But you should worry about that if you have a performance problem, and not before.
well, your question got me thinking, and then i understood that you are talking about syntax differences, because both ways are dynamic allocating char arrays. the only difference is in the need:
if you need to create a string containing a sentence then you can, and
that's fine, not to use malloc
if you want an array and to "play" with it, meaning change or set the cells cording to some method, or changing it's size, then initiating it with malloc would be the appropriate way
the only reason i see to a static allocating char a[17] (for example) is for a single purpose string that you need, meaning only when you know the exact size you'll need and it won't change
and one important point the i found:
In dynamic memory allocation, if the memory is being continually allocated but the one allocated for objects that are not in use, is not released, then it can lead to stack overflow condition or memory leak which is a big disadvantage.

If pointers can dynamically change the size of arrays at run time, why is it necessary to initialize the array with a size?

For instance:
int* pArray;
pArray = new array[];
instead of:
int* pArray;
pArray = new array[someNumber];
Since pointers are able to dynamically change the size of an array at run time, and the name of the pointer points to the first element of an array, shouldn't the default size be [1]? Does anyone know what's happening behind the scene?
Since pointers are able to dynamically change the size of an array at run time
This is not true. They can't change the size unless you allocate a new array with the new size.
If you want to have an array-like object that dynamically changes the size you should use the std::vector.
std::vector<int> array;
std::cout << array.size() << std::endl; // should be 4
When you create an array with new, you are allocating a specific amount of memory for that array. You need to tell it how many items are to be stored so it can allocate enough memory.
When you "resize" the array, you are creating a new array (one with even more memory) and copying the items over before deleting the old array (or else you have a memory leak).
Quite simply, C++ arrays have no facility to change their size automatically. Therefore, when allocating an array you must specify it size.
Pointers cannot change an array. They can be made to point to different arrays at runtime, though.
However, I suggest you stay away from anything involving new until you have learned more about the language. For arrays changing their size dynamically use std::vector.
Pointers point to dynamically allocated memory. The memory is on the heap rather than the stack. It is dynamic because you can call new and delete on it, adding to it and removing from it at run time (in simple terms). The pointer has nothing to do with that - a pointer can point to anything and in this case, it just happens to point to the beginning of your dynamic memory. The resizing and management of that memory is completely your responsibility (or the responsibility of the container you may use, e.g. std::vector manages dynamic memory and acts as a dynamic array).
They cannot change the size dynamically. You can get the pointer to point to a new allocation of memory from the heap.
Behind the scenes there is memory allocated, a little chunk of silicium somewhere in your machine is now dedicated to the array you just newed.
When you want to "resize" your array, it is only possible to do so in place if the chunk of silicium has some free space around it. Most of the times, it is instead necessary to reserve another, bigger, chunk and copy the data that were in the first... and obviously relinquish the first (otherwise you have a memory leak).
This is done automatically by STL containers (like std::vector or std::deque), but manually when you yourself call new. Therefore, the best solution to avoid leaks is to use the Standard Library instead of trying to emulate it yourself.
int *pArray = new int; can be considered an array of size 1 and it kinda does what you want "by default".
But what if I need an array of 10 elements?
Pointers do not have any magical abilites, they just point to memory, therefore:
pArray[5] = 10; will just yield a run-time error (if you are lucky).
Therefore there is a possibility to allocate an array of needed size by calling new type[size].

adding element to an array

How can I add an element to an array where the size of the array is unknown and vectors are prohibited?
If the size of the array is unknown how do you know where to put the element and whether it will fit?
Anyway, if it won't fit you have to allocate a new array that is big enough.
If you allocated originally with malloc rather than new[] you can use realloc. You might be surprised to know that malloc / realloc are not "replaced" by new but are used for a different purpose, and in this case it is a useful thing to use. You can then insert objects into the allocated memory using placement new, and vector works this way. (allocator is used to actually allocate the memory but has an interface like malloc and although the implementation is up to the library author, they will almost certainly use malloc).
If you reallocated using realloc, you need to know that:
Any memory will be copied over. Beware though that if they are non-POD objects stored it is not safe to just do byte-by-byte copy
If realloc fails it returns NULL and your previous array is not freed. Be certain to keep a pointer to the old location until you know realloc worked.
If your array is not POD you cannot realloc, so malloc the new memory and use placement-new with a copy-constructor, then call the destructor on each object of the old memory before freeing it.
Placement new is used so you can allocate more memory than you need for now, i.e. more than you have objects for. This prevents you having to go through this process every single time you append.
I have explained how you might implement vector, but this is probably far too complex for you and probably for your tutor too. So just create an array with new[] and copy over the elements although it is horribly inefficient if you have to do this every time you add one.
You use lists for this purpose. An array is not supposed to be extended.
Your question does not make sense. If you can't use vector, means this is an assignment. I assume you have to use native arrays. If you don't know the size, you just cannot add an element to it. If you knew the size, you would have to allocate a bigger array, copy the contents of the old array plus the new element. Which the vector actually does for you :)
Without knowing the current size of the array and the capacity of the array (the distinction there is important), adding elements to the array is dangerous. You will never know when you have passed the bounds of the array (at least not before your program crashes from a buffer overrun error).
If your professor has banned vector for an assignment, chances are he wants to show you how to manage memory. He's looking for you to create an array using new and properly recognize when you need to allocate a new array of a larger size, copy the original elements, and deallocate the original array using delete.
One hint most professors fail to mention: when you allocate an array using new [], you must also deallocate it using delete [].

c++: local array definition versus a malloc call

What is the difference between this:
somefunction() {
char *output;
output = (char *) malloc((len * 2) + 1);
and this:
somefunction() {
char output[(len * 2) + 1];
When is one more appropriate than the other?
thanks all for your answers. here is a summary:
ex. 1 is heap allocation
ex. 2 is stack allocation
there is a size limitation on the stack, use it for smaller allocations
you have to free heap allocation, or it will leak
the stack allocation is not accessible once the function exits
the heap allocation is accessible until you free it (or the app ends)
VLA's are not part of standard C++
corrections welcome.
here is some explanation of the difference between heap vs stack:
What and where are the stack and heap?
The first allocates memory on the heap. You have to remember to free the memory, or it will leak. This is appropriate if the memory needs to used outside the function, or if you need to allocate a huge amount of memory.
The second allocates memory on the stack. It will be reclaimed automatically when the function returns. This is the most convenient if you don't need to return the memory to your caller.
Use locals when you only have a small amount of data, and you are not going to use the data outside the scope of the function you've declared it in. If you're going to pass the data around, use malloc.
Local variables are held on the stack, which is much more size limited than the heap, where arrays allocated with malloc go. I usually go for anything > 16 bytes being put on the heap, but you have a bit more flexibility than that. Just don't be allocating locals in the kb/mb size range - they belong on the heap.
The first example allocates a block of storage from the heap. The second one allocates storage from the stack. The difference becomes visible when you return output from somefunction(). The dynamically allocated storage is still available for your use, but the stack-based storage in the second example is, um, nowhere. You can still write into this storage and read it for awhile, until the next time you call a function, at which time the storage will get overwritten randomly with return addresses, arguments, and such.
There's a lot of other weird stuff going on with the code in this question too. First off, it this is a c++ program, you'd want to use new instead of malloc() so you'd say
output = new char[len+1];
And what's with the len*2 + 1 anyway? Maybe this is something special in your code, but I'm guessing you want to allocate unicode characters or multibyte characters. If it's unicode, the null termination takes two bytes as well as each character does, and char is the wrong type, being 8 bit bytes in most compilers. If it's multibyte, then hey, all bets are off.
First some terminology:
The first sample is called heap allocation.
The second sample is called stack allocation.
The general rule is: allocate on the stack, unless:
The required size of the array is unknown at compile time.
The required size exceeds 10% of the total stack size. The default stack size on Windows and Linux is usually 1 or 2 MB. So your local array should not exceed 100,000 bytes.
You tagged your question with both C++ and C, but the second solution is not allowed in C++. Variable length arrays are only allowed in C(99).
If you were to assume 'len' is a constant, both will work.
malloc() (and C++'s 'new') allocate the memory on the heap, which means you have to free() (or if you allocated with 'new', 'delete') the buffer, or the memory will never be reclaimed (leak).
The latter allocates the array on the stack, and will be gone when it goes out of scope. This means that you can't return pointers to the buffer outside the scope it's allocated in.
The former is useful when you want to pass the block of memory around (but in C++, it's best managed with an RAII class, not manually), while the latter is best for small, fixed-size arrays that only need to exist in one scope.
Lastly, you can mark the otherwise stack-allocated array with 'static' to take it off the stack and into a global data section:
static char output[(len * 2) + 1];
This enables you to return pointers to the buffer outside of its scope, however, all calls to such a function will refer to the same piece of global data, so don't use it if you need a unique block of memory every time.
Lastly, don't use malloc in C++ unless you have a really good reason (i.e, realloc). Use 'new' instead, and the accompanying 'delete'.

Dynamic Memory Allocation

What are the advantages of using dynamic memory allocation to create an array compared to the ordinary allocation of elements in an array?
You don't have to know the size of the array in advance, or over-allocate memory to account for large arrays. This allows your program to be more efficient with its memory use.
Arrays created dynamically can typically be larger than those created automatically, and can have longer lifetimes. But both have numerous disadvantages compared to using a std::vector.
1) Dynamic memory allocation allows for lots of liberty when it comes to managing the lifecycle of an object.
2) The size of the array can also be controlled with more liberty.
int x[100]; is fixed size and you can not expand it. Its lifetime is tied to the context where it was created and can not be passed around different functions/methods.
int *x = new int[n]; ... delete[] x; can be reallocated so it can resize and n does not have to be known in the compile time (so you can ask user how many numbers do she need and create an array of that size). As pointed by #Neil Butterworth, this is creating array on the heap and can be larger in size, while the static variant is creating array on the stack.
std::vector wraps a lot of this magic reallocation code and probably this is something you should use in your code.
The basic advantages of a dynamically allocated array are that you can determine the size of a dynamically allocated array at run-time, and, because the array is on the heap rather than the stack, it can be larger than a static array. It is important to remember though, that std::vector does this work for you. The occasions on which you should roll your own array class are few and far between. Use std::vector,
When you are allocating arrays then size of the array has to be given at the compile time. In that case most of the times, either you are allocating more memory or less memory.
This is where dynamic memory allocation helps you out so that you can actually allocate only those chunks of memory that are really needed and as and when you are done with the memory management you can free the memory.
In nutshell, it helps programmer to create Array of size which user says.