Create a web service that is hosted on IIS 6.0 and 2.0 - web-services

I need to create a web service that will be hosted by a website running IIS 6.0 and 2.0. I have never created a web service before now. I have Visual Studio 2008.
What options do I have for creating the service.
Can I create the service using WCF and still have it hosted on 2.0?
Do I have to specify any specific properties when I build it so that the service will run on 2.0?
Or must I use ASMX to build the web service?
I have tried building a service in VS2008 both as ASMX and WCF but I am unable to Add Web Reference to either type of service from VS2008 when I am testing how to consume it. I'm certain my lack of experience with Web Services is a big factor, but the more I read, the more uncertain I am of what technology I can use to create this IIS 6.0, 2.0 hosted service.

WCF was introduced in .NET 3.5, so you need to use the legacy ASMX technology. Create an ASMX service, and use "Add Web Reference" to consume it. The first time you try that, you'll need to use "Add Service Reference", and then to click the "Advanced" button and then the "Add Web Reference" button. After that, "Add Web Reference" will be available as a command.


authentication through web service SonarQube

I'm working on a web application that highly requires SonarQube (version 5.3) Web Services.
I want to authenticate to the sonarqube instance using my application.
which web service should I use?
Another question :
While using the issues web service I noticed that the web service returns the issues of the last project analysed by sonar.
Is there a way to have the issues of all the projects or to have the issues of a given project?

How to consume web service in SharePoint site?

I have web service application created in VS 2010. I created this web service using ASP.NET Web Service Application template in VS 2010. My InfoPath form consumes my webservice. However to fill out my IP form, I first have to make sure I run my web service, otherwise I get errors like cannot connect to the webservice.
How can I make sure my web services are properly deployed to my SharePoint site that hosts infoPath form services? Please let me know the necessary steps. If my web services are deployed to my SharePoint site then there's no need to manually run my web service in the browser everytime I need to fill out the form. Thanks.
Here's the error message I got when I tried to browse my custom web service deployed to layouts folder:
I couldn't find relevant message in 14-->LOGS. Any idea what's causing this? Thanks.
My own analysis: Please visit the web.config inside LAYOUTS folder and set Customerros to Off to get more meaningful error message.
I Googled "How to consume web service in SharePoint site".
The third hit was Walkthrough: Creating a Custom ASP.NET (ASMX) Web Service in SharePoint 2010. The post shows how to create, deploy and consume the service.

Web Service on Netbeans

I have created a Web Service in Net Beans 6.9 and deploy it locally. And I am using it via a java SE application by adding Web Service client in this application. How to obtain the link of the Web Serice so that it can be used from anywhere ?
2) From where to obtain WSDL file of Web Service ?
3) How to host a Web Service on the internet ?
Thank a ton in advance..!!!
You could create a new project of type web application in Netbeans.
In the web application, you will then create a web service (NOT a web service client).
For publishing and testing the web application, you will have to deploy it to a web server (e.g. GlassFish).
After publishing the web application, the WSDL file will be typically located at: http://localhost:<port>/<your web app>/<your service>?wsdl
For GlassFish, the default port is 8080.
If your current Netbeans installation doesn't support web projects or you don't have GlassFish installed, I suggest you download and install the latest version of Netbeans with Java EE support (bundled Apache Tomcat and GlassFish server in the same setup).
Hosting SOAP web services on the internet at large has not been terribly successful. For example Google had SOAP based web services initially, and they switched to REST based services in the end. You may want to reconsider and deploy a REST based interface. If the bulk of your code is not embedded in the web service, then you should not have that difficult of a time switching the interface.
To deploy a SOAP or a REST web service, you would need to deploy a 'full' Java EE container (e.g. Glassfissh or JBoss) on a machine with access to the internet. You might virtual hosting e.g. Westhost, Amazon, or there are turnkey solutions like Heroku (note: I'm not endorsing any of the companies listed here; they're just examples). If you just want to deploy a REST based service, any web container will do e.g. Tomcat or Jetty. In addition to services mentioned above you could probably host a rest web service on any service that will let you upload a war file.

Cant create liferay 6.1 web service

I try to develop simple web service to liferay 6.1. I follow such manuals as
Portlet creates successfully, but service does not appear in /api/secure/axis
Portlet specific web services do not appear in /api/secure/axis, but can be found at /your-portlet/api/axis. Those web service URLs have changed in Liferay 6.1.

Hosting existing web services in sharepoint 2010

I have a set of web services coded. Need to create an application combining some of share point 2010 features plus functionalities of my services. I was thinking of deploying the services as a part of the sharepoint application (in a virtual directory) i'm building [Not hosting as a separate application elsewhere since I do not want the service calls(script calls) to end up cross-domain]
Is this the right approach. If yes, what needs to be ensured while making my services a part of a sharepoint application using a virtual directory
You can use the SPDev tool to generate the SharePoint web service disco.aspx and wsdl.aspx files:
SPDev.exe -o GenWS -url http://Central-Administration-URL -asmx CustomWS.asmx
Then deploy all needed assemblies to GAC and copy the .asmx, disco.aspx, wsdl.aspx files to the 14 hive\ISAPI folder.
I don't think you can have path other than _vti_bin (or _vti_adm if deployed the service to the 14 hive\ADMISAPI folder), but you can deploy the web services to a subfolder and use URL like http://Site/_vti_bin/CustomDotNetWebServices/CustomWS.asmx.
SharePoint 2010 supports custom services - both ASP.NET and WCF ones:
Walkthrough: Creating a Custom ASP.NET Web Service
Creating a Custom WCF Service in SharePoint Foundation