How to get all file names in current directory? - c++

My goal is to build a program that renames all files in the current working directory so they don't have any spaces, any special characters or any accented characters (for example É would become E). I'm planning on using int rename(const char *oldname, const char *newname); . My problem is how do I get the files in the current working directory? I would like to have the executable I'm creating put in a folder with a files with bad names and run it and the files all be renamed.
A platform independent solution would be preferable, otherwise I'm using Windows 7 Enterprise 32bit.
This question isn't a duplicate because I don't know the path for opendir ("c:\\src\\"); it's whatever directory the program is being executed from.

Here's a sample code to do that:
In essence you utilize these APIs: FindFirstFile and FindNextFile
For cross-platform solution see findfirst() and findnext()

An option is to use opendir(".") , this will open the current directory.


Set Output directory in C++ one folder up

I am using a header library in my code to set my output directory. I would be running almost 12000 executables in parallel and I want a common output folder which is one level up. Here is how I use it
where outputfolder is a folder in the current directory with the executable. I would like this string to be one folder up directory (somethong like ../outputfolder)
Unfortunately setOutputDir takes inputs as string (
I looked around and found that boost library would be the most appropriate way to achieve what I want. Just wanted to know if there can be a workaround using the standard C++ before I delve into the library

Get list of files in application directory

I am developing a C++ application for win32 console
I need to get list of files in my application directory
(for example if my application had been started in C:\arash\app\ I need list of files in this folder)
I searched and find FindFirstFile function in windows.h header , But this function need a directory path .
Can I use this function for getting list of files in my application running directory?
Use GetModuleFileName() with a NULL module handle to get the path and filename of the .exe file. You can then strip off the filename portion, and use the remaining path as needed.
The current working directory is '.'.
As noted in comments, this isn't necessarily the directory you want.

File I/O from current Windows position C++

I have not yet found a definitive answer about this. I am trying to have access to files in subfolders from my .EXE. When I have asked before, people tell me to use the absolute location i.e. "c:/game/info/" if I wanted to access something in /info/
But it is completely unreasonable for me or anyone to assume that someone is going to use their program from the same directory. What if the user only has a D drive? That sort of thing.
So my question is: how can I access a file in a subdirectory from my executable without relying on the entire path?
Your title says "Windows", so I'll give a WinAPI-specific answer.
On Windows, you can find your application directory with GetModuleFileName(NULL, ...), and PathRemoveFileSpec. Then PathAppend will make the full path to your data files.
Or you can store the data inside you .exe file as Win32 resources, so they never get separated.
Please note that this approach generally works only for read-only access to data files. If you try to write files in your application directory, you might be blocked by ACLs (depending on install location and local security settings of the computer).
Use GetModuleFileName (Retrieves the fully-qualified path for the file that contains the specified module. The module must have been loaded by the current process.)
char strExePath [MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileName (NULL, strExePath, MAX_PATH);
You'll then need to extract the folder path (someone has already posted how to do that), and combine your path.
Make or use an installer that asks the user where to install the executable and writes that path to the registry in a well-known location for later reference.
if you use:
#include <fstream>
ifstream stream("file");
it will be working. "file" is file in directory with your exe. Of course if you want go up or down in folders hierarchy use "..\file" or "folder\file"

Opening a file with a certain program changes that programs working directory?

I have a file saved to my desktop, when I open it with my program the working directory changes to the desktop, this means my program can not load in some files it needs as it searches for these in the working directory. Is there a way I can stop the working directory from changing like this?
There's a flag you can set to avoid the current directory from changing called OFN_NOCHANGEDIR
You can just save your working directory at startup and use absolute paths. In fact, it's better to always open files with absolute paths, unless you really want to rely on the current working directory.
You would be better off determining the processes location, then using it as the key for where to find the other files? There are many ways that programs can be launched, which effect the working directory.
See: The answer here for a good description of how to get the processes location and strip out the executable filename (look in the comments)
Essentially, you use:
GetModuleFileName or GetModuleFileNameEx.
and then:
PathRemoveFileSpec to remove the file name
Opening a file doesn't change your current directory. Perhaps you using the common open file dialog? Here is an article that will explain all about how that changes your current directory.
use SetCurrentDirectory to do that.
You can locate the executable by using GetModuleFileName
GetModuleFileName( NULL, szFileName, MAX_PATH )
... then compute the correct directory

Can not include header file

Hello now i try translate project on other platform(first platform it's windows, now company planed use Linux platform), i use eclipse in windows and Linux, language is c++. Name project PostLib and he have next structure: PostLib/common, PostLib/inc, PostLib/inc_ext, PostLib/src.
PostLib/common its part for control memory leaks and for smart pointer. PostLib/inc PostLib/inc_ext - this part for header, and PostLib/src for sources code.My problem next: In project settings, i use PostLib/common, PostLib/inc and PostLib/inc_ext, and Eclipse write error: File Def.h(PostLib/inc_ext) can not find file p_mem.h(PostLib/common). How can it be?
When i look property all direction in project i saw interesting thing: Property on directory PostLib/inc_ext difference than all project, on other directory property same like in project/ Property i mean Property->Settings->GCC C++ Compiler->Directories, i try add path (PostLib/common) , but no effect, Eclipse write error File Def.h(PostLib/inc_ext) can not find file p_mem.h(PostLib/common).
On Linux systems directory separator is /, not \!
PostLib\common\p_mem.h is a path in windows, but is not in Linux. The equivalent for Linux is PostLib/common/p_mem.h.
Also, filesystem paths on Linux are case sensitive. p_mem.h is a different file from P_Mem.h: be sure you used the right characters for files and directories.