How do I show a child window when a button is clicked in sketchflow? - sketchflow

How do I show a child window when a button is clicked in sketchflow ?
I know how to do this in C#/Java/C++, but not sure how to do it in sketchflow.

SketchFlow can use C#, so if you know how to do it there, you should be set.


Hide "Close Window" option from taskbar

I want to make a window that has an icon on the taskbar, but does not have the option to be closed from there. I could simply intercept WM_CLOSE, but then a non-functional option still remains on the window's taskbar menu. There are other questions on stackoverflow pertaining to that method, but none that describe how to hide the option itself. How can I accomplish this?
The Taskbar button uses the same menu that is assigned to the window itself. There is no way to differentiate whether the menu is being invoked by clicking on the Taskbar versus clicking on the window (or even if it is being invoked by mouse or keyboard, for that matter). If you disable the "Close" item, the user would not be able to close the window at all. So just don't do it.

How to create multiple Dialogues?

In a Project I am using multiple dialogues so in that my requirement is while I am initiating dialog if it is modal then it should come top else it should be behind the parent suggest me how to do it???
Modal dialog always come to the top of the parent window. But what is the else case? You have a non-Modal dialog that should stay behind the Parent window? This doesn't make sense to me.
But if you want to have a non-modal dialog behind the parent window (or any other window) you need to define NULL for the dialog as a parent (owner window). Than you can change the Z-order of the top level window to be behind/after the parent window (use SetWindowPos for this).
Please note that the user can always change the Z-Order of top-level windows when he clicks on it.
Remember: If the window is owned by a parent it is always on top of the owned window.

not active popup window

I've created a popup window with SW_SHOWNA.
The problem is when I move the main window behind the popup window the popup window stays at the same place.
Is there any way to catch the click on the title bar (or other technique) of the main window behind the popup window and to close the popup window?
thanks a lot!
Yes, just do it. I would however not react to the click, as it makes your behavior mouse-bound. From your description, it seems you want to close the popup on a window move, so trap that message (WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING) instead. This will catch keyboard-initiated moves as well.

Custom dropdown for CComboBox

I'm trying to create a custom dropdown for a derivative of CComboBox. The dropdown will be a calendar control plus some 'hotspots', e.g.
So I figure the best way to achieve this is to have a simple CWnd-derived class which acts as the parent to the calendar control, and have it paint the hotspots itself.
The window needs to be a popup window - I think - rather than a child window so that it isn't clipped. But doing this causes the dialog (on which the combobox control is placed) to stop being the topmost (foreground?) window, leading to its frame being drawn differently:
alt text
This spoils the illusion that the dropdown is part of the combobox since its acting more like a modal dialog at this point. Any suggestions on how I make the custom dropdown behave like the regular dropdown?
Are there any other pitfalls I need to watch out for, e.g. focus and mouse capture issues?
When you create your popup window, you need to specify its owner. Owned popup windows will activate their owner when you activate them. Not specifying an owner will cause your window to get activated, which causes the change in the owner you're seeing.
Yeah I had this problem once. A quick google makes me suspect I solved this by using CreateWindowEx() and specifying WS_EX_NOACTIVATE. I have some other code that achieves the same effect by making the window with WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW rather than as a popup window, but I'm not sure of why that was done that way, my intuition would say that making it a popup window would be the way to go.
You can find in the following links two sample project that put in the CComboBox dropdown window a CTreeCtrl or a CListCtrl controls ... similar, you can put whatever you need there. Here is the links:
Tree ComboBox Control
List ComboBox Control
I hope this help you.

popup not active window gets activated

I've a popup window which I show with the SW_SHOWNA flag. If I click parts of this window, I catch the click and then close it, the problem is, there are other parts of the window and I don't want to close the window on click on them, but when I click them the window gets activated and gets the focus, that's bad for me, I want this window to stay not activated, and that other window will remind focused.
any ideas?
If you handle WM_HITTEST and WM_NCHITTEST, watch for the points you're interested in, and return HT_NOWHERE for everywhere else, then I think the window shouldn't be activated (I haven't tested this theory).