Preprocessor Definitions - Prompt on Build? - c++

At my company we have a large C++ project with multiple features that can be enabled or disabled with various preprocessor definitions.
If we were to enumerate each of the possible preprocessor/feature combinations in a list of Project Configurations, we'd have ourselves quite an extensive list (not to mention long configuration names)!
Is there a plug-in - or some other unknown feature - which can display a prompt when a user initiates a build, such that the user can check/uncheck a list of configurable features, in order to enable or disable the preprocessor definitions?
Something like this would be awesome:

You could create a simple application which will produce a header file with defines
#ifndef __GEN_CONFIG__
#define __GEN_CONFIG__
#undef LOGGING
#define LOGGING 1 // for example
#undef FEATURE_A
#define FEATURE_A 0
this header can then be included in the project.
The application/dialog can be executed as a Visual Studio Pre-Build event, to ensure that the header file is updated right before compilation.

I like to use CMake for exactly this task. In a CMakeLists.txt you can use the command set(<variable> <value> CACHE <type> <docstring>), which creates a variable and puts it in the CMake cache with a given documentation string. You can then use tools such as ccmake to edit these values. If you made the value a boolean, you can switch features on or off for example.
On windows, you can view and edit the cache entries with a gui, which is similar to the dialog box you have posted in the question.
Edit: CMake does not bring up a popup when you create a build. Instead it remembers the variables in a cache. The usual way is to have different builds with different features, i.e. you could have one build in debug mode with all features, another one in release mode with a minimal feature set only and so on.

You can check out my analysis tool that builds the list of all preprocessor keys that are used in the project.
Besides building the list itself it makes a classification of those params.


Use autotools installation prefix

I am writing a C++ program using gtkmm as the window library and autotools as my build system. In my, I install the icon as follows:
icondir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps
icon_DATA = $(top_srcdir)/appname.svg
EDIT: changed from prefix to datadir
This results in appname.svg being copied to $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps when the program is installed. In my C++ code, I would like to access the icon at runtime for a window decoration:
string iconPath = DATADIR + "/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/appname.svg";
// do stuff with the icon
I am unsure how to go about obtaining DATADIR for this purpose. I could use relative paths, but then moving the binary would break the icon, which seems evident of hackery. I figure that there should be a special way to handle icons separate from general data, since people can install 3rd party icon packs. So, I have two questions:
What is the standard way of installing and using icons with autotools/C++/gtkmm?
Edit: gtkmm has an IconTheme class that is the standard way to use icons in gtkmm. It appears that I add_resource_path() (for which I still need the installation prefix), and then I can use the library to obtain the icon by name.
What is the general method with autotools/C++ to access the autotools installation prefix?
To convey data determined by configure to your source files, the primary methods available are to write them in a header that your sources #include or to define them as macros on the compiler command line. These are handled most conveniently via the AC_DEFINE Autoconf macro. Under some circumstances, you might also consider converting source files to templates for configure to process, but except inasmuch as Autoconf itself uses an internal version of that technique to build config.h (when that is requested), I wouldn't normally recommend it.
HOWEVER, the installation prefix and other installation directories are special cases. They are not finally set until you actually run make. Even if you set them via the configure's command-line options, you can still override that by specifying different values on the make command line. Thus, it is not safe to rely on AC_DEFINE for this particular purpose, and in fact, doing so may not work at all (will not work for prefix itself).
Instead, you should specify the appropriate macro definition in a command-line option that is evaluated at make time. You can do this for all targets being built by setting the AM_CPPFLAGS variable in your files, as demonstrated in another answer. That particular example sets the specified symbol to be a macro that expands to a C string literal containing the prefix. Alternatively, you could consider defining the whole icon directory as a symbol. If you need it only for one target out of several then you might prefer setting the appropriate onetarget_CPPFLAGS variable.
As an aside, do note that $(prefix)/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps is a nonstandard choice for the installation directory for your icon. That will typically resolve to something like /usr/local/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps. The conventional choice would be $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps, which will resolve to something like /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps.
In your, use the following
AM_CPPFLAGS = -DPREFIX='"$(prefix)"'
See Defining Directories in autoconf's manual.

KDevelop automatically inserts a space after # in #include <file.h>

I simply want to include a C++ header file in KDevelop by writing
#include <file.h>
However, KDevelop automatically corrects the above statement to
# include <file.h>
I have not been able to figure out where I can change this. I want the first version, such that my files are similar to the other files in the project I am working on.
The file is type set correctly as a C++ file. I think the reason for the extra space is that KDevelop wants to indent the line because it is inside a conditional, i.e. a include guard as given below:
#ifndef THIS_FILE_H
#define THIS_FILE_H
KDevelop also wants to indent the #define THIS_FILE_H line.
I have tried created my own indentation style by going to the Settings -> Customize KDevelop menu item, and then clicking on Source Formatter on the left. When defining the formatting style, I have disabled the indentation of preprocessor directives, nevertheless, it has no effect on the indentation of the #include and #define inside the include guard.
I know this is quite old but here is my advice, for future reference.
Go to Settings -> Configure KDevelop -> Code Formatter.
There you'll be able to see a dropdown the language you want KDevelop to format (C, C++, C#, Java, and whatever), the formatter ("Artistic Style" or "Custom Script Formatter") and a list of possible predefined styles plus buttons to customise your own.
Check whether you have selected one suitable predefined and try a few ones to see what happens.
KDevelop should stop adding the extra space after # include after this.
Question: does your KDevelop also adds a space after a #define as well?
Same Problem. So, I uninstall kate, then remove all config files in home directory whose name contains kate. Then I opened kdevelop and found nothing change. At last, Kdevelop->Settings->Open/Save->Modes&Filetypes, select Sources/C++ and Sources/C, change it to None, restart kdevelop. OMG, finally, the world is peace.
To conclude, the Sources Modes&Filetypes occur the problem.
The automatic spaces appear to be caused by the indentation mode, which (in KDevelop 4.7.1) you can switch for the current file via Editor -> Tools -> Indentation. If indentation is set to C++/boost Style, you'll get those weird automatic spaces while typing; while in mode Normal you only get the usual indentation at beginning of line.
The default indentation mode can be set in Settings -> Configure Editor -> Open/Save -> Modes & Filetypes. For each Filetype (eg. Sources/C, Sources/C++, Sources/C++11, Sources/C++11/Qt4) the Indentation Mode can be set independently.
KDevelop appears to remember the setting for files you have opened once; so for these files the new configuration settings have no effect. I don't know how to make KDevelop forget these per-file settings.

How to avoid symbols and source paths in iOS binary?

When I compile the release version of my iOS app (based on standard Apple supplied iOS app template), look into the resulting executable binary, I see all sorts of symbols and even local cpp source and header paths in there. I'm really stumped why this is (I haven't enabled RTTI*). Especially the source file paths make me feel uncomfortable sending this app across the globe (why should everyone be able to see the directory layout of my development machine?).
Here's are two (randomly picked, moderated) excerpts:
TS/../ACTORS/CActorCanvasCharPart.cpplastMeshcapVerticesOFF BOUNDSupload VERTICES: %d
And here are a lot of symbols for self-defined types and structs:
Can this be avoided, how?
*UPDATE: I just found out that RTTI is on by default. So I cleaned the target, disabled RTTI (GCC_ENABLE_CPP_RTTI = NO) and recompiled. I still see a lot of symbols and source paths in the binary.
UPDATE 2: I checked a few other apps from the app store, and many of them also have their source file paths show up. Pretty scary, if you ask me:
Joined Up Lite
/Users/lloydy/Documents/Development/iPhone/ABC Joined Up/main.m
/Users/lloydy/Documents/Development/iPhone/ABC Joined Up/Classes/SettingsView.m
Crayon Physics
Wall Times
Jumbo Calculator
/Users/Christopher/Documents/Development/JumboCalculator 1.0.3/main.m
/Users/Christopher/Documents/Development/JumboCalculator 1.0.3/Classes/CalculatorFaceViewController.m
The file paths are most likely from assert macros which stringify __FILE__ as part of their failure message. iOS's implementation of assert(3) does this, as do the NSAssert macros.
You can remove asserts in release builds by defining NDEBUG (for the C asserts) and NS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS (for NSAsserts).
In Xcode set Deployment Prostprocessing to Yes in order to trigger Xcode to call the strip command during build process. Then you don't see any source path via nm -a.
However, I still see the source paths of some m files via the strings command :/
What worked for me was setting Generate Debug Symbols to No for release builds. This is under the Apple LLVM 7.0 - Code Generation in Xcode 7.2.
Have ticked the strip debug symbols in the build settings? You can do this (or not) depending on the configuration (build/release). Also you can look into Objective-C Code Obfuscation (which is long winded). From what I gather, you cannot completely remove objective-c information as all method calls are done dynamically, so the library has to have information about your classes/method names in order to function. A useful tip here.
If you have c++ code then you can use the gcc strip utility, although I'm not sure how it like Objetive-C++, if it doesn't you could compile all you cpp into a lib, strip that and link against it in your iOS project.

Info.plist value as C++ #define

In a C++ iOS project (or any other Mac OS), is there a simple way of making a value available both to the Info.pList settings, and to the code in the form of a preprocessor macro?
Ideally, I would like to have something like this
C++ code:
#define MY_VERSION_STRING "1.0"
Or alternatively, is there a way of getting values from the .pList in c++? (Without manually parsing the .pList as xml.)
Probably not the best solution, but you could use the /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy utility in a build script to generate a .h file containing a define with a value extracted from the plist.
To output a value from a plist:
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :Path:To:Key' filename.plist
I know this has already been answered, but I'll add my two cents for posterity. As Richard mentioned above, Xcode has a couple of options for preprocessing Info.plist files -- the most relevant to the current question are "Preprocess Info.plist" and "Info.plist Preprocessor Prefix File".
If your version information is defined in, say ver.h, you can include ver.h as the prefix file and refer to the version macro directly from Info.plist.
This is all readily doable without involving PlistBuddy at all, entirely using build settings.
you create a user defined build setting for your project/target either in the Xcode UI or if you're familiar with xcconfig files you can define it there in a completely textual = form.
you create your setting MY_VERSION_STRING with a value of 1.0 as your build setting either in Xcode or in an xcconfig file.
in your Info.plist your CFBundleVersion line would have a value of ${MY_VERSION_STRING}
you turn on Info.plist preprocessing
lastly, make use of GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS build variable. for that build setting you can specify a value of MY_VERSION_STRING=${MY_VERSION_STRING} which will result in your defined and shared build setting definition available in to your c/c++/obj-c code as if you had created it as a #define
Property list can also store arrays or some binary data. How do you represent that? It is very domain-specific. So if you know exactly how do you want each type to be represented in C++, you have to either parse plist file and generate C++ code, be that preprocessor directives, or some code defining arrays, enums etc. There are PlistBuddy and plutil tools available, but they probably won't be much of a help. The easiest way for me would be to use perl, see Using Perl to Manage Plist Files for details.
Good luck!
In case anyone wants to do the same thing, this is the script I added to the target before the compilation phase:
VERSION=`/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :CFBundleVersion' Info.plist`
echo "#define VERSION_STRING L\"$VERSION\"" > Version.h
If you use #define..., you shoud use in the .plist key, MY_VERSION_STRING, and not ${MY_VERSION_STRING}. This works too with the "Info.plist Preprocessor Prefix File". In both cases don't forget to set "Preprocess Info.plist File".

Building multiple binaries within one Eclipse project

How can I get Eclipse to build many binaries at a time within one project (without writing a Makefile by hand)?
I have a CGI project that results in multiple .cgi programs to be run by the web server, plus several libraries used by them. The hand-made Makefile used to build it slowly becomes unmaintainable. We use Eclipse's "Internal Build" to build all other projects and we'd prefer to use it here too, but for the good of me, I can't find how to get Eclipse to build multiple small programs as result instead of linking everything into one binary.
Solution for this described there:
There is an excerpt:
Create a managed project (File > New C++ Project > Executable)
Add the source code containing multiple main() functions
Go to Project > Properties > C/C++ General > Path & Symbols > Manage Configurations
Make a build configuration for each executable and name it appropriately (you can clone existing configurations like Debug and Release).
From the project explorer, right click on each source file that contains a main() function > Resource Configurations > Exclude from Build and exclude all build configurations except the one that builds the executable with this main() function
All other code is included in all build configurations by default. You may need to change this depending on your application.
You can now build an executable for each main function by going to Project > Build Configurations > Set Active , Project > Build Project
Using Eclipse as your build system for production code seems like a bad idea in general. I think it's a great IDE and have used it extensively for both Java and C++ projects, but for a build system I firmly believe that Ant, make, and other dedicated build utilities are the way to go.
There are several reasons for this:
Dedicated build utilities offer the very flexibility you are looking for in generating multiple executable targets.
Ant and make support most conceivable arbitrary build process chains (though not quite all).
A dedicated build utility is likely to offer greater stability and backward-compatibility for build description file formats than an IDE tool like Eclipse. Also, I'm pretty sure that Eclipse's internal build feature is dependent on the ".project" file description, and the latter's format is probably not as stable as the build description format for either Ant or make.
General-purpose, basic build utilities are usually command-line-based, which makes it easy to integrate them with more sophisticated, higher-level build utilities for automated build management like Pulse, CruiseControl, etc.
The need that is motivating your question is telling you that it's time to make the switch to a better build tool.
There is a way to use buildconfigurations to create one binary (or shared library, in my case) from each build config. Using the answer above, this means to manually exclude all but the effective main file from each build config.
I just used the above answers to ease up working on my eclipse project that creates 14 shared libraries through 14 build configs. However, configuring the indivdual "exclude from build" setting was quite cumbersome, so I switched to using the following code relying on a preprocessor-directive as my complete main file:
/* Within
* Project | Properties | C/C++-Build | Settings
* | GCC C++ Compiler | Preprocessor
* set the following defined Symbol:
* _FILENAME=${ConfigName}
#define __QUOT2__(x) #x
#define __QUOT1__(x) __QUOT2__(x)
#include __QUOT1__(_FILENAME.cpp)
#undef __QUOT1__
#undef __QUOT2__
/* The above include directive will include the file ${CfgName}.cpp,
* wherein ${CfgName} is the name of the build configuration currently
* active in the project.
* When right clicking in
* Project Tree | (Project)
* and selecting
* Build Configuration | Build all
* this file will include the corresponding .cpp file named after the
* build config and thereby effectively take that file as a main file.
* Remember to exclude ALL ${CfgName}.cpp files from ALL build configurations.
Note that it does nothing else then include another .cpp file which's name is deduced from the preprocessor and a symbol that is set in the compiler options. The symbol is ${CfgName} and will be replaced by the current config name by eclipse automatically.
One does not need to configure, which file is included in which build config. Just exclude all ${CfgName}.cpp files in every build and include main.cpp in every build.
PS: the answer from hovercraft gave me the idea to have a main file that does not contain code on its own. If one includes shared code from the different effective main files ${CfgName}.cpp, working on their code may become infeasible because header files in main.cpp will not be visible in them.
I did this until yesterday, but maintaining the code with broken index etc. was a big pain.
PPS: this procedure currently breaks the automatic rebuild of the main file if only the included .cpp file was changed. It seems that eclipse does not recognize the changes in ${CfgName}.cpp (which is excluded from build). So a manual rebuild is required after every change. This is currently bugging me ;)