Non-permanent huge external data storage in C++ application - c++

I'm rewriting an application which handles a lot of data (about 100 GB) which is designed as a relational model.
The application is very complex; it is some kind of conversion tool for open street map data of huge sizes (the whole world) and converts it into a map file for our own route planning software. The converter application for example holds the nodes in the open street map with their coordinate and all its tags (a lot of more than that, but this should serve as an example in this question).
Current situation:
Because this data is very huge, I split it into several files: Each file is a map from an ID to an atomic value (let's assume that the list of tags for a node is an atomic value; it is not but the data storage can treat it as such). So for nodes, I have a file holding the node's coords, one holding the node's name and one holding the node's tags, where the nodes are identified by (non-continuous) IDs.
The application once was split into several applications. Each application processes one step of the conversion. Therefore, such an application only needs to handle some of the data stored in the files. For example, not all applications need the node's tags, but a lot of them need the node's coords. This is why I split the relations into files, one file for each "column".
Each processing step can read a whole file at once into a data structure within RAM. This ensures that lookups can be very efficient (if the data structure is a hash map).
I'm currently rewriting the converter. It should now be one single application. And it should now not use separated files for each "column". It should rather use some well-known architecture to hold external data in a relational manner, like a database, but much faster.
=> Which library can provide the following features?
It needs to be very fast in iterating over the existing data (while not modifying the set of rows, but some values in the current row).
It needs to provide constant or near-constant lookup, similar to hash maps (while not modifying the whole relation at all).
Most of the types of the columns are constantly sized, but in general they are not.
It needs to be able to append new rows to a relation in constant or logarithmic time per row. Live-updating some kind of search index will not be required. Updating (rebuilding) the index can happen after a whole processing step is complete.
Some relations are key-value-based, while others are an (continuously indexed) array. Both of them should provide fast lookups.
It should NOT be a separate process, like a DBMS like MySQL would be. The number of queries will be enormous (around 10 billions) and will be totally the bottle neck of the performance. However, caching queries would be a possible workaround: Iterating over a whole table can be done in a single query while writing to a table (from which no data will be read in the same processing step) can happen in a batch query. But still: I guess that serializing, inter-process-transmitting and de-serializing SQL queries will be the bottle neck.
Nice-to-have: easy to use. It would be very nice if the relations can be used in a similar way than the C++ standard and Qt container classes.
Non-requirements (Why I don't need a DBMS):
Synchronizing writing and reading from/to the same relation. The application is split into multiple processing steps; every step has a set of "input relations" it reads from and "output relations" it writes into. However, some steps require to read some columns of a relation while writing in other columns of the same relation.
Joining relations. There are a few cross-references between different relations, however, they can be resolved within my application if lookup is fast enough.
Persistent storage. Once the conversion is done, all the data will not be required anymore.
The key-value-based relations will never be re-keyed; the array-based relations will never be re-indexed.

I can think of several possible solutions depending on lots of factors that you have not quantified in your question.
If you want a simple store to look things up and you have sufficient disk, SQLite is pretty efficient as a database. Note that there is no SQLite server, the 'server' is linked into your application.
Personally this job smacks of being embarrassingly parallel. I would think that a small Hadoop cluster would make quick work of the entire job. You could spin it up in AWS, process your data, and shut it down pretty inexpensively.


DynamoDB Query in a tight loop or scan?

Here is my basic data structure (or the relevant portions anyway) in DynamoDB; I have a files table that holds file data and has an id for the file. I also have a 'Definitions' table that holds items defined in the file. Definitions also have an ID (as the primary key) as well as a field called 'SourceFile' that references the file id in order to tie the definition to it's source file.
Most of the time I want to just get the definition by it's id and optionally get the file later which works just fine. However, in some cases I need to get all definitions for a set of files. I can do this with a scan but it's slow and I know that it will get slower as the table grows and isn't recommended. However I'm not sure how to do this with a query.
I can create a GSI that uses the SourceFile field as the primary key and use that to query against. This sounds like an answer (and may be), however I'm not sure. The problem is that some libraries may have 5k or 10k files (maybe more in rare cases). In a GSI I can only query against 1 file ID per query so I would have to throw a new query for each file and I can't imagine it's going to be very efficient to throw 10K queries at DynamoDB...
Is it better to create a tight loop (or multiple threads) and hit it with a ton of queries or to scan the table? Is there another way to do this that I'm not thinking of?
This is during an indexing and analysis process that is expected to take a bit of time so it's ok that it's not instant but I'd like it to be as efficient as possible...
Scans are the most efficient if you expect to be looking for a majority of data in your database. You can retrieve up to 1MB per scan request, and for each unit of capacity available you can read 4KB, so assuming you have enough capacity provisioned, you can retrieve thousands of items in a single request (assuming the items are pretty small).
The only alternative I can think of is to add more metadata that can help you index the files & definitions at a higher level - like, for instance, the library name/id. With that you can create a GSI on library name/id and query that way.
Running thousands of queries is going to less efficient than scanning assuming you are storing on the order of tens/hundreds of thousands of items.

Data Storage and Retrieval in Relational Database

I'm starting a project- Mini Database System, basically a small database like MySQL. I'm planning to use C++, I read several articles and understood that tables will be stored and retrieved using files. Further I need to use B+ trees for accessing and updating of data.
Can someone explain me with example how data will be actually stored inside files,
For example I've a database "test" with table "student" in it.
student(id,name,grade,class) with some of the student entries. So how the entries of this table will be stored inside the file, whether it will stored in single file, or divided into files if later, then how ?
A B+Tree on disk is a bunch of fixed-length blocks. Your program will read/write whole blocks.
Within a block, there are a variable number of records. Those are arranged by some mechanism of your choosing, and need to be ordered in some way.
"Leaf nodes" contain the actual data. In "non-leaf nodes", the "records" contain pointers to child nodes; this is the way BTrees work.
B+Trees have the additional links (and maintenance hassle) of chaining blocks at the same level.
Wikipedia has some good discussions.

Data stores for aggregations of large number of objects identified by atttibutes

I have somewhat of an interesting problem, and I'm looking for data store solutions for efficient querying.
I have a large (1M+) number of business objects, and each object has a large number of attributes (on the order of 100). The attributes are relatively unstructured -- the system has thousands of possible attributes, their number grows over time, and each object has an arbitrary (e.g. sparse) subset of them.
I frequently have to perform the following operation: find all objects with some concrete set of attributes S and perform an aggregation on them. I never know S ahead of time, and so on every request I have to perform an expensive sweep of the database which doesn't scale.
What are some data store solutions for this kind of problem? One possible solution would be to have a data store that parallelizes the aggregations -- maybe Cassandra with Hive/Pig on top?
At this point, Cassandra + Spark is a likely candidate.
In a pure Cassandra world, you could (in theory) create a manual mapping of all possible S attributes to data objects, and then load those in via app and process (where the name of the S attribute is the partition key, the value of the S attribute is the clustering key, and the data object ID itself is another clustering key, that way you can quickly iterate over all objects with S attribute set).
It's not incredibly sexy, but could be made to work.

IRLBot Paper DRUM Implementation - Why keep Key, Value pairs and Auxiliary buckets separate?

I'm trying to implement DRUM (Disk Repository with Update Management) in Java as per the IRLBot paper (relevant pages start at 4) but as quick summary it's essentially just an efficient way of batch updating (key, value) pairs against a persistent repository. In the linked paper it's used as the backbone behind the crawler's URLSeen test, RobotsTxt check and DNS cache.
There has helpfully been an implementation in c++ done here, which lays out the architecture in a much more digestable way. For ease of reference, this is the architecture diagram from the c++ implementation:
The part which I'm struggling to understand is the reasoning behind keeping the (key, value) buckets and auxiliary buckets separate. The article with the c++ implementation states the following:
During merge a key/value bucket is read into a separate buffer and
sorted. Its content is synchronized with that of the persistent
repository. Checks and updates happen at this moment. Afterwards, the
buffer is re-sorted to its original order so that key/value pairs
match again the corresponding auxiliary bucket. A dispatching
mechanism then forwards the key, value and auxiliary for further
processing along with the operation result. This process repeats for
all buckets sequentially.
So if the order of the (key, value) buckets need to be restored to that of the auxiliary buckets in order to re-link the (key, value) pairs with the auxiliary information, why not just keep the (key, value, aux) values together in singular buckets? What is the reasoning behind keeping them separate and would it be more efficient to just keep them together (since you no longer need to restore the original unsorted order of the bucket)?
On merge-time DRUM loads the content of the key/value disk file of the respective bucket and depending on the operation used checks, updates or check+updates every single entry of that file with the backing datastore.
The auxiliary disk file is therefore irrelevant and not loading the auxiliary data into memory simply saves some memory footprint while sorting which DRUM tries to minimize in order to process the uniqueness of more than 6 billion entries. In case of f.e. the RobotsCache the auxiliary data can be even some 100kb per entry. This is however only a thesis on my own, if you really want to know why they separated these two buffers and disk-files you should probably ask Dmitri Loguinov.
I've also create a Java based DRUM implementation (also a Java-based IRLbot implementation), but both might need a bit more love though. There is also a further Java-based Github project called DRUMS which extends DRUM with a select feature which was used to store genome codes.

Container for in-memory representation of a DB table

Let's say I have a (MySQL) DB. I want to automate the update of this database via an application, that will:
1. Import from DB
2. Calculate updated data
3. Export back updated data
The timing is important, I don't want to import while calculating, in fact I don't want any queries then; I want to import (a) table(s) as a whole, then calculate. So, my question is, if a row is represented with an instance of a class, then what container do I put these objects into?
A vector? A set? What about ordered vs. unordered? Just use what seems best for my case according to big O times? Any special traps to fall into here? Is this case no different than with data "born in memory", so the only things to consider besides size overhead are "do I want the lookup or the insertion to be faster" ?
Probably the best route is to use some ORM, but let's say I don't want to.
I've seen some apps use boost::unordered_set, and I wondered, if there is a particular reason for its use...
I use a jdbc-like interface as the connector (libmysqlcpp).
I do not think that the container you have to use can be guessed with so few information. It mainly depends of the data size, type and the algorithm you will run.
But my main concern over such a design is that it will quickly choke your network or your base and database. If you have a big table you'll:
select all the data from the table
retrieve all the data over the network
process on you machine part (some columns ?) or the entirety of the data
push the data over the network
update your rows (or erase/replace maybe)
Why don't you consider working directly on the mysql server ? You create your user defined function that work on the directly data, saving the network and even taking advantage of the fact that mysql is built to handle gigantic amount of data, quantity that an in-memory container is not built to handle.